Update: I am 10 days away from being a year post-vac with J&J. I'm 46 year old male elementary school teacher from Pennsylvania, and I won't repost everything that I've already posted.
Just want to update that I tested positive between Christmas and New Year, and I had dramatically improved in the weeks after. I would still have my times of light-headedness, headaches, ringing in ears, neck pain, heart palpitations, etc, but those symptoms were mostly very mild or infrequent.
I was feeling really good until the morning of Valentine's Day--I woke up with light-headedness and brain fog that were very severe--it reminded me of my worst days from last June. I felt like that for 3 days Then we found out that my son tested positive, so perhaps I was exposed and the virus entered my body and triggered my immune system to do something?? Regardless, in the 3 weeks since then, I've been 100% back to normal. Driving was my main concern because I would get light-headed to the point where I felt like I would pass out and I would get pounding headaches driving even a mile. Since that Valentine's Day flare-up, I've had absolutely zero problems.
Of course, I hate to describe myself as 100% cured and jinx myself, but this is the best I've felt since a year ago! I wish I could share a secret that others could replicate, but I don't know. Is it time, was actually having COVID, perhaps the vitamin C, D, and Zinc I've taken since Christmas???
Just wanted to update everyone. Finding this group was such a blessing to me last summer. Knowing that others had the same symptoms, same doc tests ordered and performed, and being dismissed by the medical community was such a relief for me and cured me of any anxiety that I had of this "being in my head." I wish all of you the best, and while none of us deserved these problems, I hope you keeping fighting the good fight of getting healthier over time.
What vitamin D were you taking and did you take anything else ?
So happy for you I too took J and J ...7 weeks ago long road I guess what eas your symptoms time line and what symptoms . Get myself mentally prepared. Any special diet ? Ot things to stay away from ?
@tone yes, they are the same. Pepcid AC is sold over the counter (without a prescription).
@markhansen1983 Based on my experience and what I've read, my personal opinion is that it needs to be calmed down. However, I don' think the vitamin supplements you mentioned are an issue because they don't impact immune globulins or increase cytokines to my knowledge. Additionally, I think our adverse effects are more related to inflammation and those supplements do not result in increased inflammation.
@tone yes, they are the same. Pepcid AC is sold over the counter (without a prescription).
So this and claritin would be a good regiment ? How long should I take the pepcid they say no longer than 14 days ?
@tone That regimen can be taken together. They both will decrease histamine. Pepcid can be taken for 8-12 weeks. They recommend you take it for no longer than 14 days when sold over the counter so that people don't go too long before they seek medical help in case there is something more serious happening to them. Just always make sure there aren't any drug interactions with anything else you are taking.
@heybro Hi, I have the same symptoms which were there briefly after my first jab in August 2021, but diminished. I then had second jab mid-Dec 2021 and 6 weeks later back again and haven’t disappeared. Really sick of it now. Anyway, I hope things have improved for you!
Also, personally, I think it should not be overlooked that sometimes positive ANA occurs in some intracellular infections.
Especially because cortisone treatment is being followed.
Of course, cortisone treatment has brought a lot of improvement to many people with side effects, because the inflammation is strong, they are really required and very effective in some cases.
But the idea of taking supplements with natural antibiotic action still seems to make sense.What supplements do you think are said to be the most effective ? Anyone have relief for heart palpitations? Mine seem to be getting more frequent and lasting longer. Are any doctors gonna be of any help ? So far anxiety is what they have to offer.
Hi, Tone!
If you would like to take something, there are many supplements that have an effect against viruses, bacteria, parasites.
You can read about each one and choose something, depending on what you can find nearby.
There are so many stories about the reactivation of shingles or herpes simplex, as well as about the vulnerability to colds, as also Lena says above.
Therefore, supplements for the prevention or treatment of infections can have a important place.
It is true that there are also a large number of supplements to take daily, which is not pleasant. And it is unusual for someone who was previously healthy and had not taken any supplements or medications.
I think that the essential oils (oregano, cinnamon, black cumin, cloves, ingwer, etc.), olive leaf extract, neem, cistus incanus, propolis, artemisia annua and many others are very good.
The medicinal plant used in various heart disorders is crataegus monogyna, which is also good for reducing anxiety. But you must first evaluate well if it is suitable for you, because it has also contraindications.
Because you have palpitations, it is good to control your heart rate with a pulsoximeter or smartwatch. Heart rate should be monitored horizontally and vertically.
And also in the evening or at night, because it is known that some symptoms worsen during these periods.
But most of all, I think that when it comes to palpitations, it is important to have a cardiological medical check-up.
If you go to the doctor, a bigger check will surely be done, that is, if you show your symptoms to your doctor, I think he will consider necessary to do more lab tests. To give an example, because you have sleep disorders, palpitations, lot of weight loss, of course your thyroid function will be controlled. And ANA, among them.
Although, not only ANA autoantibodies have been identified in people with side effects, unfortunately in other cases other autoantibodies have been identified.
Maybe I didn't express myself well enough.
I don't want to say that there is something wrong with the thyroid function.
It's just that, based on certain symptoms, certain tests need to be done, to find out if something is wrong.
And autoantibodies will be searched by context (symptoms and other positive laboratory tests).
@carym23 my normal BP is 120/70 pulse 70. This past week it’s been 95/65 74 pulse . Getting up out of bed and taking my BP standing up it was 100/60 pulse 74.
But lately it’s been 95
@tone the worst of my symptoms started in August a few weeks after 2 vax. Heart bp spiking and severe anxiety and panic attacks, hyper couldn’t sit still. Fear , nightmares, started loosing weight. It was like my nervous system was on overdrive. Heart palpitations at night would keep me awake. Then in September til now my sleep has been disturbed. I have aches and pains and numbness off and on like others on here. We all are suffering in one way or another, but I still hope and pray we all get over this soon. Keep in touch with us so we can encourage each other 🙏
Have your symptoms subsided at all since September?