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2 years in, not yet diagnosed but still hopeful

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Hi everyone,

My name is Stephanie. I just came across VEDA today, and I burst into tears when I saw this support community.

My vestibular problems began 2 years ago with sudden onset vertigo that lasted for 14 hours with no variation or letup; I couldn't move or eat or drink without vomiting. My doctor's office refused to prescribe or recommend anything but a nurse friend suggested meclizine, which ended the vertigo but left me very dizzy. (I found out later that meclizine was contraindicated with my anxiety medication, Buspar). Anyway, the dizziness took about 2 weeks to settle into constant, 24/7 lightheadedness and imbalance that I still have. The best description I've found is that I feel like I'm on a rope suspension bridge. Some things make it worse (exertion, quick turns when I'm walking, pressure test of my eardrums by my audiologist) but nothing makes it go away even temporarily.

My primary doctor was useless. She repeatedly said "it's normal, it will go away." Eventually she referred me to an ENT who said the same thing. After about 5 months, I had bugged my primary doctor enough that she gave me a referral to a cardiologist and neurologist. The neurologist said it was an ENT issue and told me to go away, and the ENT eventually gave me a referral for physical therapy. The cardiologist was the first person I saw who actually cared, he ordered an EKG, EEG, and multiple MRIs of my head and neck - all of which were apparently normal. After doing physical therapy for 10 months (twice a day at home plus weekly visits), my PT happened upon a mention of a doctor at Stanford Ear Institute who specializes in vestibular issues. I had one "last" appointment with my ENT and basically badgered him and wouldn't shut up until he agreed to a referral - he tried to get out of it by saying "I don't know anyone to refer you to, so I can't do that" - but I gave him the name of the vestibular specialist and I think he agreed to it just to get me to leave. In any case, I finally got a testing series (VEMP, VHIT, VNG) that took place a few weeks ago, 19 months after my symptoms began. The tests showed abnormalities in my vestibulo-ocular reflex, specifically related to my left ear. I have an appointment with the vestibular specialist in September and am hanging all of my hopes on her diagnosis and treatment recommendations. She has an excellent reputation so I feel very lucky to have gotten this referral! I have been doing PT twice a day for 16 months, it helped at first but I don't know if it's really helping any more. Sometimes I feel less-worse when I do it but sometimes it has no noticeable effect.

It has been very frustrating, dealing with the medical system. I'm still living my life but pretty much everything is uncomfortable. Not all is bad, I'm getting married in October and have a wonderful home and kids and future husband!  I really feel for those on these forums with situations much worse than mine, you have all of my sympathy.

Hugs to all who need it, I wish you all the best and hope that everyone can find some sort of relief from their vestibular challenges.

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Hi Stephanie, I am in Queensland, Australia. I was diagnosed with vestibular neuritis in 2014. Initial impact sounds similar to you. Sudden onset of very bad spinning vertigo which lasted many days. Spent about a week in hospital under the care of a specialist neurologist.  Once the spinning settled down I was dealing with general imbalance, couldn’t move my head at all. Was diagnosed vestibular neuritis pretty quickly after numerous tests and scans.  Was on rivotril and later Valium to calm the brain down. Was off work for 3 months and only able to do office work for half a day initially as my brain would get overloaded and I would struggle to get words out. Spent many months doing specialised vestibular/balance physio. I still struggle to this day with the permanent feeling of imbalance. The best description I can give is it feels like I am slightly drunk all the time. I no longer have the spinning sensation. I cannot be exposed to noisy environments, particularly noisy restaurants or bars. I can’t cope in those environments any more. It is strange that you are having trouble getting a diagnosis. Hope you get the answers and a plan to manage soon. Keith

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@keithm Man that is sad.  I am in it now for a year and have spans of good days and weeks and then pow.  Beginning my journey to try to figure this out

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Your story sounds really complicated and full of challenges. No wonder you had such difficulty navigating the medical system and finding the right specialist. It is important that you find a specialist who specializes in vestibular problems, and I hope that seeing him will bring you the answers and help you need. Stay where you are and don't give up in your search for relief and treatment. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and wish you, your future husband and your family much happiness and health.

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@keithm hi! I’m so curious how you approached this diagnosis and what doctor did you see? I’m having almost exact symptoms and I can’t seem to get any sort of diagnosis. I’ve had pretty bad migraines my whole life so the neurologist thinks that it’s vestibular but that it’s a link to my migraines, but the dizziness just started in December And has pretty much been going ever since. I’ve seen physical therapist, neurologist, ENT. I’m willing to do anything to not feel this drunk feeling all the time

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has anyone had any sort of success in the treatment of the symptoms? I have been experiencing pretty major symptoms since December 20 23. I did physical therapy for about 10 months and eventually moved on to see a neurologist and am now seeing an ENT. I feel like this is never going to end. the constant state of dizziness and almost feeling drunk is miserable. I have two kids under three and I also work part time at home with them. Life is getting a little overwhelming and it’s starting to really get to me. 

If anyone has had any luck in gnosis or even the treatment, I would love to hear more.


Wishing everyone well

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Posted by: @stephclogs

Hi everyone,

My name is Stephanie. I just came across VEDA today, and I burst into tears when I saw this support community.

My vestibular problems began 2 years ago with sudden onset vertigo that lasted for 14 hours with no variation or letup; I couldn't move or eat or drink without vomiting. My doctor's office refused to prescribe or recommend anything but a nurse friend suggested meclizine, which ended the vertigo but left me very dizzy. (I found out later that meclizine was contraindicated with my anxiety medication, Buspar). Anyway, the dizziness took about 2 weeks to settle into constant, 24/7 lightheadedness and imbalance that I still have. The best description I've found is that I feel like I'm on a rope suspension bridge. Some things make it worse (exertion, quick turns when I'm walking, pressure test of my eardrums by my audiologist) but nothing makes it go away even temporarily.

My primary doctor was useless. She repeatedly said "it's normal, it will go away." Eventually she referred me to an ENT who said the same thing. After about 5 months, I had bugged my primary doctor enough that she gave me a referral to a cardiologist and neurologist. The neurologist said it was an ENT issue and told me to go away, and the ENT eventually gave me a referral for physical therapy. The cardiologist was the first person I saw who actually cared, he ordered an EKG, EEG, and multiple MRIs of my head and neck - all of which were apparently normal. After doing physical therapy for 10 months (twice a day at home plus weekly visits), my PT happened upon a mention of a doctor at Stanford Ear Institute who specializes in vestibular issues. I had one "last" appointment with my ENT and basically badgered him and wouldn't shut up until he agreed to a referral - he tried to get out of it by saying "I don't know anyone to refer you to, so I can't do that" - but I gave him the name of the vestibular specialist and I think he agreed to it just to get me to leave. In any case, I finally got a testing series (VEMP, VHIT, VNG) that took place a few weeks ago, 19 months after my symptoms began. The tests showed abnormalities in my vestibulo-ocular reflex, specifically related to my left ear. I have an appointment with the vestibular specialist in September and am hanging all of my hopes on her diagnosis and treatment recommendations. She has an excellent reputation so I feel very lucky to have gotten this referral! I have been doing PT twice a day for 16 months, it helped at first but I don't know if it's really helping any more. Sometimes I feel less-worse when I do it but sometimes it has no noticeable effect.

It has been very frustrating, dealing with the medical system. I'm still living my life but pretty much everything is uncomfortable. Not all is bad, I'm getting married in October and have a wonderful home and kids and future husband!  I really feel for those on these forums with situations much worse than mine, you have all of my sympathy.

Hugs to all who need it, I wish you all the best and hope that everyone can find some sort of relief from their vestibular challenges.


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Posts: 7

Hi I have the same issues for the last three years someday it get better some worse and did many tests no dr reached a diagnosis what causes the dizziness. I wish you are better by now .  Please share your experience if you fully recovered by now . 

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@jennclarise hi, only just seen your post. I was under the care of a neurologist and also a specialist balance clinic at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. My diagnosis was fairly swift and confirmed via a VEMP study after I left hospital. I went through months of physical therapy to retrain my brain to adapt to the loss of signals from the right side balance organs. My balance is now largely via visual cues. But that can be problematic in dark environments. I still suffer some symptoms 10 years in, and I assume that is my normal now. I have learnt to avoid noisy environments which is my biggest trigger. If I get caught in a noisy place for too long then the old brain goes into overload and I struggle to maintain balance. Rest then is the only remedy. I wish you well with your journey. Let me know if there’s any other questions I can help you with.
