@sertralina hi. May I ask how much prednisone you were put on and how to do the taper? I have Prednisone for an underlying condition and hope to be able to get rid of this horrible vertigo and dizziness! Thank you so much
@asimps I definitely have more rocking and swaying and Spins! I have had vertigo in the past where it was spinning but this time it's different. So yes. None of it is good though 🙁 I just hope it goes away. I'm only on day 4 of this reaction after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine a week ago. I can deal with the tinnitus but I just can't deal with this heavy head and dizziness. I've just been in bed. Your entry makes me feel encouraged that time will help! Thank you.
I got my first shot of Pfizer in early March 2021. Ten minutes after receiving it, I got a wave of nausea and dizziness that lasted about a minute or two. I reported this to the pharmacist who said that nausea was a symptom of the vaccine, asked if I was okay to drive, and let me go home. That day I had a few more similar waves of nausea and dizziness that lasted only briefly, followed by a feeling of general unwellness and a sore arm. The next day I was pretty much back to normal save the arm.
On March 28, 2021 I got my second dose of the vaccine. Before the shot, the same pharmacist asked me if I had any symptoms and I reported to her again my experience and she said to expect something similar with the second shot. You can imagine my surprise when after the second shot, I felt nothing other than a sore arm. That was until nine days later when I was hit with an extreme wave of dizziness, nausea, and lightheadedness. It was right after lunch, so I thought maybe I ate something off and took the rest of the afternoon off to rest. For the next several days I felt the same nausea and dizziness with no reprieve other than laying in bed propped up on pillows. I had what doctors thought was BPPV in 2017, which at the time was so debilitating I couldn't even walk for almost 3 weeks. This now feels like how that felt, just not as severe.
I called my doctor that day and reported everything and she said she didn't think it could be tied to the vaccine as I'm "too far out" at day 10 to experience symptoms related to the vaccine. I went to my doctor's clinic on the 11th day after my shot and reported everything that had happened with my vaccine again to the provider I saw, including how I found this forum and how many people seem to have vertigo trigger due to the vaccine. Again the doctor refused to even acknowledge that it could be tied to the vaccine and diagnosed me as having "motion sickness" due to my age and gender (I'm 33f). They checked me for BPPV and it was negative. He prescribed Dramamine to help get me by daily but the side effects of that aren't great either.
It is incredibly frustrating having doctors refuse to acknowledge this could be vaccine-related. Nothing in my life has changed to suddenly cause an onset of daily motion sickness/vertigo other than getting the vaccine. I'm hopeful after spending a lot of time on this thread that my symptoms will improve over time. Thank you all for sharing your story and providing some suggestions.
@elena I’m sorry to hear this. I’m in another group on FB where SO many people have this same thing, doesn’t seem to matter which vaccine. People are trying the following: Zyrtec, high Vit C and D, b13, pretty much anything to lower inflammation. Hopefully this will calm itself over time.
I am 8 weeks out from the 2nd dose. I am getting better, I believe. Initially when I was severely dizzy I could barely describe the dizziness. I was nauseous, unable to focus my eyes, lightheaded. More recently it has felt like swaying on a boat. That too, is also easing up a bit. The mornings are still a little rough for me though.
I am a 73 yr old healthy male and I take no medications. Three weeks after the first Moderna shot I began experiencing unusual dizzy, off balance, lightheaded spells with bizarre loud tinnitis. Fatigued. After second dose at 4 weeks the dizzy sensation got worse, becoming a routine part of my day, never subsiding, but never so bad that I couldn’t function. The tinnitis also increased.
Early on, I felt like I was drugged, unable to “connect” with the world, a floating sensation hard to describe but mentioned by others on the site. Many times I had the feeling I was going to faint but didn’t. I tried the Epley maneuver again and again with no success and finally saw my doc (full evaluation with blood tests) who said it's most likely inflammation of the inner ear and should decrease. She agreed that it could be the vaccine since reactions to vaccines are well known and may take several months to dissipate.
I’m taking vitamin C and Turmeric (anti inflammatory) and the occasional Ibuprofen. It’s been 3 weeks since the second shot and the dizziness is almost gone (not completely) but the tinnitus is not gone I’m sorry to say. I thought I was crazy until I found this site. I did report to VAERS. Thanks to everyone who posted their experiences and good luck getting through this.
Echoing others, glad I found this site, as I thought I was the only one experiencing issues. Got my 1st shot on 4/5. Next morning, room was spinning out of control when I woke up. Vertigo/dizziness persists to this day, but has lessened slightly, and I seem to be generally fine in the late afternoons/evenings, only to have things start up again in the morning. Otherwise fit and healthy (48M), although do have tinnitus, funny enough, from a bad bout of the flu about 15 years ago. Hope everyone gets better soon.
Six days after having my first Moderna shot it hit me out of the blue without warning. Nausea, intense dizziness, involuntary muscle contractions that wouldn't stop, and fever. Moving the head for just small increments was almost impossible without experiencing intense nausea. I did my best to avoid vomiting because I did not want to become dehydrated. I knew I would not be able to hold anything down after that. This went on throughout the night and well into the next day. I slept for a solid two days off and on after that night. Now I am eating again without much nausea, but the dizziness is still there lurking in the background. After this, I am seriously rethinking taking that second shot.
In spite of having these intense reactions I'm still very glad to have gotten the shot. I'm sure the real deal is a lot worse.
Hope your side effects and health improve! I was off work for 7 days, I still have to go sit down every now and then to try and not pass out from the sudden dizziness but luckily I can catch myself before I black out. Even sitting doesn’t help and I have to grab something to keep stable.
I had my 1st shot of vaccine on 9th April. I have start feeling dizziness from 11th April midnight. The strange part is that I only experienced it from.midnight (when I wake for urine call) later in the morning I felt similar like you, I was nearly to fall down.
If it remains like this then I.must see doctor.
Anybody has the same experience? If pls share Yr details.
I am on day 2 of #2 Pfizer and fever, body chills and aches have subsided. Headache and dizziness. Vertigo is still there. It's very concerning. I've read on here to try Benadryl. (Feels like I'm drunk when I move around. )
Are you supposed to contact CDC if you get symptoms outside of the normal issues?
When should I start worrying? (Probably more then 2 days.)
I didn't all of the posts because it makes me dizzy. Sorry if I'm repeating any questions.
Thank you
@mm824. I have the pretexting condition too and have had 2 terrible bouts of dizziness since the Pfizer shot.
@asimps Yes, either rocking from side to side or feeling as if I'm falling-rocking from front/back. Be better soon!
@thenystagmus Slowly, very slowly, some days are better than others. This is first day I haven't taken Zyrtec / dramamine (meclizine) Am still pushing Vitamin C + taking a combo of Calcium/magnesium, Zinc which seems to be helping my tinnitus. 2nd shot was Feb. 4th. When face first started I was afraid it was Bell's palsy, looked up all things it could be. Have had shingles twice in my life time, NEVER want them again. Shot was in left arm, same side that my face sometimes feels weird. Today I've had "bouts" occasionally that sorta wash over me, hard to explain unless you've had the same feeling. I'm beginning to wonder if my reaction could have been because I had Covid last week of Feb. 2020, First week of March, 2020. Son/daughter in law were very ill before i caught what ever they had, no Covid was mentioned back then, theirs was early Feb. I usually ate w/ them every Sunday. Had fever, cough, sore throat, head felt very congested, one thing I'll never forget, and this was Feb. 2020, I LOST my sense of taste for about a week. I had been very ill the end of 2019, was on strong meds to clear up infection. Don't know if that helped to keep me from being so sick in 2020 or what, just remembered when I was trying to figure out WHY I was having such a reaction to a shot! Friends got theirs-nothing except a sore arm. I haven't gone to the DR. after reading many of the post on here I'm not sure they could have helped. Just ridding this out. The worst is behind me. I wasn't as ill as many that had reactions to the shot. Hang in there !
So good to hear you're slowly getting better! I am also ...I'm really glad to have had several good days in a row now! Yes, my sister-in-law had Bell's Palsy and was concerned when I told her about those hard-to-describe feelings in my face. That losing your sense of taste symptom does make it sound like you're likely to be right about having had Covid. I saw an article today where they're saying that the NIH and CDC may eventually decide to recommend only one vaccine for Covid survivors. There's at least one country doing that already. Studies are showing those that have had Covid and one vaccine have many times over the protection of those that haven't had it and got 2 vaccines. I do hope the worst is behind me, too. It's been nearly a week since my clinic was supposed to be getting vestibular therapy set up for me. I'm starting to think by the time they get back to me I may not have much need of it. If this just goes away, I'd be very pleased!