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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@lientonnu I’m not sure? It sounds alike. I also heard that coconut oil could help. I will be fasting this week with it and will let you know if it worked or not. Take care. Enjoy your week! 

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Posted by: @regretvax

@lientonnu I’m not sure? It sounds alike. I also heard that coconut oil could help. I will be fasting this week with it and will let you know if it worked or not. Take care. Enjoy your week! 

It helps with numbing and tingling?  I've been taking 2 teaspoons of coconut oil every day for about a month now.  I am temped to up the amount, but coconut oil is high in bad cholesterol.

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Posted by: @ncoleston

I am not advocating for this therapy, but I do want to know has anyone tried Miracle Mineral Supplement (Chlorine Dioxide) ?  If so what was your response?  Thanks

On the German forum it is told a positive experience, but it is only one post. 
You could register and ask that man directly.

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Im going to try that, again. I used to take that in my coffee. 

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  • @lientonnu 

I will add it to my coffee again. 

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You can also cook with coconut oil. I’m so glad it helped you with the numbing and tingling. Praying it helps me too. 🙂

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Found this on the web:

Due to it's high saturated fat content, it's best to stick to no more than two tablespoons (28 grams) a day. If you're interested in trying coconut oil, it's best used in medium-heat cooking such as sautéing or baking. It should be stored at room temperature in the cupboard to keep it pliable.”

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Posted by: @kimbroce

@lmkk I too have been having static issues. I’ve actually seen static electricity on my blanket at night when I change positions. 

Wow that's so crazy to actually see static on your blankets. I know from school science lessons that all living things give off mild electrical field of energy which can be pictured using a special camera or something. The Victorians used to call it a person's aura. I once went to a fairground where you put your hands on a panel in front of you and your picture was taken showing the electrical field "aura" . For a while after my jab in certain light conditions, usually in low light in the evening I could faintly see the aura around my hands and my husband and kids. I was so freaked out! It hasn't happened for a while but it was strange, I would love to understand what In the world was happening in my eyes/brain to let me see this. 

When the jabs were very first rolled out I heard the odd report of people claiming to have become mildly magnetic free their jabs. At the time I thought the claims were attention seeking and ridiculous but now knowing what I know I'm more of a believer in stuff that we can't explain.

This post was modified 3 years ago by KitKat

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @kimbroce

@lmkk I too have been having static issues. I’ve actually seen static electricity on my blanket at night when I change positions. 

Wow that's so crazy to actually see static on your blankets. I know from school science lessons that all living things give off mild electrical field of energy which can be pictured using a special camera or something. The Victorians used to call it a person's aura. I once went to a fairground where you put your hands on a panel in front of you and your picture was taken showing the electrical field "aura" . For a while after my jab in certain light conditions, usually in low light in the evening I could faintly see the aura around my hands and my husband and kids. I was so freaked out! It hasn't happened for a while but it was strange, I would love to understand what In the world was happening in my eyes/brain to let me see this. 

When the jabs were very first rolled out I heard the odd report of people claiming to have become mildly magnetic free their jabs. At the time I thought the claims were attention seeking and ridiculous but now knowing what I know I'm more of a believer in stuff that we can't explain.

* Correction...after their jabs.

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Posted by: @sunrise

I would like to share a link for a very good interview: “The Latest on Long Covid Research with Dr. Iwasaki”:

At the 49th minute there is talk about a special study: “Yale LISTEN study”:

“The LISTEN researchers will analyze the data for insights about the health of people in the study, including those with long COVID and those with syndromes after vaccination.”

Thank you for posting this very interesting interview and study. Wish they spent a bit more time discussing the vaccine reactions part of the study. It seems the only way many researchers are able to study vaccine reactions is to add that research on to a long covid study. At least long covid and long-haul vaccine reactions do seem to have similar causes (reaction to spike protein) and symptoms.

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Posted by: @philroy
Posted by: @watis
Posted by: @philroy
Posted by: @regretvax

@philroy I’ve been having issues since the day I received MRNA and was recently diagnosed with MS. The video makes sense how the proteins and inflammation is spiked. Others have similar symptoms and should check. No doubt about it that poison was put into our body. Was very healthy before this. 

Yes I think inflammation caused by spike protein is q major factor but I also believe there are a whole host of different issues in play.  People are having symptoms of so many types affecting all parts of the body.


i think the vaccine creates a different reaction in different people and serious research is needed to understand the causes and how to treat it.



What were your symptoms?


After first 2 Pfizer shots, hot flushes in lower leg from knee to ankle, pins and needles in feet, itchy shins.  I didn’t relate them to the vaccine too much because they were very mild.

3 weeks after 3rd Pfizer in Jan 2022, the pins and needles was worse, my feet became numb during long periods, itching got worse and also on side of body. I also got some mild tightness in face and chest and a twitch on my forehead. It got better after 2 weeks but then came back again beginning April.

now it appears to just be mild pins and needles mainly in feet, some tingling in other areas and hot and cold feeling in feet.

Update. I am now positive for Covid.

Symptoms are sore throat, congestion, runny nose, chest cough and muscle aches in upper back.

Neuro symptoms are still the same, very mild tingling, pins and needles in feet.

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@philroy I’m so sorry. I pray they are only mild symptoms and you will feel better soon. Take care. 

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Here is a case study about a healthcare provider who contracted acute vestibular neuritis following a COVID vaccination. Symptoms included dizziness and ataxia and resolved after 7 days.

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Anyone have a chronic cough post vaccine and a remedy for it?

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Hi, how are you feeling now, my mom is really very sick with dizziness. What treatment did you took. No medicines is working. She is feeling miserable. Please share any helpful information. 


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