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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@mchratliff  What brand are you using?

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This could be our only chance to break the matrix:

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Posted by: @heybro

Justin Bieber has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.

Half his face is paralyzed.
I bet it was triggered from the vaccine. 
The vaccine may have caused it or the vaccine may have altered the immune system to a degree that it was allowed to happen when it otherwise would not have.

I thought the same thing and his wife had a mini stroke and micro clots a few months back. Bells Palsy facial paralysis is listed side effect of the jab. Shocking such young people are developing these issues.

This post was modified 3 years ago by KitKat

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Has anyone else experienced pregnancy after these neurological vaccine side effects? 


I was starting to make big improvements- an occasional migraine and minor tingling/pain in my right hand and left foot were that was left at about 4 months post 2nd vaccine. I got pregnant in April and several weeks into pregnancy, symptoms began to get more noticeable again- intensified tingling, muscle pain, and twitching. Anyone else out there? I have an appt with a neurologist next week, who suggested I get an MRI.

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Posted by: @mike411

I thought I'd give everyone an update on what I'm currently taking, why, and my thoughts on it. As background, my symptoms started after a moderna booster on Jan 10, 2022, which at first was super high BP, SOB, and severe headaches that ended me up in ER with BP of 182/110.

To be completely transparent, my vax situation is quite unusual, which is one of the reasons (besides the clear BP issue out of the blue) that doctors more readily accept that I am having a "hyper immune" reaction to vaccines: the Jan 10th booster was my 5th shot and 2nd within 1 week! I know, crazy, right? Well, I was not aware of any downside to vaccines, so here is what I got:

* Jan 2021 - Moderana dose 1 (full dose = 0.5ml)

* Feb 2021 - Moderna dose 2 (full dose = 0.5ml)

* Sep 2021 - Moderna dose 3 (full dose = 0.5ml) --> half dose booster was not yet available so I got a full dose!

* Jan 3rd, 2022 - Moderna dose 4 (full dose = 0.5ml) --> could not find my original vax card so got 2nd full dose on 2nd vax card to avoid omnicron

* jan 10th, 2022 - Moderna dose 5 (half dose = 0.25ml) --> planning trip to Hawaii for spring. Crap, they announce they are likely to start requiring booster shots on cards to get into restaurants and shopping there so I go get my official booster shot on my original vax card. Irony = they ended up never going thru with requiring! Sigh!

SO, in total I have had 2.25ml of moderna. A typical person getting 2 full doses and a half dose booster would be 1.25ml. So I've had 80% more vax than even a boosted person would. My with 4 months I had 3 shots, and within that last week I had 2 shots on top. So, even my doctors have been nervous what would/will happen with me.

My symptoms got progressively worse between Jan 10th and late March: at first I only had BP issue, then BP kept getting worse despite adding more meds. Then big rashes appeared all over abs and back. Insomnia got bad. Then burning skin sensations. I had random muscle twitches all over my body and they'd jump around in seconds. I had knife stabbing headaches and behind stabbing pains behind my left eye. My right ear started twitching CONSTANTLY (which is how I ended up finding this forum). I had 4 days in Feb where I had to urinate literally every 10 minutes and could not leave he house. By March I was having upper left chest deep burning pain/pressure; possibly pericarditis. 

In March I took the IncellDX cytokine test: high on IL-4, TNF-a, sCD40L, VEGF, IFN-Gamma. Did the CellTrends (Germany) autoimmune panel and was positive for 2 auto antibodies: ACE2 (slightly above limit) and MAS-1 (about twice the normal limit).

Today, at 4 months, I am down to: High blood pressure, insomnia, right ear twitching maybe 10 to 15 times in 24hr period. Some of it might be time, but this is only month 4 and I had an insane amount of vaccine so I feel pretty confident it is also what steps I've taken.

Before all of this, I took A TON of supplements every day (38 pills!). I cut almost all of that out. Partly because it might interfere with BP meds and I needed those working as good as possible! and 2nd, because I was concerned that if the wrong supplement had the wrong effect, this could all get worse or last longer.

So here is what I've been doing since mid-March and why:

1. Atorvastatin 20mg - started taking this March 14th. Previously I was on rosuvastatin 5mg for borderline high cholesterol. I switched because I do believe the Patterson theory (spike protein and cytokine inflammation) is one of the core drivers of post vax (and long covid) symptoms, AND I was starting to get increasing Neuro symptoms. Was really scared if those became too established it would be even harder, longer to recover. I realized most neuro is originating in brain and atorvastatin (unlike many statins) can cross into brain to provide anti-inflammatory and spike monocyte benefits

2. Low dose 81mg aspirin - I switched from already taking clopidogrel (anti-platelet) that I had been on for years to aspirin. While clopidogrel is better at fighting blood clotting factors, I really wanted to tamp down my VEGF levels as they drive neuro symptoms. Did not want to risk taking both so made the switch.

3. Vitamin C 500mg (time release) x2 daily - immune modulating and anti-inflammatory but in particular believed to help re-polarize nonclassical (spike carrying) monocytes so the body can better eliminate them.

4. Omega 3 (3g) daily (triglyceride form which is best type) - for anti-inflammation for endothelium; also some evidence that it helps re-polarize 

5. Melatonin 10mg (time release), GABA 500mg, L-Theanine 200mg, Ambient 12.5mg extended release - take to help with sleep BUT the melatonin and GABA also have very important immune modulating effects and can reduce inflammation/cytokines. Melatonin may also help with re-polarization

What I am not taking but would take if I could is Curcumin (bio enhanced form), Black Cumin Seed, and Dandelion root. All 3 are very good at reducing key cytokines like TNF-a. I cannot take because as with lot of herbs they all use common metabolic pathways (CYP3A4), which interfere with medication absorption (like atorvastatin). 

Even though I have taken Vitamin D high dose before all of this, I am Leary taking for now. if there is any negative effect, the half life of vitamin D is 30 to 60 days, so it's not going anywhere quickly! Also, there is some evidence it may prevent monocytes from re-polarizing, which would work against goal of getting rid of spike. I'm 50/50 on taking NAC again at some point 500mg x2 daily. Other than that, staying away from all the other stuff and staying focused for long haul.

Other than the above, I take 1,200mg/day Labetalol (alpha beta blocker) to tamp down my BP to the 140s/90s max vs. much higher before

I plan to re-test cytokines in June and depending on symptoms and those results I would consider doing round of maravoric 300mg x 2 daily and Ivermectin 9mg every 3 days. I also may add back the clopidogrel M, W, F, on top of the aspirin for a couple months to boost effect against clotting factors.

Longer term, I'm keeping my eye on going to Germany end of this year / early next year if my BP (auto immune) does not improve to try a couple rounds of INUSphereses with antibody removing filters if my issue is down to just autoimmune. 

Longer write up than I planned, but hopefully of help to some. The statin and aspirin I'm quite positive had the most effect these last 2 months. Anyways, if I can get alot better after this many doses of vaccine, there should be hope for others. And if others can eventually see BP improve, I'm crossing fingers there can eventually be hope for me!

Thanks for this info Mike, and also explaining why. It's very interesting!!

Mike411, Barb, Mike411 and 1 people reacted
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I am also victim of vaccine covaxin from India.Its been 1 year post vaccination.I had same 24/7 dizziness but diminishing slowly.Not headaches,pots etc.I  am planning to take salmon fish oil and pine needle tea,other teas as told in forum.My relative also have same dizziness after vaccine.I am 42 female.when we are busy like watching TV. Miss that dizziness feeling.I will sleep well with some dreams.I am taking care of my family.manage things.progress in dizziness feeling.good.I think it will take after6 months to go off dizziness completely.lets hope better.I don't have any bp,sugar issues.burning sensation under feet.If coconut oil applied for 2 days sensation gone.

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I am still struggling with my post Pfizer vaccine adverse reaction (first vaccine - 3/2021 - second vaccine - 4/2021). I am starting to feel very discouraged. I have pretty much constant head pressure on the left side of my head that is more apparent when I am sitting, double vision in left eye and my neck is still making a creaky and cracking noise each time I turn it. My numbness, tingling and muscle twitches have pretty much resided which is a positive. I have gotten an MRI, done countless blood tests and I take many supplements that are recommended on the forum. I just need some reassurance or hope that my pain will eventually reside. Has anyone had any similar symptoms that have made a recovery or at least partial recovery? I have had almost perfect health up until getting these vaccines almost a year and a half ago. I am 26 and have been battling these symptoms constantly shortly after I turned 25. Thank you in advance for any hope or encouragement.

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I'm 13 months following my second AZ vaccine which is the worst mistake of my life. I'm still getting dizziness, spacey head feeling, tinnitus, neck ache,  joint aches blah blah. What has definitely made it all worse is stress, without a doubt, since my husband had a TIA two months ago. I've tried every supplement just about mentioned here but I get side effects with everything even multi vits.  I've given up with the doc, not listening or understanding. Now I'm just going to concentrate on pine needle tea and star anise tea to detox. Sorry I'm not bringing good news but I push myself to do daily walks, I have to having a dog, even though my balance is sometimes off and head fuzzy. I also have better moments when I am able to drive, I have to do that too.  Sending best to all.


KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I am 57 and healthy. I walk 5-7 miles a day, go to the gym, eat healthy. I have had all three of the vaccines...the two required, at their required intervals, plus the booster. I never do the flu vaccine because I never get the flu. It also does not have a high enough effective rate to convince me that I need to get it. I had the Pfizer vaccine for all three. I'm not a fan of mix and match like they said you could do. I didn't want to have potential side effects or reactions from mixing.My booster was mid November of last year. My GP had convinced me to do the flu vac at the same time. Going against my better judgement I did it. Everything was so chaotic with the pandemic and then the flu starting up. The first two shots I had the sore arm but not much else. One week after getting my booster and flu shot I had issues pop up. The first was I had memory loss. I couldn't remember my children's names. Then followed other memory issues. I didn't remember my son was at dinner with us....not just didn't remember, it's like he did not exist in that moment when I tried to remember it. I had several other memory lapses....I didn't know what the A/C knobs in my car did, I didn't remember conversations with my husband from the day before,I would run errands and not be able to find my way to where I was going. Then I started having dizziness, migraines, and severely loud tinnitus. I have now been to my GP, a cardiologist, two neurologists, and will be going to an ENT soon (the appointment hasn't been made yet) and to each one I have asked, "Is it possible the COVID vaccine triggered something?". And I get a resounding NO, not possible. How can they say this? I recently found an article that said the flu vaccine can cause an immunological mediated response of VN. How is it the not possible the COVID vaccine could not do it? So, as you can see, my symptoms started months ago and haven't let up. And the medications they are throwing at me are terrible and ineffective. Their lack of empathy and understanding of the possiblity of the vaccine causing this is is even worse. Because I look healthy I believe they are thinking I'm making all this up. But I can tell you this. I am not in the habit of spending my time and money doing nothing but going to doctors. I'd rather be living my life. I will NOT be getting another COVID or for that matter flu vaccine. Can anyone tell me if they've been given medications to help that actually worked? I was given topomax for the migraines (WORST.DRUG.EVER), Meclizine for the dizziness (I had an allergic reaction to it), and Nurtec for the migraines (no effect at all) and now Ubrelvy for the migraines (I was given a sample of one pill. It temporarily helped the headache but I noticed more intense dizziness and a heavy chest, it was hard to take a deep breath.)

This post was modified 3 years ago by Lcweid

Barb, LTN, Tabby and 5 people reacted
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@breanna19 YES!!  You and I had our shots at the same it looks like. I followed it with the booster in November. Three weeks after that I started having terrible dizziness,strong headaches and loud tinnitus plus memory loss issues. And it's unrelenting Nothing seems to help. I've now been to two neurigusts, had AN MRI, multiple blood tests and next week I go to an ENT. I was a healthy 57 year old woman. We are recently retired and had started working in retirement and and travel that we've been talking about for years now. I was looking really forward to my 2nd life. None of this makes sense. I'm not a sick person. I never go to the doctor. All this seemingly came out of nowhere. I've had my suspicions that this is vaccine induced but when I ask all the doctors I get a resounding NO and it's not possible. So, just to let you know,I've been dealing with this since November 2021 and I'm still dealing with it and it's unrelenting and seemingly there is nothing anyone can do. It's like the medical community created their own catastrophe.

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Posted by: @tabby

I'm 13 months following my second AZ vaccine which is the worst mistake of my life. I'm still getting dizziness, spacey head feeling, tinnitus, neck ache,  joint aches blah blah. What has definitely made it all worse is stress, without a doubt, since my husband had a TIA two months ago. I've tried every supplement just about mentioned here but I get side effects with everything even multi vits.  I've given up with the doc, not listening or understanding. Now I'm just going to concentrate on pine needle tea and star anise tea to detox. Sorry I'm not bringing good news but I push myself to do daily walks, I have to having a dog, even though my balance is sometimes off and head fuzzy. I also have better moments when I am able to drive, I have to do that too.  Sending best to all.


Sorry to hear about your husband I wish him a speedy recovery. Please do let us know how you get on with the pine needle tea. I've heard good things about it. I bought some but haven't been able to use it yet as it's not recommended while nursing. So many people I know have had mini strokes recently it's just terrible. 


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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @tabby

I'm 13 months following my second AZ vaccine which is the worst mistake of my life. I'm still getting dizziness, spacey head feeling, tinnitus, neck ache,  joint aches blah blah. What has definitely made it all worse is stress, without a doubt, since my husband had a TIA two months ago. I've tried every supplement just about mentioned here but I get side effects with everything even multi vits.  I've given up with the doc, not listening or understanding. Now I'm just going to concentrate on pine needle tea and star anise tea to detox. Sorry I'm not bringing good news but I push myself to do daily walks, I have to having a dog, even though my balance is sometimes off and head fuzzy. I also have better moments when I am able to drive, I have to do that too.  Sending best to all.


Sorry to hear about your husband I wish him a speedy recovery. Please do let us know how you get on with the pine needle tea. I've heard good things about it. I bought some but haven't been able to use it yet as it's not recommended while nursing. So many people I know have had mini strokes recently it's just terrible. 


Thank you, he's had a rough time of it and it has caused terrible anxiety and depression. The good is news is he has been given the go ahead to drive again but he is taking it slowly, needs to build his confidence back up. He swears it was brought on by the booster jab, he never did feel the same after that. It's very odd but a friend of his had a TIA recently and the other day we were out walking when we bumped into a complete stranger who told us he had one around the same time as my husband. 🤔

I read that pine needle tea or star anise were ways to help rid the body of the spike protein, that's why I'm taking them. I prefer the flavour of star anise but I don't mind either, I'll see how it goes and will let you know, only had two cups so far. This whole experience has been a complete nightmare.

Best wishes 😊

KitKat, LTN, Barb and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @lcweid

I am 57 and healthy. I walk 5-7 miles a day, go to the gym, eat healthy. I have had all three of the vaccines...the two required, at their required intervals, plus the booster. I never do the flu vaccine because I never get the flu. It also does not have a high enough effective rate to convince me that I need to get it. I had the Pfizer vaccine for all three. I'm not a fan of mix and match like they said you could do. I didn't want to have potential side effects or reactions from mixing.My booster was mid November of last year. My GP had convinced me to do the flu vac at the same time. Going against my better judgement I did it. Everything was so chaotic with the pandemic and then the flu starting up. The first two shots I had the sore arm but not much else. One week after getting my booster and flu shot I had issues pop up. The first was I had memory loss. I couldn't remember my children's names. Then followed other memory issues. I didn't remember my son was at dinner with us....not just didn't remember, it's like he did not exist in that moment when I tried to remember it. I had several other memory lapses....I didn't know what the A/C knobs in my car did, I didn't remember conversations with my husband from the day before,I would run errands and not be able to find my way to where I was going. Then I started having dizziness, migraines, and severely loud tinnitus. I have now been to my GP, a cardiologist, two neurologists, and will be going to an ENT soon (the appointment hasn't been made yet) and to each one I have asked, "Is it possible the COVID vaccine triggered something?". And I get a resounding NO, not possible. How can they say this? I recently found an article that said the flu vaccine can cause an immunological mediated response of VN. How is it the not possible the COVID vaccine could not do it? So, as you can see, my symptoms started months ago and haven't let up. And the medications they are throwing at me are terrible and ineffective. Their lack of empathy and understanding of the possiblity of the vaccine causing this is is even worse. Because I look healthy I believe they are thinking I'm making all this up. But I can tell you this. I am not in the habit of spending my time and money doing nothing but going to doctors. I'd rather be living my life. I will NOT be getting another COVID or for that matter flu vaccine. Can anyone tell me if they've been given medications to help that actually worked? I was given topomax for the migraines (WORST.DRUG.EVER), Meclizine for the dizziness (I had an allergic reaction to it), and Nurtec for the migraines (no effect at all) and now Ubrelvy for the migraines (I was given a sample of one pill. It temporarily helped the headache but I noticed more intense dizziness and a heavy chest, it was hard to take a deep breath.)

Hi, so sorry you are experiencing these symptoms too, they all sound so familiar. I too have developed memory issues since the vax, I am very absent minded such as putting food on to boil then going on to do something else and forgetting about it. Other times I go upstairs to fetch something and forget what it was I wanted when I get there, there have been other things too. I never used to be like this pre vax and it's very worrying.

I was given prochlorperzine at first by one doctor then betahistine by another for the dizziness but they made me feel worse, tired, spaced out and dizzy. Another doctor just told me to take multi vits but I was even getting side effects with those. I've tried dramamine and I think that helped earlier on but now it knocks me out, even half a tablet and I'm useless. The only thing that worked for me earlier on was ivermectin. For a whole week I was symptom free but when I stopped taking it my symptoms returned. I live in the UK where you cannot buy it so I purchased it from Canadian pharmacies but it took a couple of weeks to arrive and was very expensive. I did try it the second time but it wasn't as effective, I did take a lower dose the second time though trying to stretch it out a little. If I could purchase it here I'd try it again. I wish I could help you but if it's any comfort, others on this site have recovered, it seems to take longer for some. I was making some headway I have to say before my husband had a mini stroke two months ago but the stress has made things worse.

I hope you feel some relief soon. Best wishes.

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Posted by: @gloriam


I’m so sad for you my journey through hell started two weeks after my second Pfizer on March 17, 2021.  Severe fatigue, dizziness, lightheaded, nausea, off balance and now extreme depression. Fortunately I’m retired, as I wouldn’t be able to work or take care of my now grown three children who don’t recognize me anymore. I went to Mayo Clinic this past April when my migraines increased to daily. All the docs in neurology said there is something really wrong, but none diagnosed anything other than the sleep doc who diagnosed severe sleep apnea and said I needed a CPAP machine that I can’t get before July due to a recall and dramatic shortage in the supply chain. I have spent hours and days trying to get one and am now on a waitlist. This is all new to me, as I still also have the symptoms that started after my second Pfizer as well, but I have yet to find a doc to even acknowledge it could have set off a neurological fire storm in my body. Given big Pharma with no responsibility and docs not willing to even go their, it’s depressing and there are no cures or treatment for those of us afflicted. I follow an anti inflammatory diet and take supplements, but really want my life and me back. I did have COVID but didn’t know it until I tested positive in January for having antibodies to the virus. I’m sure I have long COVID side effects such as POTS which no one can cure or treat. What a conundrum at the least.

Wish I could report good news but it just isn’t there other than I’m still on this planet or I like to think that is good news but with the poor people in the Ukraine and the state of politics and mass shootings in the States, it’s hard to be hopeful. I keep trying not to go there with meditation and positive thoughts, but I beginning to think “thoughts and prayers” may be overrated. 

Hi Gloria, here we both still are, I think we had our jabs around the same time and we've spoken before. I'm so sorry you are still suffering from these horrible adverse effects, it's the same for me too. Some days are worse than others, I cannot remember having a really good day. I read that the spike protein leaves our body after around 15 months, we are nearing that now you and I. Wouldn't that be great if it came true. That would be worth celebrating.

Sending best wishes to you and everyone here who is suffering.😊🙏

This post was modified 3 years ago by Tabby

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@tabby Thank you for your reply. While I hate that I've found people in this same situation, I'm glad I found people in this same situation. I've felt unheard and like I'm losing my mind at times. Since I have in my life, when I've taken any kind of chemical prescription medication, had just horrible reactions to things I choose to use alternative therapies as much as possible. I can't seem to take meds. I just have the worst reactions to them. So I've bought alot of supplements to take.  I'm exhausted by this just being never ending. And I'm not usually a complainer. I see an issue, I tackle it, I resolve it, I move on. Any information will be helpful from anyone that's tried anything with success.

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