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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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I was just working on my desk and my ankle started to feel really hot and just weird… I’m so anxious right now. And my hand feels so sore and my fingers (ring and little ones) almost feel like they claw a bit. I can’t do this for much longer, I feel like I have MS or something similar. Has anyone felt this? 

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I had my second Pfizer dose in early July. In the following days, I noticed a tingling sensation in my left arm. A couple of weeks later, I had pins and needles in my left foot, then in my head. Over the next couple of weeks I got tightness in my right leg which at its worse would spasm. I had blurred vision, I felt off balance, generally foggy, poor temperature regulation. Lots of symptoms that many of you have described.

I became convinced it was due to Pfizer, though at times I feared it was something worse, such as MS.

I visited a neurologist who examined me. He didn't feel there was anything wrong and a full MRI a couple of weeks later confirmed this. I asked him whether it could have been caused by Pfizer. He said it's possible but unlikely. He said it could be anything: a post viral reaction, a small trapped nerve ...

What he did say when I first saw him was that whatever it was will be amplified by stress and anxiety. At that point I realised how much stress I have been under this year and that I haven't processed it. I immediately made lots of small changes to my routine and lifestyle to help me self relax. It took a while, but now two months on from that second dose, my symptoms have almost gone, and only flare up during moments of stress or anxiety.

This isn't to say the symptoms weren't there. They 100% were. But many of them were induced by my inability to process the anxiety, ie they were psychosomatic.

Hundreds of millions of people have had Pfizer. Law of averages says some people are going to develop neurological symptoms, because that happens to people every day. My advice is that while you are in limbo, do your best to relax and not inflame the situation. I know it's not easy, but since it worked for me, I wanted to share.


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@sandrasp i recently started experiencing pain on my fingers as well, they seem to cramp. Sometimes they feel sore and itchy. That’s tolerable, what i can’t tolerate is my back pain! I can’t even stand up straight! I might take a trip to the ER

Sandra and Sandra reacted
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Hey everyone . Hope everyone is starting to feel better. I had the same thing happen mid July about a week and half after my 2nd phizer dose. Really stressed out about it and even gone to the hospital and got a ekg done and blood work everything came back good.  As the summer went on I went and got my first deep tissue massage. First one went good then my 2nd massage last week she sound a pinched nerve in my arm pit area. And a slightly pinched one in my neck . After they smoothed that out I been feeling back to normal. Hopefully you some of you have to same luck as me getting it fixed. Take care everyone 

GrisR and GrisR reacted
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Hi, I'm German. I just found this site because I feel very helpless. 2 months ago I got my first Pfizer / Biontech shot. Since the second day I had tingling & burning in my legs, feet, arms and hands. Sometimes even in my face. It's not getting better, it's getting worse! It's hard to sleep or concentrate with these symptoms. I really don't know what to do, neither do doctors know what to do. I also had difficulties to walk during the first week after the vaccination. This got better, but it came back after six weeks. So a friend brought me to the hospital, because it was almost impossible for me to move my leg. I had to stay 4 days in the hospital, they did many tests but found nothing. After 3 days I could walk again, I really don't know what is going on in my body since the vaccination. I am glad that I can walk again, but the tingling is driving me crazy

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Has anyone had their doctor offer a medical exemption for the vaccine due to these symptoms? 

I know many of our doctors have advised against us getting the 2nd dose. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I definetely won't take the second Pfizer shot. I can't live with these neurological side effects. I'm considering J&J as an alternative, but maybe it has the same issue. So maybe I should wait for Novavax

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I'm so glad to have found these forums, everyone's input has helped tremedously. Its a lot of work to go through so many pages, but worth it to find nuggets of useful information.

I'm M/50's and I already follow a low histamine diet and have other allergies. I got the first pfizer shot about a month ago and I have not been the same since. Within the first hour I had numbness and tingling in the receiving arm. Since then I have had vertigo, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, brain fog, poor sleep, hypertension, pain, and extreme tiredness. For the first three days I was really tired but got exhausted after eating full meals, so I would then just eat many small meals throughout the day and then drink gatorade in between to give me some alertness. I already had tinitus and occasional vertigo, but the shot made it worse.

The only relief I've found was with: Magnesium, Claritin, Ibuprofen, gatoraid, Benedryl (12.5 mg for sleep) and B complex vitamins. I read someones post here suggesting the magnesium, so I tried that first and it stopped the muscles from spasming so much (so thank you to who ever posted that!). I slowly kept uping the amount of Magnesium and I figured if I got diarreha then I took too much. I'm taking a 250mg magnesium oxide tablet with 99mg potassium at Breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bed. I also stopped drinking milk since that has calcium and D3 in it, I read that too much calcium offsets the balance with Magnesium. Also, I tried taking D3 and felt like crap afterwards, then I read that D3 helps in the uptake of calcium, so I stopped taking the D3.

The claritin was really helpful to reduce the tingling on my skin and nerves. I used three, 5mg (half dose) spaced out over twenty four hours, for four days, then weaned down to nothing, so far only minor tingles here and there. But a day or so after stopping the claritin, I got really tired again and I think that is because my body is using the energy to make more antibodies. So maybe the antihistamines are just delaying the reactions. I read a post here, that they remembered on the day of their first shot they took antihistamines for poision ivy and had no issue with the first shot, but had issues with the second shot. That clue lead me to try the clairitin during the day.

The B Complex vitamin helped reducing the pounding in my heart and veins, and aleviated the anxiety. I will keep going with the B Complex daily since I probably should have been taking it everyday anyway. One of the worst experiences was when I got hypertension and esophogial spasms at the same time, I thought I was having a heart attack. I had to chew up a magnesium tablet and swallow it with minimal water, but that did the trick for the esophogial spasms. My doctor as a kid used to always give me a shot of B vitamins whenever I visited him, so maybe he was on to something.

I started regularly drinking more water and then I started to feel worse. I think I was just diluting out my electrolytes, so now I just drink water as I feel thirsty.

My neurologist was pretty much useless, it took a week to see them and only online since I wasn't "fully vaxed" for an in-office visit. My doctor said they were fine with my approach to my symptoms but didn't offer any other meds or offer blood work. They did want me to delay the second shot a few more weeks to make sure my symptoms were going away before hand. At best I feel about 70% back to normal but still have aways to go to get that last 30% back. I saw an allergist too, and again, pretty much useless... told me to take tylenol. I later figured out why these doctors are not helping, but its political, so I may post that separately.

My work requires both doses of the vax and I'm nervous about getting the second shot, so I pretty much have no choice in the matter to get the second one. Hopefully, the above supplements should help me get through it.

I may repost this in another forum here, since there are multiple forums on this subject that others may or may not see.

KitKat, BeeAyDee, GrisR and 3 people reacted
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Leaving this here if it interests anyone:

Bianca, GrisR, Bianca and 1 people reacted
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@mbelle are you doing better now? 

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@sandrasp scary 

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Cc and Cc reacted
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I hope this week brings relief for at least a few of us. I am 5 weeks since 1st Pfizer and 3.5 weeks since all the tingling, buzzing etc started. I had 3 good(ish) days and now have had two of the worst days. Does anyone else find they crash after a couple of normalish days? I am so exhausted and nauseous and new numbness and tingling to keep me worrying even more. I have made an appointment with an acupuncturist who says she can help with peripheral neuropathy. Has anyone else tried this?

KitKat, BeeAyDee, Donna and 3 people reacted
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Hi all! I'm now at week 7 and 2 days of symptoms after taking my second dose of Pfizer. I feel like I had a really bad time weeks 4-6, particularly right before my period. I'm due to get it in a week or so so I'll see if I have another flare up right around there or not. I've heard from a few other women saying that they experienced heightened pain/sensations in that window of time as well. Although today hasn't been great and I seem to be having a flare up, I've had a few days this past week where my pain and symptoms were lessened. For context, I'm 30F, previously healthy/fit/active, and have now experienced burning nerve pain, muscle and joint pain and weakness, shooting pains, feelings of "electric shocks," itching, dizziness, brain fog, etc. To give you hope, some of my symptoms seem to be fading/lessening just a little. Nothing's gone, but it used to be excruciating to the point that I would cry often and even scream from pain--ugh. It hasn't been as bad as that lately, and I'm hoping that I will have better days as the weeks pass. I know this condition is extremely hard to grapple with, both physically and mentally.

It seems like a lot of us are coming back with clear tests. I had blood work done and an EMG so far, both came back healthy. I'm still waiting to book an MRI. I've seen a neurologist multiple times and been to the ER (from pain--was quite worried that night), but they can't find anything that's clearly "wrong." Except, of course, all this pain and the numerous strange sensations! I believe we are going to get through this, but I think it might take a while. It seems like a common timeframe for people is between 3-6 months. Some earlier, some later. I know it's hard to stay positive while you're feeling these things, but you're not alone. My neurologist didn't think it was GBS, small nerve fiber neuropathy, or POTS, but he does think it's an adverse reaction to the vaccine. I think in a few months the medical community will have a clearer picture of this. I know that doesn't help right now, but I hope it's validating to know that others are experiencing these things and it's not in your head. 

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