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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@barb56 How are you feeling now? Did anything help you to recover? Would you recommend a CT scan or any supplements or medications? I'm experiencing head pressure, brain fog, short term memory issues, extreme weakness (such as today - it feels as if I am extraordinarily sick with the flu), muscle twitching, burning sensations, etc. It's been nine weeks since my second Moderna and it feels like there's no end in sight. 

Patience, KitKat, Patience and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @floryeo

@selvam hi, i am Florence mobile 96872461. I have meet 2 others here and we are now in chat group to encourage one another. And exchange infor on the doctor we visit. Hopefully, we will find good doctor or other options that help, will help one another.

Hey is there anyway that I could be able to join the chat? I feel like we need somewhere everyone can chat off this website in case it gets shut down. 

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Posted by: @angads

@hisrichess Hey, please stay strong. After coming across this forum and the fact that a lot of us are in this together, it has given me immense hope that we'll all eventually be able to revert back to our normal lives. It has been a hard 3 months, but I'm sure we'll get through this.

Also, not to sound narcissistic and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through all this, but as someone who is just as young as you, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only young one is suffering through this. My friends think I'm weak and don't take care of my body because I'm the only one who is going through disturbing symptoms like these. At one point, I began to doubt myself and started questioning my own habits. I don't drink, smoke, do any sort of drugs, have never been on meds, I regularly exercise, and yet this inflammatory response has struck me so bad. 

Hi there, also yes it’s refreshing to see younger people on here. I can’t go out and do anything, my friends and familu where I recently removed to want me out but I feel horrible. I can resonate with your issue dealing with friends. My friends and family all think i’m crazy and keep trying to go around everything i say. The only time i get any sort of sane response is when things are visible noticeable like the the swellin, diziness and vomiting. 

From the looks of it somewhere between 3months to a year is when people start to get better. I really hope everything turns out okay for the both of us and that our bodies are doing what they are meant to. I stopped hyperventilating about everything when I remembered that our bodies have their own ways of doing things and sometimes we have to not fight and let it do what it has to. 

If you want, we can keep in contact also. I’m gonna try and get a groupchat of some sort together. Forums are getting shut down on other sites, scared i’ll lose info. 

Dee, Patience, Dee and 1 people reacted
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Yes! I am feeling better.!I am very pleased to say. Its been 5.5 months since my second astra zeneca when the troubles all started. I have since had a Pfizer booster with no symptoms whatsoever- not even a sore arm. 

I did vestibular training to improve that awful sense of brain fog and dizziness with nausea. I believe that helped a lot - initially I though it was my self confidence that was improved just with accomplishing a small exercise but then I realised that my appetite was improving, sleep patterns became more normal, and I could achieve things throughout the day without extensive list making and checking. We were in lock down so restricted activities were quite acceptable. I extended the vestibular to general exercise - even when I felt weak I tried a little and that helped.

I had a second cardiac ECHO which showed that the pericardial effusion had decreased to insignificant and the heart muscle twitches were gone. All meds were stopped.I started meditation.I take vitamin D regularly but have for a couple of years now. I cannot really recommend imaging tests - they were all negative for me and although it was a relief to know there was no tumour/nasty sitting there it didn't really assist any symptoms and really just represents an x ray exposure risk that was not needed.

I have a way to go. The journey has been slow. I have not been back to work and have had plenty of time to reflect on life in general and work in particular and I may not ever return in the capacity that I was in before.

I would have to say that the recovery road has not been a regular easy path - plenty of stops/reversals and going around in circles but looking back functionally, mentally and emotionally I am in a much better place that I was 4 months ago and I never want to go back to 5 months ago.

One thing that I found satisfying and I would recommend people to consider is to write down their functional capacity for later reference. Looking at those notes I realised that I did make progress and that has helped me feel positive an continue even when I was not confident that I was on any sort of recovery pathway.Even if you look back and try and recall those early days.

I hope that your recovery will be apparent soon - I really believe our bodies are a lot more resilient that we imagine- it seems that time is required, and showing your body slowly and gently what you need it to do.

Best of luck on this unknown course.

Rainyday, DrL, Plazervil2500 and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @hopetofeelbetter

@hisrichess im am interested in your gi issues many of us are struggling with that same feeling and are taking meds. Did you figure out what triggered your throat issues did it make you have chest pains? My gastric issues seem to be causing the right head side pressure and the chest pains. 



I have no idea what triggered the throat issue, but that was the first time i felt COMPLETE NUMBNESS. At that time i was eating alot of spicy foods and that could’ve triggered it. Before the numbness it was heartburn and lumpy feeling in throat. I always have chest pains though, they sit in my breast area more. 

My GI issues are odd. I hear my stomach making noises sometimes and other times i feel my large intestines moving and breaking down gas. It doesn’t hurt. They come full force when i’m anxious though, my body starts to tingle a little and then I have to poop. The past couple days have been accompanied by diarrhea though. It hasn’t been as bad, i think the ginger is clearing it up. 

I’m staying away from medication to fix this issue because medication is the root of it all. The things that help me with the GI and throat issue is the bananas. They coat your esophagus and throat, also wish away any bacteria and antioxidants for the stomach. Also Ginger Tea, Pineapple juice and Green Tea with honey. I usually drink/eat these when I’m having the issues in the moment. 

As i researched these things that could help I learned something that’s going to sound funny. The way we sit on the toilet to use it causes irritation to our backs/stomachs/butt muscles/etc. Squatting is the correct way to do it, sounds funny right? Lol. I squat using the bathroom and after i eat to help muscles and insides align properly and move more easily with digesting. I’m going to link what I read as it may help some with your GI issues.


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I have a question.

Has anyone noticed histamine high foods helping them? I read on another page that high histamine foods were causing more issues for people and antihistamines were helping. Before I heard this i didn’t know what high histamine foods were, I was sticking to healthy things with antioxidants and stuff. I looked at the list and I’ve been eating about 75% of them for the last month but my issues haven’t been getting worse just changing. I also found things that combat histamine and i’ve been eating alot of those also. That might be the reason why, idk.

What i’ve been eating that has histamine in it: 

  • Blueberries
  • Yogurt
  • Strawberries
  • Spinach
  • Bananas
  • Green Tea
  • Black Tea

Any thoughts? 

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Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @angads

@hisrichess Hey, please stay strong. After coming across this forum and the fact that a lot of us are in this together, it has given me immense hope that we'll all eventually be able to revert back to our normal lives. It has been a hard 3 months, but I'm sure we'll get through this.

Also, not to sound narcissistic and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through all this, but as someone who is just as young as you, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only young one is suffering through this. My friends think I'm weak and don't take care of my body because I'm the only one who is going through disturbing symptoms like these. At one point, I began to doubt myself and started questioning my own habits. I don't drink, smoke, do any sort of drugs, have never been on meds, I regularly exercise, and yet this inflammatory response has struck me so bad. 

Hi there, also yes it’s refreshing to see younger people on here. I can’t go out and do anything, my friends and familu where I recently removed to want me out but I feel horrible. I can resonate with your issue dealing with friends. My friends and family all think i’m crazy and keep trying to go around everything i say. The only time i get any sort of sane response is when things are visible noticeable like the the swellin, diziness and vomiting. 

From the looks of it somewhere between 3months to a year is when people start to get better. I really hope everything turns out okay for the both of us and that our bodies are doing what they are meant to. I stopped hyperventilating about everything when I remembered that our bodies have their own ways of doing things and sometimes we have to not fight and let it do what it has to. 

If you want, we can keep in contact also. I’m gonna try and get a groupchat of some sort together. Forums are getting shut down on other sites, scared i’ll lose info. 

Forums about the vaccines are being shut down? Interesting 

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@hisrichess Hello. This list appears to have anti inflammatory properties. I started avoiding inflammatory foods (processed carbs mostly) and increased anti inflammatory foods such as those you listed and I feel the best I have felt in months. I tried this change based on someone’s post on this forum (THANK YOU). i got my only Pfizer shot on 4/29 and keep relapsing. My symptoms include pressure in my head and around my eyes, brain fog, hazy/cloudy vision, unsteadiness and short term memory issues. I thought it was triggered by increased activity but now think my diet also contributed. My MRI was normal and ENT saw no issues. However they both believe it’s the vax causing it and recommended I don’t take any more shots. My neuro ordered a neuropsychological test (memory/version function test) and EEG. I was told they are seeing many long COVID and post vax patients with the same symptoms. Looks like my neuro is trying to figure this out. I thanked her but I know she doesn’t realize exactly how grateful I am for her effort. My follow up is in January. Will post any info she provided me. For now,  hopeful my healthier diet will carry me through the holidays and that every day that passes all our bodies heal a little more 🙏🏻. 

LadyT, Jessie, dragonlover and 9 people reacted
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Posted by: @carym23

@hisrichess Hello. This list appears to have anti inflammatory properties. I started avoiding inflammatory foods (processed carbs mostly) and increased anti inflammatory foods such as those you listed and I feel the best I have felt in months. I tried this change based on someone’s post on this forum (THANK YOU). i got my only Pfizer shot on 4/29 and keep relapsing. My symptoms include pressure in my head and around my eyes, brain fog, hazy/cloudy vision, unsteadiness and short term memory issues. I thought it was triggered by increased activity but now think my diet also contributed. My MRI was normal and ENT saw no issues. However they both believe it’s the vax causing it and recommended I don’t take any more shots. My neuro ordered a neuropsychological test (memory/version function test) and EEG. I was told they are seeing many long COVID and post vax patients with the same symptoms. Looks like my neuro is trying to figure this out. I thanked her but I know she doesn’t realize exactly how grateful I am for her effort. My follow up is in January. Will post any info she provided me. For now,  hopeful my healthier diet will carry me through the holidays and that every day that passes all our bodies heal a little more 🙏🏻. 

Does your doctor believe that our long covid vaccine symptoms will abate? Also, this is a neurologist that believes it’s not functional neurological disorder? 

Patience and Patience reacted
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DrL and DrL reacted
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@hisrichess yeah i have no choice i cannot swallow or digest any food without the medication. My hope is that it will resolve sooner rather than later and i will be able to eat without any medications. Im glad you are able to find alternative methods. 

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@paige1123, I feel the same way. I have been weak and dizzy for more than 2 weeks now. I had had some dizziness condition of unclear nature 1.5 years ago that lasted for 4 months and went away. But now I just hope to feel normal again, before the 1st shot. And what is going to happen after the 2nd shot????

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@jkro both the neuro and ENT believe we will improve with time. Neither know the exact pathology. Sadly, both stated they are getting no information from the FDA or CDC.  They told me they get the same info we do and my neurologist says she was told to only report life threatening adverse effects 😕. Neuro did not mention functional neurological disorder. 

LadyT, Rainyday, dragonlover and 9 people reacted
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Posted by: @carym23

@jkro both the neuro and ENT believe we will improve with time. Neither know the exact pathology. Sadly, both stated they are getting no information from the FDA or CDC.  They told me they get the same info we do and my neurologist says she was told to only report life threatening adverse effects 😕. Neuro did not mention functional neurological disorder. 

It’s good to hear potential recovery. My symptoms are flaring pretty bad the last couple of days for some reason. I had been feeling about 80-90% but not now. They are worse than they had been in the last two months maybe. I’m going to try intermittent fasting. I’m on day 2. I have been eating more chocolate lately (got it for my birthday and it’s hard not to eat it). Maybe that is contributing. I’m not surprised about the CDC and FDA. They want to push this on everyone 

KitKat, LadyT, Rainyday and 9 people reacted
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@jkro I get how you feel. I’ve thought several times I was done with this only to relapse again. I had a two week flare up right before thanksgiving and it was discouraging. I had never felt that bad for that long. I cut out all white rice and bread, crackers, cereal, cookies and fried food and felt better every day that passed. Having answers would make all of this so much tolerable. My best guess is we have endothelial damage caused by the spike protein. Our symptoms are based on where the damage occurred. Healing takes a while therefore anything we do that increases inflammation (food, stress, activities) makes it worse and anti-inflammatory foods and rest make it better. Together, we will get through this. Keep sharing info. It’s all helpful. 

Marta, LadyT, Jessie and 5 people reacted
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