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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@markm90 Yes, brother, I completely agree with you. I got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and after a few days I started seeing these dark spots moving in both eyes about eight months ago. I wish you and me recovery.

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anybody try this called spoon magic.?!

Yep.  A bunch of "malarky"

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Posted by: @sureyansh

@dizzyfromvaccine  Are you still taking Liposomal Glutathione and still symptoms free.i stopped my l glutathione and  symptoms came back.

How are you it’s been a year, how are you making out? Have your symptoms resolved?

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Posted by: @jasonedwarda

Hi All, 

Seeing a lot of posts on here about taking various supplements to help with our various symptoms. 

I am not a GP or a Health Care professional, but I am an athlete and someone who is finely tuned into my body. 

I would recommend that folk take as much care and do as much investigation about what they are eating if not more so than what supplements might help. 

Better still combine the two and you have a really good way of combating the symptoms. 

You can take all the supplements and vitamins in the world, but if you are getting next to no exercise and eating sausage rolls and chips and chugging that down with a can of coke every day (I'm not saying that any of you ARE doing this, but as an example) ..... then that undo's everything !!

Eating foods that are natural antioxidents and natural anti inflamatorys along with the supplements, plenty of water AND LOTS of exercise and doing this consistently will put you in a much better position. 

Super Foods such as. 

Avocado, Leek, Spinach (not too much), Broccoli, Fish (Salmon, Mackeral are good ones), Nuts, Blueberries, Strawberrys (not too much), Banana, Raspberry, Brown Rice, Chicken (not too much), Eggs, small amounts of Cheese, Beetroot.


All of those above can help fight inflamation, provide energy and kill toxins. 

And cut down if not eradicate entirely Alcohol, Fizzy Drinks, Biscuits, any food with pastry in it, Fast Food, Caffiene, Sweets, because those foods create inflamation and can cause toxicity. 

We have to look at it in 3 ways. 

1 Reduce Inflamation

2 Reduce Toxin levels

3 Get LOTS of exercise, get blood flowing through the body, reset the ear, eye, brain co-ordination, give the body stimulus, help with bone density, white and red blood cell health, help the bodies ability to deliver oxygen around the body, boost the immune systems own health (if that makes sense), help elasticity and strength of ligaments and tendons. 

Like I said I am NOT a GP or Health Care professional, but to me this is just a logical 3 pronged approach. 

If our bodies are under attack from the vaccine then we have to attack the attack and the only way we can do that is by getting the body in as better position as we possibly can to fight it. 


All of course in my opinion and I understand that for some doing all of that will be a very hard challenge, but I think if we really and truly want to be rid of these symptoms and get back to something of a normal life than it's worth the sacrifice of a few months and who knows maybe afterwards IF taking this approach works, some of us might find we enjoy living this way and it might open up a whole new world for us, cycling, running, swimming, yoga, the gym, pilates, walking, football, golf, gardening, making films outside, photography anything that gets you outside in the air and moving.

It's time to fight back people !!!

Hi Jason 

i seen that you developed tinnitus from the vaccine as well. What’s the update with you? How are

you? How are things? Have they gotten better?

It would be nice to hear from you. 


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Posted by: @gingerjones


anybody try this called spoon magic.?!

Yep.  A bunch of "malarky"

yes. but after five years.. theres no many thigs to try.

Sorry.. good day for all of you

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Posted by: @carlapucci

@jeneticp  how are you doing. I to have had post shot reaction 3 weeks post my second Pfizer shot on 9/1. It's been almost 5 months of this and still struggling. also had a brain mri showed 13 small lesions they said not associated with any demyelinating disease. 
I'm so scared and nervous. Have another mri and C.R. mri scheduled soon. Please let me know your status hope all is well!

Hi Carla, how are you doing? I wanted to check in with you to see if you are feeling any better and if you had your second MRI. I have a few more lesions than you - I am awaiting feedback from my second neurologist regarding my lumbar puncture results. I hope you are ok

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@debaili Whos your naturopath?

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@chesca17 What is your diet protocol?

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Posted by: @jtranger

@chesca17 What is your diet protocol?

@jtranger if your interested in an animal based anti-inflammatory diet then check out Sally Norton, Paul Saladino, dr Shawn Baker and dr Ken Berry on YouTube you’ll find some very informative videos about the health benefits of an animal based diet. Sally Norton is an expert in oxalates which are defense chemicals found in alot of plant foods that we eat.

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Hi all:  I usually post here about tinnitus as an adverse side effect since both my wife ans I got it from the Moderna booster about 9 months ago.  However, I am also curious to know if anyone on this forum who has posted about chronic, high-level anxiety (with increased hear rate, feeling of shortness of breath, etc.) has gotten any better and, if yes, what helped the most?  For me, my situation is a little complicated:

 1) First, I got the anxiety (almost panic attack level) at the same time I got tinnitus (January 2022). Research indicates that the vaccines definitely cause chronic anxiety by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system.

 2) My tinnitus, and anxiety, seemed to be resolving after about 4 months of taking a combo of vitamins and supplements.

 3) However, I got a relapse of both in June of this year, and they don’t seem to be resolving.  In fact, the anxiety seems to be getting worse.

 4) The complicating factor for me is that I weened off of an SSRI and was transitioning to another one in late May/early June when the tinnitus spike occurred.  So I’m not sure if the spike was just a vaccine relapse or related to the SSRI situation.

 5) I have researched that SSRIs do, in fact in some cases, either cause or exacerbate tinnitus.

 6) My PCP wants me to go back to the SSRI I had been taking for a couple of decades (with no tinnitus side effect) to deal with the anxiety.  This would likely work and resolve the majority of what I’m dealing with, but I am too afraid that the SSRI could/would exacerbate my existing tinnitus.

 7) Therefore, I am at a standstill based on fear and may be keeping myself from doing that which would effectively cure my anxiety and related issues.

Any thoughts/comments/feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks and best wishes to all who are dealing with these vaccine side effects.

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Posted by: @ksharky13

Hi all:  I usually post here about tinnitus as an adverse side effect since both my wife ans I got it from the Moderna booster about 9 months ago.  However, I am also curious to know if anyone on this forum who has posted about chronic, high-level anxiety (with increased hear rate, feeling of shortness of breath, etc.) has gotten any better and, if yes, what helped the most?  For me, my situation is a little complicated:

 1) First, I got the anxiety (almost panic attack level) at the same time I got tinnitus (January 2022). Research indicates that the vaccines definitely cause chronic anxiety by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system.

 2) My tinnitus, and anxiety, seemed to be resolving after about 4 months of taking a combo of vitamins and supplements.

 3) However, I got a relapse of both in June of this year, and they don’t seem to be resolving.  In fact, the anxiety seems to be getting worse.

 4) The complicating factor for me is that I weened off of an SSRI and was transitioning to another one in late May/early June when the tinnitus spike occurred.  So I’m not sure if the spike was just a vaccine relapse or related to the SSRI situation.

 5) I have researched that SSRIs do, in fact in some cases, either cause or exacerbate tinnitus.

 6) My PCP wants me to go back to the SSRI I had been taking for a couple of decades (with no tinnitus side effect) to deal with the anxiety.  This would likely work and resolve the majority of what I’m dealing with, but I am too afraid that the SSRI could/would exacerbate my existing tinnitus.

 7) Therefore, I am at a standstill based on fear and may be keeping myself from doing that which would effectively cure my anxiety and related issues.

Any thoughts/comments/feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks and best wishes to all who are dealing with these vaccine side effects.

I was started on prednisone I’m on day 3. I feel like my eyes wanna start working together. And the sensitivity is slightly slightly better however when I’m exposed to a loud sound it does hurt it still can throw me off but not as bad with the prednisone. I’m praying for this to get better ❤️‍🩹. Seems like every time I feel good someone has

to exacerbate it like with being loud or doors slamming phone slamming dragging shoes when they’re walking or just talking Fucken loud like okay there I know you’re a man you don’t have to talk so  fricken loud I’m like less than 3 feet away. I was having a Fucken amazing morning then I had to deal with this one person and the loudness of their voice or man voice and that Fucken threw me right off I feel so pissed off I literally grabbed my head and said ugh your voice is so loud. My head immediately went funny like vibrating and my hearing went to a higher hiss and my eye felt off and wonky again. I was so fine and doing fine. Ugh I’m still so heated by this. Hopefully it will pass. So

fucken tired of it. I still have 3 more days of being on 60mg of prednisone then I’m being tapered down. I’m thinking of taking some time off to get away so my nerves in my inner ears can heal properly and none of this bullshit Fucken loud assholes. I’ve never had this problem until like June when I seen a different audiologist big regret. I was at a good baseline able to tolerate sounds I was fine then he fucked me up. That’s why I choose not to Fucken shove things in my ears anymore. No more scans so done. 

Zero_PhoBia reacted
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Posted by: @ksharky13

Hi all:  I usually post here about tinnitus as an adverse side effect since both my wife ans I got it from the Moderna booster about 9 months ago.  However, I am also curious to know if anyone on this forum who has posted about chronic, high-level anxiety (with increased hear rate, feeling of shortness of breath, etc.) has gotten any better and, if yes, what helped the most?  For me, my situation is a little complicated:

 1) First, I got the anxiety (almost panic attack level) at the same time I got tinnitus (January 2022). Research indicates that the vaccines definitely cause chronic anxiety by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system.

 2) My tinnitus, and anxiety, seemed to be resolving after about 4 months of taking a combo of vitamins and supplements.

 3) However, I got a relapse of both in June of this year, and they don’t seem to be resolving.  In fact, the anxiety seems to be getting worse.

 4) The complicating factor for me is that I weened off of an SSRI and was transitioning to another one in late May/early June when the tinnitus spike occurred.  So I’m not sure if the spike was just a vaccine relapse or related to the SSRI situation.

 5) I have researched that SSRIs do, in fact in some cases, either cause or exacerbate tinnitus.

 6) My PCP wants me to go back to the SSRI I had been taking for a couple of decades (with no tinnitus side effect) to deal with the anxiety.  This would likely work and resolve the majority of what I’m dealing with, but I am too afraid that the SSRI could/would exacerbate my existing tinnitus.

 7) Therefore, I am at a standstill based on fear and may be keeping myself from doing that which would effectively cure my anxiety and related issues.

Any thoughts/comments/feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks and best wishes to all who are dealing with these vaccine side effects.

Found it interesting that Dr. Patterson said many of his patients with long covid, vaccine injury, etc... have anxiety and depression and when they lower the inflammation of patients, their anxiety and depression improve. He mentions this at about minute 17:25 in this recent talk:

"Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Conditions Including Post-Treatment Lyme"

gingerj, Zero_PhoBia and alia reacted
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Posted by: @nresearcher
Posted by: @ksharky13

Hi all:  I usually post here about tinnitus as an adverse side effect since both my wife ans I got it from the Moderna booster about 9 months ago.  However, I am also curious to know if anyone on this forum who has posted about chronic, high-level anxiety (with increased hear rate, feeling of shortness of breath, etc.) has gotten any better and, if yes, what helped the most?  For me, my situation is a little complicated:

 1) First, I got the anxiety (almost panic attack level) at the same time I got tinnitus (January 2022). Research indicates that the vaccines definitely cause chronic anxiety by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system.

 2) My tinnitus, and anxiety, seemed to be resolving after about 4 months of taking a combo of vitamins and supplements.

 3) However, I got a relapse of both in June of this year, and they don’t seem to be resolving.  In fact, the anxiety seems to be getting worse.

 4) The complicating factor for me is that I weened off of an SSRI and was transitioning to another one in late May/early June when the tinnitus spike occurred.  So I’m not sure if the spike was just a vaccine relapse or related to the SSRI situation.

 5) I have researched that SSRIs do, in fact in some cases, either cause or exacerbate tinnitus.

 6) My PCP wants me to go back to the SSRI I had been taking for a couple of decades (with no tinnitus side effect) to deal with the anxiety.  This would likely work and resolve the majority of what I’m dealing with, but I am too afraid that the SSRI could/would exacerbate my existing tinnitus.

 7) Therefore, I am at a standstill based on fear and may be keeping myself from doing that which would effectively cure my anxiety and related issues.

Any thoughts/comments/feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks and best wishes to all who are dealing with these vaccine side effects.

Found it interesting that Dr. Patterson said many of his patients with long covid, vaccine injury, etc... have anxiety and depression and when they lower the inflammation of patients, their anxiety and depression improve. He mentions this at about minute 17:25 in this recent talk:

"Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Conditions Including Post-Treatment Lyme"

DrL:  Thanks for the reply and link.  I'll be sure to watch this.  Do they have recommendations as to how to reduce the inflammation?  I think the inflammation caused by the vaccines and/or our body's immune system's hyper-response to it is pretty extensive.  I'm taking anti-inflammatory vitamins and supplements but not seeing any appreciable results.  I'm also hopeful that the inflammation does not cause any long-term permanent damage or disease.  Then there's my tinnitus, which is another story but may also be related to the inflammation.  Thanks again.

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Posted by: @ksharky13
Posted by: @nresearcher
Posted by: @ksharky13

Hi all:  I usually post here about tinnitus as an adverse side effect since both my wife ans I got it from the Moderna booster about 9 months ago.  However, I am also curious to know if anyone on this forum who has posted about chronic, high-level anxiety (with increased hear rate, feeling of shortness of breath, etc.) has gotten any better and, if yes, what helped the most?  For me, my situation is a little complicated:

 1) First, I got the anxiety (almost panic attack level) at the same time I got tinnitus (January 2022). Research indicates that the vaccines definitely cause chronic anxiety by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system.

 2) My tinnitus, and anxiety, seemed to be resolving after about 4 months of taking a combo of vitamins and supplements.

 3) However, I got a relapse of both in June of this year, and they don’t seem to be resolving.  In fact, the anxiety seems to be getting worse.

 4) The complicating factor for me is that I weened off of an SSRI and was transitioning to another one in late May/early June when the tinnitus spike occurred.  So I’m not sure if the spike was just a vaccine relapse or related to the SSRI situation.

 5) I have researched that SSRIs do, in fact in some cases, either cause or exacerbate tinnitus.

 6) My PCP wants me to go back to the SSRI I had been taking for a couple of decades (with no tinnitus side effect) to deal with the anxiety.  This would likely work and resolve the majority of what I’m dealing with, but I am too afraid that the SSRI could/would exacerbate my existing tinnitus.

 7) Therefore, I am at a standstill based on fear and may be keeping myself from doing that which would effectively cure my anxiety and related issues.

Any thoughts/comments/feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks and best wishes to all who are dealing with these vaccine side effects.

Found it interesting that Dr. Patterson said many of his patients with long covid, vaccine injury, etc... have anxiety and depression and when they lower the inflammation of patients, their anxiety and depression improve. He mentions this at about minute 17:25 in this recent talk:

"Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Conditions Including Post-Treatment Lyme"

DrL:  Thanks for the reply and link.  I'll be sure to watch this.  Do they have recommendations as to how to reduce the inflammation?  I think the inflammation caused by the vaccines and/or our body's immune system's hyper-response to it is pretty extensive.  I'm taking anti-inflammatory vitamins and supplements but not seeing any appreciable results.  I'm also hopeful that the inflammation does not cause any long-term permanent damage or disease.  Then there's my tinnitus, which is another story but may also be related to the inflammation.  Thanks again.

Hi @ksharky13,

That seems to be a big question - how best to lower the inflammation. Dr. Patterson's approach appears to include statins and a stronger drug called Maraviroc; am not sure of all the lifestyle measures they recommend. A number of people on this site who have recovered have said time was the biggest factor in their recovery, while some others have thought lifestyle factors may have helped - an anti-inflammatory diet; possibly intermittent fasting; drinking enough water to stay well hydrated; trying to get enough sleep; moderate-intensity exercise such as walking; getting out in nature; in general, trying to lower stress as much as possible...; in addition to maybe some supplements such as vitamin b12 and other b vitamins, zinc, magnesium. Will let you know if other approaches seem to work well for people. Tinnitus seems to be tricky to figure out but would agree it is likely related to inflammation and may be exacerbated by overall stress. The one thing that seems to be in common for most people with tinnitus is that it generally improves after a certain time, sometimes after a year or more, if nothing else because the brain eventually adapts to it and is gradually able to ignore it. Wish you the best.

gingerj and Zero_PhoBia reacted
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Well it’s been 5 days on the prednisone and I must say that my hissing in my head has improved from a 7 to a 2…I’m just worried it’ll come back with a vengeance when I’m done this prednisone.

also I don’t feel like I’m off when walking.

also my eyes feel like they’re working better but not to pre vax…but a little better. And it’s like I feel draining in the back of my throat to the back of my head I can’t explain it…I’ll keep updating. How ever I wish I ate clean and refrained from coffee. Cuz I got into the candy and junk over hallowe’en. I wonder if things would’ve gotten better faster. Anyway I’m hopeful. 

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