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Corporate Philanthropy

Advertising Sponsorship We would like to thank our Corporate Partner Otolith Labs is pioneering the first medical wearable for the treatment of chronic vertigo. The device, which is currently conducting clinical trials, has been given


Recursos en español

¡Próximos Eventos! Encuentro de Salud Vestibular: Experiencias de Médicos y Pacientes es un evento virtual de dos días que le brinda entrevistas con expertos vestibulares y un panel de personas que discuten sus experiencias vestibulares. Presentados


Dentist’s Guide to the Dizzy Patient

Dental work can often be uncomfortable for a person with a vestibular disorder because of the intense lighting, extended amount of time requiring an open mouth, and adjusting to a reclined chair position. Sometimes people with vestibular disorders perceive that a dentist chair has been reclined beyond horizontal, even if it has not. Also, some people find it uncomfortable to be in the chair as it is lowered and raised. After the procedure, some people with balance disorders find that any residual numbness from the local anesthesia is a bit disorienting. Download this article and bring it to your dentist to educate him/her about your condition and help them make adjustments to accommodate your needs.


Yoga for Balance

WHAT IS BALANCE? Our sense of balance is a complex interaction between the inner ear, vision, and somatosensory systems (physical cues that tell the brain where the body is in space). Those suffering from vestibular


Travel Strategies

Some common questions about the effects of travel on people with vestibular dysfunction include:

“Will travel increase symptoms?”
“Should I avoid travel?”
“What is the best form of travel?”
“What can I do to minimize discomfort while traveling?”

Travel conditions that may be problematic for a person with a vestibular disorder include those that involve exposure to rapid altitude or pressure changes, certain motion patterns, or disturbing lighting. Travel decisions that accommodate a person’s vestibular disorder will depend on the type of vestibular disorder, the method of transportation (e.g., train, boat, airplane, automobile), and the conditions and planned activities at the destination.


Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV), Vestibular Migraine

Before my life with Vestibular Migraine I was on the go always, I was a busy corporate Accountant, studying my Master in Business Management, a Dancer and Dance Teacher. I liked being busy and would


8 Steps to Managing Fatigue

People with vestibular disorders commonly report fatigue as one of their symptoms. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to manage your fatigue. Step 1: Understand Fatigue Fatigue is a general term that describes a


Vision Challenges with Vestibular Disorders

Explains the link between the vestibular system and vision, describing the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in detail with information on evaluation, treatment, and coping strategies. Details the special considerations required for vision correction, including glasses and contact lenses.


What to Expect During an Audiological Visit

You've been experiencing dizziness, vertigo or balance problems, and you've been referred for vestibular testing. Read on to find out what to expect from your first visit to an audiologist, and what the next steps


Surgical Procedures for Vestibular Dysfunction

When is surgery necessary? When medical treatment isn't effective in controlling vertigo and other symptoms caused by vestibular system dysfunction, surgery may be considered. The type of surgery performed depends upon each individual's diagnosis and



前庭偏头痛-“头晕偏头痛”   约40%的偏头痛患者伴有一些前庭综合征。   摘要:在美国,偏头痛是最令人衰弱的慢性疾病之一。大约40%的偏头痛患者伴有前庭综合征,包括平衡障碍和/或头晕。大部分偏头痛患者通常没有伴随的疼痛,主要症状是眩晕。偏头痛及其变异型必须在临床环境中通过医学管理、全面的检测和康复技术相结合来诊疗,这些诊疗方法可以为患者带来最彻底和持久的益处。    在美国,偏头痛是最令人衰弱的慢性疾病之一。它的发病率几乎与高血压一样普遍,比哮  喘和糖尿病更常见。更重要的是,偏头痛的高发年龄:20至40岁之间的女性,女性略多于男性。    尽管有更好的诊断能力,并努力提高公众意识和教育,但据估计,至今仍有约50%的偏头  痛患者未得到诊断或治疗不当。许多人对鼻窦或其他非偏头痛类型的头痛进行自我治疗或  治疗时都不恰当。1    偏头痛通常被描述为“病态头痛”,其典型特征是单侧发作、严重的进行性疼痛、疼痛呈搏动性或跳动性,干扰患者日常活动。常常伴随的畏光(对光敏感)或声音敏感(对噪音不  耐受)以及恶心和/或呕吐症状,并常导致无法执行日常任务。    偏头痛和前庭功能障碍    大约40%的偏头痛患者伴有一些前庭综合征,包括平衡障碍和/或头晕。这可能发生在偏  头痛发生之前、期间、之后或完全独立于偏头痛事件。偏头痛和非偏头痛性前庭功能障碍  之间存在一些有趣的相似之处。偏头痛患者的许多食物和环境诱因(见第2页方框)与非偏  头痛性前庭功能障碍患者的诱因相同。激素波动、食物和天气变化(气压变化)通常会加剧  这两种疾病。最后,调整饮食和偏头痛治疗中的某些药物可能会改善或预防偏头痛的前庭  部分。有趣的是,一些治疗疼痛的镇痛药物不能缓解头晕,而治疗头晕的药物通常也  不能缓解头痛。   通常与偏头痛相关的前庭症状的临床表现包括但可以不限于头晕。头部、眼睛和/或身体的运动不耐受;自发性眩晕发作(常伴有恶心和呕吐);眼焦点减弱伴光敏;声音敏感和耳鸣;平衡丧失和共济失调;颈痛(颈痛)伴上颈椎肌肉组织的肌肉痉挛;伴有认知改变的混淆;空间定向障碍;焦虑/恐慌。4    虽然偏头痛常与成人的良性复发性眩晕或儿童的发作性眩晕相关,一些偏头痛患者即使在偏头痛事件停止后会继发良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)。这被认为是由与偏头痛事件相关的血管事件以及神经活动的改变共同引起的。目前认为,这些变化更常影响椭圆囊和/或前庭上神经和前庭上动脉,而不是球囊和前庭下神经和前庭后动脉。    这可能解释了为什么在没有真正BPPV的偏头痛患者中(即偏头痛患者出现类似BPPV的位置性眩晕时),前庭诱发肌源性电位(VEMP)检测的结果通常在正常范围内。   在明显无前庭下神经炎的偏头痛病例中也有类似的正常结果,导致我们相信,炎症实际上是偏头痛导致的,并且是椭圆囊BPPV的产生原因,外周血管和/或颅神经分支产生的局部炎症更容易累及椭圆囊而不是球囊。   然而,VEMP在偏头痛与梅尼埃综合征或BPPV的鉴别上有一定优势。通常在偏头痛事件发生后,VEMP强度指标通常表现高反应,在梅尼埃加重时,受累耳强度指标反应是低反应性的,而在BPPV时,受累耳潜伏期反应通常延长。 


Military Resources

Vestibular Impairment & Military Service While vestibular disorders can affect individuals of any age, background, or profession, military personnel are exposed to unique circumstances that can put them at risk for certain types of inner
