I just got back from my Functional Medicine Dr...awesome visit I feel really good about it. She put my blood under the microscope and onto a big screen like we did about a month ago and it has significantly improved...last time you could see all the damaged red blood cells and these crystal like things that apparently show toxicity in the body. This time my cells looks really healthy for the most part, just seemed to be a little congealed, which may explain my D-dimer being high. She also still sees quite a bit of inflammation, which apparently makes it harder for the body to heal. So we added a few more supplements to help with the D dimer etc, but she was really happy with my improvement. She also talked about something called the PK Protocol. If you check it out online its really interesting, it was created by the person who makes the PC oil and all those supplements. It is a little pricey ($450/session) but depending on how I feel in the next 1-2 months I may give it a go. They customize it for each patient as well...The other thing I had mentioned before can also help detoxify the blood using a machine called Eboo....Im not sure which one I want to do but I wanted to at least share what she suggested as possible things to help really speed up my healing.
What is EBOO? EBOO is a dialysis machine that cleans the blood through a filter. Blood proteins and fats easily pass through the filter but if they are loaded with toxins, pesticides, infections, and chemicals they get stopped by the filter.
"The PK Protocol system is a new, clinically proven method for health care professionals to provide safe and efficient detoxification methods for the brain and the Central Nervous System"
Thought I would share with you all. She was pretty happy with how much better I am feeling, all these supplements and diet seem to be helping my body heal itself little by little. I will keep you all updated and hope you do the same:)
I can just about shuffle about with a walking stick. The thing is that my right side (foot/leg/hip/below waistline) is feeling better than the left side. My left hip is numb. Like you I fear I will end up incapacitated, but I am persistent and stubborn, and keep hobbling on. I do need to rest a lot, as standing and hobbling about is so very tiring. But I feel I need to keep moving... to the loo... to the computer... do little tasks I can just about manage... must keep moving, and hope this will help in the long run. Must admit though, that falling 2x in the last week has not helped much. But considering I can still move about, there is no lasting damage from the tumbles. Although these scared the living daylights out of me.
Reading the many posts in various threads on this site, it is clear that world wide side effects to Cov-vaccinations are being swept under the carpet. Governments, the media, as well as pharmaceutical companies, and not to forget the die-hard at-all-costs vax supporters keep pushing and pushing to jab everyone and everything that moves. I want to yell at the "I-don't-see-what-the-problem-is-and-veryone-must-get-the-jabs-and-I-am-doing-great" gloaters... how about us who are suffering numerous side effects, even life-altering side effects!
I would like to know.... who ended up incapacitated due to the numbness/tingling in feet/legs? Anyone else whose ability to walk deteriorated?
Fast approaching 2 months since my 2nd Pfizer jab, when I went from bad (after 1st jab three weeks earlier) to infinitely worse.
Anyone else barely able to walk? Or anyone who suffered this misery... and how long before things improved?
In another thread I read that the lady (called Rena) now used a walking frame. I hobble and shuffle unsteadily about, slower than a sloth, with a walking stick now.This is what I really would like to know... if your were or are affected similarly, please share. And thanks...
@ryedog32 hi there, I also have neck issues among the list of post vax stuff. Besides my muscles being tight on my neck, I have one strain of muscle there that won't decontract. Makes me dizzy and the muscle around tense up as if to protect the other muscles. Can't turn my head well. Woke up the morning after my second jab with pain in my temple that radiates down to this spot. Bunch of CT, ultrasound and MRI show nothing. Apparently it's just tight muscles...but after 7 months, kinda not going away. Not sure if yours is similar??
Reading the many posts in various threads on this site, it is clear that world wide side effects to Cov-vaccinations are being swept under the carpet. Governments, the media, as well as pharmaceutical companies, and not to forget the die-hard at-all-costs vax supporters keep pushing and pushing to jab everyone and everything that moves. I want to yell at the "I-don't-see-what-the-problem-is-and-veryone-must-get-the-jabs-and-I-am-doing-great" gloaters... how about us who are suffering numerous side effects, even life-altering side effects!
I would like to know.... who ended up incapacitated due to the numbness/tingling in feet/legs? Anyone else whose ability to walk deteriorated?
Fast approaching 2 months since my 2nd Pfizer jab, when I went from bad (after 1st jab three weeks earlier) to infinitely worse.
Anyone else barely able to walk? Or anyone who suffered this misery... and how long before things improved?
In another thread I read that the lady (called Rena) now used a walking frame. I hobble and shuffle unsteadily about, slower than a sloth, with a walking stick now.This is what I really would like to know... if your were or are affected similarly, please share. And thanks...
I had written a lengthy reply & it didn’t post 🙁 lol
I also had tingling feet & hands aswell as some weakness, internal tremors & vibrations from a week after Pfizer. It all started to settle after 5/6 months. It’s reduced again the last few days & I have added B12 to my daily vitamins so this could be helping. Also been taking High dose c, vit d (my count was low as have many others been that had a reaction) magnesium, zinc, glutathione which contains lipoic acid & nac, & an antihistamine. I believe my body had an autoimmune reaction to the jab causing inflammation of the nerves. I have had pinging nerves the last few months which I believe is a healing sign. Some of us unlucky ones are taking longer to heal but some are better after a few weeks & months. Nerve repair can take up to 2 years so I live in hope. Wish you a speedy recovery.
Hello! I have been following this forum for months now as I am experiencing very similar symptoms as most here have described. I want to thank everyone for sharing their journeys as it has helped me greatly in dealing with all this and the only reason I finally made an account here after 6 months is that I want to share some hope with everyone 🙂
After getting the vaccine I had almost 40C degrees fever for two days and after about 3-4 days I had constant chest pain and went to the er because of it - no results. After about a month I started having tingling in both my feet and ever since then my legs are in a constant state of cramping which I never had in my life (tested for magnesium deficiency-was negative). My legs constantly felt weak without being weak if that makes any sense. I did a lot of sports still and I could do it but they were constantly extremely shaky and just felt off. I also had the much described electric shock like feelings and muscle twitching all over my body aswell as nerve sensations as if someone put a wet cloth on half of my face aswell as twitching on the left side on my face (jab side). However I want to leave a message of hope. I got the vaccine beginning of August and until December symptoms came and went until it got extremely bad in December with two weeks of non stop stabbing feeling in my entire chest area (among other things). My doctor dismissed everything so I called my former boss - a general practitioner who is also a good friend of mine and know that I hardly ever go to a doctor and don't suffer from anxiety or anything alike. I cried so much on the phone as I was really desperate for someone to finally listen to me. He also thought it's most likely psychological but considered that it could be an autoimmune reaction after talking to some colleagues. He prescribed me cortisone for one week saying that he doesn't know if it will help but that I should at least try it. And it helped so much! I still have flare ups but they are about 10-20% of how they were in the beginning. The twitching is still there as well as the cramps in my lower legs but all in all I would say I am 80% better and I really hope it stays that way. I also found a neurologist who said that this can happen after any vaccine (overreacting Auto immune response) and that it usually resolves by itself. Don't know if it's true but it sounds reassuring. With that I wish you all the best of luck with recovery! Best wishes from Austria
Thank you for sharing this experience. It's so important to find those medical professionals who will listen and really think about possibilities and options. I'm glad you are feeling more hopeful and improving.
I have the feeling of muscle weakness in my arms. I can use them fine but they just feel “light” if that makes sense? It started with my left side and now it’s happening to my right arm and left side of the face.
It also feels like I can’t feel my bladder, I don’t know when I need to pee. This has actually caused my anxiety to spiral out of control, I can’t eat or participate in normal life anymore. I am studying a Master’s degree and I can’t even go up to my desk and work on assignments because my brain is too caught up on the side-effects that are affecting my body.
@rosew I also had a blood test doe and had a spike' It said : igg lambda monoclonal band present. This was new after the shots and can unfortunately mean Multiple Myloma Cancer Or MGUS which is pre cancer of the bone marrow. It turned out to be very low and MGUS but The Oncologist said it could be from the shots. Like all my other doctors he said there just isn't enough known about these very experimental vaccines. We're Guinee pigs folks
BTW he is one of the Best Hematologist/Oncologists in the country at Keck Cancer Center at USC Medical Center
@hastings56 did it ever go away? I got a Moderna booster 3 days ago and now I have the pins and needles sensation all over my head and body
@clea Yes I just got a Moderna booster three days ago and my whole head and whole body is tingling I’m really scared I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?
just got a Moderna booster three days ago and my whole head and whole body is tingling I’m really scared I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?