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August 9, 2021 5:04 pm
- Got covid June 10
- Woke up with extreme Virtigo June 16th
- 2 weeks courentine passed didn't get better
- Went to boyfriend's house so he could keep an eye on me, still spinning, had to be assistance on walks.
- Tried meds, got rash, stopped meds.
- Printed off the pages of this site and started asking for help.
- 3 forest fires in my area, 100 degree 90 degree heat developed ear aches and constant head aches.
- Came to the coast to mom's no relief, no aches.
- Try to get into UWMC specialists. Got all my referals sent over way before I came over. Came over end of July, still no appointments made.
- Started looking for therapists in my.moms area. Success, made ap PT.