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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @nawpan
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @nawpan

Hi, I have been posting some questions here and there but today I went to see my doctor and I got a diagnostic (kind of) so I'd like to share what my symptoms are after the first short of Pfizer and what the doctor said.

May 21 - Pfizer shot, has some itchiness all over body but subsided after an hour or two, then pain in the injection site for 2 days.  Four days later I started to develop a headache that lasted for 3 days.  From Day 6 to today this is what I'm having. 

- Numbness/tingling/vibrations are on both legs and feet (worse when I got up from sitting).  Sometimes after I just woke up.

- Numbness on my fingers (more left hand) and sometimes hands, and (rarely) forearms.

- My legs (thighs) feel burn and tired after walking up stairs (basement to main floor).

- Dizziness (start about Day 10), more like disequilibrium to the right side especially when sitting down working or playing piano.   

- left eye twitching

- I used to have a lot of pin and needles and now it's subsided.

Finally got to see my doctor in person today (had a phone call before and he was not worried).  He said the result of my blood work is great.  He did some physical testing and he thinks I have carpal tunnel syndrome on my left hand and slightly on my right.  Which I kind of agreed on that.  The strength of my legs feet hands arms are fine. However, when he tested dragging his finger under my feet, he knew something was not right on my right foot.  He think it has something to do with spinal cord or brain (this totally scared me).  So he refers me to a neurologist to have EMG test and he wants me to have CT scan for my brain (because of dizziness).  He's also confused why I got hyperreflexic on right foot when most of my symptoms are on left side.  He called "odd neurological symptoms to bilat legs, right clonus?  hyperreflexic?"

So I guess it's not all from anxiety like many people trying to tell me.  I was very healthy before and have no major health issue. I'm stress about what's happening and I'm glad to find this site.  I'm taking Vit D, C, and B-12.  Today I start taking Liposomal Glutathione and Quercetin (as some members have success in treating their dizziness).  I hope it will help with any inflammation (I hope it's temporary inflamed and will go away with time), fingers crossed.



Hi there. Just was curious how you are getting on? As you haven't posted anything Inna while Im hoping that means you are now recovered. Just wondering if all your symptoms particularly the buzzing, dizziness and pins and needles finally went away completely? Reading your post your symptoms are so much like mine. I'm nearly 3 months out from my first Pfizer vaccine. Symptoms are very very gradually easing off.

Hi there

Sorry for the late reply, no I still have buzzing sensation (not much of pin and needles anymore). However, I still have this internal vibration (similar to buzzing but stronger) that I feel mostly when laying down.  I have had this in the last few months after original symptoms gone. I went to EMG, MRI and everything came back normal except some wear and tear (normal for aging) but no sign of nerve compression.  So basically my doctor and neurologist don’t know why I still have these symptoms.

Thanks for getting back to me I appreciate it. As my pins and needles have been slowly subsiding I have also noticed these last few weeks that I have a full body internal vibration. I notice it mostly in the morning as soon as I wake up before I start to move. I've read a few of us on here are having it. I wish I knew what was causing it. It's not painful it's just bizarre. Never had it before my Pfizer vaccine!

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Posted by: @rainyday

Has anyone experienced debilitating fatigue and weakness along with their other symptoms? Since Thursday (the 11th), I have been so weak and exhausted. It's to the point I can barely get up for more than a couple of minutes. 

It's been six weeks since my second dose of Moderna and five weeks since the onset of symptoms. When will this ever end? 

I had glandular fever about twenty years ago. I had chronic fatigue for six months after it. I could only get up and about for a couple of hours in the morning before I had to crawl back to bed exhausted but sleep never made me feel refreshed. Our bodies are going through a lot of trauma trying to deal with the inflammation response from the vaccine so we must be patient and look after ourselves. Eat as clean as you can and avoid inflammatory foods. When I was suffering with post viral chronic fatigue syndrome from the glandular fever my doctor told me to consume lots of vitamin C daily and to not try and push myself as I will make my recovery time longer. I did make a complete recovery in the end but in the thick of it I felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Try to take it easy. 

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Same here and internal vibration really bothers me.

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Wrong vaccine dose given to kids. I hope they are all ok.

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Posted by: @nawpan


Same here and internal vibration really bothers me.

There is a little known condition that most doctors don't seam to believe, known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

Many of us on this forum have symptoms that mimic this. I'm wondering if some components in the vaccines have caused us to suffer a sensitivity to its ingredients?

I read somewhere online that internal vibrations can be a symptom of it. I wish I had bookmarked the page. I will have a search for it and if I can find it I will post the link. In the meantime here is a different but interesting article on MCS. Check out the symptoms and see if they sound familiar...

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Thank you for posting this.  I also think anxiety has something to do with my symptoms as well.  It’s been almost 6 months for me now with neurological effects and now winter is here and it doesn’t help at all.  I felt much better when I went out and exercise and did stuff. Now where I live, if you’re not fully vaccinated, you hardly have any freedom.  I think this also upsets me a lot and doesn’t help with my symptoms.  I had EMG, MRI, full blood works and every came back normal.  My doctor can’t say it’s from vaccine and can’t say it’s not from vaccine.  He tended toward to from the vaccine though because strand symptoms happened 6 days after the shot.  I am start meditating and I hope this will help.

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@lmkk Thank you so much. It's worrisome, as I seem to get new symptoms every couple of days. Not knowing what's next or how long this is going to last is scary. I'd be able to tolerate this far better if I knew that the symptoms would subside by the six-month mark - and/or if more was known about it. Your answer gave me hope. 

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I have some allergies (indoor, food, antibiotics, antivirus medicines) and I wonder this is how my body responding to the vaccine.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Natalie_CA

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Posted by: @marieski858

@medee Well for me the worst symptom was anxiety which I’ve never had before and the medications they prescribed all had anxiety as a side effect so that’s the main reason I didn’t want to take any of them. I would rather help heal my body and give it what it needs with food as medicine and supplements rather than just mask my symptoms with medication with harsh side effects…plus big pharma is how we got into the mess I didn’t want to give them a penny more and take their crap drugs! 

All tests ruled out nothing, heart monitor and ekg had a few off beats but they could've been anxiety related, my blood pressure and cholesterol are high (I’m not overweight and eat healthy and exercise) all blood work was normal but they don’t run the correct blood work like amino acids and vitamins (they only run like 8 vitamins, the body utilizes like over 40 plus!), it’s insane. so I believe they were vaccine related also…crazy…

Didn’t test for inflammation because I think we all already know and feel we’re inflamed, they’d just prescribe steroids or some other med that I wouldn’t want to take…I’m feeling much better now so I think time patience and diet are the needed, it sucked though big time…everyone just needs to do what they need to get through it, healing for all!

So you haven't taken any mediation at all? 

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@medee Nope none, every time I took Benadryl, Aspririn or Advil or Zyrtec thinking it would help I usually had a bad reaction, the buzzing in my nerves felt worse or I felt much more anxious. Most medications need to be processed through the liver and kidneys and on an already stressed system for me it made things worse not better, same goes for prescriptions that doctors prescribe us not even knowing what’s wrong with us, it’s shameful. That’s all they seem to know how to do, if you really want some good medical advice go see a functional medicine doctor or naturopath 

But medication might help some people and help to take the edge off of symptoms, I relied more on quality nutrition to give the body what it needed to do it’s thing and some supplements for support but no meds for me

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Posted by: @ohjason

I've been in a bad relapse since I've taken that aspirin. I just want this shit to end man....

Hi Jason, do you mind me asking what symptoms the aspirin caused you? I've noticed that it makes my dizziness worse lately.😏

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@nawpan For a quick list of known vaccine reactions, from VAERS,  by brand;    Scroll down to the list, breathe deep, it's kinda difficult.

I try to show it to folks who are still wondering what is happening to them.

For protocols for all situations, see



KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hi, nothing new to report I'm afraid, migraine from hell today, putting it down to the spag bol with garlic overload I had yesterday. 😏Dizziness persists along with the headaches. Feels like I'm going crazy at times. I've tried so many medications and supplements over the past 8 months but nothing seems to work. As a last resort, I'm going to try vitamin B2 next as a preventative cure for migraines, read about it online. If that doesn't work it's back to the doctor to request migraine treatment. I've had migraines for years but nothing like this. This is more like vestibular migraine. They got worse after the first vaccine but I seem to be living in one continuous migraine hell these past couple of months. My booster was due later this month, I cancelled it. I was hoping for a better Christmas this year but now I'm not so sure.

So encouraging to read some positive stories here, really pleased for you. Best wishes all.🙏

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I wanted to check in with the other long-termers.  It has been almost 9 months since my vaccine damage.  
The severity of my headache, brain fog, and vertigo symptoms have decreased by approximately 50% through acupuncture, but I believe I have reached my maximum benefit through this therapy.  The symptoms are still nagging as I have not found traditional specialists and their prescriptions as helpful.  
I have researched and found positive recovery stories from ivermectin prescription protocol for long haulers.  Do any of you have positive success stories to share from this treatment?

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Has CBD oil help anyone with dizziness, vertigo, brain fog after the vaccine?

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