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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @judit


I would like to share my symptoms, as I am scared to death. It all started 3 days after Pfizer shot, when I got up and went straight to the wall, as I was super unbalanced and felt dizzy for the rest of the day (first time in my life to experience balance issues). Nothing else happened until I started having nocturnal vertigo in september, and have had these attacks 3 or 4 times, once I threw up and was dizzy all day, other times just the spinning in bed for a minute or so and that's it.

But 3 nights ago I woke up suddenly with nausea and racing heart, numbness on face and arm, and very pale. I guess it was a panic attack. The last nights have been awful with anxiety, everytime I sense the tingling sensation I get a mild panic attack and I'm going crazy.

Does anybody relate to this?


Yes, I can relate to panic attacks always start with tingling sensation...I had panic attacks in the very beginning, almost 7 months ago...but this week they have returned...

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We’ve decided a date and time for a zoom chat! 

Dec 2 2021 at 4:00pm PST 

here is the link if your wanting to join! 


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Posted by: @gatordoc



Have you had relapses? YES! I had a 2 week "normal" period 3 months in just to have a relapse with symptoms that seemed even worse then the 1st time. I would recommend high dose steroid taper for any major relapse as soon as possible.  

How long do they last? Well... My last relapse lasted until now I guess. I would assume it really depends why you have a relapse. Have you ever been tested (central or peripheral vertigo)? Do you take any vestibular suppressants? Do you do vestibular rehab?

What symptoms still bother you? Not much anymore. I have some dizziness/light headedness when I lie down or if I have to do something overhead (for a few seconds only). Minimal light headedness and just feeling uneasy here and there. Otherwise, I feel ok thankfully.

I hope you feel better soon. Highly recommend seeing an otoneurologist if there is one near you. 

@gatordoc Thanks so much for your posts - very informative.

Am wondering about someone who began having vertigo/dizziness about 2 weeks after vaccine, was basically bed-ridden for 2 weeks, during this period took Prednisone for 10 days for accompanying severe shoulder and neck pain, improved, and now, 3 months after vaccine, only has very occasional vertigo episodes at night that last a few hours and start when lying on back or after turning over in bed. A question is whether a flu shot would be a good idea if the person is in a high-risk category for the flu. As some here have reported relapses after viral infections such as the common cold, wonder whether a flu shot might further stimulate the immune system and possibly lead to a relapse.

Has anyone had a flu shot and noticed a change in symptoms?

Thanks very much for any thoughts on this.

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Posted by: @yjjy
Posted by: @gingerjones

@maianixon Other issue is insomnia. It only started a month or so ago so I’m hoping it’s not directly related to the vaccine but rather the stress I’ve been going through. Apparently it’s not actually possible to lose ability to sleep so telling myself this has helped me keep me sane though. I’ve been trying to avoid sleep aids as I’ve been told they can make insomnia worse in the long run. I have an odd good night here and there so I’m trying to tell myself clearly I still have ability to sleep but the vast majority of nights are a struggle.

Have you tried melatonin for sleep...

Melatonin is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant chemical our bodies produce to help regulate the sleep–wake cycle. It also supports the gut lining, which promotes healthy immune function.

Supplementing with 1 mg of melatonin at bedtime might benefit those whose sleep–wake cycles have become dys­regulated with long COVID.



Has your insomnia improved? 


Sorry, I did not have insomnia...a doctor recommended melatonin at night as it is good for inflammation...

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Posted by: @tarx

What does everyone use to help the panic attacks? Just had the worst one ever! It lasted hours! Never ever want to experience that again 😩

Breathing for me...breathing through a paperbag works too...

Bring Your Focus to Your Breath
  1. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
  2. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
  3. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  4. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
  5. This is one breath.

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@gingerjones thank you so much x

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Hi! We spoke the other day. I made an account here to keep up with everyone.

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@dizzyisnotfun I too would love to join the zoom call - email: [email protected]

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@nresearcher So from your description I gather this pt has positional vertigo. I would first make sure that common etiologies for her positional vertigo are ruled out. I know of both pts who have relapsed with new inflammatory conditions and those who have tolerated COVID and even a booster shot! My opinion is that the symptoms most are describing on this thread are multi factorial and likely due to many different etiologies initiated by an autoimmune reaction. Understanding the source at least (peripheral vs central) and whether a pt has compensated (if peripheral) is important in trying to predict possibility of relapse. I also think that most of the severe reactions are due to impressive immune triggers generally caused by the second booster shot (most other pts appear to have more limited symptoms). As such, would expect that other vaccines would be less likely to trigger a relapse. Having said that, I chose not receive the flu vaccine this year even though I have received it every year for the past 8 years. Ultimately, the decision should be based on risk vs benefit which varies significantly between patients. IF sufficiently at risk, I would consider a flu vaccine and be prepared to treat a relapse aggressively with steroids. Hope that helps 🙂 

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Posted by: @tarx

@jacquelynsauriol and writing on a forum full of people scared and anxious of what the future holds is very unfair. We are on here looking for advice and recovery stories. 

i have the posts and likes to prove i am here for the long haul with all the info I can gather, to try and help anyone....

if you demand I be vaccinated to be here, than say so explicitly any of you and I will disappear like a....well, you know....


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@jacquelynsauriol I’m not saying you need to be vaccinated to be here! Just think before you start writing things like you did! Like I said we are all here wishing for progress stories not unnecessary comments about the vaccine. None of us can take back the vaccine and these side affects but we are trying to stay positive and hope to get better.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Tarx

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@mountainmama I am waiting for an apt with a ENT in town. I had a major episode of virtigo sat morning when I rolled over in bed. How are you feeling still? I was hopeful I was seeing some progress until sat. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@tarx agreed on the comment to that post from earlier I wrote something similar and edited it 

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@jkro just not what we all want to be seeing right now is it 😔

Jessie and Jessie reacted
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@sara90 Yes, my vision has improved. I still have eye floaters but they have lessened, and I generally only notice them when it is bright or when I am having a bit of a flare up. My vision is not back to normal, but its getting closer. I hope that it continues to improve! How are you?

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