Last seen: September 7, 2022 2:01 pm
Hello everyone! I’ve been taking a bit of a break from online forums etc as I felt like it was making my anxiety worse. I wanted to post here and...
@windsor Oct 31st was my second dose and my symptoms started about 3 weeks later with the exception of heart issues which was a few days after.
@ethan318 Wow, nice! It costs $200AUD at my local laboratory 🙁
@lmkk I was pretty worried initially because when I first brought it up weeks ago she didn’t seem open to listening to what I had to say. I think the ...
@lmkk I actually had a good visit with my GP yesterday. She’s not denying that it could be the vaccine but she wants to cover absolutely every base as...
All of them lol Really bad paresthesia all over. When it’s not flaring up it’s mostly in the feet/arms. I have it all day every day and when it flar...
@jkro gee whizz that’s insane and not in a good way 🙁
Has anyone has their doctor mention carcinoid cancer? My doc just wrote up blood tests for that and an MRI to rule out MS. I’m a little worried about ...
So because I got my tests done before Christmas and my GP's office has been closed since, I have not had a consult with her but I was able to access m...
Does anyone else feel almost normal laying down and then as soon as they sit up or start walking around head stuff starts?
Happy New Year everyone 🙂 I wish my post brought good news and that my symptoms continued to fade to the background as they were doing for a bit the...
@samtay Considering you joined this forum and posted with the same concerns, I think it’s extremely tone deaf of you to make the post that you did. ...
Just popping my head in, I’m still a mess but having more frequent good days which I’ll take as a win. Wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a ...
@rainyday I think that there’s more people out there suffering in silence because they aren’t putting two and two together. Honestly, had I not been a...
@lmkk lol I started getting teeth pain only on the left hand side (I got both jabs in the left arm). I’ve not long seen a dentist so I know I don’t ha...