@terryj2 best wishes! I don´t know if there is the same reaction of the V vs. Having the real Virus. In my case a renowed Otoneurologist diagnosed me with PPPD and MAV. Probably working together with a neurologist (to discard any neurological issue) and a otoneurologist (to examine well your vestibular system with tests to discard a neuritis) can help you. For dizzinnes post v, magnesium glycinate 200-400 per day and coq10 100-200mg per day have helped me a lot.
Let us know yout dx and story , best wishes!
I was diagnosed with Covid June 24th. After 2-3 weeks I was starting to feel better, but then this constant dizziness, not vertigo, came on me and hasn’t left. It’s been 2 1/2 weeks, but seems like an eternity. I have been to my primary care dr, and he says it is inner ear issues and it will leave with time. It’s so hard to take care of my kids with this issue. I’m assuming it is possible inflammation from Covid? The room doesn’t spin, and this feeling gets better when I’m sitting. When I get up moving around, my head just feels full and swimmy. Sometimes I feel like I’m swaying when I’m not. I did have a small bout of nystagmus, but that is better. I just feel off! I need relief. The doc said give it a couple more weeks, and then he will send me to an ENT. He didn’t do any scans, but was positive it was an inner ear issue. Like if I’m doing laundry and getting clothes out of the dryer and turning back and forth, I just can’t stand it. My head feels woozy, and I have to sit down and let things “settle.”
Any ideas what this could be, or anyone else gone through this? It’s making my anxiety really bad.
Hello. please help me. I have the same symptoms. Can we talk over the phone?
@quail444 Hello! I hope you are feeling better. My recommendation would be speak with your ENT, in case you are not satisfied with the visit, let him know if you can be referred to a neuro otologist and also a neurologist colleagues from him/her.
Probably doing a MRI and/or a VNG-ENG test can help you a lot. VNG/ENG test is very useful for dizzinnes as it evaluates the complete vestibular system and nerves. MRI will discard any other neurological issue.
I am right now taking magnesium glycinate (200-400mg day) Coq (100-200mg day) and Lorazepam 0.25mg day (be careful with this drug and always talk to your doctor first as it is addictive and strong withdrawal).
I have started with this protocol and it has helped me a lot. I am waiting to start with a more pharmaceutical treatment on top of my current protocol if I see that I need further improvement in the upcoming weeks.
Let us know hoy you evolve! My Dr told me they are seeing a particular type of Vestibular Migraines from the vaccine, either the attacks and the dizzinness left after those attacks.
How are you now? I’m going to get vestibular testing done in January. Has the swimmy dizzy feelings gone away?
Just wanted to share that taking melatonin right before bed provided near instant relief from dizziness, and has been helping me have measurable improvement where I actually feel functional. (Having had all the swimmy/pushing/off balance dizziness described here)
I want to share that my experience is just like yours. I have this dizziness and unbalance since 1 and 1/2 month. I am taking food supplements and totally cut alcohol and caffeine. Last days thank God i feel better. I am hoping it totally dissapears someday.
I have a few questions: do you feel better when you walk and excercise more?
And do you feel worse after drinking alcohol or coffee? Because I think its like that in my case.
Wishing everybody a fast recovery! <3
Hey everyone! I had the Moderna vaccine, in late spring, and over summer had dizzy spells that lasted a few minutes and went away. Then the first of November I started having dizzy spells that never went away. I am unable to work, and after going to many doctors I am still undiagnosed. I don’t have vertigo, but the swimmy floaty feeling…. I almost feel like I’m on drugs, and my balance is definitely affected. I’ve had a CT scan that was normal. I think my doctors just don’t know what to do. I spend most of my days on the couch, and my husband takes me for walks. This is making me so depressed, and I feel like it will never end. I’ve had some good days, and get hopeful that I’m getting better, but then I have bad days again. I am due for my booster, but am hesitant to get it in case it worsens my symptoms. This has been going on for 7 weeks, and I am starting to think I may never go back to my normal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone experienced this?
I am feeling relieved I found this forum as I am two weeks post Covid diagnosis and had vertigo/dizziness as one of my Covid symptoms for 6 days. Then it gradually went away and I felt like myself for just about one week. Low and behold, the vertigo is back and it’s been 5 days now with this second episode of dizziness. I didn’t get the vaccine so I can’t speak about that but I have an ENT appointment for mid January. Feels like an eternity away. How is everyone doing with their vertigo/dizziness?
best regards,
I got COVID on 9/1/21. I was recovered, but then on 9/19, I got sudden onset vertigo, to the point that I could not even walk straight. It eventually lessened (after about 2 weeks), but never completely went away. Sometimes it's mild, sometimes it worse. I went to an ENT in October. They did a hearing test (my hearing was fine). He said that I most likely had post-viral vestibular neuritis, and that it was unknown how long it would stay. He said he had just seen another patient who still had it 6 months after COVID. All he could do was refer me to physical therapy and to have an ENG test, neither of which I've done.
@mcclellan27 hello !!
its strange but i am experiencing the exact same thing like you!! Please tell me as well if something helps you. I wish we can recover in future on our own as doctors don’t care much to fix me.
I came across this. I got severely lightheaded at the gym, off balance and couldn’t workout, couldn’t even drive myself home back in February 2020. Was told it was just vertigo and would go away. Then told by doctors it was just anxiety. All tests came back clear. Have seen endless doctors over the last 2 years. Then later it was diagnosed as vestibular migraines. I also started getting debilitating migraines. Now it appears it must’ve been caused by Covid. Now 2 years later I’m still having issues. My new neurologist is trying Topamax, which has brought little relief. Nortriptyline has stopped my migraines. I can’t go on long walks. I can’t drive cars. Processing speed is so difficult / makes me feel unwell. I’m 35, used to work out 6 days a week and own sports cars that I now can’t even drive safely. And no one has answers / even believe me. I was never tested for Covid in February of 2020 because it wasn’t believed to have been here then and was believed to only cause respiratory issues, it didn’t even cross my mind! Sounds like I’m not alone! That’s my story.
Hello fellow sufferers, I had the dreaded covid-19 symptoms tested and was positive (mild) in mid-March of 2021. Had to deal with that whole am I going to die worrying ordeal. Like us all I imagine. Fast forward to June 4, 2021. I got that lightheaded feeling and was spooked. 3 days later still having these issues so I decided to go to the E.R. I got the full Monty of tests. Thank you E.R. Doctors. MRI of the brain and a CT scan too. All comes back normal. Bloodwork normal. The E.R. Doctor says vertigo and to get in touch with an ENT. I do that and again all is well and normal with my ears. He stated that a lot of post covid patients were having vertigo issues. This was the first time I heard anything about long covid-19.
he said that just in case to get my eyes checked to cover all bases. So I did that and again thankfully all is good there too. So now what do I do? I had to deal with it daily and that was like a lot of others symptoms posted here. Sitting was all fine and dandy. It was only when I walked that the weirdness would kick in ( lightheadedness, off balanced, and just weird feeling) that lasted a good 5 months then one morning it just went away. And I for one couldn’t of been happier. You all know what I’m saying I’m sure of it. But sadly two days ago that feeling of weirdness, lightheadedness came back into my days and nights and I’m pissed!
What am I going to do? Well I’m going to try more vestibular exercises. I’m not going to stop walking daily. We/I need the exercise to keep fit. I didn’t get vaccinated because of this very thing called vertigo. I have enough problems now due to Covid-19 I don’t want to have Big Pharma injected into me . No thanks have you read the first few posts?
So now I’m back to this B.S. yes I’m mad but I must channel this into getting better once and for all hopefully. Has any one else gone through this vertigo symptoms leaving and the only to come back?
Best wishes & Godspeed to all and hope we all can get back to the people we were pre-covid-19.
@helen25, there is no rhyme or reason with this off balanced dizziness crap. I walk everyday and as I went through this the first time ( 5 months) I Just kept saying to myself that I will get through this. And magically it went away ....for two months and now it’s back. So again I will fight to get back on track. . Just keep digging in your heals helen25 . I’m taking supplements and trying to eat healthier too. I only wish the doctors had some answers for us? I don’t drink alcohol so I don’t have an answer for that and I find coffee isn’t to much of a problem. One of us will find an answer ...I hope. Good luck
Wow! I cannot believe we are all going through this! I have gone through exactly what all of you have already mentioned. Here’s my story: had covid May 21, 2021 for 3 weeks and it was awful. Hit me hard. I had every symptom covid had to offer. I recovered and was back at the gym working out on 7/5/21 and slowly got back to my 5-6 days a week working out at BURN BOOTCAMP which are 45min intense workouts. Fast forward to October 2021 I got strep from my kids and it developed into a sinus infection which I have never had. Got put on an antibiotic by my primary dr and had my annual blood work done which came back perfect.
3 weeks later I woke up one day, first week in November, with a horrible headache and was lightheaded. There was no way I could go to the gym. So I increased my water intake and went to the chiropractor after my dizziness didn’t go away after 5 days. It didn’t help seeing the chiropractor.
Then went back to my Dr. who did a bunch of tests and sent me to the ENT. There we did a balance and heating test which turned into a VNG test. All were perfect.
Off to the neurologist. Brian mri and carotid artery ultrasound requested (taken today) Dr thought my iron level were off from working out and being a female. Tested iron levels. They were perfect.
Off to the cardiologist. Echo test and 24hr heart monitor ( currently waiting results) I have been dizzy since the first week of November 2021! Nothing helps me. Dramamine doesn’t help. Melatonin gives me a sharp pain in my head the next day. I take vitamins and supplements to try to balance me out and keep me healthy.
I’m beginning to feel defeated and that no doctors know what’s happening to me. Nor can they give me anything for any relief. I am going to try going to physical therapy. They have a dizziness program that they offer. Hopefully I can get relief from that!!
I am so tired of feeling like this I’m not going to allow this dizziness to run my life anymore! I’m taking charge of my life again!
Hi, had the same dizziness and just wanted to share that my Dr. prescribed Tanakan which is medical Gingko Biloba 3x a day after meals and it has really helped. 5 days later and the Dizziness is gone. For Good, hopefully!
It does feel better knowing others are feeling the same. I am recovering from Covid about two weeks ago. I did not have bad Covid symptoms but was tested positive January 7 2022. This week I started to feel lightheaded n dizziness. It wasn’t been too bad but enough to know something is off. I am not extremely healthy nor over weight. I am hoping it goes away but will see a doctor if symptoms worse. I also feel like if I stand for a longer period of time I am trying to caught my breath. I take daily vitamins. I was getting anxiety over this until I started reading these comments. I hope this doesn’t last long and any information is extremely helpful. I also am fully vaccinated for over a year now.