Had the Pfizer vaccine at end of November.
Been off work since a few days after this. Extremely frustrating as bloods have come back normal. Now waiting on ECG.
Lots of different symptoms....dizziness, palpitations, digestion issues, tinnitus, lots of strange issues in head.
It is like 2 steps forward and 1 back.
Things that are helping:-
hydrate hydrate hydrate ....
daily vitamin pill...
Alpha lipoic acid..
Daily probiotic drink..
Daily yoghurt with active probiotics
Get some exercise as long as you feel safe..
Seated yoga..
Short walks ...build up if you can
Cut down on processed foods and sugar..
Wishing you all a speedy recovery..
Had the shot almost half a year ago.
After the first injection there were no side effects at all. Maybe there was a little weakness.
After the second injection, it was not so good, my arm hurt for 4 days, weakness, fever. I felt very bad.
I had not been sick at all for six months. But a couple of weeks ago I had omicron.
It was easy to say easy - there was a sore throat, no fever at all (or within normal limits), a little weakness, and a very bad runny nose (just flowed out the nose) and increased eye sensitivity to light, constantly tearful. In total I was sick for a week +- a couple of days.
Hi all..
I had the shot on the 14th December 2021 ever since had nothing but problems with my health. I'm only 30 currently just started uni studying mental health nursing. I'm really really not wanting my 2nd jab 🙁 I've been to the docs several times, given medication, hospital trips for ct scan, blood, ecgs all sorts and every thing comes back normal or meds dont do anything. I'm currently suffering with severe headaches everyday, blurred vision, chronic fatigue and burning sensation all over my body..everyday feels like it gets worse I've been referred to a neurologist hoping I can get some answers or something to help manage this. I'm not anti vax but I didn't want the vaccine I got this because of my uni course, I previously had covid June last year and fought it without the need of a vaccine.
@sophie2022 I'm so sorry you've been suffering so much!
I have had my life destroyed seemingly since the two Pfizer shots last April (2021).
I'm not an "anti vaxxer " per se, but I don't get vaccines regularly (never had a flu or pneumonia shot) and this time I figured it was important to do.
Since then I've had terrible gastritis/reflux, vertigo 24/7 since last summer. Had two malignant bladder tumor surgeries the past few months. Not saying the vaccine caused the cancer, but apparently my immune system was very compromised and I guess it just couldn't handle anything else.
I am physically ruined.
I am seeinga holistic doctor who thinks he can help.
Regular doctors have been pretty much useless.
Please keep the faith and let us all know when you feel better.
@sophie2022 p.s. I would steer clear of the second shot.
All good wishes that you recover soon!
You're still young, so hopefully your body will completely recover.
@dmeeker001 similar experience....but mine started with the first shot. debilitating vertigo and eye problems still haven't gone away after a year. my ONLY symptom of covid (i'm assuming omicron, since i had it this month) was a mild sore throat and fever. it lasted three days. my vaccine symptoms actually improved for a few weeks after having covid, but they seem to be returning now. should have never gotten that shot. i will never trust or get another shot again. nice work pfizer, turned me from a trusting and compliant citizen into an antivaxxer. i wish i could sue them. a whole year of my life has been stolen, and who knows how many more after this. i'm terrified of my side effects returning in full force. covid vaccine is not safe. i see people wanting to get their small children and babies vaccinated once it's approved and it terrifies me.
@someone I feel your angst.
I have suffered non stop since last summer. I got both Pfizer shots in April. It ruined my life, too.
I am now seeing a holistic doctor who sees lots of vaccine injured. I have hope we can all be healed.
Please keep us posted. I hope you feel better and are completely healed soon.
I was a fool but now I will never take another vaccine.
I’m not sure where to post on this site but I wanted to let others who are suffering from adverse effects to the mrna vaccines that my side effects appear to be getting better. It has been 8 months since my second jab with pfizer and I have to say my balance has improved,as well the strange dizziness which felt like something moving around in my head hasn’t happened for the last month.I still have periods of anxiety and the occasional panic attack but I generally feel well. I never did get the booster and will definitely never get an mrna vaccine again. I hope others having bad side effects start recovering too. Lots of rest,proper nutrition,exercise,and meditation have helped me a lot. I’m a 74 year old female with type 2 diabetes but was generally in good health and physically active prior to getting the shots.
@pattybear Thank you so much for giving me, and so many of us, hope!!
You have no idea how important it was to to me to read this just now and I so appreciate your sharing good news!
I'm very glad you are doing much better!
he strange dizziness which felt like something moving around in my head
the strange dizziness which felt like something moving around in my head
This is exactly how I would describe my dizziness , its almost like a cross between light headiness and vertigo but isn't (there really is no clear description until you have actually experienced it) Comes on mid morning and randomly on and off throughout the day in varying lengths. Lots of water, b12 sups and food seems to help.
@emmyemz I also found if I had too much caffeine the weird dizziness was worse I limit myself to 2 cups coffee in the morning now.
YES! this too I used to have two per day one in the morning and one with lunch. But 1hr after having the second the dizziness will come on and will not go away until I lay down and rest with legs elevated for at least 30mins. (which you can't do at work). I'm thinking its a blood flow issue but the cause I have no idea.
I'm waiting on bloodwork and a ECG results will get them later in the week..hopefully it will show something. (but I'm not counting on it)
I just want to enjoy my coffee again without having to worry about near fainting or dizzy spells 🙁
Hi Barb, Can you share your Doctor info and treatment plan? Are you getting better? I am in the same boat. Thanks
@jtranger so sorry for the delayed response. I took a long break from this site, since I wanted to return with good news.
No improvement yet. Every time I think that things will get better with treatment, I feel worse.
I see Dr. Magaziner in Cherry Hill, NJ and am trying different things, including IVC 25 grams as well as acupuncture.
They tailor each person's program for individual needs.
My body is rebelling so much, as soon as I feel perked up from the IVC, down I go later and it is so frustrating.
I wish you luck. I hang onto hope as best I can.
It will be one year next month since both Pfizer shots.