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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Update / My Cure


Previous poor diet high in carbohydrates, sugar, pizza (bread yeasts), dairy (cheese), no meat.  

Previous Health Issues:

Trouble eating thick crust yeast pizza from a pizzeria (store bought thin crust was fine).  Ear problem (was told it was yeast but no solution).

Problems After Vaccine:

Nerve problems in hand, leg/foot, right side of torso, and across stomach.  Gut issues including pressure and inability to eat all pizza (tomato, cheese, crust) and carbohydrates (potatoes).

Working Theory:

Leaky Gut leading to Autoimmune nerve issues.  

Current Solution:

Nattokinase - disrupts biofilms of candida, degrades proteins such as spike

Serrapeptase - disrupts biofilms of candida

L-glutamine - heals gut lining

Lecithin - heals gut lining and nerves

Lactobacillus rhamnosus Probiotic - heals gut

Undecylenic acid - kills candida

Diet of Meat, Eggs, Oatmeal (has no yeast or gluten), and occasionally a cheat cookie.  Little sugar and no gluten.


Ear problem gone. 

Gut problem substantially improving, nerve problem somewhat better

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MCAS - an informative video

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Hi everyone,

im the partner of a young woman (25) who is/was a professional dancer.

But two years since the shots that changed

she experiences overall fatigue but mostly when there is high stress or while dancing high intensity - dizziness, seeing spots, feeing like fainting and loss of vision when it happens. 

she had 1 short moderna and 1 pfizer

and we been hospitals in and out for extensive research.

we had a mri brain scan, the blood work has been done numerous times, multiple scans of her ovaries etc, her vestibular system is checked, neurological examination and her heart has been checked 

and all according to the doctors seem to be fine

In other words she should be healthy, and the only thing that had changed since the symptoms started that we can think of was the vaccine. 

at this time she can’t preform her job and the conventional doctors don’t know what to look for anymore

are there any tips are direction people have found that might help?


I’ve been reading that people have small bloodcloths or something or heavy metals but I don’t know how this is found 

I know they haven’t looked at that yet 


any help would be helpful 

thank you 

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hello everyone, am new here...


the docs here in France have absolutely refused to take my ongoing symptoms seriously, for too long now. Most give me the typical speech as if I was/am an anti-vaxer (which I was not before all this happened). Twice now a general doc has refused to prescribe an MRI, and one even threw me out of his office when I insisted that my health has gone haywire since the vaccines. I've been to a few general practitioners now but, as soon as I mention the vaccine, they each shut me down, just don't want to acknowledge anything I suggest. one even looked at my blood tests, with markers all over the place and even an auto-immune indicator and screamed at me, saying it meant "nothing at all" (that was the doc who threw me out of his office). grief, I feel so hopeless here. it is as if the state wants folks like me to die in a corner like a sick cat (silently) or commit suicide. there is a HUGE WALL, that's the bottom line. so yes, I KNOW now that I must go in there "acting stupid" about it all so that I can be at least heard... the thing is, I'm not convinced their tests will show anything. I hope to get some answers here.


my story: since June of 2021 (1st dose Pfizer), I'm still battling with the pins-needles-TINGLING. soon after the first shot, it started in the feet, then hands, then moved symmetrically up and down my members and has now spread all over now. this was a very slow, on and off progression that suddenly got worse last October. and the transformation in my feet was so bizarre, the tingling turned into not feeling them at all, except if I touched the skin from the outside. I couldn't keep them warm at all last winter. there was also the big neuropathy episode (which is less now, thankfully but, during the full-blown moment, I couldn't feel my feet or my hands, like walking on air and not being able write with a pen - muscles wouldn't work. that again was last October) and walking up with my hands and wrists all gnarly in claw positions. and, the neuropathy-thing gained me: I was even going pee in bed during the night (luckily, this seems to have mostly passed... mostly: now it is more about not realising that I do need to pee - still, we are talking about a lack of sensation). latest update: my whole body buzzes now with a constant electrical vibe. and a few people who have been empathetic enough to hold my hand have said they felt the electrical vibe in my hand.  

then there's the HEADACHES/the pressure in my head/the electrical pin-points-popping in my head. This started 6-8 days after 2nd Pfizer dose and lasted at least two weeks. during this first bout, I couldn't read or even send a text message on my phone. behind my eyes, it hurt so badly! my head was exploding with pressure. then I suffered a HUGE second bout closer to the top and back of my head, mostly last fall, and especially end October of 22, which literally felt like an anchor tearing through my brain. most of the headaches came on during the night, wake me/jerk me from sleep.

then there are these ongoing I'm-going-to-PASS-OUT-n-DIZZY episodes that come and go and hit me when I least expect it. (I actually got my blood pressure checked after a minor episode just last week and my BP was 86/60!).

and then there are the moments when my arms go lead-heavy and my chest contracts and I have to hang onto something while I try to moderate my breathing: and, in the moment, I'm sure it is a STROKE or something related to my heart. I am surprised to be alive every time it passes.

anyhow these "symptoms" come and go, but I SWAY back and forth all the time now. and my muscles are useless. I'm so WEAK, I can hardly climb the stairs to get up to my apartment building now. It hurts to lift a pitcher of water, my forearm muscles are too PAINFUL. my muscles have gone FLASK (yuck for this girl who has always kept her body in great shape!). the wasting is awful. the DEEP FATIGUE (like the muscles just cannot go another step on the stairwell, on the third step!) is so scary. and I'm so angry at the docs that just sit there and say it is all in my head. how insulting, truly insulting! I've had it!!!!


some of you may have guessed it: I got a total of 3 Pfizers (all in 2021), the vaccine being mandatory to work here, to take train or plane, to go into a restaurant, go anywhere (besides the supermarket essentially), to do anything at all. the repeated and extremely strict govt lockdowns meant that I was surely very low on vitamin D before the vaccines as well. and as I moved in 2021, my stress levels were rather high. like many of you, I was such an active, fit, healthy (long and lean) person before the Pfizer shots, always in tune with my body, healthy good and all that. the rapid transformation in me is beyond crazy. 


I so hope that the long discussions that have occurred here over the last two years have revealed some ways of getting better.

1) my first QUESTION:

if I can actually get a doctor to prescribe tests, WHAT TESTS ARE THE BEST TO GET?

is there anyone who has created a list?


2) my second QUESTION:

WHAT HAS HELPED FOLKS THE MOST? either self-help or alternative/functional or medical?


What has helped me so far was giving up all carbs, doing intermittent fasting (6-8 hr window), sunlight, and exercise (well, when I'm not stumbling about my apartment, I walk a bit). I'm not working anymore, and so I'm basically able to manage my stress levels, however feeling isolated over here because people do not believe me and feeling mistrustful of the whole medical system here hasn't been all that healthy. as far as stress goes, curiously it only takes reading an article about Pfizer-C-19-induced auto-immune diseases and the popping goes rampant in the top central of my head. 


3) my third QUESTION:

has anyone fasted for 3 days or more and felt it made a difference? I fasted 24 hrs and then 37 hrs, but felt that I felt even worse when I did start eating again. the good results I've had have been with the 6-hr window, but I'm wondering if I SHOULD do the 3-day fast so to create new stem cells? anyone?


4) my fourth has to do with FOOD QUESTIONS:

-has anyone noticed AVOCADO helping much more than nuts?  for me, yes

-mineral water helping? for me, yes. San Pelingro

-vitamins helping? I'm not so sure...


any wisdom or constructive advice would be so appreciated. I SOOOO want to lick this thing and get my life back!


thanks so much for reading through. 


wishing better health to all! 



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@kitkat so sorry wish i could help....I have the same feeling, nothings working, been a year trying to sort it out.. Docs will always say everything is fine..

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@wolfie Hi, I'm so sorry to read what you have been going through. I cannot answer your questions, I too have been affected by the jabs, it's been over two years and I'm still experiencing dizziness, feeling like I'm going to pass out, headaches, brain fog and more. I haven't had the buzzing sensations or strange feelings in my hands and feet like you have. My symptoms have been coming and going, at the moment I'm going through it again. My doctors won't acknowledge a connection with the jabs so I've given up there. I am going to get an appointment with a different doctor, tried today but couldn't get one, I'll try again tomorrow. I'm in the UK. I am not going to mention the vaccine, no point, I am going to present him with my symptoms and let him come up with suggestions, recommendations etc. I've tried lots of supplements that many on here have tried to no avail. I hope someone here is able to advise you although it's gone very quiet here lately. Over the past couple of years, some posts have been really positive where people have made a full recovery so there is some hope. I think others, like me, have given up posting because they are just fed up of trying new things that have failed and see no point in posting any more. Good luck!

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Posted by: @tabby

@wolfie Hi, I'm so sorry to read what you have been going through. I cannot answer your questions, I too have been affected by the jabs, it's been over two years and I'm still experiencing dizziness, feeling like I'm going to pass out, headaches, brain fog and more. I haven't had the buzzing sensations or strange feelings in my hands and feet like you have. My symptoms have been coming and going, at the moment I'm going through it again. My doctors won't acknowledge a connection with the jabs so I've given up there. I am going to get an appointment with a different doctor, tried today but couldn't get one, I'll try again tomorrow. I'm in the UK. I am not going to mention the vaccine, no point, I am going to present him with my symptoms and let him come up with suggestions, recommendations etc. I've tried lots of supplements that many on here have tried to no avail. I hope someone here is able to advise you although it's gone very quiet here lately. Over the past couple of years, some posts have been really positive where people have made a full recovery so there is some hope. I think others, like me, have given up posting because they are just fed up of trying new things that have failed and see no point in posting any more. Good luck!


Thanks so much for responding, Tabby. Yes, it seems that I've found out about this forum a bit late. All the more reason to thank you for your kind words and support.


You are struggling with similar symptoms as well. As I mentioned above, the other day, a friend had a blood pressure monitor on hand just as I was feeling dizzy and was shocked at how low my BP was. Perhaps each of us should find a way to monitor and record these incidences? take a photo of it? would a doctor perhaps scratch his head at that? seriously, often times, when the dizzy-thing happens, I'm amazed that I didn't just drop dead, so yes perhaps I should record it all. at least this way I can justify the fact that I have (already) asked for a autopsy in the event I do suddenly drop.


As far as symptoms go: yes, me too, they come and go, strangely. as I type this, I have one arm that is going numb, as is my face. and yes, I'm brain-fog-city and often cannot remember yesterday. sometimes, after my arms do their go-numb-heavy-as-lead thing, I even slurr words or (as happened recently) play a hand of cards that makes absolutely no sense (and I cannot see it until everyone points it out). It is as though someone pushes a slow-motion button in me. 


do you sleep beyond 10-12 hours a night too? I go so very far away at night, sink so very deeply, cannot even feel my own body, that I'm often surprised to wake up. sometimes my brain is awake and I have to ASK my legs to wake up too. they just lie there otherwise, unaware of the fact that they should move. I feel disconnected. in parts.


Like you, I will give a new doc a go again without mentioning the vaccine. it is just so frustrating knowing that EVERYTHING started with the vaccine and yet am obliged to omit this fact in order to even sit in the doc's chair, be heard. and to think the I pay for a very expensive health insurance in france but cannot even access a serious health professional. this whole story (all of our stories) is simply scandalous, especially as there are more and more case studies published on the internet, more and more evidence that the vaccines have, in fact, damaged people. 


thank you again, Tabby. I hope the very best for you as well. May the good health we each enjoyed pre-vaccine return!







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Posted by: @wolfie

Posted by: @tabby

@wolfie Hi, I'm so sorry to read what you have been going through. I cannot answer your questions, I too have been affected by the jabs, it's been over two years and I'm still experiencing dizziness, feeling like I'm going to pass out, headaches, brain fog and more. I haven't had the buzzing sensations or strange feelings in my hands and feet like you have. My symptoms have been coming and going, at the moment I'm going through it again. My doctors won't acknowledge a connection with the jabs so I've given up there. I am going to get an appointment with a different doctor, tried today but couldn't get one, I'll try again tomorrow. I'm in the UK. I am not going to mention the vaccine, no point, I am going to present him with my symptoms and let him come up with suggestions, recommendations etc. I've tried lots of supplements that many on here have tried to no avail. I hope someone here is able to advise you although it's gone very quiet here lately. Over the past couple of years, some posts have been really positive where people have made a full recovery so there is some hope. I think others, like me, have given up posting because they are just fed up of trying new things that have failed and see no point in posting any more. Good luck!


Thanks so much for responding, Tabby. Yes, it seems that I've found out about this forum a bit late. All the more reason to thank you for your kind words and support.


You are struggling with similar symptoms as well. As I mentioned above, the other day, a friend had a blood pressure monitor on hand just as I was feeling dizzy and was shocked at how low my BP was. Perhaps each of us should find a way to monitor and record these incidences? take a photo of it? would a doctor perhaps scratch his head at that? seriously, often times, when the dizzy-thing happens, I'm amazed that I didn't just drop dead, so yes perhaps I should record it all. at least this way I can justify the fact that I have (already) asked for a autopsy in the event I do suddenly drop.


As far as symptoms go: yes, me too, they come and go, strangely. as I type this, I have one arm that is going numb, as is my face. and yes, I'm brain-fog-city and often cannot remember yesterday. sometimes, after my arms do their go-numb-heavy-as-lead thing, I even slurr words or (as happened recently) play a hand of cards that makes absolutely no sense (and I cannot see it until everyone points it out). It is as though someone pushes a slow-motion button in me. 


do you sleep beyond 10-12 hours a night too? I go so very far away at night, sink so very deeply, cannot even feel my own body, that I'm often surprised to wake up. sometimes my brain is awake and I have to ASK my legs to wake up too. they just lie there otherwise, unaware of the fact that they should move. I feel disconnected. in parts.


Like you, I will give a new doc a go again without mentioning the vaccine. it is just so frustrating knowing that EVERYTHING started with the vaccine and yet am obliged to omit this fact in order to even sit in the doc's chair, be heard. and to think the I pay for a very expensive health insurance in france but cannot even access a serious health professional. this whole story (all of our stories) is simply scandalous, especially as there are more and more case studies published on the internet, more and more evidence that the vaccines have, in fact, damaged people. 


thank you again, Tabby. I hope the very best for you as well. May the good health we each enjoyed pre-vaccine return!







Hi Wolfie,That's so interesting 're your blood pressure dropping so low after the vax, it would explain some of your symptoms for sure and it reminded me of the strange thing that happened to me. I get my bloods done annually at my own request and they have a always been normal. I got them checked after having the vaccines because of my weird symptoms and my sugar was border line diabetic and my cholesterol was raised. I've never had this before. My doctor was telling me about what I was going to have to do to lower my sugar and cholesterol levels and I was so afraid of being labelled as diabetic when in my heart I knew I wasn't. I got them checked three months later and they were normal again. I had them done again recently and they were normal. It's so strange. My husband has type 2 diabetes and his sugar levels doubled after the vax. He had to take extra medication to correct it. He also suffered a TIA and he's convinced it was the vax. It's ruined his life. This has also caused stress for me and I believe this hasn't helped with my symptoms, probably aggravated them. Regarding sleep, I used to feel overwhelmingly exhausted at any time of the day after the vax and just needed to lie down. That seemed to settle but since this last 'episode' which has been going on for a couple of weeks, I am feeling exhausted again. I go to bed quite early and most mornings these days I'm afraid to get out of bed because I have this muzzy head feeling, my vision isn't as it should be ( eye test normal), my tinnitus is raging and I know I'm in for another bad day. It's not the way to live is it. Brain fog comes and goes, it went for a long time but it's back again since this latest bout. I hope your doctors find answers for you, your symptoms sound so debilitating. Sending warm wishes for your health to improve soon.


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yes, I read somewhere blood sugars can jump in people after the max. grief, you husband is suffering from this too!

I spoke with the concierge of a building at length last evening, and he told me that many people from the building have mentioned that their health is off since the vax. one is a 16-year old girl who suddenly stopped menstruating... she is one of many, many it seems. there are a number of reports on this and miscarriages too. then, heart inflammation (the athletes dropping dead) is a real thing too. as are the autoimmune diseases. there is a fourth common outcome, but I cannot remember it now...

which reminds me of how difficult it has become to hold many thoughts in my mind at one time. making decisions has become difficult... 

you've said something important here: you can wake up in the morning and KNOW it's going to be a bad day. me too! I can wake up feeling "overcome" by whatever the vaccine did to my body while my body was resting/sleeping. and I just know that it is going to be a trudge of a day, marked by fatigue (the deep-in-there kind of fatigue, something I've never experienced before as a pretty athletic person. I was a long-distance runner when I was younger) and overall fog. in my diary (agenda), I write, "bad night", and the day becomes about moving slowly and doing as much as I can, without giving in... 

interestingly, it is when I can walk outside, get sun, fast until 13H, and eat avocados (they are not great here and cost a fortune, but they definitely help with the tingling) that I can start to feel better. of course, I can get hit with a dizzy spell while out, so I have to watch out for this. However, in contrast, I find that when I spend my time more sedentary and inside, I feel worse. Since Spring, I've noticed that sunshine changes a lot for me, and so I'm already dreading another winter here (if you are in the UK, you surely have experienced the cost of heating bills, so you are surely dreading next winter too!). being able to spend winter in a warm-n-sunny place with fresh veggies place would surely be best...

I know how awful tinnitus is. is it in one ear or two? I've found a strategy that helps for tinnitus in one ear. I find there is an increase in ringing when that "bad" ear is deprived of sound or trying hard to hear like the other. it is trying to patch things... and silence makes it worse. if you have a pair of headphones, listen to music with them, but shift the "good ear" side of the headphones away from your "good ear" a bit so that the "bad ear" gets more sound. I find that the fact that it is getting more than the other makes it try less hard. From there, I can often forget about the tinnitus, which is always wonderful.


Take care Tabby! thanks again for this!!!


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@wolfie Hi, so this morning I overslept and missed getting a doctors appointment. I woke up with that dreaded feeling again but I got up and walked my dog, he's been a life saver for me. I try not to think about feeling dizzy when I'm out, I go through the front door feeling rough but when I'm out I usually see someone I know for a chat and I'm usually ok, although feeling dizzy whilst out has happened a few times. When I got home I did some housework and I usually rest at this point in time but I really pushed myself today. I have an elderly mother who is a forty minute drive away and she needed her shopping done so I dropped by to see to that for her. That's another thing, some days I'm ok driving, but there are days when I know I just cannot drive. When I got home I was exhausted and had a rest. I took my dog out again in the evening and met and chatted to other dog walkers and it was great.

Thanks for the tips on tinnitus mine sounds like white noise, I don't notice it so much in the daytime it's mostly at night and it seems to be more in my head than in my ears. I hadn't really thought of which ear or ears was affected before, but I will try to take notice of that in future. I went to ENT about it before and my hearing is normal, they couldn't find anything wrong. I tend to listen to relaxing sleep music in bed, I shall be tuning in to that shortly.

I too think I feel worse staying in, it's having the confidence to go out on a bad day. It's so easy to give in to it. 

I do enjoy nice weather but I have to say I don't like the hot weather because it makes me feel worse. It seems that if my body gets overheated all my neurological symptoms worsen and I tend to get over anxious about it. I am sensitive to heat and cold. I've also noticed I'm sensitive to noises and smells. I'm also jumpy if I here a loud noise or even if a cutlery item falls on the floor. I never used to be this way, this is all new to me.

My migraines have also altered lately and seem to be more like vestibular migraines but that would need a diagnoses.

I have spoken to people who say they get dizziness, mysterious aches and pains since having the vax but had never associated it with the vax. Even talking to the delivery man you find out the stories he has been told of people being affected by the vax. My neighbours 16 year old granddaughter had a TIA after she had the vax. All we can do I report it, here in the UK we have the Yellow Card Scheme. I even tried to email Prof Sarah Gilbert more than once but had no response.

So I cannot sleep tonight, probably overdone things today, I hope I won't pay for it later today. Nice to chat.

Sending Best wishes


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@wolfie Hi Wolfie. I have been reading this forum for a few months now, but not posted before. I have had an inner ear migranous disorder evident since I was about 17 years old. I am now 48(F), and unfortunately I have suffered vaccine injury from the Pfizer COVID vaccine. I will run through what happened to me, then I will address your questions from my experience.

Prior to receiving the vaccine I was overall quite healthy, a healthy weight and I did a good amount of exercise. I do not smoke and prior to receiving the COVID vaccine I was a light drinker. I have never tested positive for COVID. Since receiving my first Pfizer COVID vaccination in September 2021 (and the second in November 2021) I have had elevated blood pressure. My General Practitioner confirms that I have a vaccine injury and she has submitted an adverse event report to the relevant authority in my country. My post-vaccination systolic reading has persistently remained 30 points higher that pre-vaccine, and my diastolic has persistently remained 10-12 points higher. Post-vaccine I have also had symptoms of palpitations on physical exertion, intolerance to alcohol (vomiting and palpitations), and a worsening tremor. My doctor has sent four referrals to two neurologists which have all been either declined or ignored. I saw a cardiologist this year who confirmed that all of my cardiac indicators are normal including blood tests, Holter monitor, echocardiogram and electrocardiogram.

It has taken 12+ months for me to determine that I have vaccine-induced dysautonomia. My GP and cardiologist both agree that this is what I have. When the cardiologist found that all of my test results were normal apart from persistently elevated blood pressure, he agreed that the vaccine has caused a dysfunction of my autonomic nervous system and that my nervous system is "locked in sympathetic arousal". This is also known as "sustained sympathetic tone". He told me I do not have POTS because my blood pressure remains elevated and I do not have swings in blood pressure from standing up/lying down.

Dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system can affect heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, hormones, breathing and digestion. A couple of my friends have experienced digestion problems following their mRNA vaccinations.

Now, to address your questions:

1) What tests are the best to get? I cannot answer that one. I described the tests I had above, and all of my test results are normal.

2) What has helped folks the most? This is why I am posting. Acupuncture stopped my tremor. Before acupuncture, when resting my hand on the table it felt like a mild earthquake. This is probably the same as the electrical vibe you feel in your hands. For me it only took two acupuncture treatments - needles in the soles of my feet mainly. My acupuncturist tells me that acupuncture may also help with tinnitus. I also wanted to mention something I found on this forum a couple of months ago: Jason Schuster dry needling and autonomic nervous system homeostasis. Jason's techniques sound very helpful for vaccine-induced problems, unfortunately I am not in North America or I would have tried to see him or someone that has worked with him.

3) Has anyone fasted for 3 days or more and felt it made a difference? I have not fasted for that long. I am doing intermittent fasting though. I fast between 7 pm and 11 am. I introduced this gradually (starting March 2023) on recommendations for women from FLCCC.

4) Food questions. I am eating nuts more than avocado, they don't feel like they are helping. I haven't tried mineral water. I have been taking vitamins (C & D) and supplements (Omega 3, magnesium powder & choline/inosotol) this year but none seem to be helping. I have stopped having alcohol and this year I drastically reduced my sugar intake. I do think that helps a bit. I have also reduced carbs but not cut them out.

So, where I am now is that my blood pressure is still elevated and I assume I still have the intolerance to alcohol, though I have not had any alcohol this year. The tremor stopped after acupuncture in March this year. My GP and cardiologist can only offer me blood pressure lowering medication which I do not want to take, as it will be lifelong. I have researched autonomic dysfunction and also things to do to stimulate the vagus nerve. 

This is the list of the things that feel like they are helping:

1. Dr Boon Lim’s breathing exercises (on YouTube), breathing in for 6 seconds, out for 6-8 seconds each for 10 minutes, five times a day
2. Meditation 15 mins every day
3. Gargling vigorously for one minute three times a day (stimulates vagus nerve)
4. Cold water therapy – gradually and carefully introduced, I take a warm shower and end my shower with 30 seconds of cold water
5. Dietary changes and intermittent fasting mentioned above
6. I continue to have acupuncture for an imbalanced nervous system

If my blood pressure ever returns to my pre-vaccine levels (without me taking blood pressure lowering medication), I will post to this forum to let you all know. All the best to everyone.

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Tabby, you mentioned that the tinnitus is not in your ears but in your head. my tinnitus dates years, and that's how I know about the sound-into-ears trick; however since the vaccine, there is definitively another "vibrating noise" up in the centre of my head. when I had headaches so badly, there was a pounding and/or pressure and/or the feeling of an anchor ripping my noodles to bits, but otherwise (and especially in the mornings, before getting out of bed), there is constant vibrating that is audible as well, and perhaps like your "white noise". I liken this to the tingling that has moved from my feet and up my legs (symmetrically), then hands and arms... then everywhere. I could feel it migrating about... anyway, it has assumed command up there in my central brain area, for sure, now. 


I read an article about the vaccines and how they were not technically vaccines at all, since they didn't use organic material from the covid strain. the article said they were DNA therapy. 


this is the only part I can copy/paste here: 


Resources for Those Injured by the COVID Jab

If you got one or more jabs and suffered an injury, first and foremost, never ever take another COVID booster, another mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. You need to end the assault on your body.

The same goes for anyone who has taken one or more COVID jabs and had the good fortune of not experiencing debilitating side effects. Your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots. If you’re lucky, perhaps you got saline, but I wouldn’t count on it. Besides, if you play Russian Roulette long enough, you’re bound to encounter a real bullet.

When it comes to treatment, it seems like many of the treatments that worked against severe COVID-19 infection also help ameliorate adverse effects from the jab. This makes sense, as the toxic, most damaging part of the virus is the spike protein, and that’s what your whole body is producing if you got the jab.

So, eliminating the spike protein your body is continuously producing is a primary task to prevent and/or address post-jab injuries. The two preferred remedies for this are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Both of these drugs bind and thereby facilitate the removal of spike protein. Time-restricted eating (TRE) and/or sauna therapy can also help eliminate toxic proteins by stimulating autophagy.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has developed a post-vaccine treatment protocol called I-RECOVER. Since the protocol is continuously updated as more data become available, your best bet is to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at covid19criticalcare.com25 (hyperlink to the correct page provided above). Additional detox remedies can be found in “World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox.”



Here's another bit of it. How can scientific papers like this (and this is just a bit of it) be published worldwide, yet I get thrown out of doctor offices for correlating my symptoms to the jabs?


anyway, hope this helps!



Media Continue to Lie About Gene Therapy Jab


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked


July 12, 2023

  •   Since mRNA shots contain several novel technologies, they should be subject to more controls than conventional vaccines. Yet they aren’t. In fact, they’re not covered by any specic regulations

  •   mRNA COVID shots are gene therapy, but not regulated as such. By slapping a fraudulent “vaccine” label on gene therapies, they are being developed outside of the regulatory framework that governs them

  •   An alternative framework that could regulate mRNA shots would be Type1A pro-drug regulations, but they’re not being regulated as such either

  •   Per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s denition, gene therapy covers two modes of operation. It either alters the biological properties of living cells, and/or modies your genes. This means that even if the product does not modify your genes, it’s still a gene therapy if it modies the properties of cells, which is what the COVID shots do

  •   Data show 1 in 3 Pzer COVID shots administered in Denmark were placebo — and regulators must have known about it

    While the COVID-19 shots are referred to as “vaccines,” they do not meet the classical denition of a vaccine. Health authorities needed to change the denition1 to accommodate the COVID shots and shut down the argument that, as experimental gene therapies, they may be riskier than traditional vaccines.

Meanwhile, based on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s denition2,3 of “gene therapy” they’re clearly gene therapies, and both Moderna4 and BioNTech5 acknowledge this in their Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration statements.

In a 2014 paper,6 BioNTech founder Ugur Sahin also stated that “One would expect the classication of an mRNA drug to be a biologic, gene therapy or somatic cell therapy.”

Publicly, however, drug makers, regulators and, of course, the media, have been going to great lengths to make sure people don’t think of them that way. Now, a peer-reviewed paper7,8 has weighed in on the controversy, stressing that mRNA COVID shots “should be labeled as gene therapy.”

mRNA Shots Are Gene Therapy, but Not Regulated as Such

As noted in this paper, published in the International Journal of Molecular Science, June 22, 2023:

“COVID-19 vaccines were developed and approved rapidly in response to the urgency created by the pandemic. No specic regulations existed at the time they were marketed. The regulatory agencies therefore adapted them as a matter of urgency.

Now that the pandemic emergency has passed, it is time to consider the safety issues associated with this rapid approval. The mode of action of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should classify them as gene therapy products (GTPs), but they have been excluded by regulatory agencies.9

Some of the tests they have undergone as vaccines have produced non- compliant results in terms of purity, quality and batch homogeneity. The wide and persistent biodistribution of mRNAs and their protein products, incompletely studied due to their classication as vaccines, raises safety issues.

Post-marketing studies have shown that mRNA passes into breast milk and could have adverse effects on breast-fed babies. Long-term expression, integration into the genome, transmission to the germline, passage into sperm, embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity, genotoxicity and tumorigenicity should be studied in light of the adverse events reported in pharmacovigilance databases.

The potential horizontal transmission (i.e., shedding) should also have been assessed. In-depth vaccinovigilance should be carried out. We would expect these controls to be required for future mRNA vaccines developed outside the context of a pandemic.”

mRNA Shots Do Not Qualify as Vaccines

Banoun goes on to review the denitions of vaccine and gene therapy as listed by the FDA, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the World Health Organization and the French Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament (ANSM). Of these, the ANSM and EMA specify that a vaccine must contain one or more antigens.

Based on that denition, mRNA shots do not qualify as vaccines in France and Europe, because they don’t contain antigens. The active substance that elicits a downstream immune response is mRNA. The mRNA instructs your cells to produce the antigen. The mRNA is not an antigen in and of itself. In the case of COVID-19, the antigen being produced downstream is a modied SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s updated denition,10 a vaccine is a preparation that stimulates an immune response against disease. The classical denition specied that a vaccine would result in immunity against the disease in question, but this specicity was removed to accommodate the COVID shots.11

Still, the mRNA injections clearly fall under the FDA’s denition of a gene therapy, because gene therapy:12

“... seeks to modify or manipulate the expression of a gene or to alter the biological properties of living cells for therapeutic use. Gene therapy is a

technique that modies a person’s genes to treat or cure disease ...”

Note that gene therapy covers two different modes of operation. A gene therapy is something that either alters the biological properties of living cells, and/or modies your genes. This means that even if the product does not modify your genes, it’s still a gene therapy if it modies the properties of cells, which is precisely what the COVID shots do.

mRNA Jabs Remain Outside of Regulatory Denitions

The author of that International Journal of Molecular Science paper, independent researcher Helene Banoun, compares the controls required by regulations for gene therapy products to those applied to the COVID shots, and the potential safety issues that arise due to the absence of these controls.

Importantly, Banoun points out that since mRNA COVID shots contain several novel technologies, they “should be subject to more controls than conventional vaccines.” Yet they aren’t. They’re not even covered by any specic regulations.

As noted in a May 2022 paper in Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews,13 “The current guidelines either do not apply, do not mention RNA therapeutics, or do not have widely accepted denition.” This, even though there are several highly relevant differences between conventional vaccines and mRNA therapeutics.

In other words, the mRNA shots are in a sort of limbo, from a regulatory point of view, still to this day. Health authorities are using them, promoting them and authorizing updated shots even though there’s no regulatory framework to ensure their safety.

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Posts: 5



thanks so much for posting! I had not thought to try ACUPUNCTURE but will! thanks so much! I used to be such an osteopath go-to for just about anything in years passed (with huge success)..., had forgotten about acupuncture completely.


Gargling? OK, will look into it. 


Yes, the last few seconds of cold in the shower: I need to start doing this again...


it is curious how your BP has gone so high and mine has gone super low (and then bottoms out at 80/60-some sometimes, during my gonna-pass-out moments). my heart has done all kinds of crazy things too, especially when my arms go lead-numb and my chest contracts.


like you, I was in great shape before all this happened (people were always in disbelief of my age, etc, and well I was fit!). I've always kept my weight at about 130 lbs (and I'm on the medium-to-tall side). I've always walked or ridden my bike (no car - ever), so I've always been able to maintain naturally. however now, some days, I suddenly cannot get up the steps to my apartment building. the fatigue is like lead, stops me dead in my tracks. I'd like to know if this thing can be kicked or not, if I need to sell up and move elsewhere, actually...  I am trying soooo hard to lick it!


I need to start MEDITATING, this I know. I find it difficult without a group... yes, I need to try this too. even though I'm completely bilingual, I need to find an English-speaking group... I've been here for a very long time, long enough to know that cultural vibes are a thing.


I tried VITAMINS too but haven't found a real difference. Perhaps the magnesium helped a bit, but I just cannot tell. Apparently, many vitamins are totally synthetic anyway and best not ingested.


As I mentioned to Tabby above, INTERMITTANT FASTING has done the most for me so far (a 6-7 hr window and no carbs, alcohol or sugar).

I also tried a Japanese sauna thing, with INFARED HEAT that may have helped, at least more than the vitamins, and plan on doing it once a week this upcoming winter (so to get me to the other side of winter without turning into an ice cube). 


There's something kind-of out-there, semi-experimental (but from the deep past) I'm thinking of trying too, something that at least one other person on this thread has tried with success. (it isn't allowed in my country of residence... so I'm not going to mention it right off). I will let everyone know what it is IF it helps. 


I've been researching more and more about FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE (which curiously corresponds well to my lifestyle all these years in general) and ran across a guy named Zach Bush. He could be interesting to keep an eye on, makes some very good points...


good things too you


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