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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @spacecadet

@medee I am feeling great! 100% back to my original self. (And there will be no booster!)  I am fortunate in that my husband was able to take 3 weeks off work to be with the kids, and I was able to fully take care of my  self.  It was because of the advice found here that I  was able to “recover” quickly.

Stay strong, positive, and believe in the body’s ability to heal.

What were yr symptoms? How long did it take for u to get back to normal 100%?

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Posted by: @spacecadet

@medee I am feeling great! 100% back to my original self. (And there will be no booster!)  I am fortunate in that my husband was able to take 3 weeks off work to be with the kids, and I was able to fully take care of my  self.  It was because of the advice found here that I  was able to “recover” quickly.

Stay strong, positive, and believe in the body’s ability to heal.

What were yr symptoms? How long did it take for u to get back to normal 100%?

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Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @medee

Does anyone else gets random pain in any part of the body which hadn't had issues so far or is it only me?


I have pain in my head like u at different part of the head.

And also pain all over my body.

And 2 weeks ago, my knee cap, and fingers swollen.

New symptoms keep surfacing.

How long have you been in this? 

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Posted by: @spacecadet

@medee I am feeling great! 100% back to my original self. (And there will be no booster!)  I am fortunate in that my husband was able to take 3 weeks off work to be with the kids, and I was able to fully take care of my  self.  It was because of the advice found here that I  was able to “recover” quickly.

Stay strong, positive, and believe in the body’s ability to heal.

What were your symptoms if I may ask?

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @medee

Does anyone else gets random pain in any part of the body which hadn't had issues so far or is it only me?


I have pain in my head like u at different part of the head.

And also pain all over my body.

And 2 weeks ago, my knee cap, and fingers swollen.

New symptoms keep surfacing.

How long have you been in this? 

3 mths

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@sundance did you have any symptoms before? Or you have started to experience symptoms after 9 months? If so, it could be a late onset.

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@sundance did you have any symptoms before? Or you have started to experience symptoms after 9 months? If so, it could be a late onset.

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Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @medee

Does anyone else gets random pain in any part of the body which hadn't had issues so far or is it only me?


I have pain in my head like u at different part of the head.

And also pain all over my body.

And 2 weeks ago, my knee cap, and fingers swollen.

New symptoms keep surfacing.

How long have you been in this? 

3 mths

I know you're getting new symptoms just like me but is there any improvement is the initial symptoms you had?

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Just want to update you all... so since being in ER diagnosed with vestibular neuritis....its now been 9 weeks of feeding dizzy,  unable to drive or go for exercise....after second shot of phiser and being an invalid after  12 days after second phiser shot 8.10.2021 till today.. There's been no admission from any of specialist that its covid related.....except for the ER staff -  as im not the first  person coming with this issue. GET THIS "as a lottery odds". My grandfather ended up in ER.......10 days after a second phiser fucking dopesick shit from me. This crap is not "fit all" . its wrong that, now  im incapable of normal life. I would rather have covid for 4 weeks and/or die than not have a quality of life and my partner watch me in the toilet when i i don't fall and hurt myself. Really angry. 

KitKat, Dee, dragonlover and 3 people reacted
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Is anyone's stomach making weird sounds?

Mine is since past 2 days now? What are these new symptoms? 

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I have researched about natural ways to counteract the negative effects of the jabs, and I put together an article with all the information I know so far. My purpose is to help as many people as I can, so if anyone wants to know more about natural ways and supplements for covid jabs, I leave a link here. Much love!

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @apollo

I don’t know if this will be of any help to any one but I called my allergist and told them what was going on. They said they seen a number of people with inflammation issues lately and wanted me to come in next thursday

Have you met your doctor? Has anything worked out?

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Posted by: @larag

Hi everyone.. so update.. 

I've just had a call from my gp.

I've had my auto immune blood results back. Everything normal but one.. I have abnormal levels of IGE antibodies... this is basically non specific chronic inflammation caused by over active immune system or an allergy. My gp categorically confirmed its the vaccine. He said it WILL ease over time. IGE levels will reduce as the antibodies reduce.. there is nothing we can take for it to happen quicker but we can try to look after ourselves with rest, fluids and a good diet. In regards to the dizziness he said this vaccine induced vertigo. I've been prescribed prochlorperazine for this but he only prescribed me a third of the dose as he said I'm sensitive to medication..  he said this is basically a form of long covid including the heightened anxiety. He said the symptoms should reduce after 6 months as that's how long antibodies can take to decrease naturally. He also referred me for physio for muscle aches and tension. I finally feel I've been listened too and acknowledged and the bloods have proven Its not anxiety based like some Dr's presumed!

How are uou feeling now?

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Posted by: @captfrederick

Yes...   I ended up with extreme vertigo 4 days after the Phizer Booster. (shot 3)  Shots 1 and 2 were fine.  sore arm and a bit of the chills for a day.  The booster went the same for the first 4 hours..  than i started to get the chills and a fever. That subsided the next day.  3 days later on Sunday the 21st, i woke up fine, until i went to get out of bed.  Got hit with severe vertigo...  Thew me to the bed.  I waited a few min and got back up and felt fine.  I went down stairs to the kitchen and was almost thrown to the floor by a second attack.  this one did not subside!!!!  I thought for sure it was a stroke.  I had my partner help me to his truck and he drove me to the ER.  After multiple tests, the diagnosed it as BPPV where the crystals migrate to where they dont belong.  I did the prescribed maneuver series and it mostly went away...  the violent part of it at least.  I was now really off and could not walk without holding on to things to maintain balance.  The next day it was no better so i called my reg. doctor and got a visit for the following day.  Still no better, i went in.  She suspected vestibular neruitis.  She gave me a steriod perscription to see if it was...  I took the steroid and within 10 hours was feeling much better.  Although there is no proof, i suspect the vaccine in this.  I have never had vertigo in my life.  its now the next morning and i would say im about 90pct back to balance.  I hope this does not return and totally subsides.   I will follow up with more as things progress through thanksgiving.

Hello, do you still feel well? Do you think it was the steroids that helped?

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@medee I had no symptoms after shot 1 of Pfizer.  After shot 2 I had both dizziness and nausea in the first 5 minutes.  I was told it was a vasovagal response (and it might have been).  The next day was the “expected” hell- headache, feverish, fatigue in addition to minor face tingling, super spacey/brain fog, and a sever tachycardia incident, which I have a history of, and that stopped before reaching the ER...Then I felt fine for a day or two.  Then the severe boat rocking, light headed ness, brainfog, fatigue, cognitive decline started. (This is what scared me the most)  A past post here mentioned trying to play Monopoly with his kids and being unable to count the dice and move the pawn - that was my experience, and it was terrifying.  My vision was extra clear, I lost sensation (but still had feeling) on the left side of my face, headaches along my upper neck, I had tingling in my arms, severe panic and anxiety and brief, sharp chest pain (from anxiety? Such a catch 22).

Doctors could/would not help or acknowledge what was happening to me, they would not advise me on supplements, so I winged it.

I treated my symptoms as inflammation and lived healthier than I ever had before.  I ate only plants, lots of avocado, kale, almonds, oatmeal.  I drank ton of teas- detox, turmeric, mushroom, chamomile.  I slept a lot. I listened to my body and stated taking short walks.  I was scared to drive, so didn’t, except to buy vitamins and supplements- zinc and quercetin (taken together), vitamin d, c, curcumin, fish oil, glutathione, lions mane. Some of these had side effects of their own, so I didn’t take them long, and payed close attention because new symptoms created more anxiety, but they really helped.  I also got a book on cognitive behavioral training, and took epsom salt baths.  It took about 17 days for me to feel like myself again.

I believe this is inflammation caused by an overactive immune response, also amplified by anxiety( which is a symptom, but also a response to symptoms).  

Take care of yourselves like you never have before and BELIEVE in your body’s ability to heal!

DrL, KitKat, Plazervil2500 and 7 people reacted
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