It has been a long time since I have posted anything on here. But for anyone dealing with the same issues, I’d like to update anyone who’s going through the same thing (more or less).
Had months, even more than a year, without any issues, until about 2 months ago, when the tingling started again; hands, feet, face. In days – weeks, my tingling got worse, as did my tinnitus. I couldn’t talk to people, because it felt like a truck was driving next to me. Had a period where I thought I felt bugs were crawling over my body. I have posted before that a combination of supplements (NAC Vitamin B12, Zinc, Vitamin D, etc etc) helped. But they didn’t do anything this time. Because it got worse over time, I had multiple tests done.
My blood tests were fine. Got checked at the neurologist for MS; no lesions found. So no MS (fortunately). Either small fiber/peripheral neuropathy is among options, but it’s quite the trajectory – including a year long waiting list in NL - to actually get the diagnosis. Even if you get diagnosed, there’s nothing of real substance which is helping you but some pain relief.
Although since some weeks the symptoms have subsided again, I have delved myself into available journals and science concerning the matter. I wanted to share what I think actually has helped me, starting with what I think might be the root cause of my (and maybe your) problems.
1. Gut microbia and COVID-19 infection and/or vaccination
There’s a very probable relationship between both COVID infection / vaccination and a loss of microbiome in our gut:
“Infections with the COVID-19 virus have been shown to damage the gut microbiome and are associated with compromised integrity of the gut’s mucous layer, causing gut dysbiosis—a microbiome imbalance. Reports have also shown that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is linked to biodiversity in the microbiome.” - How COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading To Brain Fog And Autoimmune Disease | ZeroHedge
A gastroenterologist and the CEO of genetic research lab ProgenaBiome, Dr. Sabine Hazan has found that test results of many vaccine-injured patients a month after vaccination show a lack of the probiotic Bifidobacteria.”- How COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading To Brain Fog And Autoimmune Disease | ZeroHedge
“COVID-19 patients often have imbalances in their gut microbes that allow antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections to take over.” - COVID-19 disrupts gut microbiome | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
“Infections with SARS-CoV-2 have a pronounced impact on the gastrointestinal tract and its resident microbiome” - Altered infective competence of the human gut microbiome in COVID-19 | Microbiome | Full Text (
2. The gut and the nervous system
Our gut and our nervous system are closely connected. Neuropathy can be caused by problems in your gut:
“Research has shown that the gut and the brain are linked through their nervous system - gut problems have long been linked to neurocognitive impairments.” - How COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading To Brain Fog And Autoimmune Disease | ZeroHedge
“The emerging body of research on the connection between GM and NP highlights the intricate interplay between the gut and the nervous system.” - Gut Microbiota Modulation and Its Implications on Neuropathic Pain: A Comprehensive Literature Review | Pain and Therapy (
“Gut microbiota is considered as a pivotal regulator in immune, neural, endocrine, and metabolic signaling pathways, which participates in forming a complex network to affect the development of NP directly or indirectly.” - Gut microbiota regulates neuropathic pain: potential mechanisms and therapeutic strategy | The Journal of Headache and Pain | Full Text (
“the gut microbiota is responsible for essential functions in human health and that its perturbation is implicated in the development and progression of a growing list of diseases.” - IJMS | Free Full-Text | Impact of Gut Microbiota on the Peripheral Nervous System in Physiological, Regenerative and Pathological Conditions (
3. What MIGHT help to improve gut health
So, if my gut is causing my neuropathy, how do I improve my gut health? What I did until now:
- Bioline Enterosgel (use up the full tube first – read manual)
“Enterosgel is an oral intestinal adsorbent (enterosorbent). It has a capacity to adsorb a toxines and harmful substances (e.g. endotoxins, enterotoxins) in the digestive tract, bind them to its surface and reduce stool frequency and the duration of diarrhoea.”
- Establishing a healthy gut microbe: Bifidobacterium and other
After finishing the Enterosgel, and “getting rid of toxins and harmful substances”, establish a healthy gut microbe. There’s several supplements on the market. I used Symflora Basis, but something like Probiotic-10 & Bifido Boost (NOW) should also do the trick.
3. Read “strategies for the management for Spike Protein-Related Patholagy
This is an extensive article which helps you understand what might be going on with your body after COVID-19/vaccination, and gets into causes and possible treatments.
For treatment, look for: “However, we suggest targeting several different processes to reduce symptoms associated with both vaccine injury and long COVID-19. These include”
In table 2 you will find all supplements that could help pain relief.
Strategies for the Management of Spike Protein-Related Pathology - PMC (
4. Other
What I found to also have helped to a lesser or greater extent:
- Fasting: 24 – 72 hours for autophagy - Metabolic Step-By-Step: Stages of Fasting In The First 72hrs - Temper (
- Hericium Erinaceus (Lion’s Mane) - Hericium erinaceus | Goba
“Our findings suggest that H. erinaceus is capable of promoting peripheral nerve repair after injury.” - Lion’s Mane: The Medicinal Mushroom That Offers New Hope for Peripheral Neuropathy | Request PDF (
I'd like to add to what helps to improve gut health, as important as the other:
3. Change diet: eat whole/organic foods and probiotics; skip processed foods as much as possible
"Your nerves need the right balance of nutrients to function properly, and they are also vulnerable to toxins. What you eat and drink, as well as how your body absorbs the nutrients from what you consume, can contribute to or exacerbate neuropathy" - Neuropathy and Diet: Understanding the Connection (
"Most ultra-processed foods contain refined grains, with no beneficial fiber. “Ultra-processed foods contain large quantities of saturated fat and trans-fat, added sugar, salt, and food additives that seriously affect the gut and physical health,” - How Ultra-Processed Foods Affect your Gut Microbiome and Health | Whittier, CA. | PIH Health
@nawpan How are your symptoms now? Still experiencing them? Did you follow up with a Vestibular Therapist to ensure that it was a system dysfunction? Id love to hear a update!
@paulmizzle Update on symptoms? Still having them? Severity and Frequency? Changed any eating habits or physical factors (weight loss/gain, exercise program etc), followed up with a specialist with Vestibular Dysfunction? Id love to gain more incite and possibly craft a plan to help the members on the forum with similar symptoms/complaints. Thanks! 😎
How was the book? Anything particular stick out for you that shocked you, or didn't know?@montydes Me too. I keep thinking it's gone away and then back it co,mes again - tingling in right legf and throughout the body and palpitations around but not actually in the heart. On the optimistic side though ( 18 months after my Pfizer booster) the severity is decreasing. It is notably though at its worse if I am tired or have eaten anything with sugar in it.
Very best wishes to everybody who is enduring this stuff. I'm not a particular conspiracy theorist but have just started reading Robert.F.Kennedy jnr's book 'The real Dr. Fauci'. My scepticism about Big Pharma is off the scale.
@kim-h I was wondering if you could tell me how you were doing did you ever get a diagnosis? I have these exact symptoms, but I have not had any vaccines or anything
2.5 years , positive to small fiber neuropathy induced by vax, i have fatigue, numbess, fasiculations, burning, dry eyes, dry mouth and blurry vision. I could have also ms
@dazednconfused Sorry for late response. One thing helped me a lot was switching to Carnivore Diet. Hope you get better.
@djm-21 Hi, first apologies for not replying to you sooner, you have clearly put a great deal of effort into your research which I have found invaluable, thank you. I hope your (second) recovery program is going well, have your symptoms reduced significantly? As a consequence of reading all your documents I found a ‘trail’ via Dr. Keith Berkowitz to a really helpful document:
This is a synopsis of a 61 page document that you can view via a link from this doc. entitled: I-Recover An approach to managing post-vaccine syndrome. It is a FLCCC Alliance script, which has some great information.
I have also watched a couple of YouTube videos of Dr. Keith Berkowitz being interviewed regarding the treatment of post covid vaccine injury. He works at the Center for Balanced Health in NY and treats covid vaccine injured patients.
My own journey (6 months in) has been difficult. I believe it’s likely I have short fibre neuropathy. However the symptoms (pins and needles, muscle pain, burning etc.) have started to reduce slightly? I have just started time restricted fasting to aid Autophagy and also have found some low histamine probiotics to see how they assist. I have also ordered some Nattokinase supplements that apparently have the ability to degrade lingering Spike Protein (see FLCCC documents ). I wish everyone well on this difficult journey.
Hi everyone,
I went over several pages since 2022 and saw that people still experience these symptoms. I also do. In these years I probably had about 12 flare-ups that lasted for about 2 weeks: tingling, needles and pain in feet, legs, buttocks, back, hands, arms, throat, tongue, face, you name it. Every time it comes, I can't say the intensity subsided, it is even worse sometimes. They come out of the blue, I really haven't seen a pattern. I don't eat sugar or sweets, only use stevia for sweetener. I am on intermittent fasting for several months now, and on a low-calorie, low-carbs diet. Got myself on this after indulging too much into chocolate and all sort of sweets and ending up with pre-diabetes. By the way, during that time I had no symptoms at all! Didn't see a link with eating sugar. Already had COVID 2 times this year (March and July 2024) and it was pretty bad both times. The first time on first and second days of COVID I had the same symptoms, but it was more numbness in legs and arms. For the past 2 years I have been taking different supplements. For me, there is no pattern. It usually starts with two days of "cardiac" symptoms, like palpitations and tachycardia, and then the rest of the symptoms kick in. What I noticed is that if I sit on my legs bent under me, they get numb and the numbness goes away very slow (like about 10 minutes), whereas previously (before vaccine) it would go away in less than a minute. Definitely the nerves are affected. I am a psychiatrist myself, and to all those who are sent to see a psychiatrist, I feel for you, and don't waste your time and money. You know all too well the reason of all this.
Wishing everyone to get better!