Hi there, I have a question about eye strain. Is it common to have eye strain with PPPD and Vestibular Migraine? I wear glasses but they are a very mild prescription. I've seen my optometrist in Jan (I have a yearly exam done) and my eyes are heathy but I find that there is this constant eye pressure behind my eyes and my eyes seem like they are straining all the time to focus. Is this common?
Hi Miranda, The main problem I've experienced for over 2 years is constant pressure (of varying degrees) and sometime sharp pain behind my right eye, on top of most PPPD symptoms. I've seen multiple doctor's since, and recently was diagnosed with "Subjective Vertigo & Headaches with Migrainous Features". Of course many early doctors blew off the PPPD symptoms as stress and psychological problems... but I know better now! Current neurologist will be talking to be about PPPD symptoms on an upcoming visit while still trying to find relief for the eye pain/pressure.
Miranda: My experience may not be applicable to yours but, like Susi and you, I've had a lot of vision problems concurrent with PPPD, which I have had for over a year now. I too had pressure and pain behind my eyes, also sometimes severe pressure at my temples, and trouble with visual acuity, eyestrain, and color vision. I was put on hydroxychloraquine for an immune disorder. After several months, that seemed to resolve the pressure at temples and behind eyes. I also saw an eye doctor who specializes in strabismus and now have a separate pair of very powerful glasses specifically for close visual work. Both of these steps have helped. My main message is perhaps you have something else going on that has not yet been diagnosed. I believe, but cannot prove, that the onset of pppd triggered adverse autoimmune responses that have added two more autoimmune diagnoses to my medical profile. So keep looking till you get the answers you need. Perhaps pppd is not the whole story.
Hi, I've been diagnosed with both VM and Meniere's Disease. I have found that blue light from electronic devices causes significant eye strain for me, feeling like pressure on my eyeballs. I now have an Asus large screen blue-light-blocking monitor for my laptop, dedicated blue light filter on my phone in addition to the phone's built-in blocker, and blue-light-blocking glasses to wear when using devices. These steps have helped me tremendously with eye strain and improved my overall vestibular well-being.