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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@joengland so sorry to hear your situ. I'm still working my way through, too (8 mos, 2P). One thing that has personally brought me some relief of vestibular symptoms was looking into the state of my structural spine and neck. I had xrays done and turns out I have some issues at C1 and C2 (misalignment and compression). This places stress on various nerves that actually relate directly to some of my worst symptoms.

Obviously, just the structural stuff alone is not the source of this particular issue we're all having, but for me I think it was making my symptoms even worse. This makes sense to me, especially if my nerves were inflamed to begin with.

After my second chiro visit, I noticed the constant pressure in my head and behind my eyes was gone. And my tinnitus doesn't seem as bad now. I'm going to keep up with treatments and see if there's more improvement.

Not perfect by any means, but I will accept 'better than yesterday' any day!

Wishing you well x

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@mike411 thanks for your advice about Black Seed Oil. I really appreciate it


Thanks for sharing your progress so far. Do you mind sharing the key things (including supplements, diet, detox etc) which you think were beneficial to you. I realise it can be hard especially when one can be taking a few things. It appears you have throughly researched stuff so I imagine a lot of people will value your thoughts (myself included!!)

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Also a big congrats on your progress!!

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Hi! Hope you will get better.. Hope the same for myself.. I developed symptoms last year end of July and pretty much 24/7 had them so far. Main concerns dizziness, like having had a few beers, swaying feeling, and brain fog. Spinning gets a lot worse when I move my head, body.. So pretty annyoing to say the least.. For me, nothing has worked I am afrad. Having had tried different supplements, and diets, and who knows what.. I think the most tangible results were with antihistamines and anti inflammatory medicine. They didnt make the symptoms dissapear but where less noticable. So you may want to try antihistamines. I now have a pack of steroids here waiting for me to try them. I havent taken any other supplement for quite a while and have pretty horrible dizziness atm. So lets see, will start my steroid course on monday and well, honestly, have my fingers crossed that will see a reduction in symptoms..   (or completely gone.. hah, lost hope tbh). age 35, m, perfectly healthy before my pfizer jabs

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Maybe there will be more attention on this now considering JB, has symptoms too.  Wasn't his wife recently hospitalized for heart issues. Theres no way this should happen to people so young.

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Just found this thread and it's a real weight off my shoulders. I've been worrying almost everyday since Sept 2021 about how I've been feeling since 2nd Moderna. Within a few days of the second jab, I felt a really weird flutter a few times (almost nice feeling) in my chest that I'd never had before. I also had occasional, slightly painful tightening around the left side of my chest. Being young adult and male, I was fully convinced that I was suffering from a certain inflammatory adverse affect which I now can't bring myself to write or say given how much stress it's caused me, even though it seems extremely unlikely that I even had it. Anyway, like many here I ended up getting various tests (ECG, blood work and chest x-ray) which all came back NORMAL. This reassured me for a few days, but then came a single random brain zap(?) one night, a stiff neck and shoulders and a feeling of heavy-headedness lasting maybe 5 or so days. Since then, I've had anxiety every day, some days completely manageable, other days really difficult to cope with. 

This has not been helped by a list of random, weird feelings which I could not get my head around until seeing others with similar experiences on this thread, including; electrical feeling in chest, muscle twitching, burning feeling under skin, pain in feet, and involuntary deep breaths. All of these are less frequent now.

Breathing has been an occasional problem at rest however, I think this may be because I've been tracking my breathing out of fear of serious illness and it's caused me to over-breath, hyperventilate etc etc. I have been able to play tennis without any concerning physical symptoms ever since my negative test results.

I feel much better in 2022 than in the later stages of 2021 however, certainly not fully back to normal. The most prominent feeling now is just a feeling of weirdness. Feeling a bit off and not quite right. I think this is linked to heavy-headedness, brain fog etc and amplified by the chronic stress of the past months. I recently found a study (attached below) from a hospital in Greece which found that 95% of patients who presented with chest pain post-vaccine had no cardiac origin found. This would certainly back up the experiences of many on this thread. I found the study quite reassuring given my heart fears, and I hope it helps others too. 

All in all, I don't quite feel my old self but I do think I'm getting better and am reassured by theories on this thread that we're suffering from an over-active inflammatory response, rather than the heart condition that I've been diagnosing myself with for the past 9 months.

I'd be really grateful if anyone- especially young and healthy people- who partly relates to my experience could let me know.

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I would like to make known two supplements that are said, on the German forum, that they are really effective:

- nattokinase - may thin the blood and help break up blood clots

- MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) - reduce inflammation and improving defense against pathogenic germs.

It is well known that post v. side effects have similarities with ME/CFS and Long Covid.

Below, a link about ME/CFS, in which it is discussed about the possible infectious origin of this disease:

Also in Long Covid it is stated about the suspicion of infectious cause, as presented in many YT videos by Dr. Iwasaki, PhD, which explains about the hypothesis of a viral reservoir and the hypothesis about latent virus reactivation.

About the hypothesis of a viral persistence in the gut, as cause in Long Covid, speaks also Dr. Tina Peers, specialist in MCAS (video on YT).

Therefore, it is possible that these are diseases that, although they do not have a clear appearance of infection, could be a chronic infection, which therefore produces chronic inflammation and which is followed by a decrease in defenses against other infectious agents, of those who are already in the body, dormant, or who are new, coming from the outside.

In the video above, the pathological model of a certain parasitic infection is also nominated and it is interesting because agonistic autoantibodies are identified in this condition as well:

Some symptoms in this parasitic infection are similar to some in post v. side effects, for example:

The hypothesis of a parasitic cause must be taken into account because the known symptoms in parasitosis are: headaches, skin ailments, chronic fatigue, persistent digestive problems (cramps, bloating, etc.), itchiness, bleeding gums, anxiety, nervousness, food allergies/food sensitivities, sore/stiff joints, memory problems, muscle pain, weight loss, coughing and shortness of breath, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

Also, an increase in the eosinophils level in the blood. (And many people with adverse reactions on the German forum have reported increased eosinophils.)

A link for information about manifestations in parasitosis:

I'm thinking, many people sometimes take, for example, wormwood oil, the most famous antiparasitic. Maybe someone thinks it's worth a try.

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Have any of you tried SPM Active? People over on Reddit has have some good results from it. I ordered a bottle on a whim and it seems to be doing okay so far, the brain fog isn't as bad and I am feeling more energetic, I will give a few more days and report back on how it is doing. I tried just about every other supplement under the sun, (I've been a long-hauler since Aug 2021)

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Posted by: @emmer

Maybe there will be more attention on this now considering JB, has symptoms too.  Wasn't his wife recently hospitalized for heart issues. Theres no way this should happen to people so young.

I wondered too.

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Posted by: @mchratliff

Have any of you tried SPM Active? People over on Reddit has have some good results from it. I ordered a bottle on a whim and it seems to be doing okay so far, the brain fog isn't as bad and I am feeling more energetic, I will give a few more days and report back on how it is doing. I tried just about every other supplement under the sun, (I've been a long-hauler since Aug 2021)

I did try SPM Active but couldn't tolerate it.  Can't remember what exactly happened, will need to check my notes, but I think maybe heart palpitations or shortness of breath.  It's weird cuz I can tolerate Omega-3's/ fish oil.

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Justin Bieber has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.

Half his face is paralyzed.
I bet it was triggered from the vaccine. 
The vaccine may have caused it or the vaccine may have altered the immune system to a degree that it was allowed to happen when it otherwise would not have.

Thisistoomuch, Barb, KitKat and 5 people reacted
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Hello everyone.

I decided to write here after a long time lurking.

I want to report my situation and hope to find advice.

I vaccinated (Pfizer) in July 2021
a few days later I felt a mild numbling in left hand and foot. Sometimes feeling vibration inside, and feeling the heart beat in the hand.
When crossing legs, I felt like electrical shock a couple of times.
Later on, I also felt numbling in the left side of the face a few days.

Took some neuronal suppliments as well as NAC.
Within two months, it was mostly gone, but after stopping taking them, in a couple of days I felt numbling again.

Anyway, I did the 2nd Pfizer in September.
5-6 days later i experienced a huge pain in the left of the abdomen one morning. It fade out in 30 minutes and never appeared again.
No noticeable changes, all under control.

Suddenly in November I started having a strange heartbeat, which turned out to be extrasystoles.
I was diagnosed as stress, and immediately quit any alcohol. In a couple of months disappeared, but tachycardia stayed.
I have been feeling like 20 years older, experiencing fatigue for no reason.
A few times, when standing up after sitting on the floor, I experienced kind of grey vision.

Symptoms overall improved in February/March (6 months after the 2nd), but since April, they came back.
Even had some episodes of the supposed "brain fog", I guess. Thinking of something, then thinking of something else and immediately forgetting what was the previous thought.
I did MRI to the heart and found that it is fine, implying that an external factor (the autonomic nerve) may be the cause.
Then I did a peripheral neuropathy test and found nothing. All they found was inflammation in the blood test.

I was given B12, and I started NAC again, and I felt better although not continuously.

But at this point it's almost one year since the 1st Pfizer and I am increasingly anxious:
I have new symptoms now. Involuntary contractions of muscles at night, numbling spreading on the right side, and lack of breath at the moment of sleeping, which keeps me awake and makes me feel additionally tired in the morning. Extrasystoles came back. I had a couple of nights of nausea as well.

An additional visit to a Long COVID specialised doctor indicated that my pancreas showed some pain and needs to be checked by ecography. I reconnected this fact to the belly pain of that day. That doctor also prescribed some remedies for nose and gastric acid, as he said that every cause of inflammation may be reflected in the brain, which will on cascade have a bad effect on the nerves as well. I'm not so convinced.
I just started to get Ibuprofen (by my own decision) to reduce inflammation and see what happens.

On these forums I saw some diagnoses as "small fiber neuropathy".
As it seems to be a degenerative disease, it's scaring the hell out of me. I also know that my anxiety over the situation makes the things worse but it's hard to keep focused and positive.
I contacted a neurology-specialised hospitals but reservations are full for a couple of months.
I think I need to act quickly as I am scared of this unexpected decay.
I feel relieved when I read that others recover up to 90%. So what is my case?? What if it will target other organs? What should I do to fight this as long as needed to find a permanent cure to the autoimmune disease?

Please help.





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I had some symptoms that you had too (and others you didn't have). We get vaccinated in the same time (almost 1 year ago). The difference was that I didn't show up to take the second Jab.

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@gabrit20  Unfortunately it does attack the organs nerves and immune system.

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@pcmn Let me know how the steroids work. I couldn't tolerate them.

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