Well, it's been a month now since my 4th (yes, 4th!) Pfizer vaccination. Still with the almost constant paraesthesias, numbness and tingling mainly in feet, sometimes thighs, fingertips. I am hesitant to say that it may be lessening, or maybe I am just getting used to it. If I go for a long walk, my feet still get numb. I feel like my whole body is vibrating at times.Awful. I am lucky in the respect that my general doctor agrees it was a vaccine reaction. She says it will "eventually" disappear. She said it is a known reaction. But couldn't tell me what exactly is "reacting". Saw the neurologist who also believed me, did a complete neuro exam which was normal, as were all blood tests. MRI of neck normal also. I am scheduled for a nerve EMG test next week which she believes may show something called small fiber neuropathy. She also said it will go away and she too attributed to a vaccine reaction. I even spoke to my oncologist, a world renowned researcher and scientist and she too said "Vaccine Reaction". Eventually the body will return to normal. And we agreed better this than on a vent or dead with covid. SO, I am taking alpha lipoic acid, NAC, vit C, curcumin, reishi mushrooms, fish oil, vit B12, L-glutamine and a bunch of other stuff too. Also pray alot. Don't ask me what doses, I just google and look on Amazon so I don't really know what I'm doing and not in the position to give advice. I just want to reassure people that what you are feeling is REAL. Anxiety may make it worse, but don't let them tell you it's "just anxiety". I am an RN and when a patient tells me what they think is wrong with them, most of the time , they are right. Covid is new, the vaccines are new. I believe our bodies will heal themselves. I feel as if I could get a doctorate in "Tingling Legs and covid vaccines", I have done so much research on it. I have reported this as a vaccine reaction. I have spoken to the CDC twice, Pfizer emailed me several times and sent me 10 page forms to fill out, at least 4 times. My husband tells me if I keep this up, "The men in black are going to show up at the door and take me away", lol. I don't believe reporting this to any of these institutions will actually do anything. At least in our lifetimes.
Well, it's been a month now since my 4th (yes, 4th!) Pfizer vaccination. Still with the almost constant paraesthesias, numbness and tingling mainly in feet, sometimes thighs, fingertips. I am hesitant to say that it may be lessening, or maybe I am just getting used to it. If I go for a long walk, my feet still get numb. I feel like my whole body is vibrating at times.Awful. I am lucky in the respect that my general doctor agrees it was a vaccine reaction. She says it will "eventually" disappear. She said it is a known reaction. But couldn't tell me what exactly is "reacting". Saw the neurologist who also believed me, did a complete neuro exam which was normal, as were all blood tests. MRI of neck normal also. I am scheduled for a nerve EMG test next week which she believes may show something called small fiber neuropathy. She also said it will go away and she too attributed to a vaccine reaction. I even spoke to my oncologist, a world renowned researcher and scientist and she too said "Vaccine Reaction". Eventually the body will return to normal. And we agreed better this than on a vent or dead with covid. SO, I am taking alpha lipoic acid, NAC, vit C, curcumin, reishi mushrooms, fish oil, vit B12, L-glutamine and a bunch of other stuff too. Also pray alot. Don't ask me what doses, I just google and look on Amazon so I don't really know what I'm doing and not in the position to give advice. I just want to reassure people that what you are feeling is REAL. Anxiety may make it worse, but don't let them tell you it's "just anxiety". I am an RN and when a patient tells me what they think is wrong with them, most of the time , they are right. Covid is new, the vaccines are new. I believe our bodies will heal themselves. I feel as if I could get a doctorate in "Tingling Legs and covid vaccines", I have done so much research on it. I have reported this as a vaccine reaction. I have spoken to the CDC twice, Pfizer emailed me several times and sent me 10 page forms to fill out, at least 4 times. My husband tells me if I keep this up, "The men in black are going to show up at the door and take me away", lol. I don't believe reporting this to any of these institutions will actually do anything. At least in our lifetimes.
Hi, sorry to here you have had a reaction too. I take it you were fine after the first 3? I only had 1 last June. My body is still vibrating from my stomach up to my head & my legs & feet still prickling & buzzing 🙁 when will it end 🙁 I am also taking alpha lipoic, vit c, d, nac & Gluthathione. Pray I feel normal again one day.
@kim-h Yes, absolutely fine. I think this will eventually resolves, as my doctors keep telling me, but to me, I am thinking eventually many mean several months. I wish you well!
@selene53 Thank you and you. I keep telling myself it’s inflammation of the nerves & they take time to heal. It’s unbelievable how many people have suffered the same or similar reaction… the vibrations, tingling especially in feet, internal tremors etc. some have been for the other jabs, I find it all so strange & feel I am going mad at times & have to remind myself I am not the only one suffering.
Hello everybody.
It's been a while since I've posted on here but I feel so desperate again and thought I would share journey. I started getting all the symptoms a month after my second Pfizer jab in October, including tingling in arms/legs, tremor, muscle twitching, and crazy hearth palpitations. Around two months passed where it was completely impossible for me to sleep at night, I was feeling like I was dying every single night and it was impossible for me to stay asleep. I went through numerous doctors appointments - neurologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, did so many tests (blood work was perfect) and all I was being told that I'm unstable, anxious, stressed etc and no one would give me any advice/cure. I started taking magnesium, and vitamin D, kept a healthy died, drank tons of water and nothing would ever make me feel any better. My sleep patterns slowly started to improve but the crazy palpitations and increased hearth beat never went away, I'm starting to feel this has become a chronic condition at this point and will never go back to my pre-vax rate. I also started to get adrenaline rushes at night where I'd suddenly wake up and my hearth rate would jump over the roof, which would then lead to extreme tiredness and sore chest the next day. And hoping it couldn't get any worse, I woke up last night with an extremely painful numbness in left side of my head/brain, which was the scariest moment so far. It feels like I've had a stroke and I'm so scared it could happen again. I don't know what do to anymore. Please, has anyone else experienced such head numbness?
PS: I feel your pain and I'm hoping things will get better for everyone soon!
You are definitely not going mad. At times I certainly thought I was going mad, especially when I felt my limbs were vibrating. How do you even describe that without sounding crazy? Lol. I was actually so pleasantly surprised and validated by the fact my doctors believed me. I have great faith we will all recover from this.
I have the same issue - my symptoms started from me left leg with pins and needles then traveled to the othe leg up into left arm 7 weeks after the booster dose PFIZER-
However, I even had retinal vein occlusion that caused me to follow up in eye clinics due to unknown thrombosis in the retinal eye (left).
I have done all kinds of blood tests since i worked in a lab, i even done genetics testings too- all kind of autoimmune testing - all were NORMAL
So far Have seen by;
4 different neurologist -
1 hematologist
3 opthalmologists
1 cardiologist
1 one visit to a thrombosis consultant
they All could not diagnose the cause of this paresthesia -
One said : small fiber neuropathy - EMG -NST nerve conduction were also normal
Another said might be atypical MS - ( Clear MRI for the BRAIN / cervical )
39 years Male - Medically free. no any previous health issues
Symptoms disappeared when I was at work or busy with the family out of the house -
Now on Vit B complex - Vit C + zinc
Aspirin 100mg, to avoid any further occlusion that could happen to the Right Eye
Now it is nine weeks on this inconstant paresthesia - disappeared for days then come back very intense..
Today I will have a virtual visit with a psychiatrist -
I will update if anything get better
@sararabea I took the sinopharm vax about two weeks ago. A couple days later my left shoulder started tingling and this feeling slowly went all the way down to my fingertips in a matter of days. Then my right foot started tingling from the ankles and travelled upwards for a few days. Sometimes it feels numb, sometimes it feels like it's burning !! Then the right side of my back started tingling as well. This is the moment I had a mental breakdown. Depression is beginning to sink in. I was wondering how long did it take you to feel releif and what did you do ?? I've been to several doctors and taken a lot of meds with only mild healing.
I've been off for a while. End of January was great. I felt like I turned a corner. I was going to feel great and my period wouldn't make it flare up much anymore. I was very positive. I couldn't believe it, but I told myself I deserved it.
But it did flare it up, so great. What now, is this the new normal? Yay it's better than it was but it still sucks and I hate hate hate it?
My MRI was fine. No issues.
Yes it's better than it was. I have lots of good days. Weeks? Nope. After 8 months you'd hope though wouldn't you.
I think NAC's helping but I am so efin fed up now.
Here's my problem:
In 2020 march me and my entire family fell ill at the same hour. Strange no? Never ever ever happened before that there wasn't a day or two delay. My boys were filling the bath with sick hubby felt sick and really unwell and I had really bad joint pains, headache and cold sympoms. I still remember how awful it was walking up the stairs because it was different than other times. Just as it ended (I felt finally recovered for only half a day), it also brought on a throat complication, requiring antibiotics (I couldn't even swallow water). It was nasty stuff but it passed and we were fine afterward.
We asked to be tested they didn't test us so early on. So how do I know? I think we had covid. So ppl telling me my reaction to the vx(18 months later!!!) means I would have died of covid can get lost. In the end they said it was safe to take this junk but it was just a chemical trojan horse for me. It broke me so much and I used to be so strong and capable and now I am even scared to walk to the shop because I hate how funny my legs feel still. (I do force myself to just live as normal despite all this.)
The worst part are the doctors who ignore this and sweep us all under the rug to try and self heal ourselves.
Sorry for the rant. I read other ppl's post too and can relate to many. Stay strong. This reaction or whatever it is is honestly soul destroying with its length. It IS improving. I am just scared of getting stuck at low levels of this hell.
Hi Helen. I had my one Moderna shot in July. My symptoms are much better than the first 5 months but I have those times too, where I think I am doing much better and then a flare-up happens. Most recently it was the week before my cycle, so I am thinking there is a correlation. The good days are encouraging, they give me hope that maybe one day this will go away completely. This whole process is crazy making, good days, bad days, really bad days, sad days. I am thankful for progress but completely understand your frustration and fear with the cycle of symptoms.
My wife has been suffering terribly since Dec (tingling, numbness, fatigue, panic, spine pain, nausea etc)- I'm wondering- do you think this is all caused by a heightened immune response or a low immunity for this? In which case should the treatment be boost immune system (ie which is what she is currently doing through vit c, vit d, nac, magnesium etc) or calm immune system (through FLCCC protocol- prednisone or similar)
@markhansen1983 Boy, that is the million dollar question. I have searched high and low for the answer. I am currently on all those supplements, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid, curcumin, etc. I'm also on a low dose of prednisone for another issue , 20 mg for 10 days. Day two of the prednisone and no change. I told my husband I feel like a Christmas tree with blinking lights. Getting online and researching this is like jumping into the abyss though. The doctor I respect the most says that the body will eventually clear itself of this , (whatever "this" is) I wonder if the body is in overdrive and making autoantibodies against itself.....no one can answer that question, apparently. And maybe no way to even test for it.
I've dug a lot into what has helped others. I'm not sure if these are "cures", but that FLCCC has an IRecover protocol that looks interesting. and IncellDX has a protocol that they've used and had some success. I think these two things are worth looking into.
Also I saw there are several tests you can take (they get expensive though). Celltrend is best one it looks like.