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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@asanders I had both done and I have to see a neurologist next week to finalize their findings (the results). 

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Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @asanders
Posted by: @regretvax

@philroy I’ve been having issues since the day I received MRNA and was recently diagnosed with MS. The video makes sense how the proteins and inflammation is spiked. Others have similar symptoms and should check. No doubt about it that poison was put into our body. Was very healthy before this. 

I've been following this forum for quite a time and you are actually the first person I know who got a definitive diagnosis. How sure is your doctor that this is MS? Because your symptoms are pretty much the same with everyone else here.

is it brain MRI or spinal cord MRI (or both) that shows damage? because nearly everyone here had clean MRI results in the first 5-6 months. Now I want to repeat the MRIs because I am at 10 month mark and there might be changes. This time I am planning to have MRI of my arms and legs just in case if I can convince my doctor.


I am 8 mths out, my dr also worry is MS as MS is a gradual and evolving disorder, dr want me to see the neuro periodically for MRI.

I was a perfectly healthy before v....

V has damaged my entire body.

Suspicion of MS and confirmed diagnosis of MS are two different things. From day one when my symtomps of twithcing,tingling, electric shocks, pins and needles  began, I suspected myself (without even going to the doctor) of either MS or GBS/ALS. Now my doctors tell me this still can be MS, myasthenia gravis, systemic mastocytosis, systemic amyloidosis, lupus, lyme ...... because most of the symptoms are similar.  But I havent seen  anyone given an MS diagnosis confirmed by an MRI results showing  damage up until now.  

Thats why I wanted to learn if the damage leading to the MS diagnosis is in the brain or spinal cord.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Asanders

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Ok so still not confirmed MRI. so good news is your MRI will probably be clean. Bad news is your diagnosis will still be in limbo.

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@asanders They say the MRI brain scan is looking like It and they are waiting to confirm it with the spinal tap. 

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Ok. Lets hope it is not MS then. In the past I have searched academic papes about covid vaccines causing MS but found none. This vaccines cause so many diseases but MS does not seem to be one and lets hope it is not. 

My doctors also told me to have repeat MRIs  in 3-6 month periods to see if there is any deteriotion. I guess it is time to have  the second set of MRIs. 

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@asanders Let’s keep in touch. Wish we could share number or email. There is another Medscape and the same thing is happening to them. They have been diagnosed with it too. I tried writing to him and they flagged my comment. Someone is covering up things. 

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Another website called Medscape. 

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Posted by: @philroy
Posted by: @regretvax

@philroy I’ve been having issues since the day I received MRNA and was recently diagnosed with MS. The video makes sense how the proteins and inflammation is spiked. Others have similar symptoms and should check. No doubt about it that poison was put into our body. Was very healthy before this. 

Yes I think inflammation caused by spike protein is q major factor but I also believe there are a whole host of different issues in play.  People are having symptoms of so many types affecting all parts of the body.


i think the vaccine creates a different reaction in different people and serious research is needed to understand the causes and how to treat it.



What were your symptoms?


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Posted by: @watis
Posted by: @philroy
Posted by: @regretvax

@philroy I’ve been having issues since the day I received MRNA and was recently diagnosed with MS. The video makes sense how the proteins and inflammation is spiked. Others have similar symptoms and should check. No doubt about it that poison was put into our body. Was very healthy before this. 

Yes I think inflammation caused by spike protein is q major factor but I also believe there are a whole host of different issues in play.  People are having symptoms of so many types affecting all parts of the body.


i think the vaccine creates a different reaction in different people and serious research is needed to understand the causes and how to treat it.



What were your symptoms?


After first 2 Pfizer shots, hot flushes in lower leg from knee to ankle, pins and needles in feet, itchy shins.  I didn’t relate them to the vaccine too much because they were very mild.

3 weeks after 3rd Pfizer in Jan 2022, the pins and needles was worse, my feet became numb during long periods, itching got worse and also on side of body. I also got some mild tightness in face and chest and a twitch on my forehead. It got better after 2 weeks but then came back again beginning April.

now it appears to just be mild pins and needles mainly in feet, some tingling in other areas and hot and cold feeling in feet.

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@stephenmo please forward the info. I have a lot of these symptoms 

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@philroy I’m glad it’s getting better. 🙂 A lot of people can relate with the pins and needles. It comes out of no where and could last alittle or  awhile. 

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A young girl shares her experience with medications and supplements that help her, very interesting:

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Anyone have organizing pneumonia post vaccine and treated successfully?   

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@regretvax  Medscape is very careful what they let you talk about. It is a pro Doctor medical site. You can't even use word Ivermectin.

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I am not advocating for this therapy, but I do want to know has anyone tried Miracle Mineral Supplement (Chlorine Dioxide) ?  If so what was your response?  Thanks

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