- Hi, does anyone suffer from GI issues with extreme acidity and a lot of burping?
I've noticed I have developed acid reflux... something that I only previously experienced during pregnancy. I don't drink, smoke, eat spicy or fatty foods. I was a relatively clean eater before my vaccine and since the Vax I have been very health conscious focusing on an anti inflammatory clean diet. I believe it has been caused by the vax. Also had some mild gastrointestinal discomfort and pains at times.
It might be worth being tested for H.pylori as lots of burping and stomach issues are also caused by this bacteria. It's nothing serious to worry about my husband once had it and it was cleared with antibiotics.
Apologies in advance for the rant/vent post. Maybe skip if experiencing anxiety.
My neurologist diagnosed me with CNS Demyelination due to the COVID vaccine. In general, it's tough to find a doctor who will acknowledge these symptoms are a vaccine side effect and this guy did without hesitation. Yet, this doctor is also telling me that I need to proceed with getting the second shot. Okay... What?! I'm really confused. Guillain-barré is a Demyelinating syndrome that is listed as a side effect of the J&J vaccine. How am I not at increased risk for a Demyelinating syndrome when you just told me that I experienced a vaccine side effect which resulted in my immune system attacking my brain? I also told this doctor that my husband and I are trying to conceive after suffering a late pregnancy loss last summer and naturally I want to know how this side effect will affect both me and the baby if I were to experience it again. His response was that there is no data, that he is aware of, on pregnant mothers who suffered from this particular reaction while pregnant. He also said let's just hope it doesn't happen again. Again what?! So you want me to get a vaccine after already experiencing severe side effects (which you diagnosed me with) because maybe I'll be fine this time and hey, at least I won't get COVID? Look, I get it. COVID has ruined our lives and I don't want to get sick - especially while pregnant. But, doesn't the CDC recommend "talking to your doctor" to assess your personal risk factors? You know, because the general guidelines don't always apply at the individual level? I'm sorry, but COVID is not more of a threat to a woman (pregnant or otherwise) who works from home and hardly leaves the house than the vaccine when that woman already experienced side effects listed in the damn data sheet. Unbelievable.
It's such a stressful time. One doctor I spoke to thought I had a mild Guillian Barre variant. It's so depressing to be having these ongoing problems with no proper reassurances that they will go away with no long term damage. I've been living every day in a state of fear since all my symptoms began after my first Pfizer. I keep waking up wondering what new ailments will have popped up overnight and have my existing ones gone away. Total nightmare. Can anything be done for the CNS demyelination? I'm feeling your frustration I wish this would just all go away for us all.
If you are trying to conceive Pregnacare Preconception Multivitamins are very good for those with fertility issues. I can personally recommend them after falling pregnant 3 months after starting them after two years of trying without success.
Good luck to you.
It's been a while since I posted here, figured I'd post an update. First I want to apologize for disappearing and not answering your questions but I just had to step away from the forum for a while, because my anxiety got out of control.
Well, it's been almost 5 months now and I figured I'd be better or almost better by now, but I'm not. I still get daily headaches, head pressure and just feeling generally unwell. Everything is less intense and I'm able to do a bit more, but it's still nothing like how it was pre vax. I would say what worries me the most are the headaches that flare up when I try to do something mentally active, like play a video game or doing some that requires me to concentrate.
Mentally I've become very depressed, I've got moments where I do feel everything is coming around and will be fine but those are rare. I mostly feel frustrated, sad and afraid.
I'm sorry that I don't have better news, I hope my next post will be more uplifting.
PS. Have there been any new recovery posts, I could really use some positivity.
It's been a while since I posted here, figured I'd post an update. First I want to apologize for disappearing and not answering your questions but I just had to step away from the forum for a while, because my anxiety got out of control.
Well, it's been almost 5 months now and I figured I'd be better or almost better by now, but I'm not. I still get daily headaches, head pressure and just feeling generally unwell. Everything is less intense and I'm able to do a bit more, but it's still nothing like how it was pre vax. I would say what worries me the most are the headaches that flare up when I try to do something mentally active, like play a video game or doing some that requires me to concentrate.
Mentally I've become very depressed, I've got moments where I do feel everything is coming around and will be fine but those are rare. I mostly feel frustrated, sad and afraid.
I'm sorry that I don't have better news, I hope my next post will be more uplifting.
PS. Have there been any new recovery posts, I could really use some positivity.
Hiya I'm sorry to hear you are still suffering. I was hoping that you were doing so much better as I hadn't seen you post in a while. @myadan posted a great story of recovery a few days ago. She had been terribly poorly but came back to let us know that she is back to normal now.
@medee Yes, for the most part symptoms have dissipated but defintely not 100%. It took 2-3 months for the major issues to go away. After that, lingering issues for 4 more months. Now I have occasional slight vertigo at times and drinking alcohol and reading for too long is out of the question because it causes many of the symptoms to reappear. (The intense electrical feeling is brain in particular lasted about 2 months.) Thankfully I was able to obtain a medical exemption so do not have to get a 2nd shot at this time.
I see. Just wanted to know for the electric thing in your head did you do any tests for it since I too have had the same feeling.
I recently stumbled upon Life Extension's Cytokine Suppress supplement online and I'm curious if anyone has tried it? It has dozens of good reviews from people suffering from autoimmune illnesses that cause chronic inflammation - and even several reviews from people suffering from long-hauler COVID symptoms. I'm thinking of trying it!
I've been following this forum for about four months now and I appreciate the suggestions and support that have been provided to everyone suffering from vaccine side effects. I am male, in my late 40s, and otherwise healthy. I had the Moderna vaccine in March and my second jab in April. Within about two weeks I started getting vertigo. I had never experienced vertigo previously. It didn't matter what movements I made, the dizziness could hit me at anytime. I literally could be sitting on the couch watching TV and the room would start spinning. Twice the vertigo occurred while I was driving my car on the highway, once with my family on board. It seemed an impossibility that I should consider no longer driving.
I started taking Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin, and Liposomal Glutathione on a daily basis. I'm not certain how much these helped me. Perhaps they did lessen the severity of the vertigo spells a bit, but they did not eliminate them for me.
One tidbit I read on this forum was that my body needed time to eliminate the spike protein and that would take 3 to 6 months. At about month 3 or 4, it seemed the spells of vertigo were becoming less frequent.
At month 5, my vertigo went away!
It has been a long and impatient wait. Although that is a bit over 2 months ago, I'm a bit paranoid as to whether the vertigo is fully gone. However, there have been zero episodes since September 1. I've only experienced some light headedness, but that could be due to numerous factors. There has been no vertigo.
I'm posting for the first time because I want to let others know that there is hope! I will not be getting a vaccine booster shot for obvious reasons. Few people I know and who have seen what I've experienced question my decision.
I want to wish everyone a healthy recovery. And thank you to Veda for this forum. In the US, there is a silencing of this type of information for fear of vaccine hesitancy. But it is exactly this information that is needed so that we can address these issues going forward.
Just thought I would post a list of my symptoms I have been suffering from since my first Pfizer vaccine the first week of August for the benefit of newcomers to the site.
30 minutes after vaccine in left arm symptoms began including:
Numbness in left arm
Pins and needles in left arm
Over the following 24 hours this progressed to the whole left side of my body including face and scalp and was particularly strong in the left leg.
Over the following 48 hours this spread to the right side so that my whole body was engulfed in painful pins and needles including throat, tongue, nose, lips etc
Over the following fortnight I also developed severe pain in my bones.
Irrational anxiety
Electric shooting pains in my limbs
Very itchy spots that developed all over (like chicken pox but they didn't burst and crust over, the area where they had been was very painful to touch even weeks after the spots went away)
Random muscle twitching on and off in all body parts including tongue.
Numbness in arms.
Right leg numb and difficult to move when walking.
Gastrointestinal problems.
Stiff aching joints.
Joint swelling.
Burning sensation all over in my body ( felt like internal sunburn).
Veins in hands looked more prominent.
Four weeks later...
Pins and needles started to turn into a more tingling sensation.
Dizziness and brain fog began.
Started having stabbing pains in and around eyes particularly right.
Flashing of lights in eyes.
Nerve pain in teeth.
Most of these symptoms started to ease in severity around the weeks 6-8 but flare up each time I get run down and catch a cold.
Week twelve a bad flare-up began which I still have which includes:
Vision problems
Neuralgia like pain in right side of face nerves
Eye pain
Light sensitivity
"After image" in my eyes
Constant low grade headache for about a month
Occular migraine
Brain fog
Feel like I have a mild stutter at times
icy shooting pains in limbs at times
Post viral fatigue like exhaustion
Unexplained bruising and tender areas on legs and arms
Mild nausea
Pain in back of head
Pain in teeth
Muscle twitching under eyes and along chin.
The following current flare up coincided with a cold which I still have lingering symptoms of which include sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, head and ear pressure, feeling cold and shivery. Have done a couple of covid tests but all negative. First time I've had a mild cold last over a month. My symptoms are matching the milder covid symptoms that those who have been vaccinated experience however they are also pretty much the same as common cold.
Sorry for the long post just thought it could help somebody.
Hey everyone. I'm seeing a lot of comments of fear and anxiety. I get that. I do. But, time makes it better. I am better. I was super dizzy and sick with all the things for three months and two weeks and then I GOT BETTER. I do know it feels hopeless and the more I think back, the more I believe that is a side effect within itself. Like some people who have had Covid have a hard time coping. I know I did. And I felt the same despair after the vaccine, but I was much sicker after the vaccine. I never had dizzy spells with Covid alone. I think that the feeling if impending doom is a side effect. I felt it too, and I know every single thing you are feeling is real. It is. I felt it. Lots of others here have felt it. And we know that but still feel so very alone. Side effect. But for those in that spot, do not lose hope. Although I know it will be nearly impossible, do something to get your mind off of it. You are not crazy and you will get better. My muscles were super tight so I bought a neck massager. This one thing helped more than all the medication, doctor visits, tests, anything. It loosened my muscles enough to get some blood flow to my brain I think. I felt alot better, and this was daily massages for a few hours everyday, at least one hour, for weeks. It wasn't a cure all but it helped. And it took time. This happened to us. We are going to be ignored because the companies that gave us this are too well protected. They can't be held responsible for what they did to us, and we knew that. Very obvious no, isn't it? But nevertheless, you will get better. Guys, I got on a boat last month. And I was fine. You will come out of it. It just takes time. I hate reading all the scared posts because I was that post. So I feel compelled to try and encourage you all. It's gonna be okay. You don't need drugs. They don't help help. Take vitamins if you are deficient and then stop when you are not. They will not help. There is no cure. You have to heal. I took it it all. It was useless. Lower your anxiety however you can and give it time. You will be okay. Say it until you believe it. And neck and shoulder and back massages. My muscles seriously were noticeably swollen and super stiff to the touch.
Hi! What were you symptoms apart from muscle tightness? Did you do any tests?
How long did it take to recover? Were there any relapses? How are you these days.
Do use the QUOTE option when you respond. Thanks and take care.
Thank you for the quote option suggestion. I didn't even realize. Yes, my symptoms were vast. I had the tight muscles everywhere, mostly neck and shoulders. My lymph nodes on the entire left side of my body swelled and stayed that way for about three to four weeks. I had severe migraines. The migraines were bad. Really bad, but I had them after the first time I had Covid so I wasn't too concerned, but then the dizzy spells started. They were new. In between headaches and then instead of headaches. I had fullness in my ears, nose, and head, and a weird wetness in my ears. Not dripping but definitely wet. Pins and needles and roaming numbness. Especially in my hands to the point that they were sometimes useless. I had heart palpitations. I had a tight swollen feeling behind my eyes. TBH, my eyes still aren't like they were before. I had a ton of anxiety and feeling trapped. I had brain fog so bad I couldn't come up with the word for a broom while I was looking right at one. I didn't have the insomnia and I didn't throw up, but I was nauseous alot because of the dizzy spells. I did have tests. I went to the doctor, told them everything, they denied it could even be possible it was related to the vaccine, and diagnosed my with an ear infection with no sign of infection in my ear and with a perfect blood tests. I have had severe anemia to the point of blood transfusions, so when I say this blood test was perfect, it was perfect. Better than I have ever had, but I have never been sicker in my life. They wouldn't send me for any scans because my bloodwork was perfect, which is also how I know I didn't have an ear infection. It took three months and two weeks for the dizzy spells to break. Then I had a massive migraine. It lasted two days and I was sore after. I can honestly say it was the worst headache of my life and I was expecting to get dizzy afterwards, but I didn't. I did end up with an intestinal infection after that. It might have been the medication, Ivermectin, or it might have just been a random infection, but I was sent for a scan after that. My digestive track was inflamed throughout the entire thing. At this point, I was better though. No dizzy spells, no headaches. I was having vision problems and head pressure, but nothing like before. I was given antibiotics, a colonoscopy, and steroids for the gut infection and I feel sort of better. I have had GI issues for a while so I can't say if it was the vaccine or not or the ivermectin or not. I was pretty bad with that until about mid September. I don't know if I would call it a relapse because I can't say for sure it was even related. I am feeling better from that and all other symptoms have subsided. Occasional blurry vision and head pressure. Oh, and I had a stiff neck for a few days last week for which I used the neck massager. It was bad but it didn't get to that massive stiff and swollen level like before. I had some allergies because of the season change and I was so scared the dizzy spells would come back but I tried to meditate, not something I normally do, and calm down any anxiety and the dizzy spells did not start back. If I relapse, I will let you guys know. Thank you. You take care as well.
How long did it take for the palpitations to go back to normal heart rate? Did you do anything for that?
I have had chest pain post vax but it subsided. Then I went to a Neurologist and he gave me medicines. It was for nerve pain which was also an anti depressant. I shouldn't have taken it since it was for depression too. But since it is also prescribed for nerve pain, I took it. That night was the scariest night of my life. I had bad palpitations. I could hear myself breathe. Since then the palpitations have nevere gone. I took just one tablet on 15th Nov and then I stopped it but.... I still have issues.🥺
After 5 days, I had to visit a Cardio as it won't stop and I again started getting chest pain. He did an ECG, came back normal. BP was okay but the heart rate was high. I told him about the tablet and the side effect. Also told him about the vax to which he denied as usual.
I was on a 5 days medication for the heart. Though I felt better in the day, I did have episodes of palpitations at night but I ignored them. Now my medication is over. I am not taking any tablets for the chest or heart. I still have palpitations. Today in the day as well. Also have chest pain. I don't know what to do anymore.🥺
Sounds so scary. Sometimes the docs try their best but they don't listen worth a darn. I didn't have them as bad as you did though. I had very bad heart palpatations when I had anemia real bad so I know what it feels like when you lay down and your chest is just beating out of your body. The ones I had after the vaccine were no where near that level again, but the were there and noticeable. For me, they lasted for the three months and two weeks I was dizzy, and then on and off for a little while after that. I am trying to remember the last time I had them and I can't, so it's been a while. I usually remember if it was a few days or last week or something but I haven't had an episode in a quite a bit. I'm surprised they gave you any medication with a normal ekg. I would not take it again since you seem to have a bad reaction to it, but do try to lower your stress. It seems like the longer you worry, the longer it lasts. It was that way with me. All consuming until I made myself do things to take my mind off it and it didn't cure it but I did start to get better when I relaxed a little. You're gonna get better. You will. Whenever you have an episode, take some deep breath and tell yourself you're gonna get better. It helps some.
@seemamkhrj Thank you for your swift reply. I remember you telling us your stories of caring for your daughter while undergoing these post vaccine issues. What a weight you carried on yourself for some time. That is true love. Take care I look forward to seeing your updates. And I look forward to finally coming back myself.
Apologies in advance for the rant/vent post. Maybe skip if experiencing anxiety.
My neurologist diagnosed me with CNS Demyelination due to the COVID vaccine. In general, it's tough to find a doctor who will acknowledge these symptoms are a vaccine side effect and this guy did without hesitation. Yet, this doctor is also telling me that I need to proceed with getting the second shot. Okay... What?! I'm really confused. Guillain-barré is a Demyelinating syndrome that is listed as a side effect of the J&J vaccine. How am I not at increased risk for a Demyelinating syndrome when you just told me that I experienced a vaccine side effect which resulted in my immune system attacking my brain? I also told this doctor that my husband and I are trying to conceive after suffering a late pregnancy loss last summer and naturally I want to know how this side effect will affect both me and the baby if I were to experience it again. His response was that there is no data, that he is aware of, on pregnant mothers who suffered from this particular reaction while pregnant. He also said let's just hope it doesn't happen again. Again what?! So you want me to get a vaccine after already experiencing severe side effects (which you diagnosed me with) because maybe I'll be fine this time and hey, at least I won't get COVID? Look, I get it. COVID has ruined our lives and I don't want to get sick - especially while pregnant. But, doesn't the CDC recommend "talking to your doctor" to assess your personal risk factors? You know, because the general guidelines don't always apply at the individual level? I'm sorry, but COVID is not more of a threat to a woman (pregnant or otherwise) who works from home and hardly leaves the house than the vaccine when that woman already experienced side effects listed in the damn data sheet. Unbelievable.
It's such a stressful time. One doctor I spoke to thought I had a mild Guillian Barre variant. It's so depressing to be having these ongoing problems with no proper reassurances that they will go away with no long term damage. I've been living every day in a state of fear since all my symptoms began after my first Pfizer. I keep waking up wondering what new ailments will have popped up overnight and have my existing ones gone away. Total nightmare. Can anything be done for the CNS demyelination? I'm feeling your frustration I wish this would just all go away for us all.
If you are trying to conceive Pregnacare Preconception Multivitamins are very good for those with fertility issues. I can personally recommend them after falling pregnant 3 months after starting them after two years of trying without success.
Good luck to you.
Yeah, it's crazy and stressful for sure. The more I read about CNS Demyelination the more it sounds like a side effect and not a condition or diagnosis. GBS is when the bodies immune system attacks the myelin sheath which causes Demyelination. Multiple Sclerosis can cause CNS Demyelination too. So its as if I had a rash and the doctor simply said you have erythema - meaning redness or the skin. Just an example. Anyway, whatever you want to call it, he said the only treatment at this point is to wait for the antibodies to fade. If it happens again following the shot then the testament would be intravenous immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis (same as GBS). Both of these treatments and aimed at filtering the antibodies out of your blood with the thought that it might lessen the symptoms.
Thanks for the prenatal recommendation!! Our baby had Cystic Fibrosis which is a genetically inheritable disease so unfortunately diet won't help the chances of our next child being affected. But, it's not bad to have good nutrition in general so I'll check it out!! 🙂
I wanted to know if anyone has considered trying LDN (low dose naltrexone) to relieve these horrid symptoms?
Its an immune system modulator and alot of people use it for chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune diseases
I have 1mg capsules at home from last year. I was going to take them but i fell pregnant so never used. (unfortunately was miscarriage)
I was tempted to try lastnight but i was scared it may cause bigger issues.
@andy65 For a list of side effects I use this site, scroll down to a table that shows the injuries per Vaers, but this is a private site. It is easier to see the effects, though only 1-10% of the issues are recorded, so you may need to do some math to have a more accurate image of the issues. Breath deep-lots of problems from each vax.
@dan1878 I have found that for heart palps I take Hawthorne berry tincture daily (Hawthorne berries in good alcohol) and literally eating a few FRESH Walnuts every day. It will take about 1-2 weeks, but much cheaper than any meds and no side effects. I do not notice the palps if I do this.
Here is a great documentary on the business of blood donation in general- https://youtu.be/16EL-ZexH5A
I know some folks do donate blood as a therapy for Covid vaccine issues, but again i caution against this.
This is relevant health information for anyone who may get a blood transfusion or donates blood.