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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @anonymoose
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @tarx

@medee yeah I feel the same! Really warm to touch and feverish symptoms then feel back to normal after a while! 

I sometimes feel all of us with side effects are going to turn into some super heroes fr.🤣🤣🤣🤣

With some super natural powers. Just imagine how cool will it be that all the pain and health issues vanish all of a sudden with no relapses, only to make us super strong super heroes!😎🔥😁

There world will regret not getting the side effects.🤣 I'll fly and pee on people who didn't believe it was a side effect. This is the 1st thing I'm gonna do once I get the super powers.🤣😂🤣

Don't mind, I'm just going crazy! I am fed up of my symptoms so I sometimes have some weird imagination. But it sounds cool. What if it turns true!🤩 

We deserve all the love and respect for what we're going through silently coz nobody wants to hear our pain.

But you do have superpowers. I'll reveal one of them to you right now, free of charge.

You can turn on a lightbulb just by touching the electrical contact to your jab site. 💡

Your dream of flying and indiscriminately peeing on innocents may not be too far out of reach.

You don't have to speak out of context. We're already suffering.

Also I spoke about people who didn't wanna believe about the side effects. Anyways, peace!✌

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@dmac01515 Thank you SO much for sharing such great news! I am so happy for you. I am gradually getting better but it is such a long slow slog and I'm not sure I'll have a career to return to having taken the last 7 weeks off, but....

Wishing you all the best and thanks for letting us know and giving the rest of us hope!

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Posted by: @sxg196
Posted by: @wolf1476

Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?

I completed my 2 vaccines in mid June 2021 ( Pfizer) and in August I had a vertigo attack like no other I've experienced before.  Back 7 years ago I had trouble with vertigo but nothing since then until now.  This vertigo attack made me so dizzy and sick to my stomach and lasted about 3 hours.  After than I never experienced another until this month ( November 2021) and I am still experiencing dizziness and vertigo.  It isn't as bad as the first one but still enough that I'm a bit unbalanced and having difficulty sleeping with the dizziness.  I find it strange I would go for years with nothing and since my vaccine it has reared its ugly head again.  Same thing is happening with my A-fib.  Went an entire year with no A-Fib and in the past few months since getting my vaccinations I've had 4.  Has anyone else experienced this?

I wish I had the energy to write all I have been through from the vaccines but if you care to look, it's all here. I went 22 years without a single Meniere's symptom and here I am now...6 weeks after my 3rd jab and still sick with Meniere's (!) and no, I do not think it's a coincidence!  I had instant tinnitus and imbalance/vertigo with each jab but recovered pretty quickly from the first two. When I had the 3rd (Moderna) on Oct 7, I stood up from the vaccine and my ears were screaming with that high-pitched whistling and severe imbalance. I haven't been the same since. Yes, I'm a bit better, but nowhere near my "old self" and still unable to work.

Wishing you all the best....


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@bowie I had a burning sensation type of headache in September (back of the head) and it lasted for about almost two weeks. 

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Hello everyone, 

I just came back from seeing a neuro ophtalmologist and I just wanted to share how it went.
My vision issues are : light sensitivity, eye floaters, blurry vision, shaky vision and eye pain. 
After dilating my eyes she noticed that I had elevated nerves. She said it could be the structure of my eyes or I could have a condition that causes « swollen nerves ».? Not sure what it could be…

Gloria M, DrL, KitKat and 3 people reacted
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Sorry I forgot to add that she said it might be the structure of my eyes or a condition called optic nerve drusen…I guess the tests will confirm. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hello all,

I took the 1st shot of Phizer back in april and started experiencing dizzines and neck/back of head stiffness the very next day. I did not get the next one. However now I may need to get the second dose given i need it to travel (per mandates). eg: 1st does Phizer and second of say Moderna or J&J. Has anyone tried getting a different second dose and has it led to no side-effects as compared to the first one. While am not 100% back to normal even today but thing have been on the manageable side. thanks 

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Posted by: @gloriam


Dang that’s the pitts but I totally understand and feel the same. Eights months post second PF I have absolutely no confidence in walking and have tried vestibular therapy. Albeit I did not have a good therapist, it did virtually nothing. Also I have hot spots in my left leg that come and go plus a hot spot on my left arm exactly where both injections were that comes and goes every day for the last couple of months. Combined with an increase to daily migraine auras plus flashing heartbeats in my eyes and moderate headaches daily, I’m a basket case and totally fed-up. I need answers, but it doesn’t appear anyone has them or they are being paid off to keep silent or just not willing to buck the establishment. I’m not an antivaxer but have been damaged and want someone to fess up to this awful crime to humans and I want docs to take our state of health seriously. 
Hope you and all of us recover, but at this point have little hope. We will have to make some improvement however. ❤️

You are the first person who has described the "flashing heartbeats" I have noticed with this month long flare up of symptoms and non stop low grade headache, alongside my other vision problems i can "see" my pulse in my eyes. I know exactly what you mean. 

Tabby, Gloria M, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @sara90

Hello everyone, 

I just came back from seeing a neuro ophtalmologist and I just wanted to share how it went.
My vision issues are : light sensitivity, eye floaters, blurry vision, shaky vision and eye pain. 
After dilating my eyes she noticed that I had elevated nerves. She said it could be the structure of my eyes or I could have a condition that causes « swollen nerves ».? Not sure what it could be…


I'm suffering from eye pain and shaky vision too. Did she say if the swollen nerves would settle down on their own eventually? I've only had this issue since my first Pfizer so I strongly believe that's what caused it. My OCT scan didn't show any signs of inflammation in my nerves but given the state of my nerves in the rest of my body with burning pins and needles I suspect it's caused by inflammation in my brain or eyes. Have you been given anything to treat the swollen nerves?

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Posted by: @atp223

@tabby I remember you from the spring 😭. I’m sorry you are still having issues. Taking benfotiamine really helped me start on the road to improvement. I started in May. It is turned into vitamin B1 in your body or something. I also started doing the Botox protocol for migraines and that’s amazing. Finally, I found an ophthalmologist who actually found some thing wrong with my eyes and now I am in vision therapy. Reading was a huge migraine trigger for me after the shot, but also there was some thing else going on because my head just hurts so much the first few months. 

I’m in vision therapy now and it’s really helping. The Botox starting to wear off about three weeks ago, and they headaches for more frequent, but I started the vision therapy and I’m actually reading without much pain now. And I haven’t had a migraine since August, and it was just one quick one, and before that it was June or July. In addition to the benfotiamine, I also take 400 mg of B2 and 400 mg of magnesium every night.


I hope your head heals up soon.

Hi, gosh we've been here a while haven't we? 😒 Spring sounds like a lifetime away when you think we have Christmas around the corner. 

I'm happy for you that you have your migraines under control, I hope you continue to make good progress with your vision therapy.

I too went to a recommended opthalmologist who told me my eyes were healthy and he couldn't see any problems. Like you, I think the headaches and dizziness prompted me to go because I felt something was not right.

I've been migraine free for two days now and I have been taking magnesium and vit b2 also. I will bear vit b1 in mind. I believe it is known to migraine sufferers that these help to prevent migraines. Dizziness hasn't been too bad either, it seems a lot of my dizziness came with the migraines. I am not completely better but I have improved. I still get foggy headed and a kind of spaced out feeling when out walking but that could be anxiety, not sure.

Thanks for giving us an update on your good progress, it's great to hear from someone with good news!

Best wishes😊🙏

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@gv186 Where can I find information about the COV vax attacking the dormant virus in my body.  I am 2 months out from a diagnosis of vestibular neuritis/labrynthitis and just now am able to come back to work.  There are parts of my job I still cannot do (assisting in surgery) I've lost income and so much more from this vax.  Not something I wanted in my body in the first place but forced to collect a paycheck.  I received the J and J. 

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@lmkk she hasn’t mentioned if they would settle down or not. She said it could be the way my eyes are structured or optic nerve dursen. When I Google « elevated eye nerves » I found a condition called Papilledema and it really describes the symptoms we are having..blurry, flickering, hazy vision etc. 

I still have more tests to get done and she will be able to diagnose/prescribe me something. For now, she only prescribed a gel and eye drops for my dry eyes. 

Have you seen an ophtalmologist yet? 

KitKat, Tabby, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @leem

Has anyone had similar issues after 1st dose of Pfizer and then had a 2nd dose? I’ve had chest pain and chest tightness, random pains particularly in left calf, pins and needles, numbness, warm sensation throughout parts of my body, dizziness and generally just feeling ‘off’ like something isn’t right. I was fit and healthy prior to the vaccine, active and exercising 6 days a week. 
The chest pains and chest tightness started about 4 days after 1st dose. 
GP first suspected pericarditis, but bloods, ecg and echocardiogram results were all fine. Have been advised by Cardiologist that it’s fine to get the 2nd dose in a couple of weeks, but based on what?? He said they have no idea why so many people are having chest pains! GP not interested and it seems that others have had the same experience. It seems the medical experts recommend 2nd dose regardless of adverse reactions, including chest pain. Also have vaccine mandate for work. Had 1st dose nearly 3 weeks ago. Chest pain isn’t as severe which is good, but I really don’t feel comfortable about getting another dose after feeling this way. Have also been told I could get the AstraZeneca instead, but who knows what could happen with that too. They are just guessing with no care for the risks or consequences. 

What sort of chest pain is it? 

I am feeling some sort of nerve pull in my chest with a shooting pain while it happened.

Anything similar? Can anyone help.

Pls hit on the quote option when replying 

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@tabby I’m glad you are improving too! 

My normal optometrist and the first ophthalmologist said everything was fine, but the latter referred me to a very highly regarded neuro-ophthalmologist. He said I had minor neuro-ocular disfunction, but did not think I needed to do anything besides continue vestibular PT. It was only three months later, in September, that I sought out the one who did evaluations for vision therapy, and it was HER who finally figured it out.

so the moral is, just because someone says your eyes are normal does not mean that they are lol.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@medee I am here to give EVERYONE an update after 6 months of COMPLETE suffering for those who are looking for hope and are suffering, wondering if it will ever end. YES. I didn’t believe it also when I was dealing with all of this. But there is an end to the suffering. I went through so much, I have seen 3 neurologists, 7 ophthalmologists, 1 infectious disease specialist, 2 cardiologists, 2 family doctors, 2 Nuro ophthalmologists, had 6 MRI’s, went twice to the ER… my heart rate was fast, my eyesight was bad, serious brain fog and cognitive issues, pins and niddle feeling in my legs, back pain , and buzzing in my ears. Spent so much money on tests and was on a death bed mentally. There were times that I was suicidal. Thought that my life was over. Couldn’t take care of my kids. Panic attacks brought me to the darkest moments of my life. I didn’t want to be left alone for even a second. All I wanted and prayed for was to be able to leave a normal life. My mom had to fly from Israel to help me and my family. She kept telling me to be positive but it was hard because I just didn’t think that it would ever end. I have to tell you - if you are going through the same thing, know that this is temporary. I promise you. It is. Try to stay positive. 
here are the things that helped me :
steroids ( I took prednisone to treat inflammation in my body as soon as I started having severe symptoms). Total of 600 mg 

Vitamin D 

bitamin c and iron ( if you are lacking energy you need to check your ferritin level. Mine was 2 when it needs to be 50 because vaccine wiped out my iron storage. You can become anemic because of that. 

omega 3 


Strict diet- only proteins, greens, no sugars, no gluten , no alcohol, no dairy… lots of fluids. 
lots of ginger, garlic, lemon( I actually made a paste out of it and took a spoon 3 times daily ) 

make sure to have support around you and remind yourself that this is temporary and that you have to stay calm and positive. You will come out on the other side, and when you do, you will be a different person. 
you will not complain about things that are unimportant 

you will appreciate the smallest things 

you will learn who is worth your time and who wouldn’t 

you will know who are your real friends 

you will be stronger than you were before and you will relearn faith! 
keep on fighting, and keep a positive mind set , because your subconscious is a powerful tool, use it ! 
I promise you - I was one of you just few weeks ago… just ride it, knowing that this is just a part of your journey, and there is a reason why this happened to you… 

wishing all of you a speedy recovery ! 
if you need support , here is my number , 

I will try and help as much as I can ! 
you can do this!!!! You will win !!

Moran 832-638-5091 

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