Hi all. Just thought I would log in and give some hope. healthy 30yr old pre-Pfizer. Had 1st jab in May 2021 and 2nd in July 2021. Have had side effects like a lot on here:
- palpitations
- panic attacks
- lightheadedness
- burning pains in my arms
- insane anxiety
- irregular cycle
- easy bruising (after 2nd)
- eye floaters (after 2nd)
- insomnia
- appetite loss
- bright blue veins really visible under the skin
Endless GP appointments with different doctors all telling me I’m anxious and refusing to acknowledge me saying it’s vaccine induced even with the onset of all of this 1 week after my first dose.
Initial blood tests showed deficient in Vit D and Vit B12 but nothing else, have had multiple ECGs clear, the 24hr ECG showed ectopic beats but no AFIB or any other nasties so was referred back to GP.
All the while my anxiety was actually getting worse at the frustration of not being listened to and just being left to “get on with it” which was just a viscious cycle of then bringing on physical symptoms of anxiety on top of all the above. I felt like there was no future, it consumed my life, I stopped working, and became an emotional wreck. I ended up being prescribed anti depressant sertraline, but took 1x tablet and had the worst reaction (locked jaw, high dizziness, no appetite, couldn’t sleep for 2 days, constant palpitations) and the DR told me to stop straight away as my body wasn’t tolerating the medication.
Anyway, long story short BUT whilst I’m still on my journey, I feel so much better than the first onset of my symptoms, so it does really seem a case of time is a healer. I was where a lot of you are now, and was desperate to see some light at the end of the tunnel, so whilst I’m not 100% YET, i really feel that it will happen in time.
The pain in my arms have gone, palpitations hardly happen anymore, lightheaded every now and again, panic attacks have gone for about a month now, appetite back, insomnia gone. Anxiety is lessening.
I’m not taking any medication as I really feel like others have said on here that our bodies/immune systems have been pushed into overdrive and need to settle back down, and adding more medication that disrupts the natural working of our system is just throwing it off even more.
I wanted to wait until I was 100% but if this post helps just 1 person now and gives some hope that things will get better, it’s what counts.
Keep positive, you aren’t alone, things will get better.
Hi there, I got my 1st dose of pfizer June 3rd 2021 and was fine. Then got my second pfizer July 14th 2021. 2 weeks after I developed a cold or something. I only had a stuffy nose and sneezing.. 4 or 5 days into it, I woke up and my neck really hurt, kinked it I believe. Then a few days later I developed symptoms like pins and needles, prickly feeling or like a radiating feeling.. kinda hard to explain. My hands will get really red and irritated and burn. My hands and feet sometimes get really itchy. I feel like my body is humming or vibrating.. my ears constantly feel like I'm under water or plugged.. I also have really bad headaches. I have troubles sleeping aswell, I have the odd random body jerks and lots of muscle twitching all over. I went and got bloodwork a bunch and all normal. I got a CT scan, all normal. I got an MRI and it was normal except they seen some inflammation in my face. They gave me nasal spray (which hasn't helped at all) I've had a funny feeling in my face since I got that cold.. assuming it would be the inflammation im feeling.. 4 months and I'm tired of all these sensations that are constant and no answers...
I can relate to the funny feeling in the face. I have a sensation in my face that I get just before a cold starts. I've had it going on for two months. I wonder if it's caused by/linked to the headaches I'm having. Only had one Pfizer.
@selvam hi, i am Florence mobile 96872461. I have meet 2 others here and we are now in chat group to encourage one another. And exchange infor on the doctor we visit. Hopefully, we will find good doctor or other options that help, will help one another.
@medee hi,,i was diagnosed with slight mitral valve regurgitation,but this was slighty before the vax,,but my doc said my heart is functioning at a aplus and that this was one of those incidental findings,,so i guess somethings can get missed but tech with not as much experience,,for everything i'v looked up slight mitral valve issues are very common and normal,,and millions of people have it and don't even know and just live normal lives,,don't stress over it unless it is causing real issues
@jkro I'm not sure if it's the antibodies or the fact that we're still producing spike proteins; it could be either. As long as the spike protein/antibodies are in our system, I'm assuming our body will continue to overreact - resulting in inflammation.
Let me know if intermittent fasting helps. I've noticed that food occasionally causes my symptoms to flare, even when I'm being careful and eating non-inflammatory foods. I've completely cut out dairy and most sugar and have been wondering if intermittent fasting would help, too.
I'm saddened but not surprised that your immunologist refused plasmapheresis. Most providers haven't (at least publicly) been able to link the vaccine to these awful side effects; I'm assuming it'll take years for this to happen. The entire thing is frustrating and sad.
I agree that we need to share our stories with public officials. It's too bad there wasn't a petition on something like Change . org where everyone affected could sign their name asking to be acknowledged and treated for the damage done by the vaccine.
@lp2021 I'm in the same case, vax in april. Fatigue extreme, it's very scared me because very few people have this, weakness in my arms and leg, still pots, vertigo came back (I was sick last week, a virus, and all the symtoms came back). Hope to be better soon, it's very difficult.
Nearly 5 months out from this vaccine and I’ve noticed the ringing in my ear is getting louder. I thought it was getting better but it’s now so loud again. I assume it’s because of the dizziness I’ve been experiencing 24/7. This whole thing really is a nightmare especially for vaccine long haulers like myself.
Interesting article.I wonder if some of us had a greater reaction to the vaccine because we had been infected with Covid previously. I don’t know if I ever had Covid, but I guess it’s possible I was asymptotic. My husband is a physician and was working during the pandemic.
According to the article, people who have previously recovered from COVID-19 have a stronger immune response after being vaccinated than those who have never been infected.
I was tested for both antibodies from the vaccine and to prior covid infection. I did not have antibodies from ever having covid. I did have antibodies from the what the vaccine generated so that theory doesn’t hold true for me.
@lmkk you were better in 6 months, or more ? About fatigue
Hi. It's only been 4.5 months since my first and only Pfizer vaccine. Fatigue has not been one of my main symptoms although I have been feeling general mild malaise recently. I'm not 100% better but I'm feeling better than in the beginning.
Hello all,
Just a positive update. I'm now 3 months after my first and only Pfizer jab and I can report I am 95% better since more than a month with no major relapses. I already had days where I am 100% back to my old self. A positive update about my eye floaters, they are still there but they are getting smaller and more transparent with each day. My left eye is almost floaters free now. You can read about the symptoms I had in my past posts. I was more active on the forum about Tingling and Numbness cause those have been my most persistent symptoms (still have mild tingling sometimes in my limbs). 2 months ago I thought I was about to die, my symptoms were so awful, but there is hope. I didn't take any meds, just vitamins and lots of rest, meditation and walks even when my legs were hurting. I also had unexplained bruises in my legs hat I didn't link to the vaccine at first. Ater reading about other people experiencing this side effect I added it to my list. This symptom is also gone.
I was denied the exemption. I will never get the second shot. I am Germany based and it looks like it will become mandatory next year. I'm so sad about the lack of support and most of us being dismissed like we are crazy. All this suffering has to end.
Sending lots of energy and love your way.
@vaccinevertigo How are you feeling now? It's been nearly four months since you posted. Many of your symptoms are similar to mine. I hope you are feeling better!