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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @jtranger

@watis  Look up EBOO. Filters the blood and also puts ozone in. I may try it. I have nothing to lose.

Is it expensive? It could be ahelpful way to recover faster!

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Posted by: @medee


Is there anyone over here especially people who're 9-12 months or more in this gone through blood works for the antibodies????

Have the anti bodies diminished. Do you feel better now comparatively? I'm assuming as this shit clears from our system, we'd start feeling normal.

But that's just an assumption. We need data to conclude anything. Can people share their findings if they've done these tests and the ones who haven't done, could you pls do (of one can afford) so that we all get some idea of what's going on.

It'll help us get some idea on this.

I was discussing spike antibody quantity with another channel in facebook. And some people told that it could be that the spike replicate itself.

Does anyone here has a clue about it and can Spike just replicate? This would mean that your symptoms also stay or get worse? Or am i stupid?


I ask my lab about spike and antibody test. She told me at phone that the antibody test is more like you get a positive or a negative result.

And the Spike protein antibody Blood test results is quantitativ.

>/= 0.80 U/mL: This is a positive result for anti-SARS CoV-2S. A positive result means your body’s immune system has generated a response to the COVID-19 vaccine. It may also mean your body’s immune system has generated a response to a prior COVID-19 infection. The test is not able to differentiate whether the antibodies produced were in response to the vaccine or to a prior infection. 


< 0.80 U/mL: This is a negative result for anti SARS CoV-2S. A negative result means your immune system has not generated a measurable response to the COVID-19 vaccination and that you have likely not had the COVID-19 infection. 


It is yet undetermined what Antibody level is correlated to immunity against developing the COVID-19 infection

I think this Spike Protein Total value is more important

Please note: A numerical value will be reported up to 2,500 U/mL. For patients testing higher then 2,500 U/mL, your results will be reported as “Greater Than 2,500 U/mL."

And my lab said normal value should be around 50.   ?!?!?


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@tone wow I’m sorry. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a few months ago and the pain in my stomach was awful and then I haven’t had it since. I am curious to see what your results of your ct scan is. How did you sleep last night? I slept and woke every hour literally then slept from 2:30-5:30. Can’t sleep past 5:30. 

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@tone wow I’m sorry. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a few months ago and the pain in my stomach was awful and then I haven’t had it since. I am curious to see what your results of your ct scan is. How did you sleep last night? I slept and woke every hour literally then slept from 2:30-5:30. Can’t sleep past 5:30. 

Ya gonna call my doctor  and see if he has any news ? Been over a week . They said 3-5 days . My sleep was crazy as usual.  Went to bed at 11 pm and woke at 2:30 .then fell back asleep  and woke again shortly after 4 ish ,and I think dosed again till 5 or so . Stomach is still tender ...ate some wings  last night ....guess that no good either.  Have been taking  pepcid  10 mg twice daily. Should I be doing  something  else or upping dose . Contemplating  taking  the omeprezole  doc gave me if doesn't  get better . Just wanna stay natural. 😪 

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@tone I understand, and I’m sorry. My body wakes up at 5:30 like with adrenaline rush I try and lay there and breathe and sometimes I can stay lying in bed and sometimes I can’t. So frustrating. A lot of people take that medicine for a month plus something else and it helps them. I do t know what to do either, I’ll have to wait and see what my GI doctor says at the end of the month. 

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@watis Yes I went to the ER with serious nausea, vomiting, vertigo, shakiness, couldn't even speak. They discharge me after 4 hours and $2000 dollars later. Nothing they did help. This was almost 6 months ago. Dizziness and Tinnitus have improved since them.

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@alexa It is so nice to read a story from someone who has had some recovery/improvement in their tinnitus.  Both my wife and I got that from our Moderna booster.  It's been 2 months for me and my tinnitus didn't show up until about 6 weeks after the shot.  I know it isn't 100% for you yet, but how far would you say that your tinnitus has resolved, and how much credit do you give to using the Zeolite?

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wow they discharged 2000 USD and did even not help you! This world is so beyond sanity!

Good to hear that Dizziness and Tinnitus have improved since then.

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@alexa Also, would you be willing to provide some additional details on the specific brand/name of the Zeolite you got on Amazon (picture or link).  There are a number of different ones on there that have 90 capsules.  I would like to try to get the same one you did since it seems to be working. Thank you so much.  Your story has given me hope that this is not permanent and will eventually resolve.

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For those of of you that asked me about the tinnitus. I will say it's 50% better since it started 6 months ago. I am doing some you tube exercises to improve tinnitus and taking 2 capsules of zeolite a day. I don't have the name of the brand with me but will look it up later. I am also seeing a chiropractor once a week and I don't know for sure if this is helping with dizziness or time is helping. I wish you all a fast recovery. I will continue to update you if I improve. 6 months ago I was looking to read positive comments of recovery but didn't read many. I am starting to find more and more people that are staring to feel a little better. Keep fighting. Don't let those pharma monsters win.

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Posted by: @tone

Anti-inflammatory  or anti histamine  diet ? Heard both here which is better ? ...

The choice of a diet it could be done according to the individual elements: symptoms, laboratory tests and so on. It should be identified, for each, which disorder seems to be more involved.

It is certainly an inflammation present in everyone, but autoimmune phenomena or MCAS or infections seems to be present differently in different people.

-If you can compare your personal list of symptoms with those that are known to occur in MCAS (page 936 @plandistry) and if there are many common elements, then it makes sense to try to avoid foods very rich in histamine. Also, if you notice that your symptoms are triggered by histamine-rich foods. Also, the therapeutic evidence: if the histamine-poor diet helps, it is more certain to say that MCAS is involved.

-Unfortunately, there are cases of side effects in which autoimmune diseases have occurred or aggravated, such as scleroderma, myasthenia gravis, Hashimoto, SM and so on. (This is the case when not only autoantibodies have been identified, but they also have obvious consequences.) It is known that in many cases of autoimmune diseases there have been diets that have helped a lot, for example, raw vegetable diet or something completely different: the meat diet:

-In the case of activating chronic infections, the ketogenic diet or the anti-inflammatory diet have proved useful in many cases.

It is not easy to keep a diet, it takes willpower sometimes, compromises must be found in order to follow through. In some cases the appetite has decreased, so it is more difficult to find a diet that can be accepted. Everyone must find the right diet for their personal case, because there are many individual aspects.

If you have noticed that a meal with pizza and beer has been followed by a worsening, maybe a diet that avoids, as much as possible, gluten and alcohol may be helpful for you, so the anti-inflammatory diet. It is difficult to keep a diet, because it changes the normal life, the most common foods, such as bread or dairy products.

The right diet can be found by testing, so a diary of symptoms and diet may be helpful.

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Where are all the recovery stories? Anyone seeing improvement?

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Hi all,


It's been a little while since I posted.  On March 28th I'll hit the 10 month mark post 2nd (and last) Pfizer jab.


Last time I posted, I noted that I was in the 100/95 club (100%, 95% of the time).  I think I am ready to successfully say that this has increased to 100/97.  Small gains.  I am thinking between May and August, I'll be back to 100/100.  If anyone is interested in what I did/have been doing to heal, see my post on page 905.


I had a small setback in February.  Migraines...and not my original vestibular migraine/neuritis with dizziness from last summer.  These were dull headaches on the left side of my head (the same side where I was experiencing ear pain/where my vestibular migraine/neuritis emanated from), and these headaches wouldn't go away...they lasted for several weeks.  They were very annoying, but they didn't prevent me from living normally each day.  Then March rolled around, and one day I woke up and they were gone.  Bizarre.  I do get them intermittently, but not very often.  While I have substantially reduced/eliminated a lot of the supplements I was taking, I have increased my intake of Lion's Mane, which I believe is helping a lot.


Several lingering symptoms I have are left leg achiness/dullness (no pain though), which is generally constant (but does dissipate every so often), muscle fasciculations (mostly in my thighs and stomach, but substantially less frequent than what I was experiencing last summer), and every so often some very very minor lightheadedness.  Oh, and I definitely have some PTSD from this whole ordeal.  But, I can live with that.


I am running 1.5-2.5 miles/day 3-4x/week, drinking wine and coffee again, and living a very normal life.  Back in early December I was doing none of that.  No more heart issues/chest pain, any residual dizziness is beyond minor and irrelevant, and overall I feel fantastic, especially when comparing my state now vs. 7-8 months ago.  I even had my 5 month old daughter's christening this past weekend and drank an entire bottle of wine (oops).  Definitely had some nasty but refreshing symptoms of inebriation afterwards lol. 


I hope these words give you all some encouragement.  I literally thought last summer was my last, and was preparing for the end.  And while I can't give you any certainties as we're all unique and our bodies are all handling this slightly different, I truly believe the majority here will one day look back at this time as simply a very bad memory.  


I'm still on the propranolol (beta blocker) and clonazepam for my vestibular migraines/neuritis, and have an appointment scheduled in May with my ENT, at which point the plan is to ween off of that medication.  I'm becoming more and more confident that I no longer need them.  I'll resurface and post in a few months on how that goes and how I'm doing.


Keep fighting the fight, and stay positive.  You all got this!

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@watis  Yes it is expensive

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Posted by: @tone

Anyone here with creaky bones and joints ? Did it go away ?

It's really weird. I had terrible initial effects after my 2nd vax (chest pain, neuropathy, dizziness, tinnitus) that gradually resolved over 2-3 months.


Now, at month 4, most of that is gone. But I've started noticing a new crunching sound when I move my neck and shoulders. I think a few others here have also mentioned something similar. Only thing I can think is that recently I've started trying a bit of alcohol and sugar again. I'm going to go back to really watching my diet and see if it makes any difference.


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