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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @heybro


Nattokinase and Serrapeptase are helping me with my nerve problems.

Natto must be taken as a coated tablet so it survives your stomach acid.

Both must be taken on an empty stomach.

Natto has been proven (NIH study) to degrade spike protein in the lab.

Natto and Serra get rid of inflammation, scar tissue, cytokine storms, and dead cells.

They have made the nerve problems in my hands and feet go away and allow me to sleep!



if that’s the case your issue could be related

to microclots. That’s the natural drugs used

to treat for microclots. For those who chose not to take high doses blood thinners.


also I read an article that the vaccine and covid messes with our gut microbiome google it I’m sure you’ll find something i came across it on the Facebook group im a part of neuro V hauler. There are better resources on there than here. But thank you for coming back on here to update us.

if I come across that article I will share. But im

sure if you google it’ll pop up.


also how long were you on the natt and st before

you saw relief ??? That would be interesting to hear. Also how much of them are

you taking ?? And has it helped for any other symptoms you noticed?? I’m at my wits end. I’m starting to feel like I’m not vax injured.

also my daughters ringing in her ears got worse yesterday when we were travelling and she said her head would start pounding hard she couldn’t walk far cuz if would pound. I gave Advil it helped. But the ringing got louder she said and she’s only 10. My heart breaks. I started her on vitamins and giving her vit d drops daily. I’m so f’n sick of this shit. My poor daughter. I hate myself for giving. Her the vaccine she didn’t even need it she said her head got heavy the day after her vaccine. She got it dec 2021. Itlll be 2 years in December coming and it’s only getting worse. I’m so upset of this Fucken shit heat care system we have. Now they’re Fucken dropping mandates and saying we’re no longer in a pandemic what a Fucken slap in the face. Who’s gonna help me and my daughter no one. And to top it off my Fucken shit for a prime minister said “ I did not force anyone to get the vaccine” some fucken nerve. I hope he rots in hell. Along with the rest of them. That’s my rant. 


This post was modified 2 years ago by Thisistoomuch

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Well I purchased NattoKinase and serra combined

by Doctor's Best Natto-Serra on iherb I read the reviews and seen a couple posts on there form ppl with vax or covid injuries that saw improvement. So it’s worth a shot. I just hope to get some results from it. I ordered the lowest doses possible to start off small…I will be purchasing both the combination of them and separate ones. I still gotta find more articles and reviews on how much dosing. One couple said it improved with their vision issues from the vaccine. That right there caught my eye. I suggest you read up on it. I’m just hoping for a good outcome from this. I will update you guys. I pray every day for everyone whether you believe in a god or creator or not. That we will get better and have better days. 

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@simplicity2378 hi! I’ve been struggling with vertigo/dizziness for exactly 2 years now too. Hang in there, I know what you’re going through <3

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@simplicity2378 hi! I’ve been struggling with vertigo/dizziness for exactly 2 years now too. Hang in there, I know what you’re going through <3

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@simplicity2378 hi! I’ve been struggling with vertigo/dizziness for exactly 2 years now too. Hang in there, I know what you’re going through <3

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@simplicity2378 hi! I’ve been struggling with vertigo/dizziness for exactly 2 years now too. Hang in there, I know what you’re going through <3

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Interesting video about the deficiency of copper, vitamin B1, folic acid, B12 and gluten sensitivity in connection with the C19-infection.

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Posted by: @stars182

A good news update 22 months after my first and only Pfizer shot I'm going to talk about Tinnitus.

Tinnitus and the Buzz in my ear is still here, but it's very low (I only remember it if I pay very attention) and sometimes the loud Spikes are much less frequent and with much larger spaces. And when they appear they only last for 1 day instead of weeks like before.

Sometimes (very rare that I don't even remember) dizziness happens but it passes in 20 minutes.

Remembering that I took 1 dose only so maybe it takes longer for those who took 2 or more doses.

@stars182: I wanted to reach out to ask for any information, suggestions, etc. you can share about your tinnitus recovery.  Did you take any specific supplements for tinnitus? Was your tinnitus the typical ringing in the ear or more of a brain electrical buzz/ring?  Mine is the in-the-brain kind and primarily in my right ear  I got it from a Moderna booster (I think they call it the Moderna hiss).  As I mentioned in my previous message I may have also exacerbated it by going off my SSRI last summer.  The fact that yours eventually mostly went away gives me some hope.  Any feedback you can share would be appreciated.  Thanks.


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@stars182: I wanted to reach out to ask for any information, suggestions, etc. you can share about your tinnitus recovery.  Did you take any specific supplements for tinnitus? Was your tinnitus the typical ringing in the ear or more of a brain electrical buzz/ring?  Mine is the in-the-brain kind and primarily in my right ear  I got it from a Moderna booster (I think they call it the Moderna hiss).  As I mentioned in my previous message I may have also exacerbated it by going off my SSRI last summer.  The fact that yours eventually mostly went away gives me some hope.  Any feedback you can share would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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A very informative video

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Aşıların zararlarını görebilir.Sanayı gördüm.


Kulak çınlaması ve baş döndürme olan herkese tavsiye ederim

Heavy metali öğretin, özellikle sigara içmeyi

ağır metal raporunuza bağlı 


bol bol sarımsak, yer fıstığı, selenyum içeren besinler yemelisiniz> Muz, ayçekirdeği, çinko, magnesium

d vitamini 




Folik asit 




ilk önce minerallerini tamamlamalısın 


Acıktığınızda glutatyon yemelisiniz...( günde bir)


iyi ve en iyi olacaksin


Dikkatli ol 


This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by ozkanozkan

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Posted by: @ozkanozkan

Aşıların zararlarını görebilir.Sanayı gördüm.


Kulak çınlaması ve baş döndürme olan herkese tavsiye ederim

Heavy metali öğretin, özellikle sigara içmeyi

ağır metal raporunuza bağlı 


bol bol sarımsak, yer fıstığı, selenyum içeren besinler yemelisiniz> Muz, ayçekirdeği, çinko, magnesium

d vitamini 




Folik asit 




ilk önce minerallerini tamamlamalısın 


Acıktığınızda glutatyon yemelisiniz...( günde bir)


iyi ve en iyi olacaksin


Dikkatli ol 



awhh I tried to translate this post but it didn’t show up…curious to what you wrote 


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25:30 Dr. Anthony Komaroff, who has been studying ME/CFS for over 40 years, shows the similarities between ME/CFS and LC:

34:40 List of microorganisms that lead to such chronic symptoms.

35:50 List of mechanisms:
-Low generation of ATP from O2, sugar, fats, aminoacids
-General hypometabolic state
-Oxidative stress
-Mast cell activation syndrom
-Gut microbiom dysbiosis (more pro-inflammatory species)
-Endothelial dysfunction/coagulopathy
-Reactivation of latent herpesviruses
-Small fiber neuropathy
-Exausted CD8+ T cells and NK cells
and more.

37:50 Pathological mechanisms are interconnected, but this also means that (1:00:00) any of them is approached therapeutically, leads to the relief of the others.

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OMF's StudyME for individuals affected by Chronic Complex Diseases: ME/CFS, LC, Fibromyalgia, and other post-infection illnesses

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An informative video: supplements recommended by dr. Amen in the case of a lady affected by brain fog following the C19 infection.

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