Anyones nerves in the head hurt? Like a crawling pain and then it vanishes?
I also have some electric thing feeling in the right side of my head for sometime and then it vanishes.
Anyone has it or had this? Or am I the only one facing this scary issue. It wasn't there earlier, now I have it when I've almost completed 2 months.
Ive had vertigo every day since April. Had 1AZ in Feb. I have gotten no better in fact this week I feel worse. I keep getting A heaviness in my head and legs and out of no where keep feeling like I’m being pulled downwards by a magnet. It feels horrendous, I am so so scared. I’m awaiting referrals, which are taking forever. Ct scan 2 months ago came back clear. I haven’t had a single day yet without the dizziness since it began it April and it’s getting worse, I’m so scared 😔😟😢
@medee I would say start with a low dose of aspirin (usually 1 instead of 2) (simple Salicylic acid acid, not other drugs usu prescribed for inflammation) for a few days and go up from there....if needed....
I too feel the things you describe (floating spike proteins?) and I have heard some anecdotal things about aspirin...I usually try to go slow with anything, and work my way well as try to stay just a bit hydrated, but not overly so....
I think we tend to overhydrate....look at water consumption for desert nomads and you wonder why we drink so much!
Have you felt better with these tablets?
Yes, I don't recommend things unless they have worked for me. Aspirin is often used to reduce blood clotting.
Real aspirin is also recommended at the FLCCC SITE (Front Line Covid Critical Care)
on the second page of their protocol it says 325 mg aspirin UNLESS CONTRAINDICATED.
It is available in many languages here. It is updated weekly with any new information.
scroll down to 3 page pdf, download
above where the little flags of different
Anyones nerves in the head hurt? Like a crawling pain and then it vanishes?
I also have some electric thing feeling in the right side of my head for sometime and then it vanishes.
Anyone has it or had this? Or am I the only one facing this scary issue. It wasn't there earlier, now I have it when I've almost completed 2 months.
i have this. it’s somewhat of a crawling/tingling feeling on the right side of my head in the front. like someone was sticking 10,000 needles in my scalp but with no pain. or electricty. it spreaded sometimes to other sides of my head and sometimes to the top of my spine but always was dominant on that side. sometimes i get pressure with it also.
this was the second side effect i had. i’m on day 70, 2 months and 10 days and for the last 4 days i haven't had the feeling as vivid. i think it might be gone but who knows honestly 😭
Many are suffering after the mNRA injections, and with over 800 posts it is hard to read them all, so to help the most people quickly, here is the link to the FLCCC; FRONT LINE COVID CRITICAL CARE ALLIANCE 3 pages
Once you are there, Scroll down to the 3 page PDF to see it, and or download above at the little flags of different countries. I also attached it. IT IS UPDATED WEEKLY SO PLEASE GO THERE AND DOWNLOAD AS REQUIRED.
They also have a protocol for hospital care, it is about 60 pages, and other protocols as well, here
Many are suffering after the mNRA injections, and with over 800 posts it is hard to read them all, so to help the most people quickly, here is the link to the FLCCC; FRONT LINE COVID CRITICAL CARE ALLIANCE 3 pages
Once you are there, Scroll down to the 3 page PDF to see it, and or download above at the little flags of different countries. I also attached it. IT IS UPDATED WEEKLY SO PLEASE GO THERE AND DOWNLOAD AS REQUIRED.
They also have a protocol for hospital care, it is about 60 pages, and other protocols as well, here
Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?
I got the second vaccine shot 4 days ago and the first 3 days were bad. The headaches , chills, mussle ache's and pains were worse than the first shot. Now on day 4 I was told I had to get covid test because of the bad headache and mussle pain I cant get rid of that is keeping me out of work. I cant wait to feel normal again.
Many are suffering after the mNRA injections, and with over 800 posts it is hard to read them all, so to help the most people quickly, here is the link to the FLCCC; FRONT LINE COVID CRITICAL CARE ALLIANCE 3 pages
Once you are there, Scroll down to the 3 page PDF to see it, and or download above at the little flags of different countries. I also attached it. IT IS UPDATED WEEKLY SO PLEASE GO THERE AND DOWNLOAD AS REQUIRED.
They also have a protocol for hospital care, it is about 60 pages, and other protocols as well, here
i have a question for anyone who’s been diagnosed with pericarditis.
what does the chest pain feel like? is it dull, achy, sharp, stabbing? how long does it last? what side of the chest do you have it on?
also, does anyone know if CT of the chest can rule out this issue? i had an EKG of my heart done and a CT scan of my chest. both were fine. my heart rate the first time was 120 but i get anxious going into doctor office. they did it again and it was 101. so alot better.
my insurance is still icky because i moved so im not really able to see a doctor any time soon. went to a free clinic, waiting to hear back from them and see it i can get in.
Anyones nerves in the head hurt? Like a crawling pain and then it vanishes?
I also have some electric thing feeling in the right side of my head for sometime and then it vanishes.
Anyone has it or had this? Or am I the only one facing this scary issue. It wasn't there earlier, now I have it when I've almost completed 2 months.
i have this. it’s somewhat of a crawling/tingling feeling on the right side of my head in the front. like someone was sticking 10,000 needles in my scalp but with no pain. or electricty. it spreaded sometimes to other sides of my head and sometimes to the top of my spine but always was dominant on that side. sometimes i get pressure with it also.
this was the second side effect i had. i’m on day 70, 2 months and 10 days and for the last 4 days i haven't had the feeling as vivid. i think it might be gone but who knows honestly 😭
Have you done any tests for your brain?
I want to do an MRI of it but since I have tinnitus and ear pain post vax, I am not sure how to step in for the test. The MRI room makes a lot of noise already, I don't want to hurt my ears.
Though the Neurologist told me that my reports will come back normal, I wanted to do it for my peace of mind.
Not sure when this will all come to an end. I hope we don't have to live with it for the rest of our lives. I am just 32 and I don't know what to do with so many things happening to me post this vax.🥺
@jkro yeah :/ it really is...have any of your doctors had any hints? I wonder if there is some covid vaccine trials that study people who have side effects like outs.
I have been taking part in private UK government surveys for the last five years.
The purpose of the surveys is to get a snapshot of the UK's population thoughts and feelings on various issues from politics, education, local topics and more recently...covid, opinions on mask wearing, social distancing etc.
What I found interesting and usual in the type of questions they were asking was a questionnaire about covid vaccines.
I got the impression the questionnaire was on behalf of a big pharma or something.
They were wanting to know what covid vaccine people had had, followed by tick box questions about which side effects, if any had been experienced.
In particular they were asking about tinnitus, nerve pain in the teeth, headaches and dizziness. They also asked about whether it went away and how long it took.
I wish I had taken a screenshot of it. Once you complete and submit the survey it closes and you can't go back and view it.
Definitely the powers that be were looking into side effects.
@medee yes don’t worry, it will subside with time. I’m almost 6 month post 1st vaccine and most side effects have subsided. Only thing left is visual issues and my sense of taste and smell hasn’t come back fully yet. I haven’t had a relapse in a week for the head/ear pressure so that’s a good sign. Stay positive you will be okay 😃
@hisrichess Hi, I was diagnosed with pericarditis. It started with severe shooting chest pains 4 days after the vaccine and followed by heart palpitations for about 2 months (it felt like my heart was skipping beats).
My doctor kept blaming anxiety so she never referred me to a specialist until I asked my neurologist to refer me to a cardiologist and he did. I wore a heart monitor for 48 hrs and it was abnormal, EKG normal. There isn’t a specific test to diagnose it, the chest pains feel like stabbing/shooting pains and it’s usually on the left side right above the breast. I sometimes also felt pain towards the left right under my armpit. The pain isn’t constant, it comes and goes and it’s usually worse when you lay down.
The cardiologist also did an ultrasound just to check if there is water in the lining of my heart as it happens with pericarditis but I was fine. He prescribed colchicine (anti inflammatory med) for 3 months.
@jkro yeah :/ it really is...have any of your doctors had any hints? I wonder if there is some covid vaccine trials that study people who have side effects like outs.
I have been taking part in private UK government surveys for the last five years.
The purpose of the surveys is to get a snapshot of the UK's population thoughts and feelings on various issues from politics, education, local topics and more recently...covid, opinions on mask wearing, social distancing etc.
What I found interesting and usual in the type of questions they were asking was a questionnaire about covid vaccines.
I got the impression the questionnaire was on behalf of a big pharma or something.
They were wanting to know what covid vaccine people had had, followed by tick box questions about which side effects, if any had been experienced.
In particular they were asking about tinnitus, nerve pain in the teeth, headaches and dizziness. They also asked about whether it went away and how long it took.
I wish I had taken a screenshot of it. Once you complete and submit the survey it closes and you can't go back and view it.
Definitely the powers that be were looking into side effects.
Interesting, I had been having some shooting pain into my teeth last night.
Anyones nerves in the head hurt? Like a crawling pain and then it vanishes?
I also have some electric thing feeling in the right side of my head for sometime and then it vanishes.
Anyone has it or had this? Or am I the only one facing this scary issue. It wasn't there earlier, now I have it when I've almost completed 2 months.
i have this. it’s somewhat of a crawling/tingling feeling on the right side of my head in the front. like someone was sticking 10,000 needles in my scalp but with no pain. or electricty. it spreaded sometimes to other sides of my head and sometimes to the top of my spine but always was dominant on that side. sometimes i get pressure with it also.
this was the second side effect i had. i’m on day 70, 2 months and 10 days and for the last 4 days i haven't had the feeling as vivid. i think it might be gone but who knows honestly 😭
Have you done any tests for your brain?
I want to do an MRI of it but since I have tinnitus and ear pain post vax, I am not sure how to step in for the test. The MRI room makes a lot of noise already, I don't want to hurt my ears.
Though the Neurologist told me that my reports will come back normal, I wanted to do it for my peace of mind.
Not sure when this will all come to an end. I hope we don't have to live with it for the rest of our lives. I am just 32 and I don't know what to do with so many things happening to me post this vax.🥺
i didn’t get any MRIs yet. im waiting on being able to get it done but i had CT scan done on my chest, brain and sinuses. it did mess with my tinnitus a little but not alot because it’s not that severe for me. it’s depending on your comfort level.
if you had tinnitus and ear issues before the vaccine that’s a pre-existing issue and the vaccine is triggering alot of people’s dormant and pre-existing issues (going by articles & this forum). i would get it done just to rule out anything and be sure.
i understand the concern though, it’s all about what works for you though and safety in the end. an MRI can rule out MANY MANY things. it’s definitely a step towards getting better but the vertigo and tinnitus make everything sensitive.
maybe try talking to a doctor about ways to prevent anything from worsening before the MRIs.
FOIA data released……please read