Has anyone on this forum had any success/results using either Glutathione, Theanine or Magnesium Glycinate with any of their issues/symptoms? I'm considering some/all of these supplements and realize there are certain risks associated with each of them (albeit seemingly minimal). Just looking for some insight. Thanks.
just thought I’d share that.
Well I am trying the olanzipine for a couple more days. It’s calming me down like my sensitivity to hearing has certainly eased up a lot. However I feel like my hissing is a bit louder. I only took 5 mg before bed last night and I slept like I never slept in a long time. I also did get covid I’m getting over that now. I still have medicine head and feel like I have a groggy head. Im gonna take it again tonight I am worried about the tinnitus I mean I can still hear fine. Just hoping it goes away after the sensitivity goes away. I tried to get in touch my with neurologist to ask more questions but his office is closed for the holidays so I’m hoping to hear from her after January. Has anyone tried anti psychotics as a treatment for your injury? I did read 2 success stories one with Josephduncan and mountainmomma on here. But not sure if they’re still experiencing tinnitus after the medication. They were on a similar medication as the one I’m taking.
Hi all, I recently discovered this substack where this doctor explains why so many in the medical community gaslight their patients.
Here is a link to a documentary that just came out interviewing those who have suffered adverse effects from the vaccine.
Wishing those who celebrate a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Hope everyone has a healthy, restorative new year.
@maxdc2 any update on how things are going? What Dr did you end up seeing if you don't mind me asking.
@maxdc2 any update on how things are going? What Dr did you end up seeing if you don't mind me asking.
Good morning
let me just share what I noticed during my COVID infection and my vax injury.
Okay so before covid I had a hearing sensitivity to my left ear along with left eye issues that’s been going on for months. Last week before my infection I noticed my right ear starting along with head pressure top of my head behind my head or temples. I’m like this is January all over again but on my right side. But this time it was different. I noticed when I stood up. Walked around the head pressure would subside. I was freaking out at this point like do I have intracranial pressure? But settle down Margaret I kept telling myself your vision is not compromised it doesn’t feel like your head is going to explode is doesn’t feel like there’s nothing that couldn’t relieve it so you’re good. Anyway, so the days went out my sensitivity was tripled. It was brutal. I also kept taking my Advil to help with any inflammation. I noticed too when I lay down my sensitivity would ease but my ringing would be much louder. So as my covid infection started to get better my sensitivity started to ease down again to my baseline. But what I noticed about my sensitivity as well as I kept laying down to ease it when I was sick with covid was when I moved around and did things it was hardly there. But when I sat still like on the sofa it would come on. Because my dogs nails when he runs all of a sudden really was awful for my ears. But yet I was able to tolerate it when I was up doing things in the house it didn’t bother me at all. So I’m like hey what’s going on here. So here is my thinking. I have inflammation in my head. Because for some reason sensitivity fluctuates when there is less pressure in my head. Because when I’m standing pressure is relieved. I also notice I don’t hear my tinnitus that much too when I’m standing or doing things. So it tells me that maybe there’s so much inflammation on that left side blood flow to it is compromised. Where as when I’m up doing things moving blood flows better because moving causes increased circulation?? Makes sense. Also when I told my neurologist that I stopped working out he’s like you gotta get back in there and start somewhere because exercise is the best thing for your healing.
Just thought I’d share that it might not mean anything to anyone. But that’s what I noticed. Also I have an appointment on January 6th with a functional medicine doc. I had one last week but that was only a meet for her to let me know what to expect and what she may or may not do in terms of the different testing. I said I’m excited. Because she said me might test your hair do bloodwork look at things your regular doctor wouldn’t normally do once I heard that I said this is what I wanted from the very beginning.
merry Christmas 🎄 happy new year everyone. I will definitely update again. Sorry if I sound off. I still got a bit of brain fog from covid also I lost a bit of my sense of smell and taste luckily it’s coming back.
I have a question: has anyone ever caught COVID since your injury? I seem to get this bout of pressure in my head mainly the back of my head. It’s not a headache it was when I bent over to get laundry out of the dryer it came on. Now it’s like lingering. I took an Advil and Tylenol hopefully it goes away I checked my BP and it’s okay it’s reflecting my reaction to whatever’s going on. Seems to come on when I lay down.
Anyway happy holidays.
I would suggest you see a good physiotherapist, it may help. I had this problem after the HPV vaccine (my arm would feel like it was "limp" for months afterwards, it would also feel like it was burning). I was given soft-tissue release and exercises to strengthen my deltoids and rotator cuff. It went away after that.
@twistedgift Can you you tell me more about why you are using the eyedrops. I am dealing with horrible persisten dizzyness and feel a connetion to altered vision. Do you feel the whole thing is inflamatory and the mast cell stablization in eyes helps the swaying/dizzy head symtpoms?
@twistedgift Can you you tell me more about why you are using the eyedrops. I am dealing with horrible persisten dizzyness and feel a connetion to altered vision. Do you feel the whole thing is inflamatory and the mast cell stablization in eyes helps the swaying/dizzy head symtpoms?
My echo showed small pericarial effuson. Do you think this is related to covid vaccine??? I'm 1.5 years out from my 2nd (final) pfizer shot. i never had covid (that i know of) . Thank you!
@margaret2022 Thanks for this link. I've seen it before, but haven't read in detail. I decided to have the VNG/vestibular testing since my last post and expected it to reveal continuing vestibular hypofunction in my left ear. However, I was surprised to learn that both inner ears are normal and I have no uncompensated vestibular problems! The ENT thinks I had Vestibular Neuritis sparked by my body's inflammatory reaction to the AZ vaccine, but that eventually healed. He says this happens about 50% of the time (although the Audiologist who did the VNG/vestibular testing said it's only about 20% of the time).
Both the ENT and Audiologist think my lingering lightheaded dizziness (only when walking) is perceptual in nature and PPPD. Apparently the brain can still perceive dizziness even after the physical cause is healed and this can be exacerbated by stress. I'm not overly stressed, but the ENT correctly said that I have been worried and stressed by the continuing dizziness over the months and that in itself can perpetuate things. The ENT doesn't think I need SSRIs (which they sometimes prescribe, although I wouldn't be likely to take them anyway), but that mindfulness and any relaxation exercises can help along with targeted vestibular retraining exercises. Although the ENT thinks it very unlikely a scan will reveal much, he says doing a routine MRI can occasionally be helpful in revealing things like reduced blood flow from the neck or other issues that may be perpetuating dizziness.
hello how are you doing? Any updates with you? Still have the tinnitus? Dizziness? Have you tried the SSRIs? How’d they work for you?
Well, I seem to be having another spike I my tinnitus. About a week into it now and no idea what sparked it. I am I an area that has been dealing with the horrid cold front and low pressure system, and have had head pressure and mild headache lately, so that could be a possible cause. I don’t have any covid symptoms that I can tell, and have not really interacted with anyone outside my immediate family for the last 10 days or so. It is certainly very frustrating that this keeps happening. It’s definitely louder and much more noticeable lately, a definite spike. Anybody else having a spike in their tinnitus that they think is from this winter weather situation?