This is what my physical therapist sent me. Usually vestibular neuritis 3PD (Persistent Postural Perceptive Dizziness) as PTSD for your vestibular system (inner ear). The trauma your vestibular system went through was the vestibular neuritis. This “trauma” triggered your symptathetic nervous system (fight or flight system) to turn on. After the “trauma” (neuritis) resolved, your vestibular system recovered almost entirely. What may have lingered for a while was likely some mild unsteadiness but not severe dizziness. Whenever anyone’s body experiences stress (this can be emotional, anxiety, physical strain, etc.), your sympathetic nervous system is elevated. What happens with you, is that anytime that system is elevated (i.e. when you feel stressed), it triggers your old dizziness symptoms and makes your body experience echoes of your “trauma” (neuritis).
Thanks for your very clear explanation. Better than anything I've heard from the doctors I've seen. I'm in my 8th month post vax with vestibular problems and continuing weakness, fatigue, and sleepiness. I was diagnosed with vestibular migraine, but received no explanation for the "migraine." I hope your therapy goes well.
@roxygarden1980 Thanks so much for sharing this. It makes perfect sense, and what I thought instinctively. I had vestibular neuritis in August, caused by the Moderna vaccination and have been suffering from anxiety since. I had never had anxiety before and am now on medication. 6 months on and I am still having bouts of dizziness, particularly linked to my own motion. When did your symptoms start and how are they now?