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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @chels8957

@jkro yeah :/ it really is...have any of your doctors had any hints? I wonder if there is some covid vaccine trials that study people who have side effects like outs.

I have been taking part in private UK government surveys for the last five years.

The purpose of the surveys is to get a snapshot of the UK's population thoughts and feelings on various issues from politics, education, local topics and more recently...covid, opinions on mask wearing, social distancing etc.

What I found interesting and usual in the type of questions they were asking was a questionnaire about covid vaccines.

I got the impression the questionnaire was on behalf of a big pharma or something.

They were wanting to know what covid vaccine people had had, followed by tick box questions about which side effects, if any had been experienced.

In particular they were asking about tinnitus, nerve pain in the teeth, headaches and dizziness. They also asked about whether it went away and how long it took.

I wish I had taken a screenshot of it. Once you complete and submit the survey it closes and you can't go back and view it. 

Definitely the powers that be were looking into side effects.

Interesting, I had been having some shooting pain into my teeth last night. 

I've been having tons of nerve pain in my teeth mainly my right side since my vaccine. No prior issues before the vax. Had my teeth checked and they are ok. 

twistedgift, twistedgift, Jessie and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @sara90

@hisrichess Hi, I was diagnosed with pericarditis. It started with severe shooting chest pains 4 days after the vaccine and followed by heart palpitations for about 2 months (it felt like my heart was skipping beats). 
My doctor kept blaming anxiety so she never referred me to a specialist until I asked my neurologist to refer me to a cardiologist and he did. I wore a heart monitor for 48 hrs and it was abnormal, EKG normal. There isn’t a specific test to diagnose it, the chest pains feel like stabbing/shooting pains and it’s usually on the left side right above the breast. I sometimes also felt pain towards the left right under my armpit. The pain isn’t constant, it comes and goes and it’s usually worse when you lay down. 
The cardiologist also did an ultrasound just to check if there is water in the lining of my heart as it happens with pericarditis but I was fine. He prescribed colchicine (anti inflammatory med) for 3 months. 

thank you for replying. i been reading through more pages and seen that a constant issue. i was worried since i have chest pain before and minimal now. more than likely i don’t have it. my chest pain is in my breast area but on both sides and mostly on my right. it’s never consistent and feels more like a musle pull/sprain of some sort. 

i do have tingling on the left side of my armpit but never any pain and that kinda alternates. no palpitations unless i’m anxious. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @sara90

@hisrichess Hi, I was diagnosed with pericarditis. It started with severe shooting chest pains 4 days after the vaccine and followed by heart palpitations for about 2 months (it felt like my heart was skipping beats). 
My doctor kept blaming anxiety so she never referred me to a specialist until I asked my neurologist to refer me to a cardiologist and he did. I wore a heart monitor for 48 hrs and it was abnormal, EKG normal. There isn’t a specific test to diagnose it, the chest pains feel like stabbing/shooting pains and it’s usually on the left side right above the breast. I sometimes also felt pain towards the left right under my armpit. The pain isn’t constant, it comes and goes and it’s usually worse when you lay down. 
The cardiologist also did an ultrasound just to check if there is water in the lining of my heart as it happens with pericarditis but I was fine. He prescribed colchicine (anti inflammatory med) for 3 months. 

what did the doctor say about how long it lasts and how it goes? 

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I found an app that lets you join and create free group chats. It’s called GROUPME (link: Available on android too. 

I created a group for everyone on here to join. It’s free to join and very easy to use. 

Here is the link to join the group! 

You're invited to my new group 'COVID 19 VACCINE EFFECTS' on GroupMe. Click here to join:

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Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @chels8957

@jkro yeah :/ it really is...have any of your doctors had any hints? I wonder if there is some covid vaccine trials that study people who have side effects like outs.

Docs that I’ve seen are worthless. And there were covid vaccine trial people like us. One person from Utah is named brianne and she was paralyzed. Look her up on the internet. They kicked her out of the trial because it was after her first shot and told her she probably had MS. I’m not sure she has recovered. 

There was also the 12-year-old girl named Maddie in Ohio who was in the trials.  Perfectly healthy before, suffered horrific effects and now must use a wheelchair.

I was trying to look online for the stories of Maddie and Brianna, young girls damaged after the vaccines. Most sites were blocked from viewing as I'm in Europe and they are US sites. I did however find this the comments section and the comment from "DH" a physician.

Dee, DrL, Dee and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @medee

Anyones nerves in the head hurt? Like a crawling pain and then it vanishes?

I also have some electric thing feeling in the right side of my head for sometime and then it vanishes.

Anyone has it or had this? Or am I the only one facing this scary issue. It wasn't there earlier, now I have it when I've almost completed 2 months.

i have this. it’s somewhat of a crawling/tingling feeling on the right side of my head in the front. like someone was sticking 10,000 needles in my scalp but with no pain. or electricty.  it spreaded sometimes to other sides of my head and sometimes to the top of my spine but always was dominant on that side. sometimes i get pressure with it also. 

this was the second side effect i had. i’m on day 70, 2 months and 10 days and for the last 4 days i haven't had the feeling as vivid. i think it might be gone but who knows honestly 😭

Have you done any tests for your brain?

I want to do an MRI of it but since I have tinnitus and ear pain post vax, I am not sure how to step in for the test. The MRI room makes a lot of noise already, I don't want to hurt my ears.

Though the Neurologist told me that my reports will come back normal, I wanted to do it for my peace of mind.

Not sure when this will all come to an end. I hope we don't have to live with it for the rest of our lives. I am just 32 and I don't know what to do with so many things happening to me post this vax.🥺

i didn’t get any MRIs yet. im waiting on being able to get it done but i had CT scan done on my chest, brain and sinuses. it did mess with my tinnitus a little but not alot because it’s not that severe for me. it’s depending on your comfort level. 

if you had tinnitus and ear issues before the vaccine that’s a pre-existing issue and the vaccine is triggering alot of people’s dormant and pre-existing issues (going by articles & this forum). i would get it done just to rule out anything and be sure. 

i understand the concern though, it’s all about what works for you though and safety in the end. an MRI can rule out MANY MANY things. it’s definitely a step towards getting better but the vertigo and tinnitus make everything sensitive.

maybe try talking to a doctor about ways to prevent anything from worsening before the MRIs. 

That's exactly why I haven't done an MRI yet. I cannot speak to my doctor as he already said my reports will come back normal and wasn’t really in favour of any tests but did that since I wanted a peace of mind. My nerve test came back normal. I don't know what the scientific name for the test is but they do pass some electric shocks and check the wave length of the reaction.

Has anyone's tinnitus and ear pain subsided in time? 

I hope the head issues resolve soon so that I don't have to do an MRI. 

You take care. Hope these resolve soon for all of us here.

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Hi everyone,

First things first, for some hope, I AM BETTER NOW.

I was reading through what many of you shared here, and I  realized that so many, SO MANY, people are going through such adverse side effects from covid19 vaccines. 

I have previously shared my experience with the vaccines and some of my concerns here and I thought this would be a good time to share some updates on my situation.

I joined this forum some months back, a week or so after receiving my second dose of Pfizer, when I first developed similar side effects (exactly on the fourth day after the second shot). I was just standing up from my bed when I was hit with a sudden feeling of dizziness. It didn't feel like I was fainting, but rather more like I was swaying. My body felt woozy and every time I took a step, it felt like I was floating, bobbing up and up. It was horrible in the beginning. I developed anxiety, I  couldn't eat properly (I couldn't even sit at the table because my head made it feel like I was falling backwards), I was literally on bed (couch) rest for days until I could visit my GP. My GP gave me tablets for dizziness but as much as I wanted them to help, they didn't. I then visited an ENT, who told me exactly this - "It's a side effect of the vaccine and will wear off on its own". I even visited a neurologist and had an MRI taken, the results of which came out fine. In the end, the doctors couldn't do much to help me and I never got a real diagnosis. I was supposed to be flying to a new country for my education in a few weeks and you can imagine how scared I must have been.

Now, around 4 months later, I can say that I am 98% fine and back to normal. The 2% I've left out is for the sudden bouts of swaying I still feel once in a while (happens once in some weeks and is nothing scary) and how whenever my anxiety spikes up I feel like I'm bobbing up and down all over again (surprisingly, it gets better when I don't focus on it and instead concentrate on something else). I used to have twitches in random parts of my body in the beginning, which have gotten so much better now (I only feel them once in a while and mostly due to too much screen time). Like some of you mentioned here, I also used to feel (hear?) my pulse in places like my stomach and legs at random times of the day (like when in bed and about to go to sleep) and it scared me to no end, but that was only there for a week or so and I feel mostly got better because I stopped focusing on it. My head still aches when I watch a screen for too long, my distance vision got a little bad (another side effect) but its manageable, I can still see things (especially tall stuff like buildings) sway and dance like a mirage in front of me sometimes when I focus really hard, I sometimes still feel like I'm moving when I get off a train/metro/car, but honestly, I'm SO SO SO much better than I was 4 months ago.

One more thing: I TOOK NO MEDICINE OR EXTRA VITAMINS (I do take Vitamin D3 50 micrograms tablets these days, but I got better before I started taking them).

Here are some tips for those of you who have just started feeling horrible because of a vaccine and are on the road to getting better:

1. Limit screen time - It TOTALLY helps, and continue to do this even after you get better

2. Eat healthy and drink lots of water

3. WAIT - Healing takes time and no matter how hard it is, it will get better, so patience is really really important (No matter how old or young you are, just believe in yourself to get better, at least that's what I did)

4. You don't have to take loads of medicines or vitamins to get better - you can of course take them if you want to (NOT STOPPING ANYONE HERE), but you don't HAVE to.

5. Try not to focus on where it hurts, or twitches, or feels weird - Focus on something else, push forward against whatever you're feeling and try to go back to doing things the way you used to before it all started. I know it's easier said than done, and there are some things you just cannot do until you're fully better, but the more you tell yourself you're fine, the more your body and mind will adapt to that. 



PS - I tried getting on a treadmill a few days back and it was great and all while I was on it. After I got off, it felt HORRIBLE, my vestibular system hadn't realized I was off yet and with every step I took it felt like I was moving forward on the treadmill still. It gave me a pretty big anxiety spike, but I was with a friend and we both started doing some legwork exercises, which helped distract me. The horrible feeling lasted around 15-20 minutes only I'd say (the feeling of moving forward on a treadmill even when on the ground), but it totally exhausted me. NO MORE TREADMILLS FOR ME NOW.

Anyways, what I really want to say is, I'm trying my best to get used to this new normal for myself, and I sincerely hope that everyone here gets better and feels better in whatever new normal you find for yourself. Stay strong, stay positive.

gingerj, PCMN, DrL and 3 people reacted
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Oh, and I forgot to mention, one of the symptoms I faced was sinus-like head aches and ears constantly feeling blocked. Even now I feel my ears get blocked sometimes (goes away with swallowing continuously), which mostly happens when I get anxious, but totally way better than before.

DrL, DrL, Plazervil2500 and 1 people reacted
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I was trying to look online for the stories of Maddie and Brianna, young girls damaged after the vaccines. Most sites were blocked from viewing as I'm in Europe and they are US sites.


I will look later and maybe I can find a short article that I can cut and paste here.  The girl's full name is Maddie de Garay.  Maybe if you Google that something will come up?  I have not heard of Brianna, will have to look up that story.


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has anyone done NAD IV treatments? 

I’ve finally talked to a naturopath Dr here in Canada and he is the first professional that acknowledged and believes me and is treating people with my symptoms! He even said “ everything I’m saying is under the table or I could lose my license” so what I’ve been fearing is confirmed! Things are being silenced. He’s said the NAD treatment will really helped and even offered to help me out with cost I could cry! 

gingerj, Dee, KitKat and 7 people reacted
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Posted by: @isismadec

I was trying to look online for the stories of Maddie and Brianna, young girls damaged after the vaccines. Most sites were blocked from viewing as I'm in Europe and they are US sites.


I will look later and maybe I can find a short article that I can cut and paste here.  The girl's full name is Maddie de Garay.  Maybe if you Google that something will come up?  I have not heard of Brianna, will have to look up that story.


Maddie de Garay – Pfizer January 2021

Pfizer Clinical Trials For 12–15 Year Olds – Severe Ongoing Adverse Reactions

Stephanie updating the story of her daughter Maddie, aged just 12, below and in the new video :

Maddie was in the Pfizer Clinical Trials for 12–15 year-olds conducted through the Gamble Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

She was a healthy, energetic girl, a good student, kind and social – but they haven’t seen that version of Maddie since she got the second Pfizer Vaccine.

Within 24 hours she developed abdominal, muscle and nerve pain that became unbearable and, over the next two-and-a-half months, she was admitted to the hospital three times, each stay a little longer than the last.

She developed additional symptoms including gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss (she mixes up words), brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting (she fell and hit her head) and seizures.

She developed verbal and motor tics, loss of feeling from the waist down, muscle weakness, drastic changes in her vision, urinary retention and loss of bladder control, severely irregular heavy menstrual cycles, and eventually she had to have a NG (feeding) tube put in to get nutrition. All of these symptoms are still here today, and some days are worse than others.

Steph de Garay, Maddie’s Mother, says “There was nothing wrong with her. She was perfectly happy and now, whatever happened, it has changed her”.

Nine months post Vaccine they are still living a nightmare with no support from the medical community.

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA




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@hisrichess he said it should clear up when I finish the meds, I’m on my second month now and the chest pains have subsided significantly. 

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Has anyone been diagnosed with arthritis post vaccine? I had an MRI for my spine a month ago and apparently I have mild arthritis…don’t know if this was triggered by the vaccine? I’m only 31, active with no health conditions. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @hisrichess


I found an app that lets you join and create free group chats. It’s called GROUPME (link: Available on android too. 

I created a group for everyone on here to join. It’s free to join and very easy to use. 

Here is the link to join the group! 

You're invited to my new group 'COVID 19 VACCINE EFFECTS' on GroupMe. Click here to join:

I am from Singapore, can i join? 

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @chels8957

@jkro yeah :/ it really is...have any of your doctors had any hints? I wonder if there is some covid vaccine trials that study people who have side effects like outs.

Docs that I’ve seen are worthless. And there were covid vaccine trial people like us. One person from Utah is named brianne and she was paralyzed. Look her up on the internet. They kicked her out of the trial because it was after her first shot and told her she probably had MS. I’m not sure she has recovered. 

There was also the 12-year-old girl named Maddie in Ohio who was in the trials.  Perfectly healthy before, suffered horrific effects and now must use a wheelchair.

I was trying to look online for the stories of Maddie and Brianna, young girls damaged after the vaccines. Most sites were blocked from viewing as I'm in Europe and they are US sites. I did however find this the comments section and the comment from "DH" a physician.

Here is a link to Maddie, Brianne and many others' stories.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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