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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@plandistry Hypochlorous Acid is a very potent Mast Cell Stabilizer. Self producible at home with a low cost machine. Inhalation of it tends to elicit a systemic ENT mast cell stabilization event.

I just looked up hypochlorous acid.  It is a spray for your skin...what would you do with this?  I am curious, as I want to try and follow your protocol...

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Posted by: @sunrise


Hi, Asanders,

I'm sorry about your situation.
Especially since you're talking about metallic taste in your mouth, but it's generally true anyway, have you tried heavy metal chelating treatment?
The most effective is under medical supervision, by taking pills and infusions.
Also, alpha lipoic acid and coriander tincture are used (from leaves and seeds, easy to make at home) and are accessible, both are worth a try.
From the sources I had the opportunity to read I understood that chlorella or zeolite are not very efficient for chelation.
In case of dental amalgam, it should be removed.
Of course, I specify that there are personal opinions and the choices to follow different opinions are assumed individually.
Cupping means plasmapheresis?

Hi Sunrise, sincere thanks for reading my long post and replying. 

I think the metallic taste in my mouth is from gum bleeding mentioned by some others. I already use alpha lipoic acid but I guess tooth problems will be added to my long list of symptoms in the future regardless. 🤣  For heavy metal chelating I also bought some bentonite clay but not tried it yet because I dont think it is a metal problem.

Cupping with blood letting  also called hijama(hacamat) is an ancient blood cleaning techniqe. When I first tried it I was afraid that it was gonna leave marks on my skin but all good now.  I think it basically removes some of the toxins from blood.  Please also watch the youtube video. Believe me it does not hurt much and somehow it makes me feel better. If you are brave enough to try it let me know about the outcome.


I also tried ozone therapy and bioresonance therapy . Ozone did not work for me. 

After first few sessions of bioresonance therapy I felt great. But then it just stopped working. I still take bioresonance sessions.

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Just came to say that I suffer from lightheadedness, head/face pressure, brain fog, etc., And have since April 2021 when I got my JJ vaccine. It slowly got better (I think) after about 5 months, but then I got covid in October, and all the symptoms came back strong, it was like starting from square 1. But I've read that other people lost all of their symptoms after recovering from covid, so it's really a mixed bag. Fingers crossed for you! 

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@gm1988 did the symptoms ever go away after you had COVID?

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@gm1988 also how soon into your COVID infection did the symptoms reappear? I’m on day 6-7ish and have had mild brain fog/dizziness that usually accompanies being sick but nothing like my vaccine symptoms. Hoping it stays that way

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Hopefully you're in the clear! I'm sure everyone is different, but my post-vax symptoms appeared probably day 4 or 5 after I first noticed covid symptoms. Still have them unfortunate. Hoping they'll start to fade next month (month 5) like they did the first time. I do seem to have more "better" days as time goes on. 

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Posted by: @gingerjones

@asanders I am so sorry for what you are going through...I belong to the Facebook Group below and I think you would benefit greatly by becoming a member...There are so many people on there with symptoms like yours and there are people getting better...there are folks communicating back and forth about what they find has helped...Hang in there my friend...Yes, it is a long and slow journey...But I have to believe we will get better!!

Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook




Just tried joining the FB group and I think the admin denied me. 

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Hello everyone. I would like to thank to all people who have been sharing their experiences and things that have helped them so far, and especially to the ones who returned to share their healing success. I am female, 40 years old, no previous health issues exept for controlled Hashimoto. One and only Pf. shot I had in the middle of October 2021. Since then I have had different issues. Three days after the shot I had higher blood pressure, pain in ears and heat/pain in left leg. Within next two weeks pain spread to both legs and my veins became prominent, also capillaries. Insomnia was severe and I lost between 2-3kg. Not to mention fear and heart pounding. In december joint pain occured in my fingers on right hand. After January 2022. I can report that I don't have leg pain/heath anymore. I still have prominent veins on my legs, finger joint still hurts here and there (I use supplement with Devil's claw for joints) and since last week I have chest tightness which makes me really afraid. So far I had cardiology exam in November, leg colour doppler twice and vascular surgeon exam, neurology basic exam in late December, had laboratory blood tests, last D Dimer checked 3 days ago and it is within normal range. If anyone shares this kind of issues and has had experience with chest tightness, prominent veins and joints, please help. Thank you again and God bless you all. P.S. English is not my mother tongue and I apologize for grammar mistakes.

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Posted by: @plandistry
Posted by: @gingerjones

@plandistry Hypochlorous Acid is a very potent Mast Cell Stabilizer. Self producible at home with a low cost machine. Inhalation of it tends to elicit a systemic ENT mast cell stabilization event.

I just looked up hypochlorous acid.  It is a spray for your skin...what would you do with this?  I am curious, as I want to try and follow your protocol...

Hypochlorous Acid has been suppressed by world governments for over half a century. It has very powerful curative properties. Kills 100% of all viruses, bacteria, fungus and even prions on contact or usually in less than 30 seconds in most cases.

Hypochlorous Acid is completely non-toxic. It replaces almost all cleaning/disinfection products in the home AND places a large array of Ear/Nose/Throat/Eye medications, as well as topical skin medications since it generally clears infections rapidly and sometimes in a single application.

An added effect of it - it is a potent mast cell stabilizer topically, and for ENT issues. In fact it often stabilizes them within 30 seconds or less. I've made my own Hypochlorous for half a decade. (Water, Diamond Kosher Salt, and a dash of Vinegar) So it's pennies a gallon.

My first experience with it was half a decade ago I purchased a bottle of this product;

I used it around the home for cleaning, and the first day using it I accidentally inhaled some of this into my nose. Suddenly I felt what I can best describe as a rapid clearing and detoxification of my sinus cavity. From that day forward I never had a sinus infection ever again. I immediately purchased a machine to make my own unlimited supplies of it. This substance kills COVID-19 on contact, and in my experience, virtually guarantees you won't be infected with COVID if you mist and sniff it a few times a day. (preventing viral replication)

There are two main machines I like.

This one you provide the measurements (make sure to use only Diamond Kosher Salt - no additives and no minerals!)

This one has pre-measured packets. Handy! It's a great machine but requires you to eventually purchase more packets unless you can chemistry out the measurements. (packets are vinegar and salt, nothing else)

The reason this has been suppressed from people is quite simply it's a major 'Disruptive' agent to both the pharma AND chemical industries. So with this you not only eliminate more toxins in the home, but you stabilize your mast cells in the process! (at least your Ear/Nose/Throat and Skin Mast Cells)


Is Hypochlorous Acid the same as Chlordioxide?

I read a person's comment on a youtube video, which states that he was cured of side effects using Chlordioxide.

Of course, what is written on the internet should always be taken with caution.

But this seemed to be worth considering, because there are arguments:

-there are many known cases of activation of shingles and herpes simplex post vax

-it is reported to increase the number of cases of acute appendicitis

-some people have noticed that they have a sensitivity to colds

-some symptoms described by some people: tachycardia, rising temperature in the evening and night sweats - can also occur in some infections, even parasitic

-on this forum, someone said that the symptoms improve by consuming garlic

-ivermectin has helped some.

I read that there were doctors who said they were wondering if it could be a reactivation of the Epstein Barr virus.

Shingles and herpes simplex are acute infections, but it can be assumed that also infections that have long evolutions can be reactivated.

Not all infections are detected by the usual inflammation tests.

These are just observations and we only make assumptions, it must be emphasized.

And there must be individual elements that explain why only some people have had side effects.

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My grandparents are suffering from both vaccines and I don't think they really know how to express their symptoms. My grandpa has troubles falling asleep, so he got on melatonin and seems to be sleeping better now, but he also talks about having "anxiety" and it seems to bother him the most.

I have no doubt he's anxious, but I am not convinced that's his actual problem. I have a feeling he actually means something neurological, but what could it be?

He has also had heart surgery in the past, and so he is limited to the meds and supplements he can take, to avoid interaction with his heart and heart meds.

They are starting to look around at doctors for help, and they seem to be giving them the runaround (as they typically do), and I think one of them even recommended the booster (I got privy to an appt they had setup), which has really put me on edge. I would personally like to go over and strangle whoever thought that was a good idea, because a third is potentially deadly for them at this point.

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Has anyone's Fasciculations gone away? 

I still get it just after a walk. Any explanation why we're having this! 

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Posted by: @arica30
Posted by: @tashley
Posted by: @arica30
Posted by: @nath7

@arica30 It’s so shit! I just hope our bodies get back on track! I’m all fairness I’m 5 months out. I had a good week last week where symptoms was not as bad but out of no where I get a flare up 👎 hope you start to feel better 

Bless you and everyone in here that have been dealing with this mystery crap for 5 months. I cannot imagine. I’m two weeks in and am miserable. I upped my Vitamin D3 and OLE as well as been drinking that detox drink mentioned in a link in here and felt some bit of relief for a few hours two days in a row.  🙏 


What detox drink are you referring to? Do you feel as though it has helped with your symptoms?

There was a link posted about vaccine detoxing It mentions a cranberry detox drink. I’ve been drinking a three glasses the last two days, plus now 5000 vitamin D (I was taking 3000), 3 Olive Leaf extract liquid supplement (was only taking 1) along with the other things I’m taking and I feel it’s given me a bit of relief. 

Has the detox helped? Are you back to your normal self?

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Posted by: @plandistry

@jkro The root cause of the Mast Cell Degranulation needs to be addressed.

Which is usually inflammation, liver function, or some sort of toxicity in the body. Until the underlying cause is addressed, stabilizing mast cells may be an avenue of reduction to the spiraling condition because the mast cell degranulation may also worsen the overall inflammatory response itself.

I'd start with reduction of inflammation, increasing the detox and restorative functions of the body, combined with a stabilization of mast cells. I predict most people with vaccine side effects will benefit from a combined approach in this manner until they can fully detox the vaccine/spike proteins out of their bodies over a period of months.


Some experts are working with a combination of Premier Research Colostrum-IgG Powder and Premier Research Nucleo Immune, Beta-Glucan and Nucleotide Immune Formula in combination to thwart and reverse vaccine damage. I don't have any data yet on the success other than allegedly results are promising. Colustrum, some take at least two tablespoons in water, 2 or 3x per day. Mix it with lemon or anything that may improve the taste, although some people enjoy it as it is. Nucleotides? Half a dozen every few hours and then measure improvements in vaccine injury/side effects after a few days and adjust dosages.

Others report good effect from probiotics, proteolytic enzymes and enzymes in general in combination with the above. I can't attest to those personally.


(Disclarimer: Only your physician is able to recommend any treatments of protocols and they should be consulted before attempting any treatment for any condition.)

Have you gotten better with detox?

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 After my first COVID vaccine I was dizzy and fatigued for about 2 weeks and then the neurologic signs started. Electric shocks down my arms and legs; muscle fasciculations; diarrhea off and on for 3 months; insane increase in tinnitus with "shaking" of my ear drums;  if I stood up I would rock side to side like I had been on a ship; high blood pressure; heart rate irregularities; tingling across my face, back and arms; and brain fog .  I did have MRI's , EMG's and dysautonomia testing.  I had hemiparesis especially on my left side and orthostatic intolerance.  My reflexes were very exaggerated, but I was weak and had decreased proprioception. 6 months later the anxiety and panic became even worse.  Probably from wondering if I was dying and what was wrong with me. I also then had COVID twice (!) in October and December 2021 -with no real change in symptoms.  My wife who was fully vaccinated also had COVID twice and did not have any different symptoms than I had after my one vaccine.  It’s been 11 months now. I still have remaining neuro tingling and am dizzy half of the time.  I have recently been diagnosed with ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome . I had post exertional malaise after really hard exercise but that was about it.  I feel that I probably did have "lower level" ME before the vaccine, but the vaccine threw me over a cliff. My strength is better and I can work part time, but I can't exercise at even a mild level for any length of time.  I had been a competitive runner, mountain biker, and performed music, but all of that has had to stop.  The last infectious disease specialist I saw said I should never have another COVID vaccine and rely on the anti-viral pill that is coming out if I ever need it.  No physicians want to talk about this- it made me feel like the only one who has had this.

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Posted by: @fila85

@medee Hello! I have been having terrible stomach aches/cramps, bloating and loud growling for ~3,5 months, plus loss of appetite as well 🙁 It seems that they have ceased last week fortunately... I have applied lymph node massage and some ALA tablets in the last weeks, maybe it was thanks to those, maybe thanks to time...

Has the growling vanished for you?

Has anything worked out?

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