@medee I think this article speaks a lot to how a lot of us are feeling-unheard by the medical community that is not quick to say the vaccine caused issues unless it was within a day or a few hours of receiving it. I don't know what the answer will be for us, but right now making sure we continue to let doctors know our symptoms and make sure we report our symptoms to VAERS is paramount. Thank you for sharing the article.
@medee I could open the link. here it is reposted.
'We do exist': Some Americans suffer life-changing COVID vaccine injuries | The National Desk
Guess this link is not accessible from my country. It won't work!
@medee National News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | The National Desk
Try searching The National Desk. That is the name of the website and then search covid vaccines. It will come up in trending on the right side of the page. Hope that helps.
@medee I think this article speaks a lot to how a lot of us are feeling-unheard by the medical community that is not quick to say the vaccine caused issues unless it was within a day or a few hours of receiving it. I don't know what the answer will be for us, but right now making sure we continue to let doctors know our symptoms and make sure we report our symptoms to VAERS is paramount. Thank you for sharing the article.
Glad how there's unity in reporting issues to VAERS in the States. My country is useless. Not even one person has openly shared things. Moreover when I contacted myself the 1st day when my symptoms began, I was neglected.
@medee National News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | The National Desk
Try searching The National Desk. That is the name of the website and then search covid vaccines. It will come up in trending on the right side of the page. Hope that helps.
I will.
@smileyoer I just read two other post with people who got boosters and the symptoms return. There is also another poster who took a regimen of steroids and antihistamines before his 2nd jab after his 1st jab caused him so much issue and so far 6 weeks post 2nd jab he is symptom free.
I too am interested in getting a booster, have an appointment with an immunologist this Thursday to discuss.
Did the visit to the immunilogist help? I am planning to look for one too but I'm unsure if it'll be helpful. Moreover I hardly have any options here where I live.
@jkro What did Dr. Murphy say in your communication with him? Dan Longo was also listed in that article. I would be curious to know if they have any connections in research related to the vaccines. Unfortunately, it feels like we would get more support if these were symptoms we had in response to getting Covid versus getting the vaccines. I do have hope though that each episode or flareup that I have had has lessened in intensity and severity with it taking 3-4 weeks for me to get as close to normal as I can possibly say I can be. My thought is if the antibodies are diminishing over time then eventually we should all go back to normal. I'm wondering if weight and height should be a consideration in dosage and boosters.
My symptoms started before I left the pharmacy. I was dizzy feeling pretty much right after getting the shot. As far as what he told me…..not much really. Just that there may be more research coming.
Has anyone tried primidone for the internal tremors and buzzing? My regular doctor prescribed them. Then yesterday the rheumatologist prescribed low dose muscle relaxer and some prednisone. Anyone had success with those? Ive also been to an infectious disease specialist who thinks I have neurological lymes. My blood work doesn’t indicate that tho.I do agree that my brain and spine have been affected. He’s prescribed 2 mos of doxycycline. I just want to be careful about what I take bc I don’t want to aggravate them situation worse.
Has anyone tried primidone for the internal tremors and buzzing? My regular doctor prescribed them. Then yesterday the rheumatologist prescribed low dose muscle relaxer and some prednisone. Anyone had success with those? Ive also been to an infectious disease specialist who thinks I have neurological lymes. My blood work doesn’t indicate that tho.I do agree that my brain and spine have been affected. He’s prescribed 2 mos of doxycycline. I just want to be careful about what I take bc I don’t want to aggravate them situation worse.
How long have you been in this hellhole?
Just a word of caution: Meds haven't worked for all of us. For some it did, for most it did not.
I myself have been badly injured by meds prescribed post vax which only made my condition worse. Maybe I would've felt better by now but unfortunately the medications messed my body all the more.
Look for the side effects. I haven't taken these medications so I cannot comment on that, maybe someone else can comment on that.
Everyone's bodies are different, it might work or might not. Maybe the duration also matters. If you've just got the jab then maybe its better to avoid meds. But if you've completed 2-3 months already, maybe the medication won't have much adverse effect. I was a few days to almost 2 months in this when I took tablets.
Anyone else who could help here, please do. I just don't want you to be where I am today. Hope you and all of us recover soon. Take care!🤍
Hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a healthier and back to original self New Year!🤍🤗
New Year, Old (Original) You!😊
I just hope we all see a reduction in symptoms with every passing day from here on and we go back to our normal lives soon. May Lord bless us all!😇
Thank you. I’m on 2.5 mos of symptoms. I’ve been taking lots of supplements to try to help my body along with this. The week of Thanksgiving my symptoms had reduced to a more tolerable level, and I was feeling pretty optimistic. I’ve had some small relapses since then. I didn’t think they were nearly as bad as they were in the beginning. However, I layed down last night and my whole body tremored so badly. It was kind of like Jack hammer sensations. It’s sad because I was completely fine before this shot. Now, I’m dealing with who knows what and trying to work and raise my little family. I’m still trying to stay positive that this will all improve.
@medee Thank you. I’m on 2.5 mos of symptoms. I’ve been taking lots of supplements to try to help my body along with this. The week of Thanksgiving my symptoms had reduced to a more tolerable level, and I was feeling pretty optimistic. I’ve had some small relapses since then. I didn’t think they were nearly as bad as they were in the beginning. However, I layed down last night and my whole body tremored so badly. It was kind of like Jack hammer sensations. It’s sad because I was completely fine before this shot. Now, I’m dealing with who knows what and trying to work and raise my little family. I’m still trying to stay positive that this will all improve.
@windsor my head shakes when I tighten my neck muscles .. I don't know what it is, but I will have a consultation with a good doctor when I have the money ... I hope this can be cured.
has anyone dealt with alteration of opinions? i feel like my brain can’t think the way it use to. i’m a very analytical, question everything type of chick. i can do word searches quickly and crossswordw, sudokus. that’s the type of thinker i am. i got my shot in september, so this is my 4 month being vaccinated. 3rd month dealing with the side effects and i feel like i can’t think how i use to. my opinion’s about things have changed. i don’t know how it’s possible but has anyone found themselves agreeing or disagreeing with things they haven’t previously? obviously everything but vaccination lolz