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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@jess7 Hi Jess, just wanted to say that I have been diagnosed with Convergence Excess too.

After my second Moderna shot I developed tingling and burning sensations, which were followed vertigo and blurred vision 2 months after my shot. My neurologist sent me to MRI brain scan to exclude MS, it was clean. The only diagnose that was confirmed so far was Convergence Excess, which I never had experienced before. I do eye excercises daily and it got much better as well as tingling and vertigo problems but it still appears from time to time.

Wishing you and all good luck. Let´s stay strong ♡

Jess, KitKat, Jess and 1 people reacted
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Thank you for all of this information!

I, too, suspect possible MCAS or MCAD as the partial cause of many of my (and others) symptoms. What clued me in me was how quickly Flonase eliminated the pressure in the back of my head and the resulting brain fog. As I've written before, this is by far the worst (and most worrisome) symptom I experience. I'm eager to try Nasalcrom to see if it helps further.

I agree that when the damage these vaccines have caused is made public, the liability protection these manufacturers have put in place will be of little help. As I wrote in an earlier post, the simple fact that public health officials are aware that these vaccines are causing adverse effects but are purposefully and knowingly withholding that information from the public is grounds enough to be sued. 

I'm also curious as to how people will react when they realize public health officials were lying and obscuring vital information about the vaccines and the damage they cause. Millions have been vaccinated. If they discover that's what in their bodies can cause harm, but were continuously lied to saying it's "safe", there's going to be widespread panic - which will cause widespread strife.

KitKat, dragonlover, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@lmkk I can completely relate to odd symptoms/sensations becoming "normal" - whereas, in the past, they would have been terrifying!

Yesterday, the entire left side of my body felt as if it was vibrating while I was at work. If this had been six months ago, I would have been alarmed and I would have called my provider right away. But after eight weeks of burning, vibrating, twitching, pressure - I was like, "Oh, well. Another symptom to add to the list!"

I've found dairy triggers flare-ups for me - which is strange, because I've never had a sensitivity to it. I was a vegetarian prior to this, but these symptoms have forced me to become vegan! 

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You say that you are still not well and will never be the same. Is that because of your vestibular neuritis in 2018? Or because of the covid vaccine stirring things up? So sorry to hear you are suffering through this as well. 

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@sara90 Your doctor, by contrast, needs to spend more time online and research what is actually happening to people. It IS absurd for a cardiologist to suggest you take the second dose after pericarditis. I mean, seriously? I'm aghast these people have doctorates. 

There was a woman who came to my workplace - shortly after the vaccines began being administered - who developed pericarditis after the first injection. She was wearing a heart monitor and had been "cleared" by her cardiologist to receive the second dose. She said, "I hope it doesn't happen again!" I was floored that anyone would attempt a second dose after that experience - but even more floored that a reputable cardiologist would sign off on it! 

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Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jkro

article explaining neuropsychosis post Pfizer. Interesting read 

trigger neuropsychiatric symptoms via thiamine deficiency

Yes, I had been researching thiamine deficiency with these shots and came across this article. I have been reading up on thiamine and oxalate. This is because there is a doctor in Los Angeles treating people like us who is known for treating people with floroquinoline toxicity and those people seem to have the same symptoms that I do. So I started researching that too and found they talk of thiamine and oxalate. Have you looked into this?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @rainyday


Thank you for all of this information!

I, too, suspect possible MCAS or MCAD as the partial cause of many of my (and others) symptoms. What clued me in me was how quickly Flonase eliminated the pressure in the back of my head and the resulting brain fog. As I've written before, this is by far the worst (and most worrisome) symptom I experience. I'm eager to try Nasalcrom to see if it helps further.

I agree that when the damage these vaccines have caused is made public, the liability protection these manufacturers have put in place will be of little help. As I wrote in an earlier post, the simple fact that public health officials are aware that these vaccines are causing adverse effects but are purposefully and knowingly withholding that information from the public is grounds enough to be sued. 

I'm also curious as to how people will react when they realize public health officials were lying and obscuring vital information about the vaccines and the damage they cause. Millions have been vaccinated. If they discover that's what in their bodies can cause harm, but were continuously lied to saying it's "safe", there's going to be widespread panic - which will cause widespread strife.

I too wondered about mast cell issues. Is there any way to treat it vs just treating symptoms all the time if that makes sense?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@larag thanks a lot for your post. It has really helped reading through it.

I had and still have but less strong all your symptoms after 4 months post 1st shot of Moderna. I haven't had 2nd one, advised by my docs aswell and won't get any again. I am 32 year old women from Spain who I've seen my body going to shit for 2 months: panick attacks, muscle twiching, fatigue, shooting and pressure headaches, brain fog, insomnia, palpitations for more than 2 months and very unsocial because of all. Today after 4 months I feel better but still fatigue after doing sport, I climb so before I always had loads of energy after climbing and now I have like sports hangover. Twiching in my eyelid comes and goes, and headache and brain fog also come and go. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel specially with posts like your one. We will get better and stronger from this. As a women I also notice my fatigue and brainfog increase during my run up to my menstrual cycle and post a long work day or exersise.  I also feel worse when having sugar or alcohol and I am trying now a low histamine diet and non gluten diet as I heart it helps reducing inflamation.

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Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jkro

article explaining neuropsychosis post Pfizer. Interesting read 

trigger neuropsychiatric symptoms via thiamine deficiency

Yes, I had been researching thiamine deficiency with these shots and came across this article. I have been reading up on thiamine and oxalate. This is because there is a doctor in Los Angeles treating people like us who is known for treating people with floroquinoline toxicity and those people seem to have the same symptoms that I do. So I started researching that too and found they talk of thiamine and oxalate. Have you looked into this?

How much B1 and how much oxalate?

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Posted by: @gingerjones

@deedee So I want to give you some info from my past experience with chronic dizziness and a toxic reaction to the antibiotic “cipro”.  This may relate to what some of us are going through as far as long haul vaccine reactions.  By the way….word of warning for those that want to listen;  cipro is in an antibiotic class called Fluoroquinolones. There are a handful of very common antibiotics in that class including Levaquin and Avelox. They all can be very dangerous to some people and cause massive cellular damage that can even be permanent. (for more info google Fluoroquinolone toxicity)  Anyway, how my recovery experience relates to the vaccine reaction.  Ten years ago I experienced chronic dizziness(which they found no trigger for) took me about 5 years to slowly get mostly better.  It was some kind of neurological issue in my brain but did get better “slowly”. Now to my cipro reaction which I think relates more to the vaccine injury. I had many many symptoms from that reaction but it did include light headed, head pressure, ear fullness, dry eyes, tinnitus, brain fog and the big symptom “dizziness”. It was a long journey to mostly heal from the toxicity (2-3 years). But part of my experience from going through that journey is that healing is not linear. I would have good days and bad days and many relapses.  It is just how our body recovers and heals. So my message is not to get discouraged with relapses. It is a normal process in healing. I’m pretty sure these vaccines are not even close to as toxic as Fluoroquinolones so hopefully the healing time will be much shorter.   From what I have read on this forum it is usually 3-6 months(give or take) for these vaccine reactions to improve. Please hang in there because I do believe we will all get there in our own time frame and if we are having good days and bad days along with ups and downs then I believe our body is healing. After my cipro reaction and the absolute hell I went through to recover in 2-3 years I have kind of already walked through a long healing journey that is feeling familiar with this vax reaction!  We will all get there!  Keep the faith!  Our bodies have amazing ability to heal and recover!!!

Thank you so much for sharing your story...You are one Incredibly strong person...Your story gives me hope!!

So I stumbled upon this post even though I’m a member of this forum I hadn’t read this until I myself started putting the puzzle together that “floxed” people have the same symptoms as me after the covid shot. I had been looking into a doc in California who treats these vaccine injuries but treats “floxed” people too. I had a bad reaction to levoquin years ago so I’m thinking it’s the same now. Was it you that had the cipro issue? How are you now? I have read thiamine and oxalate can be a factor? 

KitKat, Rainyday, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@jkro That's a good question; I'm not sure. @plandistry would likely know more than I! All I know is that Flonase quickly eliminated the head pressure and resulting brain fog. I'm ordering Nasalcrom and will update if it helps. 

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Posted by: @mcross

Haven’t been on for a while. Did anyone get a booster?

03/12/21 1st Pfizer starting 3 days after shot, had 6 weeks of bad vertigo (not driving, holding onto stuff to get around the house type), nausea, left ear tinnitus, left side ear/head/eye sinus pain, headaches, neck aches. First week low blood pressure. All pretty much resolved by six weeks. Just noticed they continued to improve slowly. Meditation, relaxation, low stimulation helped the most.

06/12/21 2nd Pfizer 10 minutes after the shot dizzy, nausea, low blood pressure, headache. Low BP resolved next day. Vertigo, nausea lasted solid 6 days and then was just completely gone. Nothing outside my “normal” vertigo that comes and goes. Did have a hot lump for several days where I got the shot.

12/03/21 Pfizer Booster. About 8 minutes in dizzy, nausea, immediate all over strong pressure headache. During the weekend yucky flu like symptoms: deep body aches, hurt to even move, chills, low grade fever, nausea, a lot more irregular heart arrhythmias than my normal abnormal. Told myself my body doing what it’s supposed to do. Did not have the flu-like sx with either 1st or 2nd vaccinations that I’ve had this time, except chills one night 3 days after the first shot. I decided on the booster because all things considered with my cardiac issues and asthma, I had faired pretty well with the second shot, and I’m in the high risk category for complications or death.

Tonight, three days after the booster I’m am getting worried this is going to be a repeat of the first shot. Today my vertigo is worse, left ear pain and tinnitus is back, whole head and neck pain/pressure. Still feel very fatigued, still more irregular arrhythmias. And just like someone else noted, my body feels like is buzzing. Realize some of that may be anxiety because I feel the tension in my body that sometimes comes with the vertigo.

I’m not going to the doctors because a battery of testes after the fist shot were all normal when they checked for inflammation, hearing loss, encephalitis/encephalopathy ect. Just wondered of anyone got boosters and how you’re fairing? 

Thanks very much.

I'm new here, and posted something about timing, but I'm not sure it was seen because of the time lag waiting for approval since it was my first post.  So I'm going to re-post it, because it has some tie-in with mcross's posting...

I have read here about the horrible side effects that people experienced after their second shot, and it caused me to avoid getting my second shot (Moderna), since I had already experienced some vestibular side effects from the first shot (and also already suffered from vestibular issues prior to even getting any shots, so I feel like I am predisposed to have problems with my second shot).  What I am wondering, is whether anyone knows about a possible lessening of the side effects by waiting for months before getting the second shot.  Does anyone have any experience waiting, like, 6 months or more between first and second shot?


KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@heybro Forgive me but how does one purchase this.

Hi, I purchase mine at Wal*Mart...see below

Kettle & Fire Classic Beef Bone Broth

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Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jkro

article explaining neuropsychosis post Pfizer. Interesting read 

trigger neuropsychiatric symptoms via thiamine deficiency

Yes, I had been researching thiamine deficiency with these shots and came across this article. I have been reading up on thiamine and oxalate. This is because there is a doctor in Los Angeles treating people like us who is known for treating people with floroquinoline toxicity and those people seem to have the same symptoms that I do. So I started researching that too and found they talk of thiamine and oxalate. Have you looked into this?

How much B1 and how much oxalate?

So oxalate is something “bad” that can build up in the body. I have no idea on if thiamine works. Anything I say is not medical advice and I would do research on these things and contact your doctor before starting anything. I just simply am saying try and research these things. Have you ever had a bad reaction to flouroquinolines? I have and those people have similar side effects as I’m having now with the shot so that is how I started looking at these things. Please don’t take what I say as medical advice. I’m just throwing this out there do you too can research and talk with your doctors. 

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Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @jkro

article explaining neuropsychosis post Pfizer. Interesting read 

trigger neuropsychiatric symptoms via thiamine deficiency

Yes, I had been researching thiamine deficiency with these shots and came across this article. I have been reading up on thiamine and oxalate. This is because there is a doctor in Los Angeles treating people like us who is known for treating people with floroquinoline toxicity and those people seem to have the same symptoms that I do. So I started researching that too and found they talk of thiamine and oxalate. Have you looked into this?

How much B1 and how much oxalate?

So oxalate is something “bad” that can build up in the body. I have no idea on if thiamine works. Anything I say is not medical advice and I would do research on these things and contact your doctor before starting anything. I just simply am saying try and research these things. Have you ever had a bad reaction to flouroquinolines? I have and those people have similar side effects as I’m having now with the shot so that is how I started looking at these things. Please don’t take what I say as medical advice. I’m just throwing this out there do you too can research and talk with your doctors. 

Also there is research out there on oxalate and reducing it too fast can have serious issues so do research it yourself and talk with your doctor prior to starting anything new. I just put that out there to maybe induce you all to research down that path and see what you think?

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