I think you and I have similar cognitive symptoms (I also have a lot more). Do you want to talk?
I’m based in the UK.
@tunafish15 It sounds like we have similar cognitive symptoms, though I have many more.
Do you want to chat? I’m 30 and from the UK.
@asanders I am pretty sure lupus test result will be negative. He told me that if it is not lupus it probably is MCAS and in that case he is going to direct me to an immunologist. But if it is MCAS he also told me there is usullly nothing to do other than histamines and corticostreoids. So it seems even if doctors diagnose me with MCAS, nothing is going to change.
I am in a Facebook Group for long covid neuro...attached are some stuff regarding MCAS that will benefit you...hang in there...
Anybody have issues not being able to sleep ? I seem to only get no more than 3 maybe 4 hours a night ?? 😕 . Wake up almost flushed and tingly sometimes . And cannot get back to sleep . Any
Body have this trouble sleeping or staying asleep. I know I'm tired but can't sleep . Melatonin or anything work for anyone ? 😴 would be nice been about a month now .
Received the Pfizer vaccine April 28 th admitted to hospital on 30th. Was told my sugar was 31 apparently at 33 your dead or so the doctor said. The main reason for going to the hospital was when I tried peeing blood came out. Since this get the vaccine I have problems with my feet being hot or cold or tingling. I always hear from professional and the general public you must of had an underlying condition. I would like to ask the general public and the professional what there underlying condition are because if you knew you would get treatment for it. Never has any doctor suggested that this vaccine may have hurt me they choice to ignore the facts. No one has every filed a complaint or contacted me about what took place. Final words don’t forget to get your boosters
It's terrible. We can't be taken seriously because it's against the narrative.
What other symptoms have you had?
Are you feeling any better? I hope so.
Haven't been here in a while, keep hoping my next message is on a positive note, I wish. Had my first AZ jab in February '21, second in May '21. So It's been a whole year since my symptoms started. They were beginning to ease prior to getting the second vax but they are still with me. The only big noticeable symptom that has stopped is I no longer get dizzy turning over in bed. I do get better days than others but how I feel can change by the minute. For examp!e, I can feel good and I begin thinking that I can do anything then not five minutes later I feel like crap again. So weird. My migraine type headaches are not so frequent but I get the muzzy head feeling that is usually accompanied by the dizziness, sometimes imbalance, almost like a migraine aura. Tinnitus still with me but I did have this prior to vax but ENT found nothing. I think taking painkillers for the headaches, particularly aspirin, has made it worse. I notice I get that extra whooshing noise after taking aspirin. I broke my wrist in a fall so have been taking extra painkillers. I take paracetamol too but it upsets my stomach. I'm getting IBS symptoms too lately but I took a buscopan today that helped ease the discomfort. I've lost lots of weight, although I don't eat as much as I used to, and I think think has all caused my anxiety to escalate which hasn't helped. Still getting stiff neck, shoulders, knee pain, sensitive to temperature change, loud noises, strong smells. My bloods recently showed border line sugar and cholesterol and I get them done annually and never had a problem pre vax. However, I had My glucose levels re-checked two weeks later and they were normal again.🤔 Getting them done again in April. Just thought I'd give an update because there are probably other long haulers out there still struggling, you are not alone. Best wishes to all and Prayers to the people in Ukraine🙏
Anybody have issues not being able to sleep ? I seem to only get no more than 3 maybe 4 hours a night ?? 😕 . Wake up almost flushed and tingly sometimes . And cannot get back to sleep . Any
Body have this trouble sleeping or staying asleep. I know I'm tired but can't sleep . Melatonin or anything work for anyone ? 😴 would be nice been about a month now .
Hi, I get trouble sleeping some nights and what helps me in the middle of the night is having a slice of toast or a simple sandwich ( if I'm not too giddy to get up to make it), I usually get back to sleep after. I also listen to relaxing sleep music on youtube which sometimes help.🙏
@transpro85 yes, I have terrible stomach issues, something I never had before. Gastritis and reflux esophagitis were diagnosed in December.
I had an endoscopy done to figure out what the hell was wrong.
I am so sorry you're dealing with issues, too. It sucks because these issues are hard to treat.
I take DGL (licorice) and it helps but my digestion is completely f-ed up and I have to force myself to eat.
I hope you and all of us get relief soon
Hi Barb, I'm getting GI issues too since the jabs. I had oesophagitis years ago and I took loads of gaviscon then. It's more like IBS symptoms for me now but I took a buscopan tonight which helped. My appetite is not as it was, I've lost weight too. I think for me, feeling dizzy over these past months a lot of the time has put me off preparing food for myself so I keep it simple. I do cook when I can, I have to for my hubby but sometimes I don't feel like eating it. 🙏🙂
@gm1988 yes it was I have those "waves" often sucks honestly I feel like I'm getting a little better but then as soon as I felt that way i ended up in the e.r. last Friday.. it's tough but im keeping my spirits up and I'm fighting it my best going to see doctors left and right have another new neurologist appointment coming up more mri's more blood test and I'm chipping away at everything one by one and keeping faith! I pray we all get better and if anyone finds any info or things that help please drop us a line. Also my vision has been blurry tingling numbness throughout body at times.. pains in head and eyes jumpy vision headaches few times a week. A few days this week i felt like the body/head tremors and waves stopped. I was so happy and then it hit me today. Shakey jittery vibrating feeling throughout body just crazy I used to be pretty healthy not so much anymore going on 6.5 months with not much relief but it's seems to be getting better.. insure my body is getting used to it a bit as sad as that sounds.. well all we can do is wait and pray and help one another!
Alkaline phosphatase is known to play an important role in bone mineralization. It seems significant to me in connection with the symptom you are talking about, namely the sounds from the bones.
Did you tell your orthopedist about these sounds?
However, a lab test that does not work well should be repeated over time to see if it remains altered.
I am indian.I am 43 years.took second shot of covaxin on July/2021.first dose no side effects.second dose after 15 days felt d vitamin efficiency.mind on and off.dowsy or dizziness what that feeling called.lot of weakness.no other issues.neck pain for initial 1 month.now 8 months over.neck pain little better.no weakness.vitamin D is ok.still dizzy/drowsy.I think diminishing rate of vaccine is 6 % per 20 days.So observe your symptoms progress for 15 months.I took vitamin tablets in initial 3 months.afterwards no tablets.taking turmaric milk,much fruits, excercise.hope all will recover soon in this group.I will update soon again.I feel 60% recovered.
- Forgetfulness is still there after 8 months of vaccination.eye itching is there.when busy on any activity or watching movie.no symptoms.feels normal.can drive well,good sleep,nice appitite.no issues.I didn't got COVID when my husband got last year.I thought my immunity is more.but after vaccination feeling really low.regret having vaccination.