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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Just to clarify, there's no specialist or specific test we can run on any of our side effects right? I can't point my doctor in a particular direction? We are just at the mercy of our immune systems until it figures out how to handle the spike protein? I just want to make sure there's nothing extra I could be doing right now. 

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@michalalala hey there, sorry that you’ve had to deal with all of that! I’m glad we’ve both finally got a diagnosis of convergence excess though with our vision. Did you go to vision therapy for the eye exercises? And is your vision back to normal now or are you still having problems? Also just wondering do you work on a computer at all and did you have to take time off? And if you do work on a computer do you have to take more breaks? Thanks in advanced for answering all of the questions and take care! 

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@s-m-a so your story is my story. I'm 10weeks into 2nd jab. Do you experience pressure like fullness in the top of head almost like a throbbed feeling? I also have like a delay when I move my head to when my eyes follow. Very blurry with double vision. Feeling very anxious we may never feel normal again. The unbalance feeling is debilitating leaving me with being unable to work, financially crippling us. My BP appears to be on the low side also, just adding to feeling sick. 

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@jess7 hey Jess. Well, I was advised to do these eye excercises at home, they are almost identical to eye yoga excercises, which you can google.

I haven’t stopped working on my computer but I do take breaks to look out from window and focusing on long distance objects. And my protocol says to spend as much time outside after work as possible. I must say it really helped to improve my vision quite quickly, it feels really normal again. It happens my vision is very occasionally little different if I am extremely tired but that’s nothing in compare with what it was when it started. I almost felt like I was losing my sight, which was really freaking me out.

After these 6 months I can say I can even have glass of wine or two without any harm, which was a no go 2 or 3 months ago - I would woke up with extreme hangover only after 2 sips from wine. I know alcohol is not the most important thing but my point is that all has improved that much that I can enjoy some wine with friends again, which is really great! 🙂

Jess and Jess reacted
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@twistedgift there is one test that my specialist suggested I could try that he said was showing results for some people. It's a blood test looking specifically for inflammation markers. I don't know the name of it and I didn't get it, but he did say that a lot of folks in our boats were showing positive on the test when all other tests were normal. You may want to ask. 

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@josephine I am so sorry you are going through this. Yes. I experienced fullness in my head. All over. Especially ears, nose, and behind the eyes. The dizzy spells were the worst, but there was a lot going on. I had the pressure behind the eyes and blurry vision. My vision is better but not the great vision I had before and my eyes get tired easily. It took three months and two weeks for me. Everyone is different. I was lucky that my boss understood and I was able to work with frequent breaks and I could talk to her about what was happening and how I felt. Try ice packs. On the head, like a headband, and the neck and shoulders.I feel like I had severe inflammation in my head. Like encephalitis maybe? It was bad. Ice packs and neck massager helped a lot. I was almost constantly panicked but I eventually realized it didn't help and it was also a side effect. I think the shot caused it. Not unwarranted, just much more anxiety than I would have normally felt given the facts, which are you feel like crap, but you're still alive and likely will be. Most of us recover and feel better, it just takes time. This is real and you are not crazy. You will get better. Repeat this and breath. The anxiety really is a sneaky little symptom. I promise I never thought my dizzy spells would break. And the doctors offered no help. I didn't have any hope except this forum. It's why I keep coming back and answering you guys as best as I can. I know how it feels and it is terrifying. You're going to get better. You will. Breathe. I know it sucks. It's been since the first week or so of August since I've had a dizzy spell. So at this point, I've been better the same amount of time I was sick for. Roughly. Hope this helps. 

Dee, Dee, KitKat and 7 people reacted
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 I have blurry vision in right eye and voach offers me glasses, but my examination is not over yet. I need to do a CT scan of the eye. I also have 5 months of pain at the injection site, I also have muscle tremors, especially when the muscles are tense, they shake. The legs, arms, and head experience tremors. Who has the symptoms that I have! write me! I don’t know how to treat it, I don’t have money for private clinics


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@s-m-a are you completely cured?:)

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@bowie yeah. My eyes get tired easier and I have to wear my glasses for more than reading but no dizzy spells. No roaming numbness. No palpitations. A couple of headaches but not super severe migraines so they probably aren't related. No ear fullness. I do still feel fullness in my nose and behind my eyes every now and then. I believe that lingers but it isn't constant. My muscle rigidness in my neck and shoulders is not even close to what it was, but I do feel like it gets sore easier, but not the solid steel rigid it was, and neck massager helps with that a lot. I don't have to use it daily like I did and for hours. I would say I'm recovered. I would tell you if I wasn't and if I even get a feeling like I am relapsing, I'm letting you guys know right away. I don't think I have had a relapse yet, but I do know it can happen. People on this forum have said it has happened to them and I believe them. I haven't had one though. Since first week in August. From the start of my dizzy spells till they ended, there was only one day in between when I wasn't dizzy. But I was again the next day, but it was close to the day that the dizzy spells ended and they ended with a sever migraine. The worst one I have ever had. It lasted two days and my temples were actually sore after. But I wasn't dizzy after and haven't been since. If it helps anyone. 

Josephine and Josephine reacted
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@elena1690 Simple things you can do....easy food adaptogens....(immune enhancers)

Tulsi Basil tea, Fresh ginger tea (cut up ginger, simmer in water) (dried ginger wont do it),

Cordyceps (mushroom) the body adapt.  Real licorice root tea...

If you can afford also some honey and milk....

There is even a Spike Protein Detox guide on the World Council for Health site here-many things you can do, even a few..

Download a new one, I also attached one but it is updated almost daily as new treatments

are found.  Best and glad to answer other questions if I can...



KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@jacquelynsauriol thank you very much!!

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Posted by: @twistedgift

Just to clarify, there's no specialist or specific test we can run on any of our side effects right? I can't point my doctor in a particular direction? We are just at the mercy of our immune systems until it figures out how to handle the spike protein? I just want to make sure there's nothing extra I could be doing right now. 

excellent talk on Spikeopathy here


Treatment guide for Spikeopathy here



KitKat, twistedgift, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Hi all, I made this account just to post about some of my experiences.

I have been reading about 100+ pages of this thread for the past few weeks, having very similar symptons that many of you are experiencing.

These symptoms are very broad and hard to pinpoint what the exact cause is. There is a thing called cybersickness that manifests with looking at screens for too long during the day. It has very similar symptons as what has been posted here, headaches, dizzyness, pressure in the head, etc. I'd suggest doing some research on cybersickness and see if you are experiencing these symptoms. Blue light and too much screen time could cause cybersickness.

At least for me, I have been exposed to so much more blue light since the pandemic started, because I am stuck working at home all day in meetings, then watch Netflix at night because of social distancing. This has added so much more strain onto my eyes than I am used to.

The only time I started to get relief is when I bought a pair of Blue Light Filter Glasses. I have been using these when I work or when I'm looking at a phone/screen. This has helped my headaches and dizzyness like no other, nothing else was working.

These glasses are the only thing that helped for me.

I can't say this will help you, as I am not a doctor, but reducing stress on your eyes can't hurt when we are looking at screens more than ever these days.

If this helps just 1 person, then I will be happy. And my time posting will be worth it.

I hope everyone starts feeling better, time heals. Please take care of yourself, eat healthy/exercise get daily sunlight. Small changes in the short term could make a big difference in the long term.


KitKat, PCMN, twistedgift and 3 people reacted
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@bowie It took mi around 3 months to fully recover. I had the worst vertigo episodes during night when I was rolling in the bed. I had to sleep in sitting position. I could not make sudden movements. When I woke up during night I was not able to fall asleep again. But during the day it was better. I was able to do things around home. Vertigo started to subside after 1,5 month in my case. 

DrL, jacquelyn sauriol, DrL and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @scribd

New member and happy to found this forum. But it's also very unnerving to see so many posts...

I had my 2nd dose of Moderna 4 days ago. My symptoms started 2 days ago. I had a feeling of vertigo waking up from the bed. The rest of the day was fine. In the evening I tried doing Pilates and it got a lot worse. Next day woke up dizzy as well. I never had these kinds of issues before as an active person in early 30ies.

Will keep checking how it goes. Made an appointment for the end of week with an ENT. In the meantime I have a lot of reading to do I guess...


So, this was my first and only post in the place. Around 2 weeks mark, the vertigo fade away on its own. A lot of resting and healthy eating. However, I still have some balance issues when I close my eyes from time to time. Its weird, nothing scary, but for sure wasn't a thing before.

I am curious if anyone living in Europe has any info on actually getting exemption from getting a booster? I am not sure if I want to go through this again, or end up with something even more serious/permenant. It's so interesting that everyone in the health industry seem to downplay all our experiences with side effects.

KitKat, DrL, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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