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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @sunrise

An informative video: supplements recommended by dr. Amen in the case of a lady affected by brain fog following the C19 infection.

@sunrise:  Thanks so much for continuing to post these videos.  It’s refreshing to see some information that provides some horde for the horde of vaccine sufferers. For me, my high pitch tinnitus has not resolved and actually seems to be getting slightly worse over time. There was one person on here (didigo/@stars182) who said that his tinnitus finally resolved after 16 months, which is right about where I’m at now.  So maybe there’s hope, but I don’t have much faith in that anymore.  Unfortunately, this forum is basically DOA anymore.  Assuming most people have just moved on to try to deal with life the best they can.  I can’t imagine that everyone just all of a sudden got better.  I guess the bottom line it that the damage is done, and we are now on our own.  Although the medical/research communities do seem to be acknowledging that the Covid vaccines did, in fact, cause some serious and unanticipated adverse side effects and are starting to look into some of the more formally.  As a result of this experience I have gone total anti-pharmaceuticals and don’t trust anything anymore; vaccines, medicines, supplements, etc.  Hope you are feeling better.  Please keep posting information you find.  Take care.


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Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems with Dr. Joseph Colombo

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Posted by: @kg1986

Posted by: @jwills1

This is a phenomenon I keep coming across on different forums, many people are having relapses right at this time of year, me included. Mine started 2 weeks ago and a lot of my original symptoms like vertigo came back and the burning skin is particularly bad. We’re learning that new variants are doing the rounds so it could be this, and where I live, it’s the rainy season so pressure changes can also aggravate neuropathy. I just hope this isn’t undoing all the progress!



Posted by: @margaret2022

Oh my goodness i am having a relapse. I got covid over Christmas now I am having heart flutters..which started about a week after my covid…then I ended up with vertigo one morning…about a week after heart palpitations started and the vertigo went away when I got up…I got nauseous to with it…then I started to get head pressure towards the day afternoon…now I have like an electrical nerve shot feeling in my body like I feel im on edge or nervous…my hearing sensitivity is pretty bad too where I feel dizzy when around loud sounds. Not sure what’s going on. Question for you when you had your relapse did you get covid or have anything viral? Just wondering what brought this on. Or if it’s even covid related relapse…I’m at home I feel so nauseous…I have an appointment today hopefully I can get more time off work. 


Interesting because for me it was around November 21' that my symptoms appeared (a few weeks after VX and also after a Virus that was not covid), and then this year around the same time it all came back pretty fiercely after a cold/virus (maybe covid? who knows)...I am going on 12 weeks now and several wasted appointments/labs/imaging at every dr..still no answer. I decided I am done trying to seek out every specialist, they all have theyre own narrative and all it does it make my anxiety worse hearing more and more horrible diseases that exist. I am sticking to my integrative Dr and all my supplements, healthy diet and I finally started exercising again after months..I feel weak and shaky but I think that will get better over time. My back pain and spasms are starting to dissipate, along with nerve pain and pains and needles, ringing in my ear and gi vision I think will always be wacky and I can live with that for now I just want to get thru this relapse, hope my shaky muscles improve and pray sometime soon someone comes up with an explanation. Seems like this is starting to become more and more common so it has to be acknowledged at some point.


Side note...warmer weather seems to be my only time I feel great...whether vacation or summertime, I barely had any symptoms, as soon as the cold weather hit everything seemed to start back up, not sure if that is coincidental or not.



did you recover from this relapse? How are you doing now?


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@maxdc2 Hi Max, Are you feeling better now after chlorine dioxide? Did it help?

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From July 5 to 9, there will be free access to watch 24 interviews in which treatment methods are discussed:

The German version was already free accessible, now a payment is required:

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Interview with Dr. Beate Jaeger

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@simplicity2378 Hello! I have been struggling since July of 2021 since my first and only shot as well (Moderna). I have periods of time when the symptoms seem to be better, but then they return. I have tried to identify triggers- stress, alcohol, sugar, exercise- but it is not always consistent. They are certainly better overall, the first 9-12 months were terrible. Primarily I get intermittent pins and needles in my legs and feet, am easily fatigued, and have heart racing from minimal activity. Everything seems to align with long COVID, though there is minimal focus or discussion on the shots causing this, thought I have found a few reputable articles. I am sorry that you are still struggling too.

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@sweetie Hey, I'll be brutaly honest, No...... I took 250ml of cds all in all over 1 month... Maybe i should have done more, it helped slightly i must admit this, but nothing major... I'm just soo fed up now, don't know what to do anymore, tried nattokinase but it gives me palpatations.... I'm thinking of going for parasites like many holostic docs are saying, target parasites first, the shots were loaded with them supposedly.. Youtube and Dr John Campbell aren't helping, continous bad news every week,excess deaths are at an all time high... I'm at the point of just accepting being walking time bombs.... They wont ever figure out whats been screwed up unfortunately...

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Hi everyone I'm a long hauler here, posting since 2021 with symptoms of dizziness, headaches, stiff and aching joints, stiff neck and so on. Had two astrazenecca shots. I am still getting these symptons, I've had periods of respite but for several week my symptoms have been as bad as ever. Doctor said my neurological tests all look fine, ears look ok. I've tried just about everything that people here have tried. Nothing works just give me side effects. I think the hot weather makes things worse for me and stress. Just thought I'd let you know you are not alone, although that offers little comfort. Best wishes to you all for a speech recovery from whatever this is.

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@maxdc2 Thanks for the update.

Please dont give up. We all will overcome this one day. 

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Going to try Bonine again for the dizziness out of desperation. I tried it before, 25 mg chewable tablet and it knocked me out for two to three days, it did help with the dizziness though. This time just taking a quarter of a tablet. 😴

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Another mistake, feel drugged up even after a quarter of a tablet. I have flushed all meds down the loo, no more wasting money on this crap.

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Another mistake, feel drugged up even after a quarter of a tablet. I have flushed all meds down the loo, no more wasting money on this crap.

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@sweetie i would love to believe you, but mentally this is hard to recover from i think, even if you start feeling better... You will always wonder if something will happen out of the blue....anyway, let's try keep hope i guess... Thanks for the encouragement... I tried some nattokinase but it gives me heart palpatations immediately, so strange..

This post was modified 2 years ago by Max

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