None of us should be going through these reactions to a vaccine we were told would protect us. I cannot believe how many stories I have read with the similar problems I have had. They seem to be the more unusual & unsettling problems. Tingling, prickling, hot & icy burning feeling, pins & needles, internal tremors around uterus & inside chest area, rumbling inside. I’ve had headaches & tinnitus so at least know what that is but what are these other weird sensations. It’s been 8 months now & although it’s settled down it’s all still there.
@maxe1990 I'm sorry you had a bad reaction. I never had a flu shot but felt I should get both Pfizer shots.
Bad idea. I've had vertigo since the summer of 2021 following the second shot several weeks earlier.
I also have severe inflammation of the esophagus and gastritis, too.
All are ongoing and crippling. I am basically living in bed and not even leaving the house. No driving. Not even walking to my mailbox.
No problems prior to the shots.
This is a nightmare. Have your symptoms resolved ?
Hi all,
still having the symptoms after almost 5 months....But thanks all of you for sharing their experiences! It helps a lot to not freak out with the pain.
Did someone of you take a flight while having the post vax side effects?
I need to take a flight and am a bit afraid what could happen cause of the different pressure.
Hi there. I'm wondering if you ever took that flight and if you did, how did it go? I need to travel but am scare of the pressure change.
ugh i was better for about 2 weeks after having covid. i think having covid somehow alleviated the effects of my vaccine reaction, which began in march of 2021. my eyesight was working normally again, had normal depth perception, and was barely noticing the floaters, no vertigo anymore either. today after a very exhausting day at work, it all came back while i was driving home. i'm living in fear all the time of these symptoms coming back. i hope they haven't come back permanently. every time i start to get better i think i'm cured, and every time i start to feel bad again i get so terrified of going back to being as useless and miserable as i was in the months following the shot. most of the year i have been barely any better. this was a huge improvement that i got after recovering from covid and if its wearing off idk what to do... my other huge improvement was when i went on antibiotics because they thought i had an ear infection. someone told me that could be the antiinflammitory effects of the antibiotics. i believe my respons is autoimmune and not an infection. but the antibiotics did help....... i finally have a doctor appointment at the end of this month and one the one hand i hope they can help but on the other hand i have NO faith in anything medical anymore, and on the other hand i just want to be my normal self and not need to go to a doctor in the first place....
@hooope I haven't had this test. What does it indicate if positive? Should we all have it done?
I would like to say, first of all, that I really hope for you that it is an easy manifestation for you, even if an autoimmune component is confirmed, in your case.
The hope, in the case of autoimmune phenomena, is that they may be short-lived, at least so it has been said in the case of anti-PF4 antibodies:
Also, in some patients with known autoimmune diseases, there was sometimes a slight increase in the disease after the shots, but this was transient.
If such exacerbations have occurred, early treatment with steroids, intravenous immunoglobulins, plasmapheresis, or imunomodulant has led to rapid improvement, this is presented in various articles.
I, personally, know a case of a man who had the following side effects after the second dose: great difficulty swallowing, disturbance of taste, so he lost a lot of weight. Subsequently, anticholinesterase-positive antibodies were identified and the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis was established. The treatment was done with prostigmine and methylprednisolone and the symptoms were greatly alleviated.
The man said that some of the typical symptoms of myasthenia gravis had been present for several years, but they were very mild and had never led to suspicion of myasthenia gravis. So in this case it would not be a completely new disease, but only a worsening of a pre-existing condition.
The myasthenia gravis was not assumed from the beginning, but severe dysphagia, ie difficulty swallowing, is a characteristic symptom of myasthenia gravis.
Another aspect is that the response to treatment was good, but not as good as in most cases of myasthenia, in which treatment leads to an almost perfect recovery.
I also know that, after a while, the required dose of cortisone has been reduced, he takes a lower dose.
So maybe the situation can really improve over time, on its own.
There are also articles about myasthenia gravis:
Each case is individual and I hope that in your case it will be just something easy and only for a while.
I must have written "antibodies target the acetylcholine receptor (AChR)", I wrote incorrectly previously.
@sunrise thank you! I have no previous symtoms of myastenia gravis, and don't have now. I have small fiber neuropathy symptoms after vaccine (pins and needles, burning, pain), but acetylholin receptor antibodies are positive and high, thats way I asking, does anybody else have positive this blood test?
@barb-larue7gmail-com looks like many v.injured have positive this test. It is relates with vaccine, but i dont know mehanism yet.
no still suffering going on 11months. Tinnitus, daIly migraines, extreme fatigue, depression, nausea, not driving. Sleeping too much and frustrated plus numbing of hands arms and feet. No one but me and my family are concerned. GP says could be long COVID BUT but no solutions or help. Vertigo keeps my balance iffy. Anyone have any advice? Can’t sue Pfizer. Gov has their backs. Who has ours? Just a joke. Funny right? .
@barb-larue7gmail-com Hi Barb so sorry you are going through this shit show. There is nothing they can do for the vertigo, gastritis, etc? I’m better having going through the past year thinking at some points I would die. Found a great dizzy doc in LA, some good PT people her in the OC, and trying to stick with the program. Still have tinnitus and lost a lot of my hair, but at least the dizziness PPPD thing is better. So sad we’ve lost a year of our lives for what? Trying to do the right thing? I hope you feel better soon. Stay on track an keep thinking things will be ok.
Just a quick update incase it's helpful for anyone seeking alternative care... went to a chiropractor/kinesiologist this week and he ordered lab tests including EBV antibody panel, TSH, thyroid peroxidase & thyroglubulin antibodies and CRP among others. I don't recall ever having EBV but he wants to rule out reactivation since it is also seen in long COVID. He told me to take B-12 1000mcg and St. Johns Wort. I have not started the St. John Wort yet because it increases heart rate and i've been dealing with tachycardia. I'll follow up when lab results are in and let you know know how it goes.