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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @judes

@thenystagmus Check out Cooksey/Cawthorn link below. It helped me tremendously with all my symptoms 22 years ago. These are for vestibular rehab so if that's your issue, they will help retrain your brain.

A Warning (and I'm not a medical professional of any kind, just someone with a history and diagnosis of Meniere's Disease): Doing these will trigger symptoms, so beware, don't start on these if you're weak (I overdid it last week, so had to take break) or too shaky. These have been around a LONG time and helped me when literally nothing else did. No, I don't know if you have Meniere's, but it does sound like you are having vestibular issues and these will help.

Wishing you the best!

Thanks judes! I just recently "graduated" from over 3 months of weekly therapy sessions with an excellent vestibular physical therapist. I received updated exercises each week from my therapist, tailored to my progress. Along with you,  I can heartily recommend doing vestibular therapy. Before I started it, I had plateaued and was relapsing into episodes of my initial severity of symptoms. You're right, doing the vestibular exercises will trigger symptoms, but that's what it took for my brain to learn to compensate for my injury. I'm still injured, but most of the time my brain has learned how to work around it. My vestibular PT told me to assess my level of symptoms, say if I was at 4/10, to not trigger my symptoms to increase more than 2 points, say to 6/10. I did what exercises I could tolerate twice each day. (Ok, I took Sundays off ☺️) I really don't think I would be experiencing the recovery I am without having done that.

Wishing you well also! 😏🙏

This just makes my day! I am SO happy to hear this. I'm afraid I'm still too weak to really get started, but I am trying to just stand without falling and that eaves me exhausted. But I only had my jab on Oct 7 and as frustrated as I am, I know time is on my side. Actually, after reading of your progress, I can't wait to get started!

I hope you just keep getting better!

Judes 🙏

Gloria M, Chomer86, DrL and 5 people reacted
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@callie I had severe insomnia starting the night after I took the vax in March. I suffered hell for a good 5 months at which point it showed signs of slow recovery. I am at 8 months now and happy to report that it is close to 90% better. I do have occasional night trouble falling asleep or waking up early. If yours is anything mine, you are very close! Hang in there! As far as vision, I have floaters that never had them and are very annoying still after 6 months. 

Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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@bowie hey Bowie,

sorry for my late reply. I am feeling 95% better. Most part of the day I hardly notice anything. 
5 months after Jab now

what helped is relaxing in nature, meditation, lots of rest and lots of water.


good luck! 

DrL and DrL reacted
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hi all

I made some posts earlier and was reading through the comments. Unfortunately I am seeing hardly any recovery stories, so decided to come back and share mine. Had my first and only jab June 16th. Today feeling 95% better. Only thing I still notice is a slightly elevated hearth beat but not even every day. The reason not a lot of ppl are coming back here to share is because we all just want to leave this horrible period behind. 
what helped was rest, lots of water intake, meditation, walks in nature and vitamin intake (c, d, omega 3, zinc). Also try to reduce screen time!

Be patient even though it’s hard and just remember that you will ALL be fine at some point!!! Trust me. 

good luck! Xoxo

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@medee having some vision issues now as well as feeling a little off with the vision. I think if I can get the vision issues under control I would probably be at 90%…currently I fluctuate throughout the day between 70-80%. Sleep makes a huge difference and eating habit. Zero alcohol, and I need to get back onto a low histamine diet. I am able to workout when I have the energy. Some days I don’t feel like I have energy but that could be from the new prescription I am on of fluvoxamine and pravastatin to lower the inflammation from the vaccine.

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Posted by: @callie

Hello. Does anyone still have insomnia after 4 months? Also is anyone here experiencing neurological and visual issues like visual snow and migraine aura? I am just hoping it will go away with time. 

These are all known reactions, reported to VAERS; I find that too hard to navigate, so I use this site to see vaccine reactions by brand;  

Choose the jab you had, scroll down and see all the reactions reported, breathe deeply, not easy to see.   This aspect of the site if free, but it is a commmercial site that sells other analysis. 

You are so not alone in your reactions, especially when you consider that 1%-10% (depending on who you ask) of problems even get reported, so the numbers are understood to be underreported. 

Personally, my partner had very severe vision issues that caused her to get a full eye exam.  She called it WAVY VISION and it came with a headnband type headache that was unlike what she had ever had before.  Nothing was found, and the wavy vision has subsided, but it was very scary for her. 

RE treatments, the Long Haul Covid treatments at FLCCC alliance are also used for vaccine injuries, here at     again scroll down to a 3 page pdf for patients.

That site is full of good info and treatements, full of other protocols and info for your doctor treating Covid.    Best

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Posted by: @judes
Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @judes

@thenystagmus Check out Cooksey/Cawthorn link below. It helped me tremendously with all my symptoms 22 years ago. These are for vestibular rehab so if that's your issue, they will help retrain your brain.

A Warning (and I'm not a medical professional of any kind, just someone with a history and diagnosis of Meniere's Disease): Doing these will trigger symptoms, so beware, don't start on these if you're weak (I overdid it last week, so had to take break) or too shaky. These have been around a LONG time and helped me when literally nothing else did. No, I don't know if you have Meniere's, but it does sound like you are having vestibular issues and these will help.

Wishing you the best!

Thanks judes! I just recently "graduated" from over 3 months of weekly therapy sessions with an excellent vestibular physical therapist. I received updated exercises each week from my therapist, tailored to my progress. Along with you,  I can heartily recommend doing vestibular therapy. Before I started it, I had plateaued and was relapsing into episodes of my initial severity of symptoms. You're right, doing the vestibular exercises will trigger symptoms, but that's what it took for my brain to learn to compensate for my injury. I'm still injured, but most of the time my brain has learned how to work around it. My vestibular PT told me to assess my level of symptoms, say if I was at 4/10, to not trigger my symptoms to increase more than 2 points, say to 6/10. I did what exercises I could tolerate twice each day. (Ok, I took Sundays off ☺️) I really don't think I would be experiencing the recovery I am without having done that.

Wishing you well also! 😏🙏

This just makes my day! I am SO happy to hear this. I'm afraid I'm still too weak to really get started, but I am trying to just stand without falling and that eaves me exhausted. But I only had my jab on Oct 7 and as frustrated as I am, I know time is on my side. Actually, after reading of your progress, I can't wait to get started!

I hope you just keep getting better!

Judes 🙏

The really good thing about vestibular physical therapy is that your doctor doesn't have to be willing to make admission that your vestibular issues resulted from a Covid vaccine injury. You're right, this is standard protocol, has been around for a long time, is well-documented to aid in vestibular recovery, whatever reason you're having these issues. I changed my insurance after this started to reduce my out of pocket expenses and had to change my primary medical prescriber, but both times I asked for a therapy prescription, it was readily given. It's not a quick fix, nor is it pleasant, as you know, so when you progress to where you can do it, it takes rigorous daily discipline to keep doing it. I could find anything else I'd rather do, but having my next appointment with my therapist coming up gave me accountability and helped me keep at it. 

Although the best approach is to have your therapy tailored by ongoing visits with a vestibular physical therapist, if someone wants to know more about it, including suggested exercises, there are articles on the information side of VEDA that can be searched for by clicking on the VEDA logo on the top left side of any page. 

You've been through this before and your experience and mine can give others reason to hope that this can be really helpful. I hope you start feeling better again soon! 😏🙏

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@sfbayareavaccine Hey there. You are the first to mention ear thumping. I have that as well. Did that go away for you?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@jaydev55 for the most part…it seems that when I say a symptoms had gone away, it seems to show back up at some point.. very frustrating 

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Posted by: @alliecottrill


Great! After 3 months all of the side effects went away. My periods resumed and hot flashes are gone. Definitely vaccine-related. 

Glad to know! Did you not have any other symptoms?

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Posted by: @priyaraghu

My second dose was on May 6th .. After that i started experiencing every other symptoms increased heart rate , panic attacks , shortness of breath .. been to multiple doctors , cardiologists all tests came back normal .. I started getting better over the weeks .. all symptoms vanished .. but over last ten days I have this extreme fatigue and chest heaviness .. think symptoms are relapsing .. anybody experiencing this ? 

Are you from India? Are you feeling better these days?

Do use the QUOTE option when you respond.

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@jaydev55 I also have ear thumping! It’s hard to describe, but my left ear sorts of thumps or vibrates sometimes when I’m hearing. Is that the case for you?

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Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @jeank

@isismadec The same thought has crossed my mind several times, naturally, inducing angst. The approach I've adopted with regard to this is optimistic, albeit a tad bit romanticised:

We were given poison, that much is certain. But instead of letting it be a silent killer, our amaziny ferocious bodies recognised it at first sight and are waging epic battles to push it out, causing some collateral damage. And our bodies will win. And we'll never accept another shot. And we'll get lasting immunity nevertheless.

Sorry, I've started reading this self-help book, trying to change my outlook to not be so catastrophic all the time. Might already be functioning 🙂 


What is the book?  Perhaps there are others who would find it helpful.

Yes, what book is it?


Do quote while replying 

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Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @nant


I have been feeling the exact same as you! My vision has been kind of blurry the past 3 months, where it is difficult to focus on things. It is like the sharpness of my vision is not there anymore, and it is definitely worse when I step out of the house. It feels like I am not present at all and that I am tipsy or something. It also seems to be worse when I am on the time of the month.

I am planning to book a VEPs test to check the nerves behind the eyes, has anyone else tried that?

I can relate to what you're describing. I had vertigo and nystagmus initially and during some relapses, and occilliscopia, where everything in my visual field vibrated.

Didn't do VEPs, but I did a full battery of other vestibular tests at a rehab hospital. I was told I had VOR (vestibular-ocular reflex) dysfunction and was prescribed vestibular physical therapy. I went to sessions for 3+ months, did prescribed exercises twice daily at home and just recently "graduated".  I'm not 100% visually recovered, but it helped me immensely!


Thanks for sharing your experience of vision problems. I just googled occilliscopia and it pretty much seems to be what I'm experiencing. Three different doctors and two OCT scans have revealed nothing. One doctor thought occular migraine but I didn't have all the symptoms. I'm waiting to see a neurologist so I will see what they can find before asking them about it. Did you experience flashes of light and eye stabbing pain as well? I have been getting seriously worried about it. It bothers me more than the constant pins and needles I think because it's impossible to ignore unless I sit with my eyes closed. How long did your episodes last before subsiding?

Once again thanks for sharing such valuable information. 🙏

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Has anyone with any heart issues since the vaccine been able to get back to working out at the gym and exercising. I started to a couple of months in but it just gave me incredible dizziness and chest pain. Now nearly 5 months in and mostly better except slight chest pains and weird heart beats 

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