Article Category

Patient Perspective

Suicide Prevention Resources

Are You Feeling Desperate? It's OK To Ask For Help Vestibular disorders can be life-altering conditions, often causing significant disruptions to daily activities and quality of life. The challenges of living with these disorders can


Tips on Applying for Social Security with a Vestibular Disorder

When you decide your medical condition has become severe enough that it has affected your ability to be able to work for at least 12 months, it might be time to consider filing for Social


Wellness Coaches

Supporting Your wellness A comprehensive recovery program includes a medical exam and testing, rehabilitation therapy, and lifestyle accommodations. Health, wellness, and nutrition coaches can be part of your multi-disciplinary healthcare team. Why Use a Coach?


How to Navigate a Relapse

By Karen R Mizrach  A frustrating aspect of vestibular disorders is their tendency to move in an up and down pattern rather than a straight upward path toward recovery. We work hard to take care


Recommend Reading for Vestibular Professionals

Professional Association Reading Lists: American Neurotology Society Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy ANPT Vestibular Special Interest Group Bárány Society Consensus Documents Patient Perspectives: Life Rebalanced Chronicles Docuseries Mind Over Meniere's The Dizzy Cook Viking Wanderer


VSGN Leader Resources

Administrative Documents Report your support group's meeting attendance (required for VSGN members) Support group schedule (let us know what dates you are meeting) Opening statement of intention (please read before each meeting) Support Group Flier


Job Hunting With A Vestibular Condition

Job Hunting With A Vestibular Condition Working is a part of life that contributes to our sense of well-being and importance, not to mention allows us to pay the bills. When a health challenge threatens


What to Expect During an Audiological Visit

You've been experiencing dizziness, vertigo or balance problems, and you've been referred for vestibular testing. Read on to find out what to expect from your first visit to an audiologist, and what the next steps


Light Sensitivity (Photophobia)

Chronic light-sensitivity can act as a catalyst for dizziness, vertigo, lightheadedness, headache and other symptoms that are often associated with vestibular disorders. In this article, we take an in-depth look at the experiences of those with vestibular-related photophobia and offer tips for keeping it in check.


Coping With Tinnitus

Strategies, Tips, Tools and Techniques Tinnitus, the medical term for the perception of non-existent noise, often described as ringing in the ear, is a common symptom among vestibular patients and a difficult one to address.


Addressing Self-Doubt

"It's All In Your Head" Thirty years of experience as a therapist has taught me that, brain chemistry notwithstanding, what causes most psychological problems is internal conflict or self-doubt. I find this self-doubt to be
