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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Ivermectin ( ) has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. We have adjusted our dosage of Ivermectin in the protocols and have added additional medications and measures to help make the protocols more effective against the variants. The current protocols can be found online here ( ). Always discuss the protocols first with your own physician.

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Posted by: @gingerjones


I have a sister who is a registered nurse at a hospital in Boston, MA.  She contracted Covid-19 in March of 2020.  During this time she lost her sense of taste and smell and developed tinnitus.  It took a full year for her sense of smell and taste to come back, and it took a good 6 months for the tinnitus to go away.  She said at times the tinnitus was the worst...

She did go on and got both doses of the vaccine and none of the symptoms she had from Covid-19 returned.

She also told me if my tinnitus is from the vaccine (which it DEFINITELY IS!) then it is only temporary...

Has the tinnitus gone away?

Many of us are having it post the jab. If yours is cured, we can hope for the same.

Please do reply.

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Posted by: @sarap
Posted by: @sarap

I had my first dose of Moderna on January 15.  I experienced tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, numbness in hands and a general “loopy” feeling.  I assumed it was just my body coping.  I found myself stumbling and nearly passing out once when standing up! I am 45 and generally healthy.  The tinnitus, which I’ve never had before, increased by day 3 and HAS NOT STOPPED!  Nearly 6 weeks later, 3 doc visits, prednisone and an antiviral and it won’t budge.  I see an ENT next week but my PCP recommended I hold off on the 2nd dose for now.  The other symptoms lasted about 2 weeks then slowly faded.  Has anyone else had new onset of tinnitus post a Covid vaccine?

I wanted to update.  Visited an ENT this week.  Due to the timing of my symptoms, lack of exposure and lack of any lifestyle changes he strongly believes my tinnitus and dizziness were caused by the vaccine.  Since my body had an inflammatory response he recommended not getting a second dose.  Same input I got from my PCP.  The good news is I don’t have hearing loss and due to that he’s hopeful my tinnitus will subside.  Fingers crossed. 

Has the tinnitus subsided?

See this was posted in March. How are you feeling these days? Has the other symptoms too gone away?


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@jkro I was reading someone's journey after the vaccine on RealNotRare's website. One of the treatments they said helped them to feel better was monoclonal antibodies. I'm curious how they were able to receive that treatment; I'm positive my provider wouldn't dream of prescribing it. I wonder if it would help all of us who are suffering? 

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Posted by: @jasonedwarda
Posted by: @nick11

Hello everyone!

I am 12 days post Pfizer vac 2. I have been experiencing lightheadedness basically while and moving around. It still exists when laying down or sitting but not nearly as bad. I’ve been to the doctor twice as well as two Teladoc calls and they all believe it is a Vaccine side effect that possibly triggered something. They will be referring me to a neurologist this upcoming week but everything appears to be fine. Blood work was normal as was a small nervous system test (walking across the room, squeezing fingers, following the finger with eyes only etc..)

I do not have any other symptoms. No nausea, vomiting, headaches, no pain anywhere, no loss of eyesight, smell, no sensitivity to everything and I actually feel better when I’m driving. However I just feel like a bucket of water where the bucket isn’t moving but the water is splashing around inside. It’s very frustrating and kind of depressing. I also have never had any depression on anxiety diagnosis. I’m wondering if anyone else has been feeling this and if there’s any consensus on the best remedy? Essentially feel normal all around but the lightheadedness is crazy and has been persistent for about a week. Thanks!

Hi Nick.


Your symptoms sound intenticle to what I was experiencing for the first 2.5 weeks, but i also developed Tinnitus too.


Today I am 4 weeks since vaccine and glad to say that pretty much all my symptoms have gone, but I am left with this awful Tinnitus and I seem to have underlying tiredness, and the fullness of the ear although the tiredness seems to be getting less intense.

I think majority of people are finding that the light headedness, pressure on head, vertigo type symptoms fade after about 4 weeks.

The Tinnitus for me is the really hard one, because once you get generally stays for life and dealing with that is very difficult.

Has the tinnitus subsided?

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Posted by: @claire0125

Hi Everyone, 

Has anyone who had tinnitus (the only symptom I have) after the first vaccine got the second one?

I am scheduled to get my second one today. My ENT did say that after consulting with his colleagues and doing some research he did not find any link between the covid vaccine and tinnitus. He did say though that I could wait a couple of months to get the second one if I want. So I'm a bit lost at what to do as someone who is in their 20s who is supposed to be going back to in-person classes in the fall. 

I am lucky in that my ENT did confirm that I do not have any hearing loss from my tinnitus. I am still unsure however if the vaccine is really what caused my tinnitus as I didn't really notice it until about a few days to a week later. It gets worse when I go on runs, or do any type of strenuous activity. 

Has anyone done anything that improves the rining? 


Has the tinnitus subsided? Di you get any other symptoms later on?

How are you feeling now? 

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Posted by: @rainyday

@jkro I was reading someone's journey after the vaccine on RealNotRare's website. One of the treatments they said helped them to feel better was monoclonal antibodies. I'm curious how they were able to receive that treatment; I'm positive my provider wouldn't dream of prescribing it. I wonder if it would help all of us who are suffering? 

If my symptoms flare again I’m going to ask. I have a doc appointment this week.

Rainyday and Rainyday reacted
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Posted by: @rainyday

@jkro I was reading someone's journey after the vaccine on RealNotRare's website. One of the treatments they said helped them to feel better was monoclonal antibodies. I'm curious how they were able to receive that treatment; I'm positive my provider wouldn't dream of prescribing it. I wonder if it would help all of us who are suffering? 

Someone else (maybe you lol) on here posted that this would maybe be an option for people like us. 

Rainyday and Rainyday reacted
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Hi @jkro

Just literally reading today's news and came across this article which I thought may interest you. It talks about how female hormones may be responsible for a stronger immune response and therefore sometimes creating autoimmune symptoms.

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Posted by: @rainyday

@jkro I was reading someone's journey after the vaccine on RealNotRare's website. One of the treatments they said helped them to feel better was monoclonal antibodies. I'm curious how they were able to receive that treatment; I'm positive my provider wouldn't dream of prescribing it. I wonder if it would help all of us who are suffering? 

I had read about someone who became a longhauler after getting monoclonal antibodies. It looks like there are large number of theories on possible mechanisms for becoming a longhauler. Viral debris, overactive immune system, microclots, anti-bodies etc. It's really surprising no one has found anything concrete about any of them yet. I don't think that there is a "one cure for all" for longhaulers.


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by crapcan

Rainyday and Rainyday reacted
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@jkro It was me, a month or two ago! Ha. It makes sense that it might help to fight off the spike protein in the vaccine - thus relieving us of symptoms. Let us know if your provider prescribes it! 

Jessie and Jessie reacted
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@medee no:(. I’m at 11 months post now and it really hasn’t changed  I’ve tried acupuncture, anti inflammatory diets, turmeric, Bioflavanoids…the list goes on.  I can mostly ignore it during the day.  The nighttime is difficult. How about you?

LorraineB and LorraineB reacted
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I too have the internal vibrations/buzzing. It’s main through head neck and back. Occasionally it will buzz through my chest as well. I can’t stand it. I feel it off an on through out the day. It’s unsettling. Sometimes it’s worse than others, but I can tell Ive had quite a bit of an improvement in the intensity of them and the duration. I’ll call that progress. I’m hoping my body cycles this mess out of my system. I’m taking so many supplements throughout the day. My newest one is NAC. I’ve read good things about it. I’ve also been reading about the health benefits of certain mushrooms. I have ordered lions mane and turkey tail. Im hoping they will help. Im believe things will eventually get better. We just have to weather the storm. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @sarap

@medee no:(. I’m at 11 months post now and it really hasn’t changed  I’ve tried acupuncture, anti inflammatory diets, turmeric, Bioflavanoids…the list goes on.  I can mostly ignore it during the day.  The nighttime is difficult. How about you?

I'm just 2.5 months in. I'm already losing my mind.

Have you not seen any improvement at all?

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Nine months out and worse. So disheartening. Now daily migraines and tinnitus screaming in my ears plus pressure in ears makes talking feel like I’m underwater. Heart beat (pulse) flashing in my eyes nearly constant. Just pray I’m not slowing dieing from these horrible Pfizer side effects. So tired of this scary crap. Oh and had an anxiety attack from hell this week for the first time ever. REALLY??? When is a doc going to help my Neurologist and ENT won’t touch placing any blame on vaccine. Shame on them leaving us all to think it’s us when we’ve never had this awful stuff before. Migraines, once every few months, daily NEVER EVER…

KitKat, jacquelyn sauriol, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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