@lau01 I got Vestibular Neuritis after a flu vaccine. Which really messed up my brain. I think someone copied my story on here. I hope you can find it. It started with really bad vertigo that was nonstop for 4 days, took 5 months to diagnose by an ENT and 18 months to almost fully recover from. I still have issues with it to this day. I will not be taking any covid vaccines.
@jkro this whole page is dedicated to helping with that- I am hearing that the protein can be present for some time- but that there are lots of things you can do also- and believe-u-me nobody would take the jab if we had known how different it is than even all previous jabs; we are all questioning all of it now. Get the updates weekly, they are adding daily to these pages.
note- is there a pine tree near you? Gathering your own medicine can be quite empowering if you are able.
here are some out takes from the above detox guide....
Important Safety Information Before Beginning a Detox-contraindications & suggestions from the above link
Please do not undertake a spike protein detox without supervision from your trusted health practitioner. Please note the following:
- Pine needle tea, neem, comfrey, Andrographis paniculata – Should NOT be consumed during pregnancy.
- Magnesium – Overdosing is possible, and it is more difficult to detect when consuming liposomal magnesium. Therefore, consider a mixture of liposomal and conventional magnesium, or just conventional magnesium.
- Zinc – When consuming a multivitamin that already includes zinc, be sure to adjust the quantity of zinc consumed in other supplements.
- Nattokinase – Do not take while using blood thinners or if you are pregnant or nursing.
- Always consider dosing – When taking a multivitamin, remember to adjust the amount of individual supplements accordingly. (e.g. If your multivitamin contains 15mg of zinc, you should reduce your zinc supplementation by that amount.)
- St John’s Wort – This medicine interacts with many pharmaceutical drugs. It should not be taken if you are on other medication without advice from your doctor.
- Alter your diet so as to reduce consumption of pro-inflammatory food items. A low histamine diet is recommended. Avoid processed foods and GMOs.
- The food items found in Table 1 may also be incorporated into daily diets prior to contracting Covid-19 or receiving a Covid-19 jab, if you still choose to do so.
- Intermittent fasting: The practice of intermittent fasting involves implementing meal timing schedules that switch back and forth between periods of voluntary fasting and non-fasting. Commonly, those who practice intermittent fasting consume all of their daily calories within 6-8 hours each day. This method of dieting is used to induce autophagy, which is essentially a recycling process that takes place in human cells, where cells degrade and recycle components. Autophagy is used by the body to eliminate damaged cell proteins and can destroy harmful viruses and bacteria post-infection.
- Daily consumption of a multivitamin is advised. It provides a basic supply of vitamin A, vitamin E, iodine, selenium, trace elements, and more in addition to vitamin C and vitamin D3.
- Heat therapy, such as taking saunas and hot baths, are considered a good way of detoxing spike protein.
My husband 49yr old HX of hypertension after 2nd dose Pfizer started to have tingling of extremities, mild balance upon start/stop walking, lightheadedness, intermittent sinus tachycardia, insomnia, extreme fatigue, brain fog, intolerance to non exerting activities, and concentration causes extreme fatigue and at time palpitations. Has not been able to work since May 9th. Went to TORRANCE ER 3 times, at 3rd ER visit was admitted under observation and multiple diagnostics MRI, CXRY, EKG, ECHOCARDIOGRAM, CAROTID ULTRASOUND, bloodwork all came back negative. Now going To Cedars Sinai. They are currently researching vaccine injuries and interested in seeing these cases now. We have seen a Cardiologist now at Cedars and he has had bloodwork and on a ZEO patch heart monitor for 2weeks. The neurologist said symptoms he is experiencing is what she is seeing in her patients to different degrees. She will refer him to another team member from immunology. Going to follow up with neurologist next week.I have been trying to encourage my husband to try LDN low dose naltrexone. It has completely healed me from 20yr long chronic fatigue, brain fog, and chronic pain.LDN has completely cured me in just 2months. A MD at Torrance memorial introduce this med to me and I never looked back! They use it in some long term COVID protocol.
He finally decided to try LDN and within 6 hrs his brain fog lifted and the fatigue decreased! My husband is shocked but I am not. Please look into it folks it has saved my life!
I will keep you updated on his progress with LDN and upcoming doctor appointments.
Did cedar Sinai ever do the research? How is your husband now?
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There are people that recovered fully from the side effects on this forum. It just took some time. I am one of them. And register couple of other people. However there are more people that have not yet recovered. Unfortunately.
Are you still 100% recovered?
@279janka good news ! I can't see your old message, what were yours symtoms ?
@279janka how long until completely gone? Also, any medication or treatment
I should add, about the chickens, I do just eat them in general, and it's the carcass and bones and such that I make into broth. I did not mean to recommend you just make broth from a whole chicken, because that is kinda more wasteful when you could get say 2 different kinds of meals from it...mmmm
@jkro it is interesting
I wonder what drugs he treats post-vaccination complications and this is probably an expensive treatment
My son is 15 years old. Had 2nd pfizer shot sept 2nd. Approx 6 weeks after he started getting bad head aches. He also got dizzieness when standing or walking . Fatigue is worst during the morning. Been to 4 different hospitals, ent and neurologist and no one knows whats going on and they all say it isnt related to vaccine. 3 mri and 1 ct scan of brain all negative. mri of spine also negative. All bloodwork negative (13 vials last week) It has been 7 weeks since symptoms started and they have been getting worse every week. He cant even stand without rocking and needs help walking around the house. Very, very unsteady on his feet. Looks like someone that is very inebriated . He has been in a childrens hospital for the last 4 days. Just did LP (spinal tap) to check for any diseases or infections. Nuerologist said they may not have any answers for us but i still think this is somehow related to vaccine. My son has a compromised immune system. As a child had asthma and always got sick. Whatever went around he seemed to catch. Dengue fever, salmanilla poisoning, mono ect. Would take several weeks to get over the flu. This is the reason we got him vaccinated in the first place. He is a strong kid who is active and plays sports. Anyone else have these symptoms start several weeks after 2nd shot?
I see your son has had mononucleosis. Have they thought it was a reactivation of the Epstein Barr Virus which is what causes mono? We are all grasping at straws here. I have a 15 year old son too. He just went back to school today from being positive with covid. Ironically, he broke his arm sept 1 or we were thinking about getting him a covid shot with me or sept 3. I’m sorry this has happened to your son. I’m really praying for him to get better.
@ethan318 where are you located? I know a doctor that will prescribe that for you. You need more prednisone. I did 500 mg total. The most important idea is to get enough prednisone to get rid of the inflammation aggressively before things get worse. what you took is not enough. Text me to 832-638-5091. I want to help anyone who can benefit from this. I was fortunate to find a doctor who is willing to step out and say what other doctors won’t. That this is because of vaccine. I went through sooo many doctors who claimed that I was fine and blamed it on anxiety. Big bullshit. I live in Houston. Let me know if I can help
Hi there. I hope you will see this... but did this also help any other symptoms? I have been battling for almost 4 months and was on a low dose which helped only slightly in the first month. I'm also experiencing nerve pain etc