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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@tennyson77 How have you been feeling since? I hope you're still doing okay after getting the booster!

DrL and DrL reacted
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Posted by: @aishara

@tennyson77 How have you been feeling since? I hope you're still doing okay after getting the booster!

Hi.. Thanks for asking.  I feel pretty good to be honest.  My outside vertigo is mostly gone these days, but I still have the odd flare inside.   But mostly I'm doing pretty good.

My antibodies went from 389 before the booster to 11,481 after the booster, so I'm back at full strength!  I expected a bit of a regression, and maybe for the first week I did feel a bit off, but I think I'm mostly through the hard part now.  

Other than the inside veritgo, the only thing that still bothers me is the occasional sinus and/or ear pressure, especially when I drink alcohol.  My doctor thought maybe there is a sinus infection going on or something, so I'm trying some nasal steroids right now and some antibiotics.  Not sure if they'll help, but I don't think they'll hurt.

So, slow and steady I guess.

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Posted by: @sickofthis
Posted by: @gingerjones

@asanders I am so sorry for what you are going through...I belong to the Facebook Group below and I think you would benefit greatly by becoming a member...There are so many people on there with symptoms like yours and there are people getting better...there are folks communicating back and forth about what they find has helped...Hang in there my friend...Yes, it is a long and slow journey...But I have to believe we will get better!!

Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook




Just tried joining the FB group and I think the admin denied me. 

They ask a series of questions (questionnaire) before approving members...I heard if you don't answer the questionnaire you will be denied...was that your case?

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Posted by: @sickofthis
Posted by: @gingerjones

@asanders I am so sorry for what you are going through...I belong to the Facebook Group below and I think you would benefit greatly by becoming a member...There are so many people on there with symptoms like yours and there are people getting better...there are folks communicating back and forth about what they find has helped...Hang in there my friend...Yes, it is a long and slow journey...But I have to believe we will get better!!

Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook




Just tried joining the FB group and I think the admin denied me. 

They ask a series of questions (questionnaire) before approving members...I heard if you don't answer the questionnaire you will be denied...was that your case?

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Posted by: @pborg53

 After my first COVID vaccine I was dizzy and fatigued for about 2 weeks and then the neurologic signs started. Electric shocks down my arms and legs; muscle fasciculations; diarrhea off and on for 3 months; insane increase in tinnitus with "shaking" of my ear drums;  if I stood up I would rock side to side like I had been on a ship; high blood pressure; heart rate irregularities; tingling across my face, back and arms; and brain fog .  I did have MRI's , EMG's and dysautonomia testing.  I had hemiparesis especially on my left side and orthostatic intolerance.  My reflexes were very exaggerated, but I was weak and had decreased proprioception. 6 months later the anxiety and panic became even worse.  Probably from wondering if I was dying and what was wrong with me. I also then had COVID twice (!) in October and December 2021 -with no real change in symptoms.  My wife who was fully vaccinated also had COVID twice and did not have any different symptoms than I had after my one vaccine.  It’s been 11 months now. I still have remaining neuro tingling and am dizzy half of the time.  I have recently been diagnosed with ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome . I had post exertional malaise after really hard exercise but that was about it.  I feel that I probably did have "lower level" ME before the vaccine, but the vaccine threw me over a cliff. My strength is better and I can work part time, but I can't exercise at even a mild level for any length of time.  I had been a competitive runner, mountain biker, and performed music, but all of that has had to stop.  The last infectious disease specialist I saw said I should never have another COVID vaccine and rely on the anti-viral pill that is coming out if I ever need it.  No physicians want to talk about this- it made me feel like the only one who has had this.

You are not alone...there are millions of people just like you...I don't suffer from the chest tightness but I know many on this forum have and many on a facebook forum I am a member should join...there are people there that are getting better...they are exchanging what has and has not worked for them...I think you should join...Question: Did your tinnitus resolve?

Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook

This post was modified 3 years ago by gingerj

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@alexa Thank you for sharing your experience! I am still hopeful that one day I will be normal again. I have tried to drive short distances (with my husband in the car) but it is a struggle and I sometimes have panic attacks. I have never in my life had panic attacks! That is why I get so angry and the fact that people like us are not heard. No one in the medical field wants to attribute these symptoms to the vaccines and they are still touted as safe. I have been asked repeatedly if I am getting a booster and the answer is always a resounding NO. I hope you continue to improve!

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@gingerjones  thank you for the encouragement.   The tinnitus is always present (I had it before) but it varies in intensity and will even switch ears!  If I exert myself a lot it will get much worse.   What Facebook group were you referring to?  Thanks again

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@mina hi was just reading some of your posts about weight loss and muscle loss was wondering how you are doing. iM me when you get a chance. Thanks . 

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I fought panic attacks the following way. Carry a paper bag for breathing into it when you feel is coming. Accept the fact you are going to get it and tell yourself i am ready to fight this, come and give me the panic attack because i'm ready to have it..........And it didn't come. It's been 8 years since I had the last panic attack and trust me, asking for it and telling myself that i was ready to have it, was the scariest thing to do, but it worked. The mind is very powerful. Good luck 

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@asanders I agree what you are going through is not anxiety. It's so frustrating to hear doctors say that. I feel many of your same symptoms and although they are not as pronounced as they used to be (except tachycardia has gotten worse now), they seem to last longer. 

Please keep us posted and stay strong. We are not alone.



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Pfizer #1- 11/27/21

Pfizer #2 - 12/18/21

Ear Fullness on and off (almost like going up and down the back of the ears) I went to urgent care was given amoxicillin 

I do have a penicillin allergy and thought I was having a allergic reaction I started having intense swollen lymph nodes in neck, burning top of back, dizziness, numb and tingling in arms and legs, red spots allover body as of 1/31/22


Symptoms I’m feeling as of 1/31/22 Hot upper back, numb weak legs, chest pressure, disorientation, ear fullness

2/4/22 Head pressure on and off, ear fullness, lower leg numbness and throbbing (right)


02/06 right arm weakness, fingers locking, chest heaviness on and off, chest tightness, ear fullness. Right side chest tightness


02/07 numbness tingling right arm, irregular heart pulse, ear fullness come and go


02/08 head fullness on and off, irregular pulse, lightheaded/dizziness, chest heaviness


Symptoms at ER 02/08 head pressure top of head, sharp ear pain bilateral, left arm throbbing,


*sharpness in chest (R) side  in intervals

3:55PM - 3:56PMx2 - 4:48PM- 4:51PM-4:52PM-4:57PM-4:59PM-5:10PM-5:14pm-6:34PM-7:34PM @ ER given IV for dehydration.


Head pressure subsided not present at 4:49P

4:50P front of head on and off restarted pressure - 4:52 PM

Pressure slightly front 4:54 PM


Throbbing right lower leg


02/09- 2AM pressure behind head, extreme dizziness when going to bathroom,

6AM numbness in left hand and tingly, numb and tingles return


02/09/- ear fullness subsided (starting water fast today) ALKALINE DINNER 630PM kale, mushroom, mini cucumber and pear.


02/09 symptoms mild (nose and forehead pressure mildy) heart rate settled, heaviness gone. No ear pressure tonight


Weirdly feels like everything is connected… if I suck my chest in I feel pressure in my face/nose and head.


2/10- when moving or pressing left side of chest pressure in head (L) lower leg numb and tingly, tingling on top of back, (L) arm pain throbbing on and off, numb left side of body, pulling in chest left side, cold sensation left arm. Pulling sensation in nose to head almost takes breath away, chest flutters on and off.


Weird symptom: When pressing roof of mouth pressure felt in head, gets short of breath.

i know my symptoms are a lot I feel like they’re literally new ones daily! 

they also onset later than others did, has anyone has similar symptoms that started later than most other peoples? 
I’m trying to not go crazy! 

(I went to 2 urgent cares and ER twice already) 



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@fortynowmz Hello… I’m also having left sided chest tightness and when I press the left side I can feel pressure in my head and nose.


elevated heart rate on and off  but for the most part it’s when I get I stand or walk. 

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@tennyson77 That's great to hear (that you haven't fully relapsed into your earlier symptoms)! I'm sorry to hear that you're still experiencing annoying side-effects but I hope these don't last too long... Take care!

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Read some interesting articles on rosemary effect on inflammation and cytokines and many other things. Even saw an article that it’s being considered as a tool to fight long haul Covid. 

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@mina hi was just reading some of your posts about weight loss and muscle loss was wondering how you are doing. iM me when you get a chance. Thanks . 

Still not able to regain weight😔

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