@nresearcher thank you for sharing. i think we're all looking to get better and without getting help and guidance from our doctors we want to know what will work to get some answers for everyone.
@pandemic was pretty much back to normal on may 5th. now dealing with flareup from nov. not as bad as first time, but still disruptive to living.
@kendracochran I'm still having symptoms. I've had 2 episodes since the 2 vaccines with them being less in intensity with varying symptoms. what have you uncovered from your medical tests? Mine so far have been inconclusive of any real pathology. the vestibular specialist told me to get the booster. what i wanted to tell him was i understand you see a lot of bad from covid related to dizziness, but do you realize i almost couldn't work when this first started? i'm afraid to get the booster and be permanently disabled from having worse things happen. i have worse hearing loss and tinnitus now that is not improving. that in itself is a disability to me when i can't sleep at night because the ringing is so loud. is the booster really worth risking permanent disability? I have not been able to determine yet what my course of action will be. I'm trying to get more answers and info before I decide to get the booster, which is partly why i am on this site and reading others' posts. part of me wants to get the booster and then go back to my ENT and the vestibular specialist i saw if i get worse and say i think you were wrong. now what?
@medee so I had been symptom free for about 2 months and then today I had a few dizzy spells and some ringing in my ear. Nothing nearly as bad as it was for the first 4 months post vaccine, but I went on here today to check updates and it was crazy you messaged me! So, yes a few relapses have occurred here and there since my post a free months ago unfortunately.
I see. For how long do these symptoms stay when they relapse?
So I am writing this, to give some of those hope. After my last vaccination, April 9, 2021, I began experiencing extreme dizziness left-sided weakness and panic attacks 3 days following my second shot. This lasted for months — I would say roughly 6-7 months. Lessening over time. It has now been over eight months and with the new variant scare I decided to get the booster. That decision did not come easy as I was terrified that I would experience the same symptoms I in had months ago. It has only been about 36 hours but I can tell you I feel 100% fine as of right now. Besides some right arm soreness and a little fatigue.
Over the course of the next week or two I’ll be sure to update. As I know many of you are questioning whether or not to go to booster.
I pray everyone stays safe out there, And just know at the end of the day it’s your decision on what you choose to do. But I wanted to offer this insight as I know I came to this forum, Searching for someone who had a better outcome with the booster after having severe/scary symptoms from the vaccination.
@medee I had terrible and debilitating symptoms for the past 3 months. Burning sensations in different parts of my body, sharp shooting pains in the head, around my eye. Severe head pressure (sometimes behind the eyes as well), deteriorating vision, widespread muscle twitching, tremors (both internal and external), brain zaps and involuntary movements, heightened reflexes. You name it, I had it.
But trust me, it does get better. I was a healthy 22 year old with no prior history of any sort of disease and deficiencies and yet the vaccine left me an anxious mess for the better part of 3-4 months. Just keep a check on your diet, eat healthy, take magnesium and anti-inflammatory foods, take Vitamin D3, B12 and stay with your family. I have noticed that anxiety always makes the symptoms worse. The last week was probably the best I had ever since the jab. I'm aware that there still may be a relapse but I'm hopeful that we'll recover completely sometime soon. Even the relapses now aren't as bad and I feel like I'm 90% on the road to complete recovery.
@medee I had no dizziness with my first dose, but my dumbass went to the doctor and he gave me beta-blockers and antihistamines, which made me unsteady 24/7dizziness chest pains for 4 months already still ongoing.
For those of you who have had a brain CT with and without contrast, can you walk me through the process? My provider ordered one and I'm nervous that the contrast will aggravate the symptoms I am already having.
She also ordered an x-ray of my cervical spine and a blood panel to rule out autoimmune issues.
I think an MRI would have been better, but the CT and x-ray are supposedly more cost effective.
@medee Yes. All good. By day 8, after shot 2, all of my symptoms were gone and did not return. I've been fine since. I hope others have experienced a similar return to normal. Such a coincidence to see your note, today... I went in for my booster shot - Moderna - yesterday (Dec 20) and have been on the couch most of the day today - headaches and body aches only, but no dizziness. Feeling much better, now, 28 hours after the booster shot. I will update if the booster causes any recurrence of the brain issues I experienced after shot 2.
For how long have you felt better?
Any relapses in between?
@adelaide Reading your story is like looking in a mirror, only i had severe headaches/migraines and anxiety as well. I'm in the UK too and was told i have Vestibular Neuronitis. I was jabbed in April 2021 and diagnosed in November. The dizziness just won't go away. The neurologist referred me to Physio but i got a letter saying there's an 18 week waiting list. Are you still suffering with the dizziness? How long have you had the side effects? What exercises do you do to alleviate the dizziness? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer xx
@medee I had terrible and debilitating symptoms for the past 3 months. Burning sensations in different parts of my body, sharp shooting pains in the head, around my eye. Severe head pressure (sometimes behind the eyes as well), deteriorating vision, widespread muscle twitching, tremors (both internal and external), brain zaps and involuntary movements, heightened reflexes. You name it, I had it.
But trust me, it does get better. I was a healthy 22 year old with no prior history of any sort of disease and deficiencies and yet the vaccine left me an anxious mess for the better part of 3-4 months. Just keep a check on your diet, eat healthy, take magnesium and anti-inflammatory foods, take Vitamin D3, B12 and stay with your family. I have noticed that anxiety always makes the symptoms worse. The last week was probably the best I had ever since the jab. I'm aware that there still may be a relapse but I'm hopeful that we'll recover completely sometime soon. Even the relapses now aren't as bad and I feel like I'm 90% on the road to complete recovery.
For how long have you felt better?
And which symptoms are still there and which have gone away? Did you also get new symptoms every now and then?
I am assuming you're from India.
@medee the ringing just a few seconds and the dizziness sometimes a few minutes at a time.
That's still good! What did you do for the ringing? I have it almost the whole day.
For those of you who have had a brain CT with and without contrast, can you walk me through the process? My provider ordered one and I'm nervous that the contrast will aggravate the symptoms I am already having.
She also ordered an x-ray of my cervical spine and a blood panel to rule out autoimmune issues.
I think an MRI would have been better, but the CT and x-ray are supposedly more cost effective.
The MRI can give you a detailed picture which a CT scan can't as much as I know.
I had requested the Neurologist for an MRI too but, I realised I cannot do it atm as I suffer from ear pain and tinnitus. MRI machines usually are loud and it might aggravate my ear issue.
I don't think there should be an issue if you don't have ear related side effects.