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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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  • @lmkk Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear about your plethora of eye symptoms! I hope you don't mind my saying that I hope my symptoms don't get nearly as bad! But, waking up today, I noticed the peripheral dancing as I was reading your reply! Thankfully not as tender today. Weirdly, I'm not regretting the booster. I think if my symptoms are this bad with just the vaccine, I can only image the damage that may have happened if I'd actually caught Covid 19, Delta or Omicron! My brother in law still has nervous system damage due to Covid 19! Like the loss of taste or smell, weird pains in the back of his knees & all around "Covid Fog." I'm freaking out about how different this "flu" really is! It seems to attack the brain and nerves more than anything we've ever experienced before! Yeah.. I'd rather have these light symptoms from the vaccine. Instead of the ER I'm going to a optometrist on Monday. As long as I know others have experienced similar and haven't lost their eyesight after so long.. I think I'm okay to hold on a couple more days to see the right kind of Dr without being afraid of losing my eyes! Thanks for your help 👍🏽 

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@sickofthis My batch was definitely tainted. 🙁

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@nickpaul Huh! Interesting! Are the tests extensive? The issue is that I can't call what I have true dizziness. It is kind of a feeling like I am on a boat and its moving. Like when I walk, or turn around and then turn back quickly, it feels like things are kind of moving around in a way which they haven't like before. My mom got true Vertigo 2 months post vaxx and she said everything was spinning. Mine is like when you go on an escalator for a while and then get on the normal ground and you feel off in the first few steps. But your ENT's explanation definitely makes sense. That's one doctor which I haven't been to yet. I feel like as soon as I say anything about the vaccine they stop listening and start telling me to get my second vaccine and that I have anxiety, which I now definitely do and rightfully so.

Selvam, DrL, Selvam and 1 people reacted
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@beat19 I had sudden onset of a large number of floaters in both eyes 2 days after getting the vax. Went to get my eyes checked to make sure that there is no retinal detachment or anything. Doctor didn't find anything wrong with my eyes. I never had flashes or anything like that though.

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@pearl444 Thank you so much!! I have an ENT and Neuro follow up this week and am bringing all the data I can find and will definitely bring this article to them. As we have suspected, there is tremendous hesitation in acknowledging our cases because of fear of vax hesitancy. So grateful for everyone that has spoken up and has forced their hands in dealing with this. 

Pearl444, DrL, Pearl444 and 1 people reacted
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Hi all,

I really appreciate forums like this so we all can help one another. Thank you.

DX Meniere's Disease 1998-Although I am not 100% confident with this DX. Many years have gone by where I never had any "episodes" I had symptoms that were controllable, until the CV-19 vaccine struck.My ear issues began after I went to the ER for what they said I had a viral infection mononucleosis, they put me on amoxicillin and I had a full reaction to it full body rash. I then was diagnosed by a neurologist with MD.

The vaccine I believe has sparked a host of symptoms, but no MD will tell you this.

Pfizer administered dates:

12/22/20 lot# ELO14O exp. 3/21

01/12/21 lot# EL1283 exp. 4/21

Booster 12/17/21 lot# FH8028 exp. 2/22

My symptoms started after the 2nd dose: Extreme fatigue, feeling of being off balance, walking out of line, migraines with Aura, general headache daily for months in area behind eyes, and all around the head, muscle weakness, muscle contractions, palpitations, high pulse rate, anxiety, tinnitus.

I went on a lifestyle change over the next few months and dropped 60+lbs to this day.

Off to my GP again he ordered blood work, followed up as everything was normal. Never heard back from them, even after me following up. I consulted with my ENT for several visits. He eventually ordered a MRI, came back normal. He said it be best to try anxiety med, I denied. I had 2 debilitating dizziness spells one on 9/21 and one exactly one week later. They subsided in 2 hrs time, it was awful.

I felt really good maybe close to 100% from mid October until my booster day 12/17/21. Then I got the booster, everything started all over again with an immediate headache within an hour of the booster. I been in a fog, hard to do my job looking at a computer screen, cannot focus on what anyone says, tinnitus now went to my good ear and is extremely loud, off balance, dizziness episodes, fatigued, I had night sweats where i woke up soaked, then the chills freezing cold, my head feels like it is under pressure, I feel like I am all stuffed up at times head congestion.


I don't know about all this, but to have the booster trigger the condition I am in now again, I do believe the vaccine is playing into it.


Again, thanks to everyone in this forum posting, it has helped me.


KitKat, Cary L, DrL and 3 people reacted
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@medee I think we are getting closer to finding an answer. The fact that Science - a reputable journal - published an article on adverse effects following vaccination was a major step forward. There had to have been significant reports to VAERS, the CDC and FDA, and within the scientific and medical communities to warrant such acknowledgement.

The reason I celebrate such an article is that it will allow physicians and scientists the opportunity to move forward with research and treatment without being labeled an "antivaxxer" or "conspiracy theorist." I believe many in the medical community have been forced to remain silent on adverse effects for fear of losing their license to practice medicine. These vaccines are highly politicized and there is a lot at stake for anyone who comes forward with concerns for safety and efficacy. This article - and others like it - will give those previously silenced the opportunity to be heard without being immediately shut down. 

There are many brave victims of these vaccines who are fighting for us ALL to be heard. They are writing to senators; they are holding rallies; they are generating social media responses; and they are pushing the medical community, the FDA and CDC, and the vaccines manufacturers themselves to listen. The ability to silence us is coming to an end. It cannot, and will not, continue for much longer.

Hang in there. I know how terrifying, and hopeless, and challenging, and heartbreaking it is to struggle with these symptoms. It's a nightmare. But we must push forward to help those who come after us - we are their voice. We must push forward for the sake of our families. We must push forward because we are alive - and we have the responsibility to honor that life. 

Take care and stay strong, @medee. We're all here for you. ❤️

Nick P, DrL, Dee and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @marisanna21

@nickpaul Huh! Interesting! Are the tests extensive? The issue is that I can't call what I have true dizziness. It is kind of a feeling like I am on a boat and its moving. Like when I walk, or turn around and then turn back quickly, it feels like things are kind of moving around in a way which they haven't like before. My mom got true Vertigo 2 months post vaxx and she said everything was spinning. Mine is like when you go on an escalator for a while and then get on the normal ground and you feel off in the first few steps. But your ENT's explanation definitely makes sense. That's one doctor which I haven't been to yet. I feel like as soon as I say anything about the vaccine they stop listening and start telling me to get my second vaccine and that I have anxiety, which I now definitely do and rightfully so.

I am having the same kind of "dizziness" like what you mentioned. 

"It is kind of a feeling like I am on a boat and its moving. Like when I walk, or turn around and then turn back quickly, it feels like things are kind of moving around in a way which they haven't like before." 

It is very difficult for me to have this persistent dizziness and none of the doctors here are acknowledging it.

DrL and DrL reacted
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@plandistry unfortunately people are put into really difficult and unethical situation by the government (& doctors?) and for some, there is really no choice. For example, if you are a single parent without savings, you gotta keep working, but if your government is mandating booster for your (or any) workplace and doctors are not giving you an exemption, then you kind-of don't have an other choice than do it and hope that this time it will not wreck you...

It's extremely sh**ty how people with adverse side-effects are being handled. Government's job should be creating a safety net for people with injuries, support them financially and provide medical care they need, especially when they mandate vaccination. This should be essential. Instead, they are being cut-out from everything in their life and in the end, these people will increase the pressure on health care, not the other way.

I'm living away from my home country and they recently mandated booster in the sector I'm working in. When I asked exemption from my GP I was rejected because my side-effects are not so "clear" (i.e. none of the "common" rare side-effects). So... if I lose my job in few weeks, then I don't know what am I going to do because the whole section where I'm working and where I have education+experience will be closed for me. I'm feeling very uncomfortable how I'm being treated and even after I have had two doses I have become the new antivaxxer in the eyes of the government and doctors. I don't understand why it has to be so extremely difficult to get an exemption and what is the reasoning behind that. It has just gone out of the hands now and I think that is just how you turn people against vaccines and government.

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @plandistry

Also quick poll.. Anyone worse today than usual?


I'm in the UK and I have felt more drained today. (And I bet I can guess what you are thinking which prompted your question!) 😉

I just thought you might be interested to know that rather strangely the last few days I have become very static. My hair makes a very loud crackling noise, keeps standing up on end and I keep getting little shocks when I touch stuff. I will point out I have changed absolutely nothing in my diet or changed my daily routine so I find this a very peculiar phenomenon. I'm a stay at home mum currently battling Pfizer jab side effects and lately I haven't left the house apart from to do the school run. Utterly bizarre.

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @beat19


YES! Though I had my first 2 Pfizer vaccines with minimal, negligible, side effects.. I just received my 3rd Booster and the day after started get flashes in the left corner of my left eye! The next day it started in the right corner of my right eye. Today's the 3rd day and now seeing a couple floaters while also seeing the flashes in both eyes, along with pressure and tenderness! Today I've been looking all over the net for info on whether to go to th ER like a vision and eye center website said for someone who normally has a sudden onset of flashers. It says that it can be a serious sign of a tear or bleeding inside eye & to for urgent assistance.. doesn't mention anything about the vaccine. There was another "official" website stating that some people are afraid to get the vaccine because of claims that it causes eye problems  & there's no proof of ocular side effects from the vaccine.. I call BS because look at us! I think I'm going to the ER either way! What happened with you?

I like so many others on here have had tons of eye issues on here. Just use the search button and put in vision or eyes and all the posts mentioning eyes will come up. 

I have experienced the flashes of light too. Was worried about glaucoma or detached retina. Had two eye exams and two OCT scans and eyes are all good. This leads me to believe my problems are caused my nerves in my brain misfiring due to inflammation.

I have recently seen some improvement but since my vaccine eye issues I have experienced include;

Black flashes of light.

Visual snow.

Eyes tender to touch eye when washing face/removing make up.

Sharp stabbing pain in back of eye.

Flashes of white/purple/blue dots.

Blurry blind spots in vision (occular migraine?).

Haloes of rainbows around stuff especially lights.

After images.

Mild double vision.

Thick grey floaters.

Blurred vision.

Sections of my sight shakin/wobbling (nystagmus?)

Peripheral vision seemed to dance and distort at times. 

Vision sometimes had a red or turquoise tint to it.

Dry eyes.


Feeling like an eyelash or grit under my eye lids.

Lots of headaches during this time too.










Hi Kit, did any of the eye sympyoms went away?

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I really need some help or maybe some motivation to keep going! Sorry in advance for being a cry baby but I'm too scared.

Since I've developed this heart issues, I feel this is permanent. I've developed some chest tighness 2-3 weeks ago and I struggle to breathe with palpitations and skipped beats mostly at night. I was feeling better for a few week before that and I was grateful that it went away but it came back!

I am not on any supplements nor medication apart from just having anti inflammatory foods. I don't know if I must take any supplements that could help me. I have very sharp shooting pins and needles in my body now especially in my head. So bad that I scream in pain. Feels like someone is stabbing me also burning in my legs. Did anyone's brain MRI show any issues? Has anyine developed Small Fibre Neuritis? Sorry I don't know the exact name of this disease.

I also get some loud sounds from my stomach now.  Not sure what this is! I'm scared of developing some serious disease.

I was still able to manage but now that things have become worse, I am just scared and don't feel like surviving with this as this has affected my work and my mental state. I've already mentioned before I am the only earning member so I don't know what to do.

I don't have the courage to end my life but I don't like I can manage to live like this as I know I will slowly lose everything.

Can someone please help?🥺🥺 Has anyone else had these and they got better? I hope this is not permanent. I just want to get rid of the heart issues so that I can get proper sleep and be able to work in the day. Has anything worked for anyone - any remedy, supplements anything at all? 

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @plandistry

Also quick poll.. Anyone worse today than usual?


I'm in the UK and I have felt more drained today. (And I bet I can guess what you are thinking which prompted your question!) 😉

I just thought you might be interested to know that rather strangely the last few days I have become very static. My hair makes a very loud crackling noise, keeps standing up on end and I keep getting little shocks when I touch stuff. I will point out I have changed absolutely nothing in my diet or changed my daily routine so I find this a very peculiar phenomenon. I'm a stay at home mum currently battling Pfizer jab side effects and lately I haven't left the house apart from to do the school run. Utterly bizarre.

Mine too....


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Hello everyone!

You are right, Dee, treatment is needed, and it is needed now.

And the situation is so sad, the doctors, mostly, can't help it.

There is a lot of suffering and it is inhuman that people are left without help.

Therefore, I think hope is only in natural medicine, because here everyone can freely try, of course, best when supervised by a specialist. But everyone can, in principle, try to treat themselves, when there is not even a naturopathic doctor, who can help.

I read a lot of posts on the internet. A therapeutic suggestion, that I read among the comments on a video, but also on other sites, is to use some essential oils: nigellae sativae oleum.

Essential oils have many healing effects, being anti-inflammatory and anti-infective. They should be used with caution, because they must be used in small doses, strictly observed. If used in liquid form, it must be diluted. Some come in capsule form, they have a safer dosage and are better tolerated digestively. Many of them are affordable, which is a great advantage.

Many of them are affordable, which is a great advantage.

There are many essential oils, for internal use, that are used by a large number of patients with various diseases, even for a longer time: origanum, cinnamomi, thymus, coriandri, foeniculi aetheroleum, melissa, zingiberis, betula alleghaniensis, curcuma longae, lavandulae, menthae piperite, cymbopoginis citrati, caryophylli floris aetheroleum, commiphora myrrha, boswelliae, copaiferae, etc.

Personally, I can only say that it is worth a try. I'm a patient with Lyme and like many other patients with this disease, I use naturopathic remedies.

I have been using essential oils for over 2 years, in safety, it helps a lot.

Of course, all I can do is make this therapeutic known or to remind.

It remains the choice and responsibility of each.

Dee and Dee reacted
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@medee Hi Dee. I pray this post gives you hope. I've been dealing with this since May. There is definitely a pattern of developing symptoms that gradually fade. It seems most of us relapse but the symptoms are less intense over time until they fade. Other random symptoms then arise and the pattern is repeated. It's pretty clear there is an ongoing systemic pathology although we don't know what it is yet. The positive news is that there is a definite shift in how adverse effects are being addressed. I was completely blown off in May by 2 primary physicians (GP). By the time I went in July to neuro she was seeing many post vaccine injury cases that were quite diverse. A few weeks later an ENT told me the symptoms they were seeing were random but many. As the vaccines demonstrate that they don't work at stopping the spread, I am seeing adverse effects discussed more and more. Just a few months ago the only adverse effects we could discuss were myocarditis, Guillain Barre, and sinus clots.  At last, now they are stating that the vax AE appears to mimic long COVID. Although I believe not enough has been done to determine what is happening to us, I know that much is being done to figure out long COVID. Therefore, progress to find a cause and then a solution is closer than we would think. 

Personally, I have struggled with the pins and needles on my scalp, vibration sensation in my head, dizziness, head pressure, pressure around my eyes (specially when looking down), increased heart rate (wont go below 90 at rest), headaches, blurred vision, periorbital swelling and brain fog. My MRI was normal, ENT found nothing wrong, EEG was normal, neuropsych test was normal as well. All of my symptoms are mostly resolved except for the pressure around my eyes, pressure in my head and brain fog (3-5 bad days a month). My guess is we are having an immunologic and inflammatory response to the spike protein. My next move is to find an immunologist. I think we will get more info from ordering the right labs than imaging studies since all the posts I have read appear to have no significant findings on MRI. 

I changed my diet so I don't eat any inflammatory foods and feel this helps. The best advice I can give anyone, specially with cardiac effects, is to minimize stress and anxiety. I get how difficult it is but it's necessary. Some things that help me are deep breathing, background music, and watching comedy sit coms or movies. Also, one of the common symptoms from long COVID is sleep disturbance and melatonin is recommended for that. 

I really believe a solution is near and that those of us that have these types of symptoms (not Guillain Bares, Myelitis, strokes, heart attacks, etc) are not in danger of developing something horrible in the short term. The symptoms come and go and we will go thorough this for many months but it doesn't seem to be resulting in any horrible permanent damage. I obviously am speaking in general terms and am not minimizing anyone's symptoms or the impact the symptom(s) has had on their lives. Trust me, they have had a major impact on the quality of my life and my ability to get even minor things done. However, there are other injuries that are life altering in the long term. My hope is that the acknowledgement that we resemble long COVID patients will mean we start receiving treatment in the near future if necessary. 

Keep the hope. There are too many of us for them to continue to pretend we don't exist. I'm praying for all of us and our recovery.


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