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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Also, my tinnitus seems to really spike when I’m in the room with our large flatscreen TV on. Thinking EMFs?  Anybody have thoughts/info on this?

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Posted by: @ksharky13

Well, I seem to be having another spike I my tinnitus. About a week into it now and no idea what sparked it.  I am I an area that has been dealing with the horrid cold front and low pressure system, and have had head pressure and mild headache lately, so that could be a possible cause.  I don’t have any covid symptoms that I can tell, and have not really interacted with anyone outside my immediate family for the last 10 days or so.  It  is certainly very frustrating that this keeps happening.  It’s definitely louder and much more noticeable lately, a definite spike. Anybody else having a spike in their tinnitus that they think is from this winter weather situation?

my head pressure and headache and also increased sensitive hearing started 6 days before I tested positive. Also I found once the cold weather came on I noticed my head pressure did increase. But I didn’t notice a increase in tinnitus. During my COVID infection I did notice increase in headaches and head pressure. Then I learned from more than 5 coworker and my In laws that their pressures lasted some time after their covid infection. 
have you thought of trying your ssri’s? Are you sleeping well? Check out mountainmomma and Josephduncans posts on their profiles they both took an ssri and it helped with their symptoms. Just seems like hope. I know that doesn’t really help, All the best. 


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@chechem86 wow I thought I was reading my own post. You literally have every symptom I have had on and off for the last year. No neurologist had ever mentioned that to me but in all the reading I've done I keep coming back to that (FND)


I also believe the Vx does what Covid supposedly does; reactivates old viruses that may have been dormant. (Lyme, ebv etc)Every test I have had done (basically head to toe inside out) points to my body fighting something. But they don’t know what. 

i hope for everyone this is just something that takes time to fully recover from.

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At least some researchers are starting to acknowledge that covid vaccines could cause POTS and other neurological conditions:

"For new diagnoses made after vaccination, we found that the five conditions with the highest post-vaccination odds of new diagnoses were myocarditis, dysautonomia, POTS, mast cell activation syndrome and urinary tract infection (UTI)."


alia reacted
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Posted by: @chechem86

Hi everyone, 

I found this forum 6 weeks ago, when after a virus I started getting parasthesias, body jerks, waking up with numb limbs, nerve pain all over (including teeth, jaw, eyes, throat) random rapid heart beats, and sweating in the night, chest pain, other times I had chills, feeling of being freezing cold with ice all over me, blurred vision, gi issues, increased urination, head pressure, clicking bones, rashes and itchiness! All of these have been intermittent, usually milder through the day, and coming on at night, swapping and changing etc.. The first 2 weeks were incredibly intense and absolutely terrifying, 3 trips to ER, blood tests at doctors too, brain MRI, full spine MRI, all clear. My symptoms tend to ramp up at night, and have definitely improved the last few weeks, still have alot ongoing though, again mainly at the night. I’ve started a program called DNRS which is to do with brain retraining. I’m on a plant based diet, with the exception of chicken and eggs. And I’m taking a multitude of vitamins every morning. 

I’ve seen many doctors, and neuros, and I have been told that I am suffering from something called ‘functional neurological disorder’ apparently it’s triggered by a trauma, virus etc.. and the brain has had enough, everything is working and functioning, but the incorrect signals are being sent, he also described the symptoms like the game Wack a mole, you hit one down and another one pops up. He said it causes all symptoms to do with the nerves all around the head and body, and it’s most definitely something we all recover from, he said it all needs to be reset and restored. So mindfulness, trying not to focus on it, getting the body into rest and digest. I had it bad the first couple of weeks, a lot of my symptoms have disappeared, my temperature has regulated, I don’t get body jerks, numb limbs, the head pressure is just the odd headache now, and my nerve pain has changed and is less, it just feels like little random stings now in random places. Still other ongoing things though.  I have faith. 

I wanted to sign up and post this for others, I will sign off of this now and I’m staying away from forums and Google becasue the mental anguish is harder than the physical anguish sometimes. I wish you all a speedy recovery.

But I wanted to mention what I’ve been told I have, as my symptoms match everyone else’s, if anything I feel have more lol. And I’ve never seen anyone say or come across this disorder anywhere in the last 6 weeks. 

All the best and I hope that everyone has a great Christmas in spite of all this xx 


was it the covid virus that caused it? Or the vaccine?


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Posted by: @ksharky13

Posted by: @sunrise


Have you read this post?

@sunrise:  Thanks for the link.  I had not read that before.  For me, I'm not really dealing with any discernable neuropathy (at least yet!).  My major issues are tinnitus, a kind of mild to moderate brain fog/light headedness, and chronic anxiety/panic syndrome.  I'm 10 months in now and am slowly losing hope that this might be temporary.  My tinnitus spikes pretty frequently now, and with no real reason so far as I can tell.  And there's so many opinion out there about what vitamins or supplements or other "things" to take or do, and so many "diagnoses" related to so many adverse side effects that it's hard to keep track.  I think for me (and a lot of others) it's related to mast cell activation syndrome (MACS) or a cytokine storm.  I don't where where to turn to get tested for either of those issues, let alone what to do about them.

The worst part for me is that I definitely do not feel like the person that I was before this happened.  I'm a few years from retirement and was looking forward to a relaxing and enjoyable retirement, but that doesn't seem like it's in the cards anymore. I worked and saved for decades to have a nice retirement and now I feel like this.   Hope things are better for you.


it seems like only holistic or natural practitioners test for these things. Check out this YouTube video from functional medicine dr Jamie and dr Judith.

my official appointment with a functional medicine dr is Jan 6th. I can’t wait to see what kind of blood work she orders and why she’s ordering it. I’ll share that info as well.


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Posted by: @margaret2022

Posted by: @ksharky13

Well, I seem to be having another spike I my tinnitus. About a week into it now and no idea what sparked it.  I am I an area that has been dealing with the horrid cold front and low pressure system, and have had head pressure and mild headache lately, so that could be a possible cause.  I don’t have any covid symptoms that I can tell, and have not really interacted with anyone outside my immediate family for the last 10 days or so.  It  is certainly very frustrating that this keeps happening.  It’s definitely louder and much more noticeable lately, a definite spike. Anybody else having a spike in their tinnitus that they think is from this winter weather situation?

my head pressure and headache and also increased sensitive hearing started 6 days before I tested positive. Also I found once the cold weather came on I noticed my head pressure did increase. But I didn’t notice a increase in tinnitus. During my COVID infection I did notice increase in headaches and head pressure. Then I learned from more than 5 coworker and my In laws that their pressures lasted some time after their covid infection. 
have you thought of trying your ssri’s? Are you sleeping well? Check out mountainmomma and Josephduncans posts on their profiles they both took an ssri and it helped with their symptoms. Just seems like hope. I know that doesn’t really help, All the best. 


Hi:  I am not taking my SSRI right now.  Too afraid of the ototoxicity which could make the tinnitus worse.  I’m sleeping fine.  I take 5mg of Melatonin in the evening which helps.  My current spike is very reminiscent of previous episodes:  involves sore neck muscle on the right side that goes up the back of the skull and “into” the brain; headache mostly on the right side, and pressure in head/ear. All resulting in a tinnitus spike.  I have no idea what causes these relapses or what to do about them.  I started taking magnesium glycinate a couple of weeks ago.  Not sure it’s helping with the tinnitus or anxiety yet – mat take a little longer.  How are you doing?  Have you come across anything that has helped?  Please post and let us know what the functional medicine MD has to say/prescribe.  Thanks.


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I am hoping for someone can help calm my nerves. I went to get a second opinion from another neurologist. He suggested I get a spinal tap, but also mentioned parkinsons many times, I have never even gone down that road. Has anyone else had weak muscles (when I flex they kind of shimmy on the way down, same with my hands/wrist and legs. This all stated the same time as all of other symptoms. He seemed just really concerned about that.....He did say he has seen a TON of vx injuries, but hasn't seen anyone with this specific symptom. I do not have a tremor at rest anywhere (sometimes Ill get a random jerk when Im laying down but that also started when everything else did in the beginning and seems better now)...ty in advance!

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Hello! I discovered this page a few days ago, looking for my symptoms.

I had my 2 Pfizer jabs in October/November last year. No side effects then. 6 months later discovered a morning blood pressure of ~180/100 and a heart rate of 120-140. Was prescribed 2 pills of 250 mg methyldopa and 2 of 5mg ivabradine a day. Blood pressure was under control but then rose again. Had several ekg and abpm holters. Currently on 2,5 mg bisoprolol, 250mg verapamil and 3 or sometimes 4 pills of 250mg metildopa.

A month ago I started having little muscle spasms all over my body. Recently I had muscle weakness in my right leg and walked awkwardly. Now experiencing little spastic movements of my right leg and arm and random pain in random places.

Anybody that has had such issues, this late after the vaccine?

This post was modified 2 years ago by vax

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Posted by: @kg1986

I am hoping for someone can help calm my nerves. I went to get a second opinion from another neurologist. He suggested I get a spinal tap, but also mentioned parkinsons many times, I have never even gone down that road. Has anyone else had weak muscles (when I flex they kind of shimmy on the way down, same with my hands/wrist and legs. This all stated the same time as all of other symptoms. He seemed just really concerned about that.....He did say he has seen a TON of vx injuries, but hasn't seen anyone with this specific symptom. I do not have a tremor at rest anywhere (sometimes Ill get a random jerk when Im laying down but that also started when everything else did in the beginning and seems better now)...ty in advance!


the neurologist I saw suggested a spinal tap as well to test for inflammation and intracranial pressure. I felt like this wasn’t what I needed at this time. He wanted me to take olanzipine to help calm my nervous system down. I did take one dose and I slept for two days on and off. I also heard my tinnitus go up a bit but it eventually went back down after the meds wore off in my system. But I also had COVID at that time too. He also gave Alex a course of prednisone very high dose for a few days then tapered down. If you’re not comfortable with the neurologist you saw you are definitely entitled to a second opinion. Also my dad had this type of issue like jerks muscle twitches after his first vaccine. In his case his blood work showed his hemoglobin dropped to 62 and he needed blood transfusions. Which helped him. Then he felt better to get his second dose because the doctor told him to go and get it. Sure enough he was okay. But then his brother died of covid and there had been a few other deaths in the community covid related so he went and his third dose. Then the muscle twitches and tremors came back. So during that time as well he happened to get gout which in his case got prednisone to treat it. The tremors and muscle twitches got better. I knew it was related to the vaccine but the doctors denied this. Then few symptoms lingered around and he ended up getting gout again and prednisone again to treat it and then no more symptoms. He’s back to normal. So the prednisone did him good. That’s just his experience. Of course I got COVID over the holidays it was brutal for me because it caused my hearing sensitivity to spike up and pressure in my head. I felt awful. So I’m like 10 days post covid and today I experienced heart palpitations and heart fluttering. That lasted for at least a good 20 seconds I couldn’t just shake it off. I got scared very scared. I said FML and what next. I told everyone at work what happened incase I passed out or something. I have an appointment tomorrow too as well…I definitely will be bringing this up. Also I remembered my friends husband coming in for chest pain fluttering and palpitations not long after his covid infection. So I messaged her and told her what happened she said that’s exactly what happened to her husband. She said he had to quit caffeine, pop and tea. But they still continued to come on. And they lasted for 3 weeks. They would come in waves not every day. He’s now back to drinking coffee and tea and isn’t having any issues. Best of luck to you keep us posted. Hope you feel better. 


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Before the coronavirus, I was an absolutely healthy person. I did not have depression, although I am an emotional person and difficult situations have happened in my life.  Therefore, at first I attributed my fears and worries to the unknown.  My husband was not immediately diagnosed with covid.  For some time we were treated, not knowing from what.  Especially when it was quarantine.  In July, I finally found a normal therapist, and he prescribed me a drug that people who have had a stroke drink.  After it, I felt better, and I thought that I would return to a normal life.  But the apathy and depression have not gone away.  Panic sets in pretty quickly, fear of death - with cries for help and so on.  Or a strange humility comes over with the fact that you are supposedly dying.  Loss of desire to fight the disease.  I realized that I was no longer withdrawing and decided to sign up for an online appointment with a psychotherapist there because after the illness it was necessary to keep quarantine.  He diagnosed me with a depressive disorder

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New video about LC, with Dr. Amy Proal

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@margaret2022 I am not sure I will get the spinal tap. I feel at this point every dr or specialist goes down a different path because no one really knows. It just becomes more overwhelming  to hear every Dr tell me a scary but "unlikely" list of diseases. I have clear MRI's (basically clear nothing that would suggest a disease). I have had an abdominal ultrasound, head neck and spine MRI's, nerve conduction/EMG test, all normal. I have had some labs flagged but again no one can really put it all together and I am sure if EVERYONE had the amount of bloodwork done that I have, we all have something that is a little higher or lower than normal.


I have never heard of parkinsons coming on basically overnight with FULL body symptoms I think he is trying to say the only things he has seen that produce this muscle weakness/tremor. I do not have a shake or tremor at rest...only when I am flexing my wrist/bicep/arm...if I lift myself on my toes I shake coming back down..its worse on the down flex while working out as well..even my abs.


I try to stay positive, since there had been months where I barely have symptoms, makes me really hope this is not "progressive" if it comes and goes. It has just been flaring up for about 3 months now, finally the back pain and a few other issues have simmered down. I think anxiety makes the muscle shakes and pins and needles worse honestly, as well as caffeine or alcohol. They also cause me to have crazy heart flutters and racing heart. I have symptoms that come and go on a daily basis, most of it I learn to live with because I know they will be gone in a day or two...its crazy.


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@margaret2022 I am not sure I will get the spinal tap. I feel at this point every dr or specialist goes down a different path because no one really knows. It just becomes more overwhelming  to hear every Dr tell me a scary but "unlikely" list of diseases. I have clear MRI's (basically clear nothing that would suggest a disease). I have had an abdominal ultrasound, head neck and spine MRI's, nerve conduction/EMG test, all normal. I have had some labs flagged but again no one can really put it all together and I am sure if EVERYONE had the amount of bloodwork done that I have, we all have something that is a little higher or lower than normal.


I have never heard of parkinsons coming on basically overnight with FULL body symptoms I think he is trying to say the only things he has seen that produce this muscle weakness/tremor. I do not have a shake or tremor at rest...only when I am flexing my wrist/bicep/arm...if I lift myself on my toes I shake coming back down..its worse on the down flex while working out as well..even my abs.


I try to stay positive, since there had been months where I barely have symptoms, makes me really hope this is not "progressive" if it comes and goes. It has just been flaring up for about 3 months now, finally the back pain and a few other issues have simmered down. I think anxiety makes the muscle shakes and pins and needles worse honestly, as well as caffeine or alcohol. They also cause me to have crazy heart flutters and racing heart. I have symptoms that come and go on a daily basis, most of it I learn to live with because I know they will be gone in a day or two...its crazy.


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Before the coronavirus, I was an absolutely healthy person. I did not have depression, although I am an emotional person and difficult situations have happened in my life. Therefore, at first I attributed my fears and worries to the unknown. My husband was not immediately diagnosed with covid. For some time we were treated, not knowing from what. Especially when it was quarantine. In July, I finally found a normal therapist, and he prescribed me a drug that people who have had a stroke drink. After it, I felt better, and I thought that I would return to a normal life. But the apathy and depression have not gone away. Panic sets in pretty quickly, fear of death - with cries for help and so on. Or a strange humility comes over with the fact that you are supposedly dying. Loss of desire to fight the disease. I realized that I was no longer withdrawing and decided to sign up for an online appointment with a psychotherapist because after the illness it was necessary to keep quarantine. He diagnosed me with a depressive disorder

This post was modified 2 years ago by Chandra

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