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[Solved] Pfizer vaccine side effects

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@chelsun Thanks so much Chelsun, yes I have been making notes about what others have found helpful! Hoping that my symptoms will abate as the weeks/months pass.


thanks so much for your loving concern ❤️

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@chelsun thank you for sharing! This really helps! Did you have POTS only after 2nd dose? Some of the people here got pretty strong side effects after first dose and I am wondering if 2nd dose will make it worse. 

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@twitch no significant improvement of the tingling in extremities and the slight numbness of the left side of my face/lips. The tingling tends to concentrate more now on the left (hand and esp. foot), so wondering about that as the shot was in my left arm. 

I’m wondering what kind of specialist to seek a referral to - a long covid clinic (I had covid before the shot and wonder if the shot triggered existing inflammation), an immunologist, or-? My doctor already declined to refer me to the long covid clinic. Yet they don’t know what to do with me and just tell me the antibody tests aren’t reliable (so my off the charts antibody levels don’t mean anything to them). Sigh.


KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@twitch short answer no. Now six months and still tingling (maybe more prominent on the side where I was vaccinated where it was random before) and slight numbness like before on that side of my face/lips. I’m used to it, but my doctors’ lack of caring and lack of any sense of urgency or responsibility to help me drive me up a wall. My neurologist now thinks i should get the second full Moderna shot and will not answer a straight q re: whether this is based on research or even good experiences of other patients like me that bit the bullet. Infuriating.

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@cpfromtn Hi there, thank you for sharing. Just wondering what has happened since as a close family member is experiencing this same issue.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@annesbacon they don’t have the answers. The vaccine is too new. 

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@twitch yeah… just wish they wouldn’t confidently tell me to take a 2nd shot if they don’t have evidence the reaction wouldn’t be bad (and that I even need it).

Norma and Norma reacted
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It's been months after pfizer vaccination. Everything seems fine, however sometimes the pain comes itself in the area where they injected pfizer vaccine and this pain is the same pain that I felt after vaccination shot. It's the same soreness, just mild and if I press fingers on that area and rub it, it starts to hurt more. I don't know why it happens to me. It's weird because millions of people got vaccinated, but none of them have this problem. When I told other people about it, they told me that I'm imagining it. I'm not imagining. Why would I? I wasn't afraid of vaccines and I'm not anti vaxxer. It's horrible feeling that people don't believe you... Good thing is that it's not a big pain/soreness and it only occurs sometimes.

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Thank God I found you all!!! I have been reading these posts for over a week now and finally decided to join. 

I had my first Pfizer jab on Oct,1. On Oct 3, the ambulance had to come get me because I wasn't quite feeling right. Upon evaluation from EMS I was in a hypertensive crisis, BP was 243/167. spent 4 days in the hospital. It was a nightmare... but just the begining. While in the hospital my head began to feel like it was going to explode with pressure. My face from my nose to my jaw line felt like I had been injected with lidocaine, SUPER SCARY. I was begging the doctors to not let me die, I was so scared. it is now the 19th of October and I am still suffering quite a bit! I have ear pain, brain twitching, electical zaps in my head, facial pain, brain fog, my extremities feel heavy and I am overwhelmed with anxiety. There is soooo much more but I am too tired to type it all.  

I am happy to read that most of these symptoms go away in time, I PRAY mine do too. I can not imagine living a life like this. I am only 46. 

I have MRI scheduled, already done a million other tests which were all normal. Scary to say the least. 🙁 

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@annesbacon I got an exemption

Norma and Norma reacted
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Hi all, 

I have developed weird symptoms too. I had my 1st dose of pfz 2 sept and 2nd dose on 26 sept... I can say my life has changed ever since I took the 2nd dose. I am not the same person.. My mood... My health.. My mental health is ruined... I did have a bit of anxiety bfr the first pfz dose and occasionally light headed feeling.. But with no other symptoms... After 2nd dose it's got worse... I had initial symptoms of fever body ache etc which went away in a day but 4 days later I had swollen legs and then I had gone for dvt test which was normal. It was horrible experience. And then untill today 21 Oct... I have feeling of lifeless legs heavy especially at night. Unsteady feeling and feeling tht ill fall. It gets worse when I sleep and I feel like my whole body is giving away including my brain.. :'( I had burning toes and stiffness in legs and thts lessened but I'm so scared... I read these symptoms s online and I'm very scared if I developed smething... If I have autoimmune disease a tumor etc. I did a basic blood test which is normal.. I did a CK Test which is normal too... But I dnt know what is wrong with me I dnt knw if I have an underlying condition that docs cannot find out... Mostly my left arm and left side of the body feels it more and I can't stop thinking of worse. I was absolutely fine bfr this vaccine.. Will I get better.. I go to docs and they r not much of help... :'(

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Also to add to this.... I took sinopharm vaccine in Feb 2021. 6 mths later they tell us it's no longer effective and to take pfz vaccine was not mandatory but we sitll had to.. It's the worst mistake of my Life I made... I feel pins and needles here n there and feel like I developed smething deadly. It's like I'm living In fear and so hard to lead a normal life.... 

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Hi everyone, I had my first dose of pfizer on the 16th of September. I had no side effects at all for 2 days. 2 days later I developed a very dry sore throat. Then a day later a very dry and persistant cough. On the 14th of October I had my second dose of Pfizer. Ever since I had the first doze, I have been on 3 different lots of strong antibiotics that were supposedly for severe Sinusitis. My GP has now put me on steroids to stop the cough and mucus. Nothing is helping. I feel like almost coughing out my lungs at times. The Drs say is not related to the vaccine, but I have never been that sick before. I am really struggling with the cough and head congestion. It's been nearly 6 weeks and can't shake it off.

Does anyone have these symptoms?? 

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Same here. Have been pretty bad sinus ( no congestion though) with vertigo for the past 2 months. Happened after 4 days of my first jab

Chez81 and Chez81 reacted
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I just got my Pfizer booster & 2 days later I am feeling very dizzy AGAIN. I don't know what to do at this point. When I originally got the first 2 Pfizer vaccines in March I got Vertigo & Vestibular issues then which I didn't have for 4 years) & the doctors in March just shrugged their shoulders.

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