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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @spacecadet

@medee I had no symptoms after shot 1 of Pfizer.  After shot 2 I had both dizziness and nausea in the first 5 minutes.  I was told it was a vasovagal response (and it might have been).  The next day was the “expected” hell- headache, feverish, fatigue in addition to minor face tingling, super spacey/brain fog, and a sever tachycardia incident, which I have a history of, and that stopped before reaching the ER...Then I felt fine for a day or two.  Then the severe boat rocking, light headed ness, brainfog, fatigue, cognitive decline started. (This is what scared me the most)  A past post here mentioned trying to play Monopoly with his kids and being unable to count the dice and move the pawn - that was my experience, and it was terrifying.  My vision was extra clear, I lost sensation (but still had feeling) on the left side of my face, headaches along my upper neck, I had tingling in my arms, severe panic and anxiety and brief, sharp chest pain (from anxiety? Such a catch 22).

Doctors could/would not help or acknowledge what was happening to me, they would not advise me on supplements, so I winged it.

I treated my symptoms as inflammation and lived healthier than I ever had before.  I ate only plants, lots of avocado, kale, almonds, oatmeal.  I drank ton of teas- detox, turmeric, mushroom, chamomile.  I slept a lot. I listened to my body and stated taking short walks.  I was scared to drive, so didn’t, except to buy vitamins and supplements- zinc and quercetin (taken together), vitamin d, c, curcumin, fish oil, glutathione, lions mane. Some of these had side effects of their own, so I didn’t take them long, and payed close attention because new symptoms created more anxiety, but they really helped.  I also got a book on cognitive behavioral training, and took epsom salt baths.  It took about 17 days for me to feel like myself again.

I believe this is inflammation caused by an overactive immune response, also amplified by anxiety( which is a symptom, but also a response to symptoms).  

Take care of yourselves like you never have before and BELIEVE in your body’s ability to heal!

So these supplements you took on your own? Or were these prescribed by any doctor sfter blood works?

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Posted by: @spacecadet

@medee I had no symptoms after shot 1 of Pfizer.  After shot 2 I had both dizziness and nausea in the first 5 minutes.  I was told it was a vasovagal response (and it might have been).  The next day was the “expected” hell- headache, feverish, fatigue in addition to minor face tingling, super spacey/brain fog, and a sever tachycardia incident, which I have a history of, and that stopped before reaching the ER...Then I felt fine for a day or two.  Then the severe boat rocking, light headed ness, brainfog, fatigue, cognitive decline started. (This is what scared me the most)  A past post here mentioned trying to play Monopoly with his kids and being unable to count the dice and move the pawn - that was my experience, and it was terrifying.  My vision was extra clear, I lost sensation (but still had feeling) on the left side of my face, headaches along my upper neck, I had tingling in my arms, severe panic and anxiety and brief, sharp chest pain (from anxiety? Such a catch 22).

Doctors could/would not help or acknowledge what was happening to me, they would not advise me on supplements, so I winged it.

I treated my symptoms as inflammation and lived healthier than I ever had before.  I ate only plants, lots of avocado, kale, almonds, oatmeal.  I drank ton of teas- detox, turmeric, mushroom, chamomile.  I slept a lot. I listened to my body and stated taking short walks.  I was scared to drive, so didn’t, except to buy vitamins and supplements- zinc and quercetin (taken together), vitamin d, c, curcumin, fish oil, glutathione, lions mane. Some of these had side effects of their own, so I didn’t take them long, and payed close attention because new symptoms created more anxiety, but they really helped.  I also got a book on cognitive behavioral training, and took epsom salt baths.  It took about 17 days for me to feel like myself again.

I believe this is inflammation caused by an overactive immune response, also amplified by anxiety( which is a symptom, but also a response to symptoms).  

Take care of yourselves like you never have before and BELIEVE in your body’s ability to heal!

Which of the supplements do you think had side effects? Any clue?

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@sickofthis I did not the curcummin, I can’t reallt pinpoint why, and took it for only a few days. I do drink tea though. The zinc and quercitin gave me a headache, but I am convinced this is what cleared the brain fog.


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Posted by: @liosandra

Just want to update you all... so since being in ER diagnosed with vestibular neuritis....its now been 9 weeks of feeding dizzy,  unable to drive or go for exercise....after second shot of phiser and being an invalid after  12 days after second phiser shot 8.10.2021 till today.. There's been no admission from any of specialist that its covid related.....except for the ER staff -  as im not the first  person coming with this issue. GET THIS "as a lottery odds". My grandfather ended up in ER.......10 days after a second phiser fucking dopesick shit from me. This crap is not "fit all" . its wrong that, now  im incapable of normal life. I would rather have covid for 4 weeks and/or die than not have a quality of life and my partner watch me in the toilet when i i don't fall and hurt myself. Really angry. 

This "one size fits all" approach makes me angry enough to spit nails. If this was anything else, any other vaccine, drug, etc. they would readily acknowledge that some people shouldn't take it for whatever reason.  If this was anything else, and someone had a bad reaction to it, that person would be told to not take it again.  But it's another story with this crap.  They couldn't care less what happens to people.   They continue to push this crap on everyone even though it's quite obvious by now that it doesn't even work all that well and is causing a lot of misery and damage to some people.  

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Posted by: @lulu0486


hello! Can you please share your physicians contact information? I would really love to speak to a doctor about what I have been experiencing. Thank you in advance!

Hi, I am currently working with a physician from the Dr. Patterson group - below is the is pricey, not gonna lie...


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For those who are over 6 months : what are your remaining symptoms ? 
I still have ear pressure and eye problem and it does not seem to get better (sometimes even worse).

(i also have other issues but I believe they will get better with time)

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Posted by: @liosandra

Just want to update you all... so since being in ER diagnosed with vestibular neuritis....its now been 9 weeks of feeding dizzy,  unable to drive or go for exercise....after second shot of phiser and being an invalid after  12 days after second phiser shot 8.10.2021 till today.. There's been no admission from any of specialist that its covid related.....except for the ER staff -  as im not the first  person coming with this issue. GET THIS "as a lottery odds". My grandfather ended up in ER.......10 days after a second phiser fucking dopesick shit from me. This crap is not "fit all" . its wrong that, now  im incapable of normal life. I would rather have covid for 4 weeks and/or die than not have a quality of life and my partner watch me in the toilet when i i don't fall and hurt myself. Really angry. 

I feel the same as you!😭💔

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Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @liosandra

Just want to update you all... so since being in ER diagnosed with vestibular neuritis....its now been 9 weeks of feeding dizzy,  unable to drive or go for exercise....after second shot of phiser and being an invalid after  12 days after second phiser shot 8.10.2021 till today.. There's been no admission from any of specialist that its covid related.....except for the ER staff -  as im not the first  person coming with this issue. GET THIS "as a lottery odds". My grandfather ended up in ER.......10 days after a second phiser fucking dopesick shit from me. This crap is not "fit all" . its wrong that, now  im incapable of normal life. I would rather have covid for 4 weeks and/or die than not have a quality of life and my partner watch me in the toilet when i i don't fall and hurt myself. Really angry. 

This "one size fits all" approach makes me angry enough to spit nails. If this was anything else, any other vaccine, drug, etc. they would readily acknowledge that some people shouldn't take it for whatever reason.  If this was anything else, and someone had a bad reaction to it, that person would be told to not take it again.  But it's another story with this crap.  They couldn't care less what happens to people.   They continue to push this crap on everyone even though it's quite obvious by now that it doesn't even work all that well and is causing a lot of misery and damage to some people.  

My family has been crying since the day I got these symptoms. I cannot lock the door even when I go for a bath since all of this began coz who knows what will happen to me. I have to keep the door unlocked. Just in case....

I deep down feel I won't make it for long. 2 months ago I was a happy person, planning my future. Now I am scared, my family will be homeless as I'm the only earning member and live on a rented accommodation. They everyday have to check if I am still breathing. Cry out their heart to the Lord to heal me. I can't concentrate at work nor can I tell them what's happening to me coz nobody believes. My reports state this is all anxiety which we all know it isn't. We've nowhere to go.

Every few days or weeks new symptoms show up. I hear weird sounds from my stomach, bone craking sounds etc. These weren't even there a few days ago.

What is happening to us? This is pushing us to death either out of frustration from health issues or by killing us slow. We just voluntarily took in poison without even knowing it is slowly killing us.

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@sickofthis This steroids made the world of difference for the major vertigo.   Its now a month.  I am not taking any mored meds.... and i still have issues with occasional whisps of dizzy, but the violent earth moving vertigo has not returned.

I still do not feel myself..  i tire easily and have difficulty sleeping.  

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Has someone experienced constant growling in the stomach? I am having this from past 2-3 days... 

Please can someone help! Its too loud and scary! 

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My family has been crying since the day I got these symptoms. I cannot lock the door even when I go for a bath since all of this began coz who knows what will happen to me. I have to keep the door unlocked. Just in case....

I deep down feel I won't make it for long. 2 months ago I was a happy person, planning my future. Now I am scared, my family will be homeless as I'm the only earning member and live on a rented accommodation. They everyday have to check if I am still breathing. Cry out their heart to the Lord to heal me. I can't concentrate at work nor can I tell them what's happening to me coz nobody believes. My reports state this is all anxiety which we all know it isn't. We've nowhere to go.

Every few days or weeks new symptoms show up. I hear weird sounds from my stomach, bone craking sounds etc. These weren't even there a few days ago.

What is happening to us? This is pushing us to death either out of frustration from health issues or by killing us slow. We just voluntarily took in poison without even knowing it is slowly killing us.

And that's another thing...if people had been adequately informed about the potential risks and side effects and had VOLUNTARILY chosen to take that risk, that's one thing.  Their choice.  But we weren't adequately informed about the possible risks and side effects, and in some cases people were FORCED to take it to keep a job.  All of this is SO WRONG.  

And now they are spewing even more lies, talking out both sides of their mouths.  On one side they're saying the "vaccine" (and I use that term loosely) isn't effective against the omicron.  On the other side they continue to push the shot anyway.  I have to wonder if they are trying to kill us one way or the other.

Rainyday, Plazervil2500, Dee and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @isismadec


My family has been crying since the day I got these symptoms. I cannot lock the door even when I go for a bath since all of this began coz who knows what will happen to me. I have to keep the door unlocked. Just in case....

I deep down feel I won't make it for long. 2 months ago I was a happy person, planning my future. Now I am scared, my family will be homeless as I'm the only earning member and live on a rented accommodation. They everyday have to check if I am still breathing. Cry out their heart to the Lord to heal me. I can't concentrate at work nor can I tell them what's happening to me coz nobody believes. My reports state this is all anxiety which we all know it isn't. We've nowhere to go.

Every few days or weeks new symptoms show up. I hear weird sounds from my stomach, bone craking sounds etc. These weren't even there a few days ago.

What is happening to us? This is pushing us to death either out of frustration from health issues or by killing us slow. We just voluntarily took in poison without even knowing it is slowly killing us.

And that's another thing...if people had been adequately informed about the potential risks and side effects and had VOLUNTARILY chosen to take that risk, that's one thing.  Their choice.  But we weren't adequately informed about the possible risks and side effects, and in some cases people were FORCED to take it to keep a job.  All of this is SO WRONG.  

And now they are spewing even more lies, talking out both sides of their mouths.  On one side they're saying the "vaccine" (and I use that term loosely) isn't effective against the omicron.  On the other side they continue to push the shot anyway.  I have to wonder if they are trying to kill us one way or the other.

They also say Omicron isn't as severe as delta and has mild symptoms. Covid has almost reached endemic stage.

So we're dying at the moment when this is soon going to turn endemic? Also do not understand why only a few of us are stuck in this! Are people won't felt all okay right now going to have a delayed reaction? 

I saw a post on Instagram and a few here as well who had symptoms 2-9 months post getting jabbed. How odd is that! 

My stomach growling is increasing as I'm typing this. I feel like I'm going to puke a frog out. I wish suicides were easy! I hate myself for speaking negative but I am scared of my health deteriorating with every passing day.

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Posted by: @dbbgrl123


I too have the internal vibrations/buzzing. It’s main through head neck and back. Occasionally it will buzz through my chest as well. I can’t stand it. I feel it off an on through out the day. It’s unsettling. Sometimes it’s worse than others, but I can tell Ive had quite a bit of an improvement in the intensity of them and the duration. I’ll call that progress. I’m hoping my body cycles this mess out of my system. I’m taking so many supplements throughout the day. My newest one is NAC. I’ve read good things about it. I’ve also been reading about the health benefits of certain mushrooms. I have ordered lions mane and turkey tail. Im hoping they will help. Im believe things will eventually get better. We just have to weather the storm. 

IVe been eating lots of mushrooms and omelettes too as I heard they are supposed to be beneficial. I find the internal buzzing is worse when I'm tired but has gotten better over the last 5 months.

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Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope 2022 is the year we kick these vaccine side effects in the butt and reclaim our health. 

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @jacquelynsauriol
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @jacquelynsauriol
Posted by: @sarap

@medee if I look back it’s possible that acupuncture helped a touch but honestly no real improvements.  It’s been the same high pitched tone for 11 months straight, 24/7. I do notice it’s louder when my blood pressure increases and when I eat high sodium foods. I mostly just focus now on my mental health as I have no reason to believe this tinnitus will resolve.  Sorry to be a Debbie Downer.  I’m going to talk to my GP about BP meds to help and he suggested I try an antidepressant, that some find relief with that. 

Have you tried Ginko? other things discussed here

None! There are no supplements or medical assistance for vaxx injuries here in India.

Basic supplements you will get. But most aren't available here. Moreover there aren't any naturopath or functional doctors here. If there are, hardly one or two here and there and they charge one time huge amount.

@medee, I too have some tinnitus from time to time, but not too serious, from playing a brass instrument or so I thought. But your situation made me research more. It is a known adverse reaction from the mNRA injections. From my understanding of tinnitus, the problem seems to be (brain) inflammation..(even very minor) anything you can do to decrease inflammation anywhere will likely help.  Maybe the salty foods trigger it because salty foods somehow increase inflammation.  Tumeric, Zanzibar and Rosemary are probably available to you and you could try to up your intake of them. See this paper, additional herbs are listed such as Devils claw and Indian Olibanum...hope this helps-             you might search herbal tinnitus remedies premade...

Tumeric Rosemary tea anyone? best jackie

@jacquelynsauriol thanks a ton for this! 

I was just looking for herbal teas myself as the one I had are almost over. My guess is the same as yours. Some brain issue and my nerves in my head constantly pain. Cannot do an MRI as I am concerned it will affect my ears knowing the fact that MRI scanners are usually loud. Also I'm claustrophobic.🥲

Few anti inflammatory teas can be as below:

- Ginger, Turmeric, Circumin, Tulsi, Mint, have heard oolong tea also works.

There are many other herbs. 

If it is inflammation, not sure how can we tackle that without medication. A lot of us have been trying anti inflammatory foods and few have tried supplements as well. 

I will try the herbal teas and share if anything helped. Hope you're recovering.

majority of my symptoms are starting to fade gradually. im going on 4 months now, my cycle recently started and flared everything up really crazy. ginger has been helping, whenever i feel off again i take ginger and it helps right away. i also pair it with cucumber and apple and that definitely helps. 

i drink ginger 3x a day though and put tumeric in everything. if you’re consistent with everything that’s anti inflammatory it should help. it just takes a while in contrast to medications. medications mostly are concentrated doses of things, foods are compounds of everything plus more and also not as big doses. 

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