@gatordoc are you a MD? I have only had one Pfizer shot and had low grade temp for extended time, dizziness, neurological issues, GI issues, nightmares, night sweats, lipoma formation all over limbs, skin burning on face and scalp, sensitivity to light/sound/touch, headache, brain fog/pressure, pressure in ears/tinnitus. My lasting symptoms are dizziness, tinnitus occasionally, lipomas, low grade temp at times and some numbness in limbs at times. My blood pressure has been a bit elevated at times. I asked for steroids in the beginning and later at 8-9 weeks post shot and nothing. I’m afraid steroids won’t help me now. I’ve been to 2 neurologists, PCP, internal med, immunology, ER. I’m now looking to be seen by a nuerotologist.
@jkro Hi Jessie, Yes I am an MD but please do not consider my posts medical advice! I am sorry to hear that you have so many issues. I think steroids will help at any point but obviously are most effective in the beginning to prevent severe inflammation and nerve damage. I would consider a course of steroids if you have not had any as long as you dont have any contraindications to steroids. IM physicians will not know what to do. Most neurologists and ENT are also dismissive and have little information. Otoneurologist are the best and most likely to have seen similar patients but are most suited to deal with your tinnitus and vertigo. Not sure what to say about lipomas except to say that maybe they are enlarged lymph nodes? I would try and get in with one ASAP.
@pearl444 so happy to hear that it has improved! I’m doing good, side effects are subsiding but very slowly. I’m 5 months post first vaccine and 3 months since floaters and vision issues. I really hope the floaters disappear.
Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙏🏽
@gatordoc I sent you a message. I’m curious if there is thought out there that these side effects will subside with time and no treatment as I have been getting better but have lingering vertigo and numbness in limbs at times. It happens in cycles. I totally understand about not being medical advice, I’m just curious on your thoughts. Thanks
@gatordoc Hello, thanks for all your advice. Is there a reason why blood tests looking at inflammatory markers come back normal? Early in this ordeal I was given a steroid pack and was only able to take half because of the raise in cortisol making my anxiety worse. But 3 days later I had a week with no symptoms!! But then of course relapsed and am still dealing with the symptoms. I am considering taking the other half of my steroid pack now to try and improve symptoms again.
@sickofthis my inflammatory markers (esr and CRP were only slightly elevated once and then went back down. ESR was 24 once and most of the docs said even though it was considered elevated by the lab standards it was normal to them….I’m like well I don’t feel normal. I guess my point is I wonder the same thing as you
@sickofthis my inflammatory markers (esr and CRP were only slightly elevated once and then went back down. ESR was 24 once and most of the docs said even though it was considered elevated by the lab standards it was normal to them….I’m like well I don’t feel normal. I guess my point is I wonder the same thing as you
My ESR was 3 which is crazy how different we were. It is also weird how 1/2 of my steroid pack made my symptoms go away completely for a week even though I did not have an elevated ESR.
Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum. I myself have been experiencing a varitey of symptoms after getting vaxxed on Sept. 5th. I have not been the same ever since and have been looking for others who have been having the same issues as myself and see if I can find any answers.
For reference, I am a 26F.
My first initial symptoms started 2 days after being vaxxed. Started with heart palpitations and chest pains.(literally thought I was having a heart attack one night.) Then started the stomach issues. Started having really bad upper back pains. Thought I was getting better but then the headaches started. (Had a really bad migraine for a week straight.)
I am currently dealing with the headache/head pressure. Pain in my upper back/neck.
@tarx Thats understandable, but we must not only request what we want to hear, the truth needs to be heard even if its uncomfortable. Its the only way we will be able to get to the bottom of this.
Has anyone had panic attacks since the shot? I got mine in august and I’ve commented on here before but no reply’s. They happen random, I’ll get chest pains, sharp head pains. Dizziness, have had a feeling that my whole body was ringing and vibrating, severe panic attacks, pre syncope feeling almost felt like I blacked out for a second. Have had countless blood work, mri, chest X-ray, eeg, ekgs, and nothing. There have been periods where I feel Normal, but I live day to day in fear. I’m scared to go anywhere, scared to do anything. I just want it to stop. I beg God daily to make it stop. But he has been kind to me and has drawn me nearer to him through this whole thing. I just don’t know what to do.
@elena1690 Hi is the inflammation in your brain better? Are you recoverin?
@pearl444 Hi Pearl, could you please keep up updated about how you feel in the following days?
Has anyone had panic attacks since the shot? I got mine in august and I’ve commented on here before but no reply’s. They happen random, I’ll get chest pains, sharp head pains. Dizziness, have had a feeling that my whole body was ringing and vibrating, severe panic attacks, pre syncope feeling almost felt like I blacked out for a second. Have had countless blood work, mri, chest X-ray, eeg, ekgs, and nothing. There have been periods where I feel Normal, but I live day to day in fear. I’m scared to go anywhere, scared to do anything. I just want it to stop. I beg God daily to make it stop. But he has been kind to me and has drawn me nearer to him through this whole thing. I just don’t know what to do.
Hello, I had a "panic attack" 3 weeks after my 2nd shot. I have never had one before and have never had anxiety before my shot so I do think it is related. Since then, I have had several periods where I can feel some uncontrollable anxiety building but I do whatever I can to take my mind off of it before it gets out of control. If I let my mind wonder then the anxiety gets worse, it I can distract myself then I usually get over it in a few hours. All of my tests came back normal so my primary care provider basically told me she thinks its anxiety and not from the vaccine (which I disagree with).
@sickofthis I think inflammatory markers should only be elevated if there is active systemic inflammation. This is an autoimmune process that seems to be very targeted to the 8th cranial nerve or its nuclei in the brain. There may not be sufficient inflammation to result in systemic markers being elevated. Would be interesting to see if there is any evidence on CSF samples but don't know if anyone here has had a spinal tap in the acute setting. As for steroids, not sure if half the dose will suffice. You were probably given a medrol dose pack which is significantly tapered from an already low dose by day 3. In the future, try not to stop steroids mid way. They are tapered for a reason so as to allow your system to adjust. Hope you feel better soon!